Your Guide to MILE - the Movement for Indefinite Life Extension
There is a key concept to keep in mind called the MILE premise. It is: We do not have to know we can get there to go there, but we do have to go there to get there. In other words, there are those who think we need to wait until science gives us the go-ahead to say this cause is all right to support, but we are not of that mindset. We know that when something is absolutely essential, sine qua non, when it's the foundation of our existence, and the most important thing there is, we have to go and get it.
Even though science is not needed to justify this movement, we of course already do have it, and beyond that we also have indefinite life extension research developed, AND underway. There is at least one thoroughly comprehensive research strategy developed and underway that can defeat aging so far. All possible strategies need to be developed so they can get underway as well; some are currently being developed.Aging (senescence), responsible for 2/3 of the daily 150,000 deaths worldwide, is the first main obstacle we are workingto completely defeat, and not just gain a better understanding of or slow down.
MILE is the most important world movement ever undertaken in the history of humanity. It is the grandest of all grand challenges to date that this great creative force of will called humanity has earned the right to step up to..This is your world movement. So far, this essential movement is being pioneered by a growing series of goal-driven actions performed by a variety of individuals and organizations.
As if we had to explain it, there are many reasons to want to be alive, and many reasons to not want to allow people to decay into oblivion. Staying alive and keeping oblivion at bay is not impossible by any stretch of the imagination. It happens at the same rate as the world collectively goes to get there. Dont kill yourself with excuses. If it is hard for you to see clearly whether this movement or the critics are right, learn how to spot fallacy by reading up on it, and discuss it in the cause's most active forum.
There are needed, significant ways for everybody to contribute. There are big and small ways to help, short term and long term, fun and technical, laymen and expert positions, projects and teams, there is something for everybody. This is all coordinated through a 6-point plan to inform a mainstream number of people about this cause within 5 years of the enactment of the plan.
Your number-one source, your one-stop shop for this cause, a place that links all others with 24/7/365 information and support is at http://themile.info (draft layout example, upgrading in time).
You are a cosmic revolutionary born during the antebellum of the war on aging phase of the movement for indefinite life extension. Death is an imposition that you did not ask for, and it is coming for you. Will you pass the time waiting for it to come, or will you stand with us and resist it? Fill out this card to stand with this movement, and do not let your life slip away.
(refering to the draft card)$500 bucks to sign up? Isn't that a bit extreme? Only people really interested in MILE would pay that much.
I like the seriousness of the draftcard, it's exactly the same as signing up for the army.
So are you going to make MILE a part of Imminst? That's cool it doesn't matter as long as it get's created that's fine.