Chicago Plot Smells Like a False Flag Attack
false flag
May 2012
Three men were arrested in a Chicago "terror plot." Their lawyer says that the only thing the government got right was their names and the rest is fabricated. The lawyers said that the police themselves brought the molotov cocktails. I myself am not surprised. For years I organized progressive political protests. All the protesters were sensitive, principled people. The worst thing any of them would so would be to not give back an album they borrowed. No one was making molotov cocktails. A rowdy young male might say something, but that is all that he would do. No one would take up the challenge.
The groups I was involved with became aware that were were infiltrated by agents provacatuers and agents sabateurs. We were fighting the return of the draft and to save young people from dying in wars to support foreign dictators. The actions of the government towards us were illegal and anti-democratic.
Because most of the people in the world are peaceful, the war apparatus has to pose as their own enemies to justify themselves. They plant people to do destructive things. In some cases, they falsely accuse people of things. I know the people who protest things like NATO and world economic conferences. They are idealistic people who want to make the world better. They sometimes risk their lives in that effort. They are not killers; they are not blowing stuff up.
The police/federal law enforcement nexus also would like it if the headlines were about violent protestors. That way media coverage makes the protestors look bad. Otherwise the media might cover the protestors' criticisms of the powers that be.
If you want to know the truth, look at alternative media like http://www.democracynow.org/ and http://www.thenation.com/. The mainstream media has been far too credulous. I believe that 911 was mostly a false flag attack. Some believe that Oklahoma City was. There are many reports of an additional bomber who was not prosecuted, and advance warnings that some received. Some of the other much reported terrorists seem suspicious. How did the Underwear Bomber get on the plane without a passport, and after he had been reported as a terrorist by his own father?
The experience of my whole adult life is that protestors are basically peaceful. I am looking with suspicion at the arrests in Chicago. I am looking at Chicago Police Superintendent Garry McCarthy. If this is entrapment then he should be fired and the heads of the federal agencies who participated in this should be fired too. This is America. This is not a police state.
For more coverage of police misbehavior at the Chicago protests, go here:
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