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Fight Aging News
Nuclear Lipid Droplets as a Hallmark of Aging
Abnormal localized excesses of lipids in tissues,...
Today, 11:22 AM Read Full Story -
Inflammation as an Important Mechanism in the Role of Growth Hormone in Aging
Interfering in growth hormone signaling has been...
Today, 11:11 AM Read Full Story -
BioAge Labs Announces Multi-Year Collaboration with Novartis
BioAge Labs, Inc. (“BioAge”), a clini...
Yesterday, 09:38 PM Read Full Story -
Transcriptional Trajectories of Aging in Nematode Worms
What can we learn about aging from mutations that...
Yesterday, 07:29 PM Read Full Story -
Lower Rates of Epigenetic Aging in Olympic Champions
A recent investigation into Hungarian Olympic cha...
Yesterday, 05:03 PM Read Full Story -
Delivery of Platelet Factor 4 Rejuvenates Hematopoietic Stem Cell Function
Platelet factor 4 (PF4) has been the subject of i...
Yesterday, 11:22 AM Read Full Story
'₮hank You' points explained
All registered users can earn '₮hank You' ('₮') points:
By getting positive 'reputation' votes, or by getting direct
'donations' from other members (anyone can donate by clicking on their ₮ count underneath their
avatar/portrait). By posting: in particular forum sections (mainly those sections that have to do with projects and action).
In order to prevent the system from being too predictable, the number of points awarded can change, but generally, the system rewards quality of community contributions.
'Points mean Prizes'
'₮' points can be converted at our 'virtual store' -- some prizes are just for fun, others are a bit more substantial.
Examples of current prizes include:
- $150 Fundraiser support (₮800.00) -- If you 'purchase' this reward, LongeCity will support you in a matching fundraiser up to a value of $300. The goal of your fundraiser must be in some way related to the our mission and LongeCity will only match genuine donations by others.
- Free membership for a year (₮500.00) -- This is the route for those who cannot afford membership.
- $30 Voucher (₮500.00) -- If you 'purchase' this reward, you can redeem it for a single purchase from any reputable online store that ImmInst will make on your behalf. Total value not to exceed $30, including shipping.
- Emoticon (₮300.00) -- If you select this reward, you can upload your own emotion, for all forum users to use from now on.
The system is meant to provide an extra incentive for volunteers and contributors. We won't know if that could work until we have gathered some experience and *your* feedback.