For those who received good effects from Aniracetam, how does it compare with Piracetam? I have been using Aniracetam at low dosages, 400 - 700 mg, for two days now and the stuff seems to help my mental endurance. For those who found Aniracetam helpful, how does it compare with the other *racetams that you have tried? If I could gain the same effects from Piracetam, I would switch as Piracetam is slightly cheaper and has been used for longer.

Aniracetam vs. Piracetam
Posted 14 May 2006 - 06:57 PM
For those who received good effects from Aniracetam, how does it compare with Piracetam? I have been using Aniracetam at low dosages, 400 - 700 mg, for two days now and the stuff seems to help my mental endurance. For those who found Aniracetam helpful, how does it compare with the other *racetams that you have tried? If I could gain the same effects from Piracetam, I would switch as Piracetam is slightly cheaper and has been used for longer.
Posted 16 May 2006 - 02:39 PM
As for aniracetam, i have found that the effects are much more endurance related as you mentioned... taken before a long day at work i find myself constantly in motion... two, three, sometimes four tasks being handled at once.... this seems to fall in line with the majority of research on this aspect of aniracetam.... it doesnt necessarilly make you a genius instantaniously, however, when the complexity of your task increases aniracetam's magnificence shines through.
as for your question on switching to piracetam, i dont necessarilly suggest it. Id say that your best bet is to head to and grab a tub of piracetam (700 grams) for 20 bucks. then you can stack the two together and in turn, take less of each. Aniracetam is, in my research, amongst the strongest easily attainable racetams (as opposed to leviracetam, nefiracetam, etc.) and you will certainly be quite dissapointed if you leave it behind altogether for piracetam...
ALSO! - try oxiracetam... it's somewhere in the middle of piracetam and aniracetam as far as potency is concerned.
Posted 17 May 2006 - 02:29 AM
Being a scrawny chess player, I resent that.

Anyway, back to Aniracetam and Piracetam. I don't think either one helped me. Even with sufficient choline supplementation, I often felt excessively tired when on them. Furthermore, they seemed to cause irrelevant substitution in my mind. For example, I would want to say word X and maybe I have a tendency to say the similar word Xx. It was almost as if they caused a sort of mental confusion or overload. On the other hand, this may be a symptom of a more associative memory being hyperactive. They have their pros and cons. For example, I did notice a slight improvement in my memory for everyday events and in the usual rote drilling of material required for tests. Despite this, I think their side effects of tiredness and odd substitutions made them more of a drag than a boost. Thus, I gave it up after 2-3 weeks on and off. (I still have a bottle of Piracetam and Aniracetam.)
As for the difference between the two, I reallly didn't feel any. Maybe Aniracetam gave me less tiredness, but that's about it.
Of course, nootropics are notorious for being dependent on the individual and also on how long they are taken consistently. Perhaps with more time, these mild side-effects would have gone away. Don't be too discouraged by my experience. I am probably an exception. They seem to benefit most people and I think you should give Piracetam a try for at least three weeks. Then, evaluate their efficacy/cost and make a decision as to whether or not you should continue.
Edited by exigentsky, 17 May 2006 - 02:41 AM.
Posted 17 May 2006 - 02:37 AM
ALSO! - try oxiracetam... it's somewhere in the middle of piracetam and aniracetam as far as potency is concerned.
Actually, Oxiracetam should be the most potent of the racetams.
Posted 17 May 2006 - 08:40 PM
Actually, Oxiracetam should be the most potent of the racetams.
On a mg/kg basis, Pramiracetam seems to be the most powerful -- but in terms of effectiveness -- I don't think Pram is any more effective than Aniracetam or Oxiracetam.
Posted 17 May 2006 - 10:01 PM
Posted 18 May 2006 - 01:12 AM
I do believe the Piracetam family exhibits some effects, but for most people it's not quite what they are looking for in a cogntive enhancer. Folks want a discernible effect -- they don't want to be guessing if they "feel it." Of course, we are all going to tell ourselves that we "feel smarter" than we did before we started our extensive nootropic stacks.

The data from research on elderly subjects tell us there are significant improvements in memory scores after several months of treatment. So, at minimum, if you want results -- it appears you must start by taking your racetam(s) for a month or more.
Posted 21 May 2006 - 07:39 PM
nootropikamil makes a solid point when he says that the effects of piracetam will be felt after at least a few weeks... you shouldnt take it expecting it to feel an instantanous rush of mind energy because it doesnt directly stimulate any particular neuropathways in your brain... from my fairly well researched understanding, piracetam works to potentiate the ion current between nerve synapses (for example, running electricity through gold as opposed to copper - theres less resistance) and it also increases the fluidity of your brain "juices." The effects of such an increase in brain potential usually takes weeks if not a month or two to fully harness.
as for the drowsiness, piracetam selectively enhances theta brain waves (the abstract, creative, slower, sleepier ones you feel right before you hit the sack for the night) which explains the ! INTENSE ! dreams... after a few days the drowsiness subsides for the most part but it could be argued that if theta brain waves are associated with tiredness then no matter what, piracetam will always "make you more tired" - which is why aniracetam in the morning is a nice touch. As opposed to piracetam, aniracetam has shown consistantly to promote beta and alpha brain waves which are associated with being awake and alert. the combination of the two results (usually) in the best of both worlds... the creative comfort of theta brain waves with the wakeful urgency and witful tact of beta/alpha.
VERY strongly recommended for musicians as the effects open up a channel of creative effectiveness that is useful in both the listening and performance aspects of constructive thought. also (and im not suggesting that anyone do this who is not comfortable with the notion) as piracetam does increase musical awareness, there is a definate noticable synergy with marajuana where the music flows quite smoothly without the doped out effects of being stoned. Im not promoting the use of the substance as it is quite illegal however i am strongly inclined to inform you that piracetam and THC is the single most enjoyable combination of drugs i have ever experienced.

Posted 21 May 2006 - 07:45 PM
Posted 14 November 2007 - 10:28 AM
Edited by mysticpsi, 14 November 2007 - 11:05 AM.
Posted 14 November 2007 - 04:40 PM
Go to google scholar and look there for the information you are looking for.
Posted 14 November 2007 - 04:59 PM
Edited by mysticpsi, 14 November 2007 - 05:26 PM.
Posted 14 November 2007 - 05:29 PM
Posted 15 November 2007 - 12:27 PM
Why not start the piracetam now ? =) This was probably an individual experience as is the case with many noots, but I found piracetam made me less interested in drinking. Actually, and as you probably already know, some prescribe it for alcoholism (not saying that's where you're at):I started drinking again. When I stop that sh*t, I'll just be taking piracetam.
Sources from the wikipedia article
# ^ Skondia, V. & Kabes, J., "Piracetam in alcoholic psychoses: a double-blind, crossover, placebo controlled study", J Int Med Res 13, (1985) pp.185-187.
# ^ S Kalmár, Adjuvant therapy with parenteral piracetam in alcohol withdrawal delirium, Orv Hetil (2003) 144: pp.927-30.
# ^ Buranji I, Skocilic Z, Kozaric-Kovacic D. "Cognitive function in alcoholics in a double-blind study of piracetam, Lijec Vjesn 1990 Mar-Apr;112(3-4):111-4.
# ^ Dencker SJ, Wilhelmson G, Carlsson E, Bereen FJ. "Piracetam and chlormethiazole in acute alcohol withdrawal: a controlled clinical trial." J Int Med Res 1978;6(5):395-400.
# ^ Meyer JG, Forst R, Meyer-Wahl L. "Course of alcoholic predelirium during treatment with piracetam: results of serial psychometric tests (author's transl)", Dtsch Med Wochenschr 1979 Jun 22;104(25):911-4
^ Binder S, Doddabela P. "The efficacy of Piracetam on the mental functional capacity of chronic alcoholics (author's transl)", Med Klin 1976 Apr 23;71(17):711-6
Then again, drinking is a huge part of being in your twenties, right? ;-)
Posted 15 November 2007 - 07:52 PM
I must get moving, but best of luck.
Posted 24 November 2007 - 08:07 AM
I'm back on Pirac and after about eight months of use the conclusion I've come is its doesn't actually make me smarter by somehow boosting my "IQ". If anything it just allows me to filter the noise and concentrate. So I'm guessing I've always been slightly ADD in that the thoughts have always been there its just I could never follow them through or nut them out correctly.
I also find it taken before bed I get a much more restful sleep. Usually I'm always moving or waking up. If I'm tired enough on Pirac once I'm asleep I'll be out cold 'till morning.
Posted 24 November 2007 - 08:13 AM
1ml scoop from BAC aniracetam and 1ml scoop of piracetam is great.
More damaged your brain the more useful it appears to be.
Posted 24 November 2007 - 09:12 AM
I'm very inclined to give the other 'tams another try, what are the recommended co-factors and dosages? Any preferred sources? :whis:
Posted 24 November 2007 - 04:07 PM
I tried the piracetam once a number of years ago and had to stop after just three days - it was giving me migraines. Any ideas on the factors that might have precluded a successful run?
I'm very inclined to give the other 'tams another try, what are the recommended co-factors and dosages? Any preferred sources? :whis:
I started on the Nootropil brand and then went for a "bulk" powder, both worked fine. I was just swallowing the Pirac bulk powder at first but its was rank tasting and the effect wasn't what it used to be. Now i just pack my own pills and it works much better (gets into my digestion better I suppose). I also take Alpha GPC bulk powder for Choline and I don't get the headaches as often but now and then I do, nothing major, getting some fresh air usually fixes it. I was getting shocking headache in the beginning when taking Hydergine as well but I stopped that shortly after as I heard it was a dodgy product anyway (I read something about some sources not being the real thing). I also find a cup of coffee also helps kick start things. I take three 800mg pills spaced through the day, sometimes more if I'm feeling keen but if I have nothing to work on the temples start to throb at that dose.
I also take Mucuna pruriens if I'm doing anything social as I find if I'm not working and still dosed on Pirac' I can be a tad impatient with people, I find Mucuna makes me want to engage with people. Its also increased my lean muscle mass by quiet a bit with along with some basic Yoga.
Also a proper diet is also needed as usual, start there first.. fish, beans and fruit weekly along with the exercise and multi, I use the "Swisse" one.
I've also noticed a slight depressive episodes every few weeks. They are usually short or maybe caused by something but I can deal with that these days and its nothing huge. As to it being caused by the Pirac' directly I'm not sure at this stage. I think I'd get it regardless.. so yeah its worth looking out for although I think its probably due to occasionally over doing the alcohol. :whis:
BTW can anyone point out why I wouldn't put 5htp into this mix? I used to take it alone and don't think I need it anymore but I'd like to know why not.
Edited by unlucid, 24 November 2007 - 04:38 PM.
Posted 24 November 2007 - 05:45 PM
For those who received good effects from Aniracetam, how does it compare with Piracetam? I have been using Aniracetam at low dosages, 400 - 700 mg, for two days now and the stuff seems to help my mental endurance. For those who found Aniracetam helpful, how does it compare with the other *racetams that you have tried? If I could gain the same effects from Piracetam, I would switch as Piracetam is slightly cheaper and has been used for longer.
Oxiracetam is the most potent i've used.
Posted 03 December 2007 - 04:24 PM
Posted 03 December 2007 - 10:22 PM
I've tried Piracetam as well as Oxy and Ani. I found Piracetam to be much more stimulating and overall more effective. This could be that due to the cost of the latter two I was hesitant to really pump up the dose, but really if they are so potent I shouldn't have needed to.
Bulk Oxi at BB is pretty cheap and at about a gram a day works out pretty well.
Posted 08 December 2007 - 05:34 AM
Edited by abelard lindsay, 08 December 2007 - 05:37 AM.
Posted 22 December 2007 - 09:33 PM
Posted 23 December 2007 - 01:50 AM
I've tried Piracetam as well as Oxy and Ani. I found Piracetam to be much more stimulating and overall more effective. This could be that due to the cost of the latter two I was hesitant to really pump up the dose, but really if they are so potent I shouldn't have needed to.
Bulk Oxi at BB is pretty cheap and at about a gram a day works out pretty well.
Oxiracetam is the strongest (requiring the lowest mg) racetam I've used. I'll have to bulk up on some at BB.
Posted 23 December 2007 - 02:30 AM
I've tried Piracetam as well as Oxy and Ani. I found Piracetam to be much more stimulating and overall more effective. This could be that due to the cost of the latter two I was hesitant to really pump up the dose, but really if they are so potent I shouldn't have needed to.
Bulk Oxi at BB is pretty cheap and at about a gram a day works out pretty well.
Oxiracetam is the strongest (requiring the lowest mg) racetam I've used. I'll have to bulk up on some at BB.
Yeah, oxiracetam is the strongest for me as well as in overall effects, but it makes me edgy, down, feel weird, and speedy.
Posted 23 December 2007 - 02:48 AM
I've tried Piracetam as well as Oxy and Ani. I found Piracetam to be much more stimulating and overall more effective. This could be that due to the cost of the latter two I was hesitant to really pump up the dose, but really if they are so potent I shouldn't have needed to.
Bulk Oxi at BB is pretty cheap and at about a gram a day works out pretty well.
Oxiracetam is the strongest (requiring the lowest mg) racetam I've used. I'll have to bulk up on some at BB.
Yeah, oxiracetam is the strongest for me as well as in overall effects, but it makes me edgy, down, feel weird, and speedy.
What dose did you use?
Posted 23 December 2007 - 03:38 AM
I've tried Piracetam as well as Oxy and Ani. I found Piracetam to be much more stimulating and overall more effective. This could be that due to the cost of the latter two I was hesitant to really pump up the dose, but really if they are so potent I shouldn't have needed to.
Bulk Oxi at BB is pretty cheap and at about a gram a day works out pretty well.
Oxiracetam is the strongest (requiring the lowest mg) racetam I've used. I'll have to bulk up on some at BB.
Yeah, oxiracetam is the strongest for me as well as in overall effects, but it makes me edgy, down, feel weird, and speedy.
What dose did you use?
I think it was two 1/4 tsp fulls. Whatever that equates out to. I think like 1600mg or so. It was a month or two ago, and I can't find the bottle. It was BN brand. Now back in April I started taking around 1/8 tsp with aniracetam and piracetam for awhile. Didn't have the negative effects like that, but by itself it doesn't do well with me. I remember trying even lower dosages by itself and choline of course. This just caused the speediness and edginess to be less pronounced. Uncomfortable all around. I think piracetam is the safest. I will continue only with that with regard to the racetams.
Edited by luv2increase, 23 December 2007 - 03:39 AM.
Posted 23 December 2007 - 03:59 AM
My few attempts using Aniracetam and Oxiracetam felt speedy and decreased my concentration while reading.
Aniracetam had a negative animal study published in Japan and it was pulled from legal status there.
Pramiracetam increases NO levels in the brain by 20% I read in a study on PubMed and that doesn't sound safe to me. It hasn't been around or tested enough.
The racetams have very different effects on the brain and it's neurotransmitter pathways - different mechanisms of action, though they are chemically related to each other.
Piracetam with Citicoline is it for me.
Citicoline because it crosses the blood-brain barrier and slightly increases dopamine and serotonin levels (off-setting choline's potential depressive effects) vs GPC Choline which increases hGH levels (don't think I need that).
Edited by Rags847, 23 December 2007 - 04:26 AM.
Posted 23 December 2007 - 07:01 PM
Piracetam is the only one I use.
My few attempts using Aniracetam and Oxiracetam felt speedy and decreased my concentration while reading.
Aniracetam had a negative animal study published in Japan and it was pulled from legal status there.
Pramiracetam increases NO levels in the brain by 20% I read in a study on PubMed and that doesn't sound safe to me. It hasn't been around or tested enough.
The racetams have very different effects on the brain and it's neurotransmitter pathways - different mechanisms of action, though they are chemically related to each other.
Piracetam with Citicoline is it for me.
Citicoline because it crosses the blood-brain barrier and slightly increases dopamine and serotonin levels (off-setting choline's potential depressive effects) vs GPC Choline which increases hGH levels (don't think I need that).
Why do you want to avoid NO (assuming you mean Nitric Oxide)?
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