How can we get this herbal extract on the market?
Does anyone here have connections and/or work for a supplement company?
Does anyone know of a source for this extract? Here everyone's wondering about the "prospect" of resveratrol doing this, and there's already an herbal extract that was found to extend maximum lifespan in both rats and mice, and when taken with Deprenyl, had a synergistic effect and extended maximum lifespan even more.
The extract of this Vietnamese herb has been shown to extend maximum lifespan in both mice and rats. It even extended maximum lifespan even more than Deprenyl, and when administered with Deprenyl in these lifespan studies it extended lifespan even more. It's also been shown to have aphrodisiac properties in rodents and to improve cognitive function.
Information here:
http://www.quantium......ends Lifespan
At the current time, I'm not aware of any source for this extract. The studies were published in the early nineties, and I think the herb has largely been forgotten about because no one was selling an extract of it at the time.
I've included study references below from PubMed.
1: Acta Physiol Hung. 1992;79(2):119-24. Related Articles, Links
Extension of lifespan in mice treated with Dinh lang (Policias fruticosum L.) and (-)deprenyl.
Yen TT, Knoll J.
Department of Pharmacology, Semmelweis University Medical School, Budapest, Hungary.
The effect of Dinh lang root extract (DLRE) and (-)deprenyl on memory function and lifespan was examined in OFA-1 male mice. Treatments of either DLRE, (-)deprenyl or their combination were carried out 3 times a week starting at 12 months of age and following to the end of life. DLRE and (-)deprenyl significantly increased the memory function as well as surviving time of aged mice. The drug-treated animals showed a lower rate of loss of body weight than saline treated ones. It suggested that DLRE and (-)deprenyl did not prolong lifespan of mice by suppressing food intake. The combined treatment of DLRE and (-)deprenyl proved to be the most effective.
PMID: 1304677 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
2: Acta Physiol Hung. 1990;75(1):69-76. Related Articles, Links
Improvement of learning ability in mice and rats with the root extract of dinh lang (Policias fruticosum L.).
Tran Ty Yen.
Department of Pharmacology, Semmelweis University Medical School, Budapest, Hungary.
The effect of Dinh lang root extract (DLRE) on the learning ability of mice and rats was studied. The learning performance in groups of rats belonging to different age-cohorts (4-6 months, 16-18 months and 22-24 months) was studied in the shuttle-box and the age-related decline in the acquisition of a conditioned avoidance response (CAR) was established. Using the passive avoidance test also in mice, an age-related decay in performance, was detected. DLRE treatment 10 mg/kg daily for 3-4 weeks restored the lost ability of 22-24 months old rats to develop CAR, the same treatment significantly improved the performance of young mice and improved retention in both 5-months old and 19-20 months old groups of mice.
PMID: 2339609 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
3: Acta Physiol Hung. 1990;75(1):61-7. Related Articles, Links
Stimulation of sexual performance in male rats with the root extract of dinh lang (Policias fruticosum L.).
Tran Ty Yen.
Department of Pharmacology, Semmelweis University Medical School, Budapest, Hungary.
Ginseng (Panax ginseng C.A. Meyer) is probably the best known medicinal plant, the extract of which is used in the Far East as a traditional remedy. Dinh lang (Polycias fruticosum L.) root extract (DLRE) was found to have a pharmacological spectrum similar to Ginseng. Experimental and clinical studies have shown a wide range of pronounced stimulatory effects of DLRE which showed low toxicity. It increases mental and physical performance. This study is devoted to demonstrate the effect of DLRE on sexual performance of male rats. Different age-cohorts of Wistar male rats [6-8 months old (n = 204), 16-18-months old (n = 240) and 22-24 month old (n = 122)], were used for these experiments. The rats of each age cohort were divided into 4 groups. One group received saline, others were treated with various doses of DLRE daily. Treatment started 10 days before the screening test and continued during the test period. DLRE reduced the percentage of non-copulators in the aged rats compared to the younger ones. In the aged rats DLRE transformed high percentage of sluggish rats to sexually fully active animals. In sexually fully active 6-8 months old rats the percentage of rats displaying ejaculation with the second female was found to be significantly higher in DLRE-treated males. Also the recovery of the sexually exhausted male rats proved to be faster in DLRE-treated groups.
PMID: 2339608 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
4: Acta Physiol Hung. 1990;75 Suppl:301-2. Related Articles, Links
The effect of dinh lang and (-)deprenyl on the survival rate of male rats.
Yen TT, Dallo J, Knoll J.
Department of Pharmacology, Semmelweis University of Medicine, Budapest, Hungary.
PMID: 2115236 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]