Hmm it's about six weeks on LDN night time dosing..approx 3.5mg liquid.
Anyone find the positive effects of LDN decrease or stop over time ?
I have. Although I believe I'm suffering from accumulated sleep deficit. About week five at 4.5 mg I begin to feel more and more run down. I developed a narcoleptic feeling where I could nod off at any time, but never seem to sleep very well. Thinking is more difficult.
I switched to morning dosage which helped a lot. It's been comforting to have my dreams relate in some manner to events of the day instead of just crazy stuff. I don't notice an increase in pain due to opiate blockade during the day. In fact, it seems to help with my neuralgia from the get-go. But my energy has been in the tank. I'm going to skip a day or two and see what happens.
My wife started out taking 4.5 mg for chronic fatigue/fibromyalgia. It helps a lot with the pain, but negatively affects her sleep also. She's commented on the strange dreams. After two weeks she developed horrible flulike symptoms. We let that ride for about a week and then stopped LDN and she recovered. She then titrated upwards to 3 mg per day over a two-week period. Except for the sleep problems, she is thrilled with LDN. She's had diarrhea predominant IBS for many years. On LDN it switches to moderate constipation with gas, which is a a lot better than the diarrhea! She says she feels like her gut is healing up. Her energy may have improved generally, but it's highly variable.
I had my first cold in a couple of years. It was intense but brief. I think I was overdue, and my immune system has been ignoring things it shouldn't have.
We've both noticed that there is a lot more whoopie in the whoopie lately.

It doesn't seem to necessarily drive up the frequency or general libido (which would be nice in our mid-50s), but makes the act itself seems more like it was 20 years ago. Very satisfying!
One other thing I've noticed is that my arthritis symptoms have almost disappeared.
It seems to make my muscles feel differently though. During the first week while stretching in my sleep I painfully locked up both of my calves. It felt like I could over contract my muscles. That symptom seems to have diminished.
We both noticed mood enhancement initially which reverted back to normal. Nothing negative as far as mood or attitude goes.
In summary, my anecdotal response...
1. Less pain of all types.
2. Diminished autoimmune symptoms.
3. Enhanced sexual sensitivity and satisfaction.
4. Aggressive cold or flu response.
5. More energy initially, which degrades to poor energy after 5 or 6 weeks. Effect of sleep problems?
6. Crazy dreams which don't seem to relate to the day, or consolidate mental processes as they should. Thinking seems to degrade over time. Much better with morning dosage.
For reference, I'm an athletic 51-year-old male and my 53 year old wife has been dealing with CFIDS/IBS for about six years. I was hoping for improvement with long-term postherpetic neuralgia, more recently developing arthritis and libido for myself. My wife was hoping for improvements with any or all of the symptoms associated with chronic fatigue syndrome. So far, we're very pleased with the experiment. We were expecting sleep issues (and we both have sleep issues anyway), but don't feel like that won't have a work-around.