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Ray Kurzweil's supplement regimen

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#31 babcock

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Posted 19 December 2009 - 05:44 PM

Is Ray Kurzweil signed for cryonics?

Yes, he also had his father put into a cryonic state in the hope that he could someday bring him back.

Also, in regard to his regimen, I'm sure he easily spends several thousand a month. But that is also his gig in life. He is one of the top immortalists in the world. His job entails writing books and articles about future tech and health and speaking about it. He makes quite a hefty sum from these publications/talks. He also recently started Singularity University (http://www.singularityu.org) with a few other guys and I'm sure pulls in incredible revenue from that. IMO his most legitimate and profitable income is probably done through investing. Reading his books (from 10 years ago) it is quite amazing how much he predicts accurately and I'm sure this has made him quite a fortune (via investing in startups etc.)

Long and short, I think he must spend several thousand a month on supps/doctors (Terry Grossman is his main doctor, I'm sure that's not cheap). Together they have their own supplement line (here). But also when pulling down the money he must make every month I'm sure it's probably not a huge expenditure. :-P

#32 erzebet

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Posted 30 December 2009 - 06:04 PM

still i think he is doing more bad than good. antioxidants are not the good guys all the time. the role of an antioxidant is to offer an electron to a free radical. but guess who will be the next free radical then: the antioxidant itself because now it is this substance that has one electron in minus. of course we should get enough antioxidants but too many are not good either and the supplements he gets every day are so many! not to mention the excipients in all of them in order to get absorbed.

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#33 niner

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Posted 30 December 2009 - 06:12 PM

Is Ray Kurzweil signed for cryonics?

Yes, he also had his father put into a cryonic state in the hope that he could someday bring him back.

Was his father suspended? My understanding is that his father was buried, but Ray still intends to bring him back, which has led to a lot of people considering him to be a bit crazy.

#34 babcock

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Posted 31 December 2009 - 08:00 PM

Is Ray Kurzweil signed for cryonics?

Yes, he also had his father put into a cryonic state in the hope that he could someday bring him back.

Was his father suspended? My understanding is that his father was buried, but Ray still intends to bring him back, which has led to a lot of people considering him to be a bit crazy.

Hmm I guess you must be right niner as I can't find anything online saying he had his father put into a suspended state but wikipedia claims he's trying to bring him back using AI (?). Could have sworn I read it in an article somewhere.

#35 orion602

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Posted 03 January 2010 - 03:19 PM

From his book:

"I take about 250 pills of nutritionals a day".
"For boosting antioxidant levels and for general health, I take a comprehensive vitamin-and-mineral combination, alpha lipoic acid, coenzyme Q10, grapeseed extract, resveratrol, bilberry extract, lycopene, silymarine (milk thistle), conjugated linoleic acid, lecithin, evening primerose oil (omega-6 essential fatty acids), n-acetyl-cystein, ginger, garlic, l-carnitine, pyrodoxal-5-phosphate, and echinacea. I also take Chinese herbs prescribed by Dr. Glenn Rothfeld. For reducing insulin resistance and overcoming my type 2 diabetes, I take chromium, metformine (a powerful anti-aging medication that decreases insulin resistence and which we recommend everyone over 50 consider taking) and gymnema sylvestra. To improve LDL and HDL cholesterol levels, I take policosanol, gugulipid, plant sterols, niacin, oat bran, grapefruit powder, psyllium, lecithine and lipitor. To improve blood vessel health I take arginine, TMG and choline. To decrease blood viscosity I take daily baby aspirin and lumbrokinase. I reduce inflammination by taking EPA/DHA and curcumin. I have dramatically reduced my homocystein level by taking folic acid, B6 and TMG. I have a B12 shot once a week and take a daily B12 sublingual. Several of my intravenous therapies improve my body's detoxification: weekly EDTA and monthly DMPS. I also take n-acetyl-carnitine orally. I take weekly intravenous vitamins and alpha lipoic acid to boost antioxidants. I do a weekly glutathione IV to boost liver health. Perhaps the most important intravenous therapy I do is a weekly phosphatidylcholine IV, wich rejuvenates all of the body's tissues by restoring youthful cell membranes. I also take PtC orally each day and supplement my hormone levels with DHEA and testosterone. I take I-3-C, chrysin, nettle, ginger and herbs to reduce the conversation of testosterone into estrogen. I take a saw palmetto complex for prostate health. For stress management I take l-theonine, beta-sitosterol, phosphatidylserine and green tea in addition to drinking 8 to 10 cups of green tea itself. At bedtime I take GABA and sublingual melatonin. For brain health I take acetyl-l-carnitine, vinprocetine, phosphatidylserine, ginkgo biloba, glycerylphosphatidylcholine, nextrutine and quercertin. For eye health I take lutein and bilberry extract. For skin health I use an antioxidant skin cream on my face, neck and hands every day. For digestive health I take betaine HCl, pepsin, gentian root, peppermint, acidophilus bifodobacter, fructooligosaccharides, fish proteins, l-glutamine and n-acetyl-d-glucosamine. To inhibit the creation of advanced glycolysated end products I take n-acetyl-carnitine, carnosine, alpha lipoic acid and quercertin."

Its been some 6 years or so since he wrote this. Im sure he must have made some changes. any updates available?

#36 FNC

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Posted 04 January 2010 - 05:51 AM

Ray currently takes less than 250 pills, at last report it was approximately 150 - but that number is also outdated.

#37 NDM

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Posted 13 January 2010 - 03:14 AM

It would be nice if ImmInst would arrange a dinner conversation between Ray Kurzweil and Kismet...about supps. It would be even nicer to videotape it and post it here...

#38 Sillewater

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Posted 13 January 2010 - 05:11 AM

It would be nice if ImmInst would arrange a dinner conversation between Ray Kurzweil and Kismet...about supps. It would be even nicer to videotape it and post it here...

lol, I don't know if it was meant to be a joke or not but I find this funny.

#39 pycnogenol

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Posted 13 January 2010 - 04:24 PM

It would be nice if ImmInst would arrange a dinner conversation between Ray Kurzweil and Kismet...about supps. It would be even nicer to videotape it and post it here...

I'd almost pay to watch that conversation.
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#40 Guest

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Posted 26 July 2010 - 10:32 PM

I am absolutely SHOCKED! I thought that RK with his extensive and partly/non-evidence based approach would at least cover the most basic things to sufficient extend, BUT it appears as if he is overly conservative on Vitamin D AND Vitamin K2!

According to an LEF-report at least in 2005 he seriously recommended for Vitamin D

600 IU - 2000 IU per day

where all Vitamin D scientists agree (not just since last year!) that 600 IU is totally insufficient and 2000 IU is probably the least amount an average guy should take.

Also in the (in)famous Ray-and-Terry supplement shop and the LEF-article he doesn't even mention Vitamin K2! Also it appears that only lately he advocated higher amounts of fish oil.

And he seriously plans to extend his life with his supps? He takes huge amounts of antioxidants for "detoxification" and uses other disproven extensively - but he FAILS to get the science rigth for the PROVEN stuff? The stuff that actually IS able to have a considerable effect on reducing annual mortality rates?

Is he nuts? Trading the working and evidence based stuff for the disproven stuff?

#41 e Volution

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Posted 27 July 2010 - 02:21 AM

It would be nice if ImmInst would arrange a dinner conversation between Ray Kurzweil and Kismet...about supps. It would be even nicer to videotape it and post it here...

That is a hilarious thought lol, I think however Ray would be the victor. There is no right or wrong risk/reward ratio, and with his ongoing and incredibly extensive testing of every health parameter imaginable, most arguments regarding unknowns and X risks are probably moot.

That said Ray did write a book called "The 10% Solution for a Healthy Life" in the early 90's specifying the optimal amount of dietary fat. Was the evidence really that strong back in 1993? I was only very young; however I bet there would have been plenty of people around (off the top of my head the Eades?) who did not subscribe to this idea even back then, so it puts a small dent in Ray's credibility IMO.

#42 timothymburke

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Posted 02 August 2010 - 07:04 PM

My daily supplement cost amounts to a maximum of $12 a day. I based it off of Kurzweil's list combined with specific modifications using T.A. Sciences' (non-public) techniques of supplements for their clients (they charge $50K plus per year.) There is also a slight twist towards my desire for genetic modification to obtain a highly efficient concentration of muscle mass with excess sugar concentration-removal from the blood.

Remember that Kurzweil is a diabetic, his list contains items specific to his physiology. Although injections are a much more efficient delivery system, I doubt such enormous exaggerations of supplement concentration are necessary for healthy individuals with properly functioning organs. This particularly applies to younger individuals that begin supplement life extension therapies before the age of 30 (such as myself.) A diabetic's organs strip some vital nutrients from the blood, hence Kurzweil has no option other than intravenous solutions for a few vital supplements.

Never Die!

This link is a website I created with some blogs/forums. I listed the supplements that I have been taking on a daily basis for years. It is under the supplement blog area. There are over 100 supplements listed at my maximum the dosage. It amounts to 64 pills/capsules/gel-caps/nuts a day (2 sets of 32;) however, I am currently only taking half the max dosage, once in the morning, with 1 day off (Saturday or Sunday) every week. All of these items can be found between the 2 websites: LuckyVitamin.com & Puritan's Pride.

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#43 cherrysilver

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Posted 24 August 2010 - 01:17 AM

I happened to see Kurzweil on an interview the other night on PBS. What really struck me as amazing was the condition his hands were in. I mean we're talking baby soft, plump and verrrry smooth -- kinda like what you'd expect from someone in their 20's or 30's who never washed dished.

Anyone care to speculate what he might be taking for this (besides fat injections)? Yeah, yeah, I know he's taking a truckload of stuff and I don't even want to think about it. But, anything that would help someone (say in their late 40's) to deal with thin fair skin to make it more supple and young looking?

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