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Astragalus, Astragaloside IV

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#1531 Getm

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Posted 06 November 2011 - 08:15 PM

You cant post to the Product B thread, but you somehow did spend time logging in?

That I don't understand, but I suppose it's because my English...

Lets take the claims one by one:

These are not my claims, I've only found the movie and don't kill the messanger...
My post here is because the movie is relevant to TA-65 which is from Astralagus. Anthony you asked if what I said was all correct. Bill says "It's not just telomerase induction..." so I think he admits Product B does induce telomerase. Same as about Product B being superior to TA-65. These are not my claims, I only summarized what Bill said.

Edited by Getm, 06 November 2011 - 08:50 PM.

#1532 Moonlitnight

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Posted 08 November 2011 - 12:05 AM

anthony, u should test resveratrol for telomerase activation at different concentrations.
There are conflicting studies, some say it blocks, others say it activates telomerase. It may be concentration dependant?

Yes, please do! Turmeric as well, since it has anti-cancer properties and is also supposed to inhibit telomerase action.

#1533 Anthony_Loera

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Posted 08 November 2011 - 03:21 AM

It's funny but in some studies it (resveratrol) activates the MAPK pathway, that apparently TAT2 activates... while in others it inhibits it...
I think this is getting to be more and more interesting Maxwatt and Anisor. Although, it might take some time because we simply have so many projects on the table... however... (The schedule really is such a pain sometimes...)

I will state that we are probably looking at Q1 of 2012 for some of these results ... I apologize.

As for...Turmeric/Curcumin? I think that can be done...

Actually we are trying to get ready to test a whole slew of materials.
I think I have asked everyone before, but let me know if their is something in particular, so that I can add it to our internal list.


Edited by Anthony_Loera, 08 November 2011 - 03:23 AM.

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#1534 Pantheon

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Posted 09 November 2011 - 11:22 AM

Claim 3: "Product B comes with a whole bunch of other things, a whole package."
Product B is a formulation with a whole bunch of ingredients that make up the formulation. However many of the ingredients are telomerase inhibitors.

Is this claim correct?
Yes, the formulation has lots of ingredients, however many are telomerase inhibitors.

Product B formulation is a Proprietary formula with lots of ingredient where may not all of the them come in an "active" amount; so why 1mg resveratrol, green tea or curcumin may work as inhibitors? Wonder if anybody have tested the amount of each inhibitor included in the formula to verify their claims. It may be the case that just one or a few ingredients are in a proper telomerase inducing amount and the rest come along in a small/tiny amount just to make it difficult for someone to copy the formula.

Actually we are trying to get ready to test a whole slew of materials.
I think I have asked everyone before, but let me know if their is something in particular, so that I can add it to our internal list.

As I've already stated in a previous post Product B includes many ingredients that exhibit adaptogenic action such as the following:

Panax ginseng

Just wonder whether there is correlation between adaptogenic action and telomerase activation in some of the herbs. Think that Gingsenosides a class of steroid glycosides found in Panax Ginsengmay be a possible candidate. Other adaptogenic herbs not included in product B may also exhibit telomerase activation properties such as Eleuthero Ginseng (eleutherosides), Reishi, Echinacea, Schisandra and Astragalus (astragalosides).

Standardised Astragalus extract, such as that used by the user GreenPower during his daily regimen, may be a potent telomerase activator as well clearly demonstrating telomerase activation, as proved by lab results, compared to cycloastragenol and Astragalosides IV molecules, while at the same time is far more cheap (and less profit margin for the industry) than the single molecules. Possibly a combination of molecules or supplements may better do the job .

Edited by Pantheon, 09 November 2011 - 11:43 AM.

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#1535 Methos000

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Posted 09 November 2011 - 05:05 PM

Standardised Astragalus extract, such as that used by the user GreenPower during his daily regimen, may be a potent telomerase activator as well clearly demonstrating telomerase activation, as proved by lab results, compared to cycloastragenol and Astragalosides IV molecules, while at the same time is far more cheap (and less profit margin for the industry) than the single molecules. Possibly a combination of molecules or supplements may better do the job .

If Astragalus extract (not necessarily the TA-65 example where a single rare molecule is artificially highly concentrated) is indeed a 'potent telomerase activator', then telomerase activators are probably useless from a life extension perspective. If they had a noticable effect, we'd have a lot of very venerable Chinese. In reality, this just isn't happening.

Edited by Methos000, 09 November 2011 - 05:09 PM.

#1536 Anthony_Loera

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Posted 09 November 2011 - 05:38 PM

Astragalus extract that we tested at a high concentration, does not contain enough telomerase activators to show statistical significance.

We tested a high extract concentration from natural astragalus, that falls just below Geron's patent claims, and found issues. I will go into further detail once this item is completely off our schedule of work items.


#1537 Methos000

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Posted 09 November 2011 - 06:54 PM

While I'm on this train of thought, are there any ingredients in Product B for which we don't have a fair amount of history of human consumption? Any that someone (besides Sierra) has previously tested for telomerase activity?

#1538 GreenPower

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Posted 15 November 2011 - 07:48 PM

It’s time for one of my longer posts. I have now got the results from my latest FLOW-Fish test after using "Standardised Astragalus Root Extract" (mostly) for eleven months. If someone thinks this post looks a lot like the one I made in December last year, this is because I’m repeating a lot of the results from that post.

For comparison I've got data from four earlier tests.
  • Baseline Test
  • After 6 months on Astragaloside IV
  • After 6 months on Cycloastragenol
  • After 6 months on "Standardised Astragalus Root Extract"
I have now made another test after 11 months on "Standardised Astragalus Root Extract"

In order to not repeat to many of my results you can look at the details of the data from these tests in post #787 and post #1077. In post #1073 you can see the details on the execution of my last test of 6 months on "Standardized Astragalus Root Extract". For all tests, I had the lab analyze the Standard Deviation. This cost more money but ought to make the numbers slightly more reliable.

Astragaloside IV

6 months on AIV and Gingko Biloba + 3 last months on Orlistat rendered the following changes from my baseline values:
Lymphocytes: 7.5-7.0 = reduction of 0.5 kb
Granulocytes: 9.1-7.4 = reduction of 1.7 kb
Naive T-cells: 8.3-7.9 = reduction of 0.4 kb
Memory T-cells: 6.3-5.6 = reduction of 0.7 kb
B cells: 8.2-8.1 = reduction of 0.1 kb
NK cells: 4.5-4.0 = reduction of 0.5 kb

When using Astragaloside IV the Standard Deviations changed from
Lymphocytes: 0.6 to 0
Granulocytes: 1.2 to 0
Naive T-cells: 0.4 to 0
Memory T-cells: 0.7 to 0
B cells: 0.7 to 0
NK cells: 0.7 to 0

6 months on Cycloastragenol (including Chitosan) and Gingko Biloba and Orlistat rendered the following changes from the last period.
Lymphocytes: 7.0-7.0 = No change
Granulocytes: 7.4-7.3 = reduction of 0.1 kb
Naive T-cells: 7.9-7.9 = No change
Memory T-cells: 5.6-5.7 = Increase of 0.1 kb
B cells: 8.1-8.2 = Increase 0.1 kb
NK cells: 4.0-4.1 = Increase of 0.1 kb

When using Cycloastragenol the Standard Deviations changed from
Lymphocytes: 0 to 0.2
Granulocytes: Still 0
Naive T-cells: 0 to 0.3
Memory T-cells: 0 to 0.2
B cells: 0 to 0.2
NK cells: 0 to 0.3

"Standardised Astragalus Root Extract", 6 months
6 months on Standardised Astragalus Root Powdered Extract (1mg [0.5%] triterpene glycolides) 225mg, Raw Astragalus Root Powder 250mg, Gingko Biloba, Orlistat (phasing out), "Adidas miCoach Get Fit Stay Fit - Level 4" (3-4 months) and Meditation (3-4 months) rendered the following changes from the last period.

Lymphocytes: 7.0-6.9 = reduction of 0.1 kb
Granulocytes: 7.3-7.6 =Increase of 0.3 kb
Naive T-cells: 7.9-8.1 = Increase of 0.2 kb
Memory T-cells: 5.7-5.8 = Increase of 0.1 kb
B cells: 8.2-8.2 = No change
NK cells: 4.1-5.9 = Increase of 1.8 kb

When using "Standardised Astragalus Root Extract" the Standard Deviations changed from…
Lymphocytes: 0.2 to 0.0
Granulocytes: 0 to 0.1
Naive T-cells: 0 .3 to 0.0
Memory T-cells: 0.2 to 0.0
B cells: 0.2 to 0.0
NK cells: 0.3 to 0.2

"Standardised Astragalus Root Extract", 11 months
During 11 months I have been taken the following supplements and done the following activities.
  • 1 month, trying to take Cycloastragenol 10mg/day but having to give it up (see earlier posts).
  • 10 months on Standardised Astragalus Root Powdered Extract (1mg [0.5%] triterpene glycolides) 225mg, Raw Astragalus Root Powder 250mg, taking one pill in the morning and one during late afternoon,
  • 11 months on Gingko Biloba, 1 pill around lunchtime
  • Orlistat, on and off during the period,
  • "Adidas miCoach Get Fit Stay Fit - Level 5, 30 minutes", using cross trainer for 20 minutes and a rowing machine for 10 minutes, two times per week,
  • Meditation during working days, unfortunately circumstances did not make it possible to meditate more than about three days per week (60% of target),
  • During the last five months, been using Minoxidil (50mg/ml) for extended periods,
  • Had some weeks when I used LCHF (Low Carb High Fat) or GI-diet.
This rendered the following changes from the last period.

Lymphocytes: 6.9 --> 7.2= increase of 0.3 kb (0.2kb increase the last 18 months)
Granulocytes: 7.6 --> 7.9 =Increase of 0.3 kb (0.6kb increase the last 18 months)
Naive T-cells: 8.1 --> 8.4 = Increase of 0.3 kb (0.5kb increase the last 18 months)
Memory T-cells: 5.8 --> 6.2 = Increase of 0.4 kb (0.5kb increase the last 18 months)
B cells: 8.2 --> 8.4 = increase of 0.2 kb (0.3kb increase the last 18 months)
NK cells: 5.9 --> 5.3 = decrease of 0.6 kb (1.2kb increase the last 18 months)

When using "Standardised Astragalus Root Extract" for 11 (actually 10) months the Standard Deviations changed from
Lymphocytes: 0.0 to 0.3
Granulocytes: 0.1 to 0.3
Naive T-cells: 0.0 to 0.2
Memory T-cells: 0.0 to 0.2
B cells: 0.0 to 0.2
NK cells: 0.2 to 0.1

Using Astragaloside IV had a quite large negative effect on the telomere lengths. All of the telomeres in the measured cell types decreased in length. Several of the changes were quite large and well outside the possible fault limits of the test. Based on these results and the similar results Anthony had, I would hesitate to recommend anyone from taking Astragaloside IV as a supplement.

Using Cycloastragenol had a more neutral result. The changes were within the fault limits of the test, but at least 75% of the cell types which showed any change at all showed a slight increase in telomere length. I'm still waiting to see the results Anthony got from his test. If they are posted in this thread I must have missed them.

Using "Standardised Astragalus Root Extract" for six months (+ physical training, meditation, less work, gingko biloba, orlistat and LCHF ) had a more interesting result. The median telomere length of my NK cells increased in length by a whopping 1 800 base pairs. This is an increase with 44 percent and well outside the error margin of the test!

I think the changes in MTL for the other types of cells where within the error margin of the test, but personally I think it looks better to have most of them on the plus side than on the minus side. From a subjective point of view I'm especially pleased to see that the potential lengthening of the MTL of the granulocytes where close to being outside the error margin of the test, since they got kind of slaughtered when I used Astragaloside IV.

Using "Standardised Astragalus Root Extract" for 11 months (+ physical training, meditation, unfortunately much more work (and less sleep), gingko biloba, orlistat and LCHF and some minoxidil) generated possible positive results for all cell types except the NK-cells.

Last year the lab estimated their margin of error for these tests to 0.3 kb for lymphocytes and 0.5 kb for granulocytes and the error for the other subpopulations to be in the same range, 0.3 – 0.5 kb. This makes it likely that there has actually been an increase in telomere lengths for the Granulocytes, the Naive T-cells and the Memory T-cells over the last 18 months. Unfortunately it also makes it likely that the telomeres of the NK-cells have decreased in length during the last 11 months.

Some speculations on the results
The positive effects “in vivo” might possible (or not) be attributed to the Standardised Astragalus extract, but it doesn’t necessarily mean that these effects can be found “in vitro”. There might as well be one or several compounds in Astragalus (or the other stuff I took) which affect some part in the body which in turn affect telomere maintenance.

My guess is that my NK-cells are very sensitive to working too much and sleeping too little (due to my alarm clock, not the regimen in itself). I did notice my weight go up during the period, and this is usually related to stress. Maybe I need to prioritize to actually meditate five times per week instead of “about” three. I’m still waiting for my cortisol results. Maybe they can cast some light on the subject. This behavior would however be consistent with my baseline telomere test which I took from the beginning. I had been taking Astragalus (mostly Standardized) before the baseline test (see earlier posts), had a huge amount of stress for a long time (see earlier uploaded cortisol tests), but all telomere results were pretty good except for the NK-cells. And the cortisol tests I had been doing previously where quite bad. At that time I did no meditation and very little training.

With regards to sleep and what I’ve been reading in other posts lately I’m a bit skeptical of people thinking “sleeping less” each night might be a positive effect from a regimen, whether it be Cycloastragenol, Product B, Astragaloside IV or something else. During sleep the body performs a lot of maintenance activities which might have a postitive effect on the immune system. Without actual data on the effects on the immune system it can as well be a negative effect to have to little sleep.

As a side note, I did not notice any change what so ever in hair growth during my last six + eleven months using Standardised Astragalus extract, except the last five months when I started to use minoxidil as well. The “fine white down”, which kind of grows “beneath” the real hair, got a bit more pronounced. No colour yet, though.

I still have 18 months’ supply left of Cycloastragenol and don’t know if I’ll use it or just throw it away. Then there’s Product B. Or maybe I’ll keep on using Standardized Astragalus extract. I haven’t decided yet.

Cortisol, DHEA, Testosterone and Melatonin. I have the usual health check numbers but currently not the time to put them on the site. Nothing much to see there, though, I think. The amount of numbers to keep track of have unfortunately started to grow somewhat unmanageable.

Edit: Added links to earlier posts -niner

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Edited by niner, 16 November 2011 - 07:30 PM.

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#1539 Methos000

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Posted 16 November 2011 - 05:18 PM

Whether the astragalus extract is due the credit or not, you're certainly doing something right overall. Maybe you could try taking the cycloa along with the other elements of your protocol for the next 6 months or so.

#1540 Methos000

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Posted 16 November 2011 - 05:21 PM

Then drop the cycloa and try Product B for the six months following. :)

#1541 niner

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Posted 17 November 2011 - 04:34 AM

It’s time for one of my longer posts. I have now got the results from my latest FLOW-Fish test after using "Standardised Astragalus Root Extract" (mostly) for eleven months[b].

GreenPower, this is a really interesting report! I wonder if it's the case that Geron tested cycloastragenol and a few other astragalus components just because they were sitting on a shelf in a purified form. Medicinal chemists are biased toward looking at pure compounds because knowing the structure is essential if you want to modify the molecule to make it better. Perhaps they never looked at the impure extract. Or maybe the extract has a bigger effect in vivo but fails the in vitro test for some reason. Maybe Geron and everyone else just took the cycloastragenol results and ran with them, and the crude extract never got looked at in humans? The price differential between cycloastragenol and extracts is large, from my quick survey. I don't know if you mentioned which extract you're using. Who makes it? Is it something that anyone could buy? I see the the Flow FISH test at Repeat Diagnostics is $800 a pop. Two of those is a non-trivial expense, but I hope that we can drum up a few people to repeat your experiment. The results so far suggest that you may have found something better than cycloastragenol, not to mention a lot less expensive.

#1542 buynary

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Posted 18 November 2011 - 10:20 PM

I've been reading the post related to mostly methylene blue and cycloastragenol, what I couldn't find was the benefits for some one relatively younger. I'm 31 and very active in weight training and some cardio activity. Would any astragalus product or cycloastragenol product benefit me now or aid in preventing the shortening of telomeres?

I was thinking of stacking product b and solgars astragalus root extract (Standardised Astragalus Root Powdered Extract 225mg, Raw Astragalus Root Powder 250mg, the same as green powers as far as ingredients and ratio's) or Livlong from findlandia canadian pharm with solgar. The livlong has cyclo and astragalus but i can determine what kind exactly from the website so I will contact and get more info.

So is this worth my looking into as a 31 year old active healthy male?

#1543 niner

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Posted 19 November 2011 - 04:48 AM

So is this worth my looking into as a 31 year old active healthy male?

At 31, I'd give the field a little more time to shake out. If I was 71, I'd jump on it.
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#1544 McQueen

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Posted 19 November 2011 - 08:06 PM

Greenpower, you have consistently provided the most valuable, thorough, objective and exhaustive information on this forum.
Thank you. Did you take any breaks from the extract, cycle it in any way or stayed on it consistently? Thanks again for all your input.

#1545 boylan

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Posted 19 November 2011 - 08:15 PM

Greenpower, you have consistently provided the most valuable, thorough, objective and exhaustive information on this forum.
Thank you. Did you take any breaks from the extract, cycle it in any way or stayed on it consistently? Thanks again for all your input.

I'll second this. Thanks GP.

#1546 chrono

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Posted 23 November 2011 - 12:24 AM

I moved the recent discussion about the TA-65 analysis into another thread, as we seem to have generated 60 posts in the space of 36 hours which were not about astragaloside IV. http://www.longecity...nalysis-repost/

#1547 Robert89

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Posted 23 November 2011 - 07:01 AM

I moved the recent discussion about the TA-65 analysis into another thread, as we seem to have generated 60 posts in the space of 36 hours which were not about astragaloside IV. http://www.longecity...nalysis-repost/

I understand you moved those posts over, because you felt they were not about astragaloside IV.

Except my post was about astragalus, which I believe is the name of this thread: I was referring to an extract of astragalus called cycloastragenol.

My post gave a simple conclusion to the reason why some people on this thread were a little sensitive to the PDF in question being removed, reposted, removed, reposted in the space of a few days. It's because the PDF shows TA-65 is 5mg of cycloastragenol.

I made the comment that cycloastragenol has been sold in the past 3 years at prices of $25,000/ year when T.A. Sciences first released it (under the name TA-65, which is 5mg of cycloastragenol).

I made the comment that the same product is now sold for $200 by T.A. Sciences (also called TA-65 which again is still 5mg of cycloastragenol).

I also commented that a member of this forum, who owns a company that publically revealed the contents of TA-65 to be 5mg of cycloastragenol (in the PDF mentioned above, that was posted on this forum), also sold a product called AstraFruit-C, that was comprised of 5mg of cycloastragenol, for between $25 - $50.

My posts were to make the simple point: Astragalus extracts cycloastragenol and astragaloside IV, have both been selling at amazingly high prices, and then amazingly low prices.

I personally congratulated the member of this forum who revealed publically via the lab test that TA-65 was in fact simply 5mg of cycloastragenol. I also made the comment that I felt disappointed that a few months later, the same person was trying to sell the same basic product for 8 times the price. I don't 'blame' this member, he seems like a nice guy and is probably doing his best. I am not personally attacking him, etc.

I believe that this forum is a open platform to discuss advocacy and research for unlimited lifespans. So let's get to the bottom of (1) what is the role of astragalus (either in root form or extracted) in longevity, (2) where can we buy it for the best quality, at the best price (and in what form).

Isn't that why we are on this forum?

#1548 Anthony_Loera

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Posted 23 November 2011 - 03:17 PM

Nobody is questioning what the CoA shows.
Only the fact that the PDF was not secure.

Now, I ask you to use it to support your endeavors (as long as the PDF is secure please and give credit where credit is due.)


#1549 hav

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Posted 24 November 2011 - 05:29 PM

It’s time for one of my longer posts. I have now got the results from my latest FLOW-Fish test after using "Standardised Astragalus Root Extract" (mostly) for eleven months. If someone thinks this post looks a lot like the one I made in December last year, this is because I’m repeating a lot of the results from that post.

For comparison I've got data from four earlier tests.

  • Baseline Test
  • After 6 months on Astragaloside IV
  • After 6 months on Cycloastragenol
  • After 6 months on "Standardised Astragalus Root Extract"

Got a question for Greenpower that unfortunately was lost in the analysis posts and got moved with them. Thought I'd repost it here so he doesn't miss it.

I noticed that the "Standardised Astragalus Root Extract" you list seemed to have changed during the 11 months. Previously you listed it as "6 months on Astragalus Root Extract (0.5% glucosides, 70% polysaccharides) including Raw Astragalus Root Powder" in post #1077 while above its listed as "6 months on Standardised Astragalus Root Powdered Extract (1mg [0.5%] triterpene glycolides) 225mg, Raw Astragalus Root Powder 250mg", which sounds like the specs of the Jarrow product. If I got that right, it looks like your improved results were measured mostly after the switch and might be attributable to the triterpene glycosides. Which could be huge if the other herbs containing them are also effective.

I take it you only took full spectrum astragalus with a standardized extract. If you still have any Astragaloside IV or Cycloastragenol left, I suggest you try those along with full spectrum Astragalus.


Edited by hav, 24 November 2011 - 05:36 PM.

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#1550 niner

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Posted 25 November 2011 - 11:45 AM

I noticed that the "Standardised Astragalus Root Extract" you list seemed to have changed during the 11 months. Previously you listed it as "6 months on Astragalus Root Extract (0.5% glucosides, 70% polysaccharides) including Raw Astragalus Root Powder" in post #1077 while above its listed as "6 months on Standardised Astragalus Root Powdered Extract (1mg [0.5%] triterpene glycolides) 225mg, Raw Astragalus Root Powder 250mg", which sounds like the specs of the Jarrow product. If I got that right, it looks like your improved results were measured mostly after the switch and might be attributable to the triterpene glycosides. Which could be huge if the other herbs containing them are also effective.

I've also been wondering which product GreenPower was using. I looked at the Jarrow line, but the only thing they seem to have with astragalus in it is a combination product called 'Wellness Optimizer' that contains a lot of other stuff. Anyone know of a product that has these specs?

I doubt that all or even most triterpene glycosides are going to be effective, since that's a very broad class of compounds. i.e., there's a million of them.

#1551 hav

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Posted 25 November 2011 - 04:47 PM

Opps.. I meant <A href="http://www.solgar.co...75.jpeg">Solgar SFP Astragalus Root Extract</A>.

#1552 Methos000

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Posted 25 November 2011 - 08:37 PM

This is similar:


#1553 McQueen

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Posted 26 November 2011 - 12:54 AM

What happened to all the Missminni posts? We went from 53 pages back to 52?

#1554 niner

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Posted 26 November 2011 - 01:57 AM

What happened to all the Missminni posts? We went from 53 pages back to 52?

One of the mods split that discussion into a separate thread. See post 1550 of this thread for details.

#1555 MarcD

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Posted 26 November 2011 - 07:56 AM

I've found an Astragalus product with 1000mg Astragalus Root (A. membranaceus) in a serving size of 2 capsules. How many of those capsules would you take a day?
I'm also taking:
Milk Thistle 30:1 Extract (80% flavonoids) 450mg / day
Tongkat Ali 100:1 160mg / day
Fish Oil 6000mg / day
and a tcm formula called Jin Gui Shen Qi Wan 24 pills /day

I'm male, 31 years old and 103kg

Thank you very much

#1556 McQueen

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Posted 27 November 2011 - 02:56 AM

My browser doesn't show any details, Niner. Just that it was edited.

#1557 Geijutsu

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Posted 30 November 2011 - 06:13 PM

Has anyone considered liposomes to increase bioavailability?

This stuff has proven to be powerful for drug delivery as well as some supplements such as vitamin C, I don't see how this won't be a big benefit in increasing the bioavailabilty of cyclo or ta 65 or any of those telomerase activators.

#1558 Methos000

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Posted 01 December 2011 - 06:32 PM

Has anyone considered liposomes to increase bioavailability?

This stuff has proven to be powerful for drug delivery as well as some supplements such as vitamin C, I don't see how this won't be a big benefit in increasing the bioavailabilty of cyclo or ta 65 or any of those telomerase activators.

The issue seems to be less that of absorption, and more of overly rapid metabolism/conversion to inactive metabolites by the liver. The net effect is still fairly low bioavailability. Revgenetics is apparently working on this issue now.

#1559 GreenPower

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Posted 04 December 2011 - 07:50 PM

It’s time for one of my longer posts. I have now got the results from my latest FLOW-Fish test after using "Standardised Astragalus Root Extract" (mostly) for eleven months. If someone thinks this post looks a lot like the one I made in December last year, this is because I’m repeating a lot of the results from that post.

For comparison I've got data from four earlier tests.

  • Baseline Test
  • After 6 months on Astragaloside IV
  • After 6 months on Cycloastragenol
  • After 6 months on "Standardised Astragalus Root Extract"

Got a question for Greenpower that unfortunately was lost in the analysis posts and got moved with them. Thought I'd repost it here so he doesn't miss it.

I noticed that the "Standardised Astragalus Root Extract" you list seemed to have changed during the 11 months. Previously you listed it as "6 months on Astragalus Root Extract (0.5% glucosides, 70% polysaccharides) including Raw Astragalus Root Powder" in post #1077 while above its listed as "6 months on Standardised Astragalus Root Powdered Extract (1mg [0.5%] triterpene glycolides) 225mg, Raw Astragalus Root Powder 250mg", which sounds like the specs of the Jarrow product. If I got that right, it looks like your improved results were measured mostly after the switch and might be attributable to the triterpene glycosides. Which could be huge if the other herbs containing them are also effective.

I take it you only took full spectrum astragalus with a standardized extract. If you still have any Astragaloside IV or Cycloastragenol left, I suggest you try those along with full spectrum Astragalus.


If you read my post #1081 you will get some more info on what version of the Solgar Astragalus version I actually used. My take on the difference between them is that they are basically the same. However, I wrote their customer support the following questions (twice):
My interpretation of the changes are as follows:
1. Triterpene glycosides and glucosides are both actually referring to the same extract of Astragaloside I to VII and the amounts and the relative mix of them are the same as before.
2. You do no longer guarantee there will be 70% polysaccharides.
Am I correct, and if so, why don't you guarantee the amount of polysaccharides?

Both times I got an answer like the following:
Thank you again for contacting Solgar Vitamin and Herb.
In order to fully answer your question, please call Solgar Product Information, toll-free, at 1-877-765-4274. We are available Monday through Friday, from 9 am to 5 pm, EST, to take your call.
We hope to hear from you at your earliest convenience.


Lisa Dalto, RD
Production Information
Solgar Vitamin & Herb

Because I don't live in the states I tried to explain that it's not very convenient for me to call them, but still did not get a straight answer. If you live in the states, please feel free to call her for an explanation...

The exact version of Astragalus I'm using can be found here: https://www.amazon.c...79782712&sr=8-1

But please note that the regimen I've been using consists of several different items, the Astragalus extract is only one of them.

#1560 GreenPower

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Posted 04 December 2011 - 07:58 PM

Greenpower, you have consistently provided the most valuable, thorough, objective and exhaustive information on this forum.
Thank you. Did you take any breaks from the extract, cycle it in any way or stayed on it consistently? Thanks again for all your input.

Thanks, I try to apply some basic "test principles" and also be as objective as possible. During a period which has been as long as the last one, it's been hard to keep exact cycling-periods, but I try to do "three months on - three weeks off".

Btw, I got some anomalies in my Melatonin and Adrenocortex stress profiles which i will report as soon as I have a spare moment.

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