Hmmm, so I've read about all the nasty - and likely - side effects of L-DOPA (Levodopa), and have found that it is almost 100% to do with the fact that the L-DOPA is metabolised before it reaches the brain or CNS, and so excess dopamine is left floating around in your peripherals, causing things like nausea, confusion, dyskinesia etc... ie. pretty bad stuff.
This is why Sinemet (the prescription medicine for those with Parkinson's Disease) contains a mixture of Levodopa and Carbidopa. The Carbidopa is a DOPA-Decarboxylase and cannot cross the blood brain barrier, so it inhibits only peripheral enzymes that metabolize the primary drug (Levodopa), thus preventing the conversion of L-DOPA to dopamine peripherally. This reduces the side effects caused by dopamine on the periphery, as well as increasing the concentration of L-DOPA and dopamine in the brain.
On the bottle of L-DOPA 250mg that I have it highly recommends that I take it with Green Tea. It just so happens that I have a bottle of 90 x Green Tea Extract (500mg) caps that pretty much remain unused as I have no real need for them. However, I would really like to know if the green tea acts in a similar way to a decarboxylase, or has some sort of antioxidant properties which will minimize the risks associated with L-DOPA...?
Ah, I just read this:
The traditional way to do this [take a dopamine precursor] is to administer the L-dopa along with a peripheral DDC (dopamine decarboxylase) inhibitor such as carbidopa as well as with a COMT (Catechol-O-methyl transferase) inhibitor. I have read that green tea extract can act as a natural COMT inhibitor...
So that is quite interesting; I'll definitely be taking Green Tea along with my L-DOPA (that is, if I ever do decide to try it).
Does anyone have any articles which back up the fact that standardized green tea extract can act as a COMT, and at what dose?
Also, more interestingly, does anyone know of any naturally occurring (or synthetic but still "available") DDC's? If so, then surely this would greatly minimize the negative adverse effects with taking L-DOPA supplements making it much safer to take for it's positive ones....
Any research anyone finds I'll be most interested in