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@Everybody: Contacting David Bowie

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#1 Martin

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Posted 13 November 2003 - 09:45 AM

Hello everybody,

it is good to see, that you are making real progress concerning the Imminst-activities.
But as far as I can see we need a lot of money, in order to support the quest for immortality EFFECTIVELY. With enough money we could fund biomedical aging research, organize big congresses ... So in my opinion a top priority should be the search for a really big donator or investor.
I suggest, that the Imminst-members should try to contact David Bowie. In June 2002 Mr. Bowie said in an interview with the German Spiegel-magazine, that he hated the aging process and that he wanted to live for about 300 years (http://www.spiegel.d...,200282,00.html) - and Mr. Bowie owns 800 million dollars. But obviously he is not aware of the potential of modern aging research. So if we could get in contact with him and if we could convince him to donate only a small amount of these 800 million dollars to aging research, it would really revolutionize this field of research. So in my opinion this is a real chance for us to accelerate the quest for immortality signifcantly.

The postal address of Mr. Bowie is:
David Bowie
180-182 Tottenham Ct. Rd
London W1P 9LE

So we could write him letters. If we are lucky, the secretary of Mr. Bowie will forward one of our letters to him personally, if we write a lot of letters. And maybe one of the UK-Imminst-members lives in London and he/she could try to contact him personally?
What do you think?

Best wishes

#2 Da55id

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Posted 13 November 2003 - 11:35 AM

Might I humbly suggest that we ask Mr. Bowie if he would auction himself off on Ebay for a "Lunch of a Lifetime"? Huge publicity for all - that will potentially get his "handlers" to agree that it's a good way for him to elbow back into the public consciousness. After the lunch is auctioned off, then we'll be friends and he might just give out of his own thinking without being prompted (the best way of all).


#3 reason

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Posted 14 November 2003 - 05:45 AM

Might I humbly suggest that we ask Mr. Bowie if he would auction himself off on Ebay for a "Lunch of a Lifetime"?

That's a smart idea. Do you want to throw together a letter template that one of us can tidy up for approval and packaging?

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#4 Bruce Klein

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Posted 14 November 2003 - 08:51 AM


#5 Da55id

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Posted 14 November 2003 - 10:29 AM

Thanks - I'll work on a template letter. Going to my father in laws funeral this weekend. will do it early next week.


#6 Martin

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Posted 14 November 2003 - 06:32 PM

Here is my suggestion for a letter to Mr. Bowie. I sent a similar letter some months ago, but unfortunately I haven´t received an asnwer. Hopefully if we send many, many letters, the secretary will give one of these letters to Mr. Bowie personally. I am optimistic, that Mr. Bowie would be interested. Of course the best option would be to visit Mr. Bowie himself in London, e.g. during a press conference or during an autograph hour or something like that.
Warm regards

Suggestion for a standard contact letter for Mr. Bowie (and other people, that may be interested in supporting life extension research):

Subject: Support for leading biomedical aging researchers

Dear Mr. Bowie,

my name is XY. I am a member of the US nonprofit educational organization “Immortality Institute” (http://www.imminst.org). The Immortality Institute is an umbrella organization that serves as a platform for its members to exhibit, exchange and debate ideas and information regarding the possibility of human physical immortality. The members of the Immortality Institute are convinced, that biomedical research has the potential to significantly extend the healthy human lifespan. We want to support leading biomedical aging researchers, so that a safe and effective anti-aging therapy will be available as soon as possible.

You may know, that biomedical research has already begun to unlock the secrets of aging. Scientists haven been able to double and triple the healthy lifespan of flies, worms, rats and mice and they already know some master genes, that control the aging process.

Here are some examples of recent breakthroughs of molecular aging research:
•In December 2000 Dr. Stephen Helfand and other researchers from the University of Connecticut Health Center discovered a gene, that doubles the average life span of fruit flies This gene is also found in humans and opens the way for new therapies that could extend the average human life span to 150 years.
•In September 2001 Dr. Robert Costa from the University of Illinois at Chicago published a study about the regenerative potential of the FoxM1B-gene. „Ponce de Leon was looking in the wrong place for the fountain of youth,“ said Dr. Costa. „He should have looked for the FoxM1B-gene.“
•In February 2002 researchers from the Icelandic biotech firm DeCode Genetics pinpointed the Methuselah gene, which contributes to extreme longevity. Dr. Kari Stafansson, the CEO of DeCode said: „We know the location of this gene. Soon we will study its exact DNA sequence and work out how it works in the body. You can then think of making drugs that could replicate its action. There is no reason why we cannot do this“.

The potential of biomedical aging research is very clear. But aging research is extremely underfunded. Many exciting research projects can´t be realized, because there is no adequate funding. So we need the help of financially influential people, who want to support biomedical aging research. We read a recent interview with the German magazine „Der Spiegel“, during which you said, that you wished to become 200-300 years old. Biomedical research has the potential to let this ancient dream of mankind become a reality within this decade. But without adequate funding it may take much longer to realize this potential. So if you are interested in supporting biomedical aging research, please contact us soon. We would like sending you additional studies and documents, answer all your remaining questions and give you the necessary contact addresses of the researchers. Of course you will be able to visit the laboratories of the researchers and talk to them personally, before making an investment/funding decision. We are absolutely convinced, that a safe and effective anti-aging therapy would have an enormous market potential worldwide. So this research is also extremely interesting from a business point of view.
Of course we will guarantee absolute anonymity, if you want that.

Best regards

#7 kevin

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Posted 14 November 2003 - 09:22 PM


one other suggestion for an example might be Cynthia Kenyon's research on c. elegans.

I would also suggest rewording a section in the last paragraph..

"We would like sending..." ->

"We would be happy to provide you with documentation for these and numerous other examples of valid research currently underway, as well as answer all your..."

Should we put the return address as our own or ImmInst.. ?

#8 reason

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Posted 14 November 2003 - 10:32 PM

Should we put the return address as our own or ImmInst.. ?

Our own, but identify yourself as a member of/donator to the Immortality Institute, I'd say.

So aside from Michael Jackson, which other celebrities have giving indications that they think seriously about healthy life extension?

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#9 Bruce Klein

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Posted 14 November 2003 - 11:00 PM

Great Letter!

I will add it to our Proactive Material Forum.. and promote to membership when we have the right wording... and have a fairly comprehensive list of potential donors/addresses.

Oracle's Larry Ellison comes to mind.... as he said in an interview with a US newspaper "I don't understand how someone can be here, then not be here. It's incomprehensible," REF.

Stephen Wolfram - When asked about today's greatest challenges, one of four listed: 'Achieve effective biological immortality' REF

Also, here's a list of somewhat prominent individuals.. to which I will add more names.

#10 Bruce Klein

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Posted 15 November 2003 - 09:30 AM

I've paired the letter down into a standardized form letter and posted it under the Proactive Forum .. under Resources... linked here.

After we add a few more address of potential contacts... we may wish to ask for help from other ImmInst members in mailing these letters.

#11 Martin

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Posted 15 November 2003 - 10:07 AM

Oracle's Larry Ellison comes to mind.... as he said in an interview with a US newspaper "I don't understand how someone can be here, then not be here. It's incomprehensible," REF.

In fact Mr. Ellison has founded the Ellison Foundation (http://www.ellisonfo...n.org/index.jsp), that funds global infectious disease and AGING research. If we could convince at least one other person to found a similar foundation and/or to invest into the founding of an aging research biotech start-up, it would be a huge success for Imminst!! And it would accelerate the quest for immortality significantly. So it would save millions of lifes - perhaps even our owns!

After we add a few more address of potential contacts... we may wish to ask for help from other ImmInst members in mailing these letters.

That´s great. Please also ask your members, if there is anybody, who lives in London and could try to visit Mr. Bowie himself, e.g. during a press conference or during an autograph hour or something like that.

Warm regards

Edited by Martin, 15 November 2003 - 12:14 PM.

#12 Martin

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Posted 15 November 2003 - 10:13 AM

According to the "2001 Deluxe Celebrity Address List", that I bought from www.celebrity-addresses.com, the address of Mr. Michael Jackson is:

Michael Jackson
Neverland Ranch
Los Olivos 93441

I didn´t find the address of Mr. Stephen Wolfram.
Do you need any other addresses?
Warm regards

#13 Bruce Klein

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Posted 15 November 2003 - 10:18 AM

Excellent... I'll add M.J's address to the Proactive Forum under the Form Letter.

Please also ask your members, if there is anybody, who lives in London and could try to visit Mr. Bowie himself, e.g. during a press conference or during an autograph hour or something like that.

Ok.. I'll keep this in mind. Thanks.

By the way.. you can delete your previous post if you'd like by clicking the 'X' top right of the post.

#14 DJS

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Posted 25 December 2003 - 07:22 AM

Uh, somehow I don't think Michael Jackson would be the best spokesman for life extension at the moment... [huh] [wis] Sorry, I couldn't resist, hehe.

#15 Jay the Avenger

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Posted 08 July 2004 - 10:26 PM

If anybody feels like contacting David Bowie, now is the time...

The man just had heart surgery. He might just hate the aging process more than ever at this point in time.

#16 brokenportal

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Posted 14 July 2004 - 03:39 AM

One of my friends was just telling me how she went to see David Bowie in concert. I just looked him up online because if he were still playing locally (fat chance) I would have gone to get tickets immediately to try to meet him, (probably an even fatter chance, but listen to this, I just went to see, "They might be giants" if youve ever heard of them. I think that a major way to promote life extension is to advertise it through songs on the radio. Ive met a few bands now at concerts, (sevendust and they might be giants) My brother goes to a ton of concerts, 95 now he told me and he has met a ton of artists. He got to go on one bands tour bus during two different occasions.

This got me to thinking, gees, I wish I had some kind of extending life spans lyrics page set up of messages to convey about extending life spans so that I could go out and try to meet more bands, since its apparently so easy, try to strike up a little conversation and give them a card with a link to the songs ideas. (then with in that songs site, mine and some peoples emails like Bruce, etc.. and links to Imminst and stuff like that.) Now of course they may disregard the idea, but who knows. You cant win the lottery if you never try. I just wanted to share those thoughts. Ill be trying that.

I also fully support the writing Bowie idea and the ebay lunch auction. These are incredibly potent potential filled ideas. If somebody would send me a version of a letter to send to him I will mail it out to him. Other wise I will hope to find time and remember to do it.

#17 Mind

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Posted 09 October 2004 - 03:10 PM

Seems David Bowie was thinking about life extension a long while back, circa 1975. In his song "Young Americans" apears the following lyrics:

"We live for just these twenty years...Do we have to die for the fifty more?"

It is amazing how close that line is to the actual science of aging. We grow for 20 years and then begin the long decline.
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#18 mrfesta

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Posted 12 April 2006 - 03:14 PM

Are we still writting David Bowie?? I don't know what to do with this post.

#19 garethnelsonuk

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Posted 18 October 2006 - 11:23 PM

I should point out that David Bowie is also known for talking to fans online at times. My father is quite a big fan of his and used to contact him on a nightly basis. Unfortunately I do not recall where this chatroom was located and for personal reasons I cannot simply contact my father to ask.

There is a chat link on his site here which I believe is the same one that David chats to fans with:

For the same personal reasons mentioned above I would rather not do this myself.

I would also advise that only directors, researchers or others with some kind of authority make direct contact beyond letter writing in order to avoid possible mistakes or misrepresentation.

#20 garethnelsonuk

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Posted 23 November 2006 - 01:26 PM

So, is anything happening here?

#21 Matt

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Posted 23 November 2006 - 10:02 PM

Duncan Bannatyne "I want to live to 500, I love life, what i do".


Just finished reading his book, hes worth around £160m. You can see his video where he says it on the top left above his picture.

#22 Aegist

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Posted 10 January 2007 - 03:02 AM

So was the letter ever sent to David Bowie? This was well over a year ago? If it wasn't sent, it still should be.

#23 brokenportal

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Posted 28 January 2007 - 08:09 PM

Apparently not, but I definently think that its something that should still be persued. My procrastination is killing me. I wish there was a local life extension club I could go down to and hang out at and talk about and do stuff like this.
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#24 dnamechanic

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Posted 07 August 2007 - 01:44 PM

Today, Sebastian Melmoth posted a couple of items in the Longevity Report (via Yahoo subscription),

- ROLLING STONES rocker KEITH RICHARDS has vowed to live until 150 years of age.

- In an interview in The Oldie, Desmond Morris said:

"but I have a horrible feeling that after I'm dead someone will solve the problem of ageing"

There are several other related topics at ImmInst, such as:

Form Letter To Potential Funding Partners, -- Supporting Biomedical Anti-Aging

Reference: The Longevity Report website is located here.
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#25 Janusz Czoch

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Posted 12 January 2016 - 05:22 AM

​News Today: 


​David Bowie

David Robert Jones (8 January 1947 – 10 January 2016)

-Dead only two days after his 69th birthday. Very sad.

Please everybody let's try and get all our acts together

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