Hi all! I'm new here. I've recently started experimenting with nootropics since taking on a demanding job.
I'll jump right in and share my experiences with the *racetams, as they might be useful to a noobie.
I seem to have all the stereotypical responses that people seem to have when taking them.
First I took
Aniracetam. I got an immediate effect. I took 3200mg daily at first then downshifted to 1800mg.
I downshifted because the effect was too strong. I *loved* the feeling it gave me. I pretty much felt in spades
what people talk about when they say that Aniracetam is an anxiolytic and mood enhancer. I was feeling great!
Not only that, I was socially confident, and massively verbally fluent. I could talk eloquently and say just the
right things with ease. As someone who has been shy for most of their life, this was quite an amazing experience
for me.
Unfortunately, this came at a price: brain fog. Whilst I seemed to get all the 'right-brained' benefits like verbal
fluency, creativity, holistic thinking, etc. I lost out on the 'left-brained' thinking. I couldn't really focus on anything
and I had to re-read over and over papers in order for them to sink in.
It was a tremendous shame, because I really enjoyed being on it, but for my job, I just couldn't function
whilst on it. I imagine it would be great for someone who had to spend their day talking, negotiating, directing,
that sort of thing...
Since stopping the Aniracetam, I've only recently started with the
Piracetam. I initally took 4x800 = 3200mg daily.
The first day or two I just felt extremely tired. The next day I just felt anxious and depressed.
I was ready to give up, but decided to give it another go at a lower dosage, as I heard that some people have
had good successes at a lower dose, despite recommendations to consume huge amounts...
So now I'm on 2x800mg per day and I'm loving it so far!
I've noticed an immediate effect; I am better able
to concentrate and focus, and I seem to have more mental energy to do things. I think I'm also in a slightly
better mood and more talkative.
I hope to continue at this dose and see how things work out.
My only problem right now is working out the correct dosage of Alpha-GPC, as I'm not sure if I'm getting
too much or too little Choline. I take 250mg of Choline Citrate in the morning, and then 300mg of Alpha-GPC
a bit later in the morning and afternoon when I take the Piracetam pill.
I get muscle aches and neck stiffness as well as headaches. I've read that headaches are caused by too
little Choline, and aches and stifness by too much.
So I'm going to have to experiment to find the
optimal dose. I think I'll stop the Choline Citrate in the morning and see how I get on.
In any case, any suggestions would be welcome. I'm also taking a multi-vitamin and about 4g of Fish Oil
per day.
Thanks a lot everyone. It's very interesting reading this forum.