Posted 30 December 2012 - 03:44 AM
RTFM: http://www.hypermed....raph_screen.pdf
Page 79:
"On the basis of Cerebrolysin®’s pharmacological profile, special attention should be
paid to possible additive effects when used in conjunction with anti-depressants or
MAO inhibitors. In such cases, it is recommended that the dose of the anti-depressant
is lowered."
Posted 30 December 2012 - 11:35 AM
I tabulated the user experiences from this thread. If only considering those who noticed an effect, my perceptions are as follows:
Alcohol Sensitivity: Perceived reduced sensitivity as Cere helps you think while inebriated
Alcohol Hangover Severity: Some people noticed reduced hangovers
Caffeine Sensitivity: Everyone noticed increased sensitivity to caffeine. Cere+Caffeine often resulted in poor sleep.
Other drug Sensitivities: Some nootropic effects were increased. Some users found piracetam and ALCAR to be overstimulating and "nasty" in normal doses while on Cere.
Anti-Anxiety: Everyone experienced reduced anxiety
Anti-Stress: Everyone was more able to deal with stressful situations
Anti-Depressant: Everyone felt anti-depressant effects
Social Ability: Some users experienced reduced social inhibition
Speech: Piracetime like effect on speech, not as strong as piracetam
Concentration: A few users experienced improved concentration
Motivation: No benefit to motivation
Happiness: Many users experienced improved well-being
Clarity: All users had a sense of "Clarity"
Mental Energy: All users experienced increased mental energy
Physical Energy: Possible detriment to physical energy
Cognitive Benefit: Benefit ranged from Amazing to small
Memory Benefit: Benefit ranged from Moderate to none
Long Term Positive Effects: A few users noted long term improvements after cessation
Drug Potency: Out of 36 respondents, 7 found the drug ineffective and 6 did not provide sufficient information. 23/30=77% response rate. The dosage and duration varied between all respondents, higher response rates correlated with increased dosage and duration of treatment. Some users started with 10ml and moved down to 5ml after the effects were established.
Time to Effect: Varied with the longest time for responders being 21 days, shortest 1 day. The second cycle for responders had a much shorter Time to Effect than the first cycle.
Other possible effects:
Emotional Sensitivity: One user found an increased emotional response
Tolerance: It is possible that tolerance will develop after a few years
Vision: A few users noted more vivid colors and improved motion viewing
Hearing: A few users noticed improved hearing
Smell: One user noticed improved smell
Libido: Some of the users noticed a massive increase in libido
Headaches: A common side effect, appears to go away for most after the first few injections
Dexterity: One user noticed improved dexterity
Sleep: Most users noticed changes in their sleep. Some users noticed an improved sleep on Cere, others noticed worse sleep. Higher doses of Cere and Cere combined with Caffein were major causes of worse sleep.
Flu Like Symptoms: Were experienced by several users, went away after first few injections
Increased Hunger: Noticed by a few users
Diarrhea: Noticed by a few users, intermittent
Other Considerations: The denizens of LongeCity are terrible when it comes to scientific control, the effects above could have been caused by one or several drugs in synergy with, or independently of Cere. Information contained here is anecdotal only.
Summary of user experience.xlsx
That is amazing work Mr Matsubayashi ! congradulations on summarising and gathering important and interesting data on this. Your work is clean and clear. The fact that you read ALL of this forum and noted every effect,, experiences and impressions, for EVERYBODY that used it..... is impressive. Are you sure you aren't already on Cerebrolysin ???
Posted 30 December 2012 - 11:41 AM
Is there something bad about arginine and phenylalanine?
I just don't like to play with the balance of my dopamine or serotonine, don't really want to mess with it...phenyalanine is a dopamine precursor if i remember correctly. but i may be wrong.
Posted 30 December 2012 - 12:11 PM
I have been stalking these forums for 4 months, studying Cere for 2.5 months. This will be the first noot I have tried, it is also the most potent (subjective) and requires injection. Fear and pure interest drove me to learn everything I could about it. After making the financial leap, struggling with customs and now dealing with my fear of needles, even if it doesn't work it has been a great educational exercise.
My current direction is to work out some synergies, I probably won't lavish them with the same amount of detail.
Posted 30 December 2012 - 07:52 PM
Your alternative is the cebria pill.... not shure is there is a loading phase though. I haven't heard anybody else besides me on this forum who used so.
Posted 31 December 2012 - 12:35 AM
Read the entire thread yesterday, this compound seems very applicable to me in my quest to recover from Post Chemotherapy Cognitive Impairment (PCCI) resulting from Finasteride (propecia / proscar) use. I think i'll be looking into doing a one month cycle in the first half of the new year.
The one thing I am hesitant about are the unknown long term effects. Who knows what this cocktail may do to the body years after use.
Already having unexpected long term potentially irreversible adverse effects from a prescription drug I'm of course wary of experimenting with things like this.
Compared to those of you experimenting who are generally cognitively healthy, I have a lot more to gain though, so the interest is there.
Good luck to people currently trying this, and thanks all for your contributions.
Posted 01 January 2013 - 05:16 PM
First of all I was very aware not to expect any immediate results and also aware, due to my excitement surrounding cere, that a placebo effect was entirely possible. First day didn't feel anything much. The 2nd day I did feel like I experienced some effect from it, though it was not the clear lucid thinking that I had desired. The only way I could describe it was the feeling I get in my head immediately following intercourse, Kind of a dirty, fuzzy feeling, Only my libido was very strong, On the 3rd day I had drank the night before and woke up with a slight hangover. I figured no big deal and continued to go about my injections. The rest of the day my frame of mind was in spaceland, worst yet my brain felt hollow, like there was no density to it and an ever so slight kind of ache to boot. It was strange space to be in and by the end of the day I was seriously considering dropping my regimen (at least temporarily) I knew My brain was deficient in something and took a stab in the dark and dosed some choline ( but was skeptical because I haven't yet read that cerebrolysin needs to be taken with it) So it's new years night I was supposed to go over to my friends for a little get together- My plan was to show my face say hi and leave. Of course that didn't work out and they talked me into staying for a little while. As the night wore on my mood started to drastically improve and I could feel my intellect increase, the lucid, clear thinking I had so desired was there! Conversations were engaging and my thoughts were on point. At 3:30 in the morning ( I usually would of left before this) I was still there with with my friend who hosted the get together, still talking and good to go for god knows how long. I could see he was fading out and I felt it was best If I left. So I got to bed at 4:30 woke up at 9 and didn't feel the least bit tired, which I normally would of. I am not really one for the placebo effect (have tried many combinations suggest in this forum with limited success) and would have to chalk this up to cere. Today I decided to cut back 5ml and see how it goes. Sorry for the "all thoughts in one paragraph" posting but figured I would just spit it out, I am pressed for time and will articulate my thoughts in more detail in the future, peace.
Edited by Werper, 01 January 2013 - 05:19 PM.
Posted 01 January 2013 - 06:37 PM
Here's a podcast I found from the discussing a clinical Cerebrolysin trial re stroke recovery. Perhaps nothing new but some may find it interesting.
Read the entire thread yesterday, this compound seems very applicable to me in my quest to recover from Post Chemotherapy Cognitive Impairment (PCCI) resulting from Finasteride (propecia / proscar) use. I think i'll be looking into doing a one month cycle in the first half of the new year.
The one thing I am hesitant about are the unknown long term effects. Who knows what this cocktail may do to the body years after use.
Already having unexpected long term potentially irreversible adverse effects from a prescription drug I'm of course wary of experimenting with things like this.
Compared to those of you experimenting who are generally cognitively healthy, I have a lot more to gain though, so the interest is there.
Good luck to people currently trying this, and thanks all for your contributions.
Thanks for the link.
Edited by sunshinefrost, 01 January 2013 - 06:39 PM.
Posted 03 January 2013 - 01:48 AM
Posted 03 January 2013 - 02:12 AM
Quick note, cerebrolysin is living up to the hype.
36 pages and sparse quantitative results.
Brain Workshop
Basic Protocol:
- Prior to Cerebrolysin: Dual N-Back (default) training for 3 weeks
- 20 session per trial, 5 trials per week
- Restart Dual N-Back Training, 2 week duration
- Continue Cerebrolysin course through Week 2 and 3
Edited by CognitionCoefficient, 03 January 2013 - 02:14 AM.
Posted 03 January 2013 - 07:15 AM
What is the most reliable source to buy the highest quality Cerebro from? I live in Australia and I am looking to import it. What is your opinion of the superhuman gear website?
Posted 03 January 2013 - 03:15 PM
Xenix- http://www.gerovitalshop.eu/
Posted 03 January 2013 - 09:57 PM
Posted 04 January 2013 - 01:21 PM
I'd love to have been able to discontinue everything for a while and then start taking the cerebrolysin, but I am working two jobs so I can't afford to become non-functional for that long of a time.
Jabbing a 1.5" needle into my leg was not exactly easy the first time, but it is getting easier.

Edited by zilla1126, 04 January 2013 - 01:22 PM.
Posted 04 January 2013 - 02:21 PM
Posted 04 January 2013 - 03:35 PM
sunshineforest where can someone in the US obtain cebria??
They seem to be having difficulties with their website.
We are currently improving our website. Please come and see us at a later date. For customer service, please call 1-800 214-8347
Thank you
call and try to obtain their trial version, if i remember correctly they advertised it on their site.
Let me know when you get your hands on them.
Posted 04 January 2013 - 08:20 PM
Apparently there was a russian study saying that earlobe injection was as effective as IV. Now I'm not sure how 5ml of fluid will fit in my earlobe, so that's a question.
Here is a link to the study:
Posted 05 January 2013 - 01:08 PM
I'm not medically trained, use the instructions below at your own risk.
If you find anything here that could be improved please let me and the community know, Thanks!
Clean Rag (Optional)
Aquim Hand Sanitizer (Optional)
5micron Filter needles, lurelock (Optional)
Ampule opening tool (optional)
Skin numbing cream (optional)
Permanent marker (optional)
Sharps Bin
Alcohol wipes
25gauge 1” to 1.5” injection needle, ultra-thin wall preferable, lurelock
10ml syringe, plastic, lurelock
10ml Cerebrolysin Ampule
Consumed per (10ml) Cere dose
3x Alcohol wipes
1x 5micron Filter needles (Optional)
2x 25gauge 1” to 1.5” injection needle, ultra-thin wall preferable
1x 10ml syringe, plastic
1x 10ml Cerebrolysin Ampule
Intramuscular injection locations
Mark all injection sites with a small circle using the permanent marker. After every injection refresh the circles. This will save time for first time IM injectors. (Optional)
Multiple injection sites can be identified in one injection area.
Allow for 7 days before using the same injection site again (arbitrary). You will need 10 sites on a 5 out of 7 day injection schedule when breaking 10ml into two 5ml injections.
Intramuscular injections (10ml) Instruction
- You will need two injection sites each day; each site will inject 5ml
- Use numbing cream if available, follow directions on packet. (Optional)
- Ensure a tidy workbench and ensure a sharps bin is available. A rag to catch spilled solution will come in handy.
- Clean hands using Aquim hand sanitiser (Optional)
- Prepare the syringe and filter needle.
- Wipe the ampule break point with an alcohol wipe.
- Break the head off the ampule, dispose of in the sharps bin
- Invert the ampule to -20degrees from the horizontal, the surface tension of the fluid and ampule opening size will prevent it from leaking. (Optional)
- Insert the filtered needle into the ampule opening while it is inverted. If the filter needle is beveled, place the beveled edge flat against the glass inside the ampule. Draw the solution into the syringe. http://pharmlabs.unc...rals/ampule.htm
- Dispose of the ampule body in the sharps bin
- Draw some air into the syringe to draw in solution left in the filter needle
- Remove the filter needle from the syringe and dispose of it in the sharps bin
- Install the injection needle onto the syringe. Note: Even if an injection needle was used in the prior step a new needle should be installed regardless.
- Alcohol wipe clean the injection site. Make a spiral traveling outwards from the site of injection. This prevents germs bring rubbed into the injection site.
- Gently poke the needle around the injection site without breaking the skin, feel for a point with minimal sensation. Do not stray outside the cleaned area of skin. (Optional)
- With the syringe pointing up, tap the syringe to remove bubbles and push all remaining air out of the syringe. Some solution may escape. Solution on the needle tip can help needle penetration.
- Use the Z-Track method at the injection site, this will reduce bleeding and solution exiting the injection site. Use a quick jabbing motion to break the skin, insert the needle perpendicular to your skin. Insert the remainder of the needle quickly. COPYURLhttphttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ruB9tJb3KcQ (5m 30s)
- Once needle has reached target depth (leave a small amount of the needle visible above skin in-case it breaks off the syringe) aspirate. If blood enters the needle you may be in a blood vessel, remove the needle, replace the needle and try again using a different location.
- Complete the injection, moderate force will be required to inject 5ml Cere through a 25 gauge needle. Allow for a five minuet injection the first time you attempt IM injections. If you inject too fast the side effects are not dangerous.
- Remove the needle quickly and release the skin held tight for the Z-Track method the moment the needle leaves the skin, this will lock in the solution. If bleeding occurs, wipe away blood using a alcohol wipe.
- Repeat relevant steps for the second injection site, you will need a new needle and this time do not rescue solution from the old needle. Don't forget to remove the air from the new needle.
- Exercise!!!!!
Do not touch the needle shaft, needle opening, syringe opening with your hands or any other object. If contact is suspect, discard and use a new one. When installing a needle on a syringe open the packaging at the end of the lurelock on both the syringe and needle, hold both items by the end still in the packaging and make the connection.
When needles are not in use ensure they remain capped.
Use a new needle for each step, drawing up solution and each injection.
When discarding needles ensure that they are capped.
Aspirate: To “draw” the needle
Perpendicular: At 90 degrees
Ampule: Sealed glass vessel
Sharps Bin: A bin with a sole purpose of harboring used needles and other sharp items in the medical context.
lurelock: Mechanism for connecting needles to syringes. If connection method is not mentioned it will be lurelock (most common)
Edited by Mr Matsubayashi, 05 January 2013 - 02:06 PM.
Posted 05 January 2013 - 01:41 PM
Posted 05 January 2013 - 02:09 PM
Edited by katzenjammer, 05 January 2013 - 02:24 PM.
Posted 05 January 2013 - 02:26 PM
Does anyone know how sharps should be disposed? It doesn't sound like a good idea to throw them in your general waste.
I put them in old protein plastic tubs or Mccann oatmeal cans. Then you should tape them shut. Then, do a search for sharps disposal in your area. Usually hospitals have them.
Posted 05 January 2013 - 03:39 PM
I saw the nurse do this the first few times I had IVs, and was wondering how the hell she was doing it without spilling... I thought it was thanks to some nurse skills aquired with experience, and when doing it myself I purchased extra long needles to be sure to draw all the liquid from the ampoule... Now Ill try this, although Ill admit Ill be scared to waste an ampoule.Invert the ampule to -20degrees from the horizontal, the surface tension of the fluid and ampule opening size will prevent it from leaking
Insert the filtered needle into the ampule opening while it is inverted. If the filter needle is beveled, place the beveled edge flat against the glass inside the ampule. Draw the solution into the syringe
Thanks again for that great post, you sure know how to research stuff and synthetise the info.
Edited by daouda, 05 January 2013 - 03:42 PM.
Posted 05 January 2013 - 04:41 PM
Does anyone know how sharps should be disposed? It doesn't sound like a good idea to throw them in your general waste.
Call to see if you can take them to your local Lab or Hospital
Posted 05 January 2013 - 05:55 PM
alzheimer and stuff maybe need that high dose, but just for nootropical reason cant we do with less?
currently im taking 1 amp 1ml a day, works perfect for my mood
Posted 06 January 2013 - 10:00 AM
I purchased a additional pack of 1ml ampules to drug test and practice with.
In this picture:
A 10 pack of 1ml Cerebrolysin ampules
A needle with 1ml of Cere still inside, I wasn't sure If I prepared it hygienically enough so I left it. This is the first one I've prepared.
Shards of glass from shattered ampule tops, the "Click Open" doesn't work well on 1ml ampules, I'm not sure if I want to try it on the 10ml ampules, each ampule cost more than the device. I had better success just using my hands.
A bunch of opened but unused 1ml Cere ampules, the heads shattered. I could see glass bits in one of them. I figure that small glass particles are generated at every fracture line, more fracture lines = more glass in my ass.
A silly cut out of my hand, the cut out and a bajillion youtube videos helped to work up my courage
A used needle which successfully injected 1ml of Cere into my ventro gluteal area.
Description of the Injection:
I marked the intended injection site with pen, laid on my side in bed with my head propped up high with pillows.
The alcohol wipe removed the pen mark
I pricked a few areas until I found one with no sensation, pricking trials were held within a 1cm^2 area
It was difficult to push the needle through the top layer of skin, but after this it glided in without any effort. Breaking the skin caused near no pain, far less than most ant bites.
Upon reaching a certain depth I encountered resistance, it felt like tearing was occurring and my muscle twitched. It was a little sore, I inserted about 1cm further, about 5mm of needle was still visible above the skin.
Moderate force was required to inject, the injection took about 15 seconds.
I pulled the needle out fairly quick and there was no bleeding. The muscle was a little sore after, nothing bad though, feels completely normal now (5min).
Things I forgot:
To Aspirate
Z-Track Method
I was struggling so much to let the needle touch my skin, I estimate about 3 hours was spent screwing around and re-sterilizing. I've never said F*ck to myself with such frequency ever! Everyone who has tried this stuff has enormous balls!
PS: Thanks for letting my know how to get rid of my sharps, thanks!
Attached Files
Edited by Mr Matsubayashi, 06 January 2013 - 10:18 AM.
Posted 07 January 2013 - 09:58 AM
Posted 07 January 2013 - 08:37 PM
One problem I encountered was I only have 23g 3.5ml syringes. Is there anyway to store the remaining cerebrolysin after I open it?
I plan on splitting it up into 3.3 ml doses for convenience and to limit my injections to once a day.
any suggestions would be much appreciated, thanks
Posted 07 January 2013 - 09:04 PM
I just received my shipment of cerebrolysin from gerovitalshop.eu. Ordered 5 10 ml amps.
One problem I encountered was I only have 23g 3.5ml syringes. Is there anyway to store the remaining cerebrolysin after I open it?
I plan on splitting it up into 3.3 ml doses for convenience and to limit my injections to once a day.
any suggestions would be much appreciated, thanks
It seems to be frowned upon in the medical field, and is likely not recommended. But I was using 5ml syringes and was splitting it into two daily doses. I'd break the 10ml ampule in the morning and draw two full 5ml syringes. I'd leave one in the refrigerator and inject the other one in the morning. Then in the evening I'd take the other full 5ml syringe out of the fridge, apply a new needle and inject.
A few times I left the 5ml syringe in the fridge for a full 24 hour period before injecting.
As long as you're careful to keep the needles sterile (no contamination with skin contact, etc) and remove the sharp before storage in the fridge, I don't think this would be a serious problem.
I'd think this would be a better option than leaving an open ampule laying around at least but hopefully there are some other comments on this from those more experienced or knowledgeable.
Posted 07 January 2013 - 09:09 PM
good luck
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