Edited by stablemind, 10 January 2013 - 06:57 PM.

Posted 10 January 2013 - 06:56 PM
Posted 11 January 2013 - 12:47 AM
The side effects of Cerebrolysin are infrequent and usually mild and transient: agitation (aggressiveness, insomnia, rarely hallucinations), confusion, tremor, allergic reactions–very rare, in our expertise (fever, skin reactions, pruritus, local vascular reactions, headache, neck pain, limb pain, lower backache, dyspnea, chills, shock–like state), vertigo, headache, hypertension or hypotension, hyperventilation, hypertonia or hypotonia, fatigue, depression, apathy, flu–like symptoms, gastro–intestinal troubles (loss of appetite, dyspepsia, diarrhea, constipation, nausea, vomiting), rapid injection may cause heat sensation, sweatiness, dizziness, rarely palpitations or cardiac arrhythmias, injection site reactions (irritation, pruritus, burning sensation)
Has anyone else had any of these adverse effects? When I first started Cere back in August, I was fine but lately on Dec/24th/2012 after 6 days of 2ml/day and just recently 2 days ago after 5 days of 1.5ml/day I experienced the same- Back ache and chills, a low grade fever-(100-102) elevated HR- 90-102 bpm, my normal is 60 and then finally after it passed in 24 hours i have this severe Dyspepsia.
Now both times I was on a low dose of SSRI(zoloft@ 25mgs/day) so I doubt that serotonin syndrome is a likely explanation.It emphasises a reduction should be taken with SSRI dosing while on Cere but especailly while on maoi type antidepressants
I'm very frustrated and disappointed ,as the cerebrolysin was helping me tremendously with memory,fluent speech, clarity of thought,removing brain fog, anxiety, and some ADD.
All these I sustained after 3 concussions (1990-1999) and a left caudate nucleus hemorrhage from 2008.
I only experienced a slight depression and insomnia which is why I felt the low dose of ssri might help.
My prep protocol is very good, I use an 18G needle with syringe filter before and after draw, swab the ampule and inject the contents into a sterile 20cc multi-dose vial.
My Cere was from IAS and I still have 150ml's from Gerovital shop.
Any help and recommendations would greatly be appreciated
Posted 11 January 2013 - 02:38 AM
The side effects of Cerebrolysin are infrequent and usually mild and transient: agitation (aggressiveness, insomnia, rarely hallucinations), confusion, tremor, allergic reactions–very rare, in our expertise (fever, skin reactions, pruritus, local vascular reactions, headache, neck pain, limb pain, lower backache, dyspnea, chills, shock–like state), vertigo, headache, hypertension or hypotension, hyperventilation, hypertonia or hypotonia, fatigue, depression, apathy, flu–like symptoms, gastro–intestinal troubles (loss of appetite, dyspepsia, diarrhea, constipation, nausea, vomiting), rapid injection may cause heat sensation, sweatiness, dizziness, rarely palpitations or cardiac arrhythmias, injection site reactions (irritation, pruritus, burning sensation)
Has anyone else had any of these adverse effects? When I first started Cere back in August, I was fine but lately on Dec/24th/2012 after 6 days of 2ml/day and just recently 2 days ago after 5 days of 1.5ml/day I experienced the same- Back ache and chills, a low grade fever-(100-102) elevated HR- 90-102 bpm, my normal is 60 and then finally after it passed in 24 hours i have this severe Dyspepsia.
Now both times I was on a low dose of SSRI(zoloft@ 25mgs/day) so I doubt that serotonin syndrome is a likely explanation.It emphasises a reduction should be taken with SSRI dosing while on Cere but especailly while on maoi type antidepressants
I'm very frustrated and disappointed ,as the cerebrolysin was helping me tremendously with memory,fluent speech, clarity of thought,removing brain fog, anxiety, and some ADD.
All these I sustained after 3 concussions (1990-1999) and a left caudate nucleus hemorrhage from 2008.
I only experienced a slight depression and insomnia which is why I felt the low dose of ssri might help.
My prep protocol is very good, I use an 18G needle with syringe filter before and after draw, swab the ampule and inject the contents into a sterile 20cc multi-dose vial.
My Cere was from IAS and I still have 150ml's from Gerovital shop.
Any help and recommendations would greatly be appreciated
How quickly do you inject it? is it room temperature? Are you IMing or IVing? I hope you dont use an 18g needle to inject, that's awfully huge. And yes I did get some side effects above. In the beginning I got headaches, and photosensitivity/ sensitivity to sound for one or two days. It never came back again. Also I felt flu-ish symptoms coming on but once I learned proper injection technique it never came back. Also I find this is an occurence with injections of all sorts rather than just cerebrolysin. I had other symptoms but they are hard to describe because this was a few months ago and the feelings are really subjective and I had some confounding factors at the time. I never got tachycardia or anything like that, no changes in blood pressure, but I did get anxiety when injecting, especially because I sitll didnt have the technique down very well and my needle was too large. I've had zero gastrointestinal effects. I think most of my symptoms were neurological rather than anything to do with my skin and all that other stuff they mention, maybe ill get back to you on this though, I would like to go through another run though Im not sure when. Keep in mind I started on 10 mL
Posted 11 January 2013 - 02:57 AM
How quickly do you inject it? is it room temperature? Are you IMing or IVing? I hope you dont use an 18g needle to inject, that's awfully huge. And yes I did get some side effects above. In the beginning I got headaches, and photosensitivity/ sensitivity to sound for one or two days. It never came back again. Also I felt flu-ish symptoms coming on but once I learned proper injection technique it never came back. Also I find this is an occurence with injections of all sorts rather than just cerebrolysin. I had other symptoms but they are hard to describe because this was a few months ago and the feelings are really subjective and I had some confounding factors at the time. I never got tachycardia or anything like that, no changes in blood pressure, but I did get anxiety when injecting, especially because I sitll didnt have the technique down very well and my needle was too large. I've had zero gastrointestinal effects. I think most of my symptoms were neurological rather than anything to do with my skin and all that other stuff they mention, maybe ill get back to you on this though, I would like to go through another run though Im not sure when. Keep in mind I started on 10 mL
I inject usually around 3-5 seconds with a 23g in my glutes and 5-8 seconds with a 25g in my quadricep muscle. I've never had issues with injections, as I've been bodybuilding and doing Martial arts since 1990 and have done a few anabolic cycles, HGH, HCG, and Adequan for joints and inflamation.
My blood pressure was stable at all times- 110/70 and I do doubt serotonin syndrome.Although I will try again with NO SSRI in my system and have periactin on hand and ready.I'll also start at a paltry 1/2 cc/day and increase gradually. I think its more of an unlucky low frequency occurrence of the adverse effects. I sure hope I can bypass this and continue with treatment/rebuilding as this was a god send for me and made the difference between life and not.
Do you think that injecting very slow (10-30 secs) might help ? Thanks in advance.
Posted 11 January 2013 - 06:19 PM
Posted 11 January 2013 - 08:37 PM
Combined administration of cerebrolysin and donepezil induces plastic changes in prefrontal cortex in aged mice.
Thanks a lot for sharing!!
Maybe one shouldn't draw too many conclusions from these results but I'm still very glad to see this as I'm really hoping cerebrolysin may do something like this.. (well, aren't we all?)
I've been taking cerebrolysin on and off with various ADHD drugs (mostly modafinil) for some months now and although I can't say that I've made any real "gains", I've felt since the start how cerebrolysin SURELY does something. The 10 ml I started off with is way too much when combined with modafinil, which is why I split a 10 ml into 4 or 5 doses. Anymore than that and I get hyper-vigilant, overly self-conscious and keep ruminating on every little small thing I regret having said or done during the day..
Instantly upon administration of cerebrolysin, I can also feel the enhanced focus and mental sharpness I experience from modafinil (and/or amphetamine/nicotine/caffeine) being slightly enhanced further.
I must say the effect is slightly reminiscent of piracetam, although milder and without any bad effects..
Posted 11 January 2013 - 08:56 PM
The side effects of Cerebrolysin are infrequent and usually mild and transient: agitation (aggressiveness, insomnia, rarely hallucinations), confusion, tremor, allergic reactions–very rare, in our expertise (fever, skin reactions, pruritus, local vascular reactions, headache, neck pain, limb pain, lower backache, dyspnea, chills, shock–like state), vertigo, headache, hypertension or hypotension, hyperventilation, hypertonia or hypotonia, fatigue, depression, apathy, flu–like symptoms, gastro–intestinal troubles (loss of appetite, dyspepsia, diarrhea, constipation, nausea, vomiting), rapid injection may cause heat sensation, sweatiness, dizziness, rarely palpitations or cardiac arrhythmias, injection site reactions (irritation, pruritus, burning sensation)
Has anyone else had any of these adverse effects? When I first started Cere back in August, I was fine but lately on Dec/24th/2012 after 6 days of 2ml/day and just recently 2 days ago after 5 days of 1.5ml/day I experienced the same- Back ache and chills, a low grade fever-(100-102) elevated HR- 90-102 bpm, my normal is 60 and then finally after it passed in 24 hours i have this severe Dyspepsia.
Now both times I was on a low dose of SSRI(zoloft@ 25mgs/day) so I doubt that serotonin syndrome is a likely explanation.It emphasises a reduction should be taken with SSRI dosing while on Cere but especailly while on maoi type antidepressants
I'm very frustrated and disappointed ,as the cerebrolysin was helping me tremendously with memory,fluent speech, clarity of thought,removing brain fog, anxiety, and some ADD.
All these I sustained after 3 concussions (1990-1999) and a left caudate nucleus hemorrhage from 2008.
I only experienced a slight depression and insomnia which is why I felt the low dose of ssri might help.
My prep protocol is very good, I use an 18G needle with syringe filter before and after draw, swab the ampule and inject the contents into a sterile 20cc multi-dose vial.
My Cere was from IAS and I still have 150ml's from Gerovital shop.
Any help and recommendations would greatly be appreciated
I had mild diarrhea, chills and maybe a mild fever the first 3 days of use, basic flu-like symptoms (although I didn't check my body temperature). These side effects became less pronounced on each subsequent day and disappeared entirely after the third day IIRC.
Posted 11 January 2013 - 11:18 PM
I inject usually around 3-5 seconds with a 23g in my glutes and 5-8 seconds with a 25g in my quadricep muscle. I've never had issues with injections, as I've been bodybuilding and doing Martial arts since 1990 and have done a few anabolic cycles, HGH, HCG, and Adequan for joints and inflamation.
My blood pressure was stable at all times- 110/70 and I do doubt serotonin syndrome.Although I will try again with NO SSRI in my system and have periactin on hand and ready.I'll also start at a paltry 1/2 cc/day and increase gradually. I think its more of an unlucky low frequency occurrence of the adverse effects. I sure hope I can bypass this and continue with treatment/rebuilding as this was a god send for me and made the difference between life and not.
Do you think that injecting very slow (10-30 secs) might help ? Thanks in advance.
Yes I do think injecting slowly should help though there is no guarantee because it may be a side effect of the medicine. try taking 30 seconds instead. Personally I think it should be 10 seconds per mL or slower. just give it a shot and see if it helps. also were you on an SSRI previous to this for an extended period of time or did you start it recently?
from the sounds of it I think it could be side effects youre getting from cerebro unfortunately.
I wouldn't worry about serotonin syndrome. there's no reason to believe that mixing the two would cause serotonin syndrome. It's not like cerebro is a serotonergic drug. But, if you started the SSRI recently it could be side effects from the SSRI, which I doubt is happening because I'm assuming if you're taking an SSRI that you've been on it for a while...
This is my approach to lessening the side effects:
1) inject much more slowly. [I doubt this is going to work but try that for the next bunch of IM's.]
2) Your body may not be accustomed to the drug. Consider a megadose. [not truly mega, just more in the 5mL or 10mL range for 2 or 3 days].. my logic behind this is that for myself as well as for some other members here, they say side effects passed after a few days of use with 5mL or 10mL.
Even though I took 10mL I kind of consider this a megadose. Not a megadose in the true sense but in the sense that it probably made me more tolerant to certain positive and negative effects of the medicine. So i guess option 3) would be to continue taking your regular 2.5mL dose for a couple weeks and see if it evens out..
or just quit taking the medicine if you don't feel the tradeoff is good enough
Edited by protoject, 11 January 2013 - 11:19 PM.
Posted 12 January 2013 - 12:33 AM
1. All the brands seem to come in the same packaging, so it seems like there a few distributors of Cerebrolysin, but that they there is really only one manufacturer. Correct?
2. What is the shelf live of this stuff? Does it need to be refrigerated?
3. People mention cycling, e.g. 6 weeks on 4 weeks off. What is the reasoning for that recommendation?
4. IM injection seem unecessary to me. Subqutaneous injection into belly fat is now the standard for insulin, peptides and testosterone. I suspect that the IM injection requirement is just an artifact of some medical community effort to protet their own jobs by recommending the default postion that everything must be injected IM. Please comment on what the origin and logic behind the IM injection requirement is for this stuff. Note: I know how to IM inject into the ventrogluteal muscle, I have done is dozens of times, but it is a huge hassle compared to Sub Q injection. Poking holes daily into the same muscle is a health concern IMO.
Posted 12 January 2013 - 01:05 AM
My blood pressure was stable at all times- 110/70 and I do doubt serotonin syndrome.Although I will try again with NO SSRI in my system and have periactin on hand and ready.I'll also start at a paltry 1/2 cc/day and increase gradually. I think its more of an unlucky low frequency occurrence of the adverse effects. I sure hope I can bypass this and continue with treatment/rebuilding as this was a god send for me and made the difference between life and not.
Do you think that injecting very slow (10-30 secs) might help ? Thanks in advance.
If you think about what cb is for, you might want to consider whether you need to continue your SSRI. Say a person took your meds who did not need them - wouldn't they have adverse effects? Maybe you are now that person who no longer needs them.
Just a thought.
I say this because in the two weeks I have been on cb, I no longer need the following that I depended on to be functional:
That's just in two weeks.
Posted 12 January 2013 - 02:22 AM
I just read the last 4 months of this thread. I have a few questions and comments:
1. All the brands seem to come in the same packaging, so it seems like there a few distributors of Cerebrolysin, but that they there is really only one manufacturer. Correct?
2. What is the shelf live of this stuff? Does it need to be refrigerated?
3. People mention cycling, e.g. 6 weeks on 4 weeks off. What is the reasoning for that recommendation?
4. IM injection seem unecessary to me. Subqutaneous injection into belly fat is now the standard for insulin, peptides and testosterone. I suspect that the IM injection requirement is just an artifact of some medical community effort to protet their own jobs by recommending the default postion that everything must be injected IM. Please comment on what the origin and logic behind the IM injection requirement is for this stuff. Note: I know how to IM inject into the ventrogluteal muscle, I have done is dozens of times, but it is a huge hassle compared to Sub Q injection. Poking holes daily into the same muscle is a health concern IMO.
1. Yes, all made by everpharma. Some boxes differ because of language, but every ampoule i receive had id, serial, quality feel to it, and same distinct smell.
2. It does not need to be refrigerated under a certain temperature, something ambiant is fine unless the amp is broken
3. I suspect its for your brai not to go on cruise controle over this substance, so that you can still produce natural ngf and bd f.... But i have been wondering about this as well.
4. I dint think you shod question this but if you want to test it, let me know because subq is way more painless.
My blood pressure was stable at all times- 110/70 and I do doubt serotonin syndrome.Although I will try again with NO SSRI in my system and have periactin on hand and ready.I'll also start at a paltry 1/2 cc/day and increase gradually. I think its more of an unlucky low frequency occurrence of the adverse effects. I sure hope I can bypass this and continue with treatment/rebuilding as this was a god send for me and made the difference between life and not.
Do you think that injecting very slow (10-30 secs) might help ? Thanks in advance.
If you think about what cb is for, you might want to consider whether you need to continue your SSRI. Say a person took your meds who did not need them - wouldn't they have adverse effects? Maybe you are now that person who no longer needs them.
Just a thought.
I say this because in the two weeks I have been on cb, I no longer need the following that I depended on to be functional:
That's just in two weeks.
I would tend to agree with this. But are there warnings against ssri and cerebrolysin interactions ? Any studies showing synergy between the 2 ?
Posted 12 January 2013 - 06:26 AM
If you think about what cb is for, you might want to consider whether you need to continue your SSRI. Say a person took your meds who did not need them - wouldn't they have adverse effects? Maybe you are now that person who no longer needs them.
Just a thought.
I say this because in the two weeks I have been on cb, I no longer need the following that I depended on to be functional:
That's just in two weeks.
Yes exactly, this was my reasoning for discontinueing the SSRI the first time in December.Sorry I havent mentioned the amount of time I've been on SSRI. I started roughly a year ago, in cyclical basis and would take breaks, every 5 months when my training was enough to keep me functional after I achieved a response from low dose ssri, to avoid most adverse effects.
However lately the lesion(small hemorrhage) in the head of the left Caudate nucleus has gotten the best of me, and I have a hard time with rumination,Self loathing with suicidal Ideation, OCD and ADD. Memory (Acquisition, Retention and retrieval ) have been getting difficult as well as cognitive speed, processing and motivation. I have lots of slowness and dulling with abuila and zero vigilance. It's very heart wrenching and I felt hopeless.
So I resumed Cere in December at 2mls/day and achieved some clarity and memory improvement.As well as the ability to learn much better. I started to get good with photoshop, I worked on building a new High end computer rig and took a new style of martial arts.
Motivation and quality of sleep was still looming.also I felt more depressed.This is why I went back to zoloft at the same dose, along with my cere at the same dose to be in the best "normal" state that I can hope to achieve. During 1 week on just cere had zero effects but as soon as I added the ssri, within one week my heart rate was running on the high side during exercise.I bring a BP machine with me to the gym at all times since the incident with the hemorrhage, as I can have high spikes from stress or exercise because of my aortic valve disease(congenital). BP was within normal after cardio and sets of weights -150/70 - 164/84 with a HR of 120-140 after sets which was high. Blood pressure would come down efficiently after 3 mins of rest to 130/70.
My Heart rate started running regular rest rates, without being stressed at about 80-85 bpm. 5 more injections put me in a whole body/muscle ache which soon followed with HR of 90-102 with a fever of 100.2-103
I've taken 500mgs-1gm of L-tryptophan many times with an ssri with zero problems, so I'm starting to think that the 500mgs of L-tryptophan in 1ml/cere is very potent and very bioavailable at the serotonin axonal terminals much more and without any degradation at these sites.
I feel its more of a serotonin toxicity,mild poisoning , rather then a typical serotonin syndrome. Ive had serotonin syndrome 2 yrs ago from taking zoloft 25mgs/day,10mgs of amitriptyline and 12gms of Inositol. I woke up with rapid HR -120bpm, BP was 170/82 nad fever of 102 right off the hop.
I think I'll give cere another go as I'll never give up, as would much rather die then try work arounds to achieve some happiness,normalcy and achievement to feed my dopamine reward system.
Maybe Memantine for OCD, some low dose of vyvanse and or Wellbutrin 150mgs/day. I also take noopept 10mgs/day and occasionally ALC 500mgs combined with 2400mgs of Piracetam or 750mgs of Aniracetam.
perhaps my depression can be kept at bay in combonation with regular rigorous exercise and a good diet which I've grown to perfect in the last 15 years.
I will even try a few high bolus doses 5-10 mls to see if I can get over the hump, with of course my periactin on hand. I dont think Carbidopa can help much but it can save my heart valves from these insults!
I believe this is why the manufacturers recommend lowering antidepressant dosages while on Cere, especially MAO I's as a combo of L-tryptophan with an MAO I is much more efficient at inducing a serotonin syndrome.
I'll keep all posted , of course and thanks for your concern and recommendations

Posted 12 January 2013 - 03:38 PM
The effects has been:
-slightly anxiolytic feeling from the first day, I can handle more stress now.
-tolerance to stimulants has lowered significantly.
-better response to Piracetam. Before I didn't respond to any racetams and Noopept or the effect was so slight that I barely could feel it. Now I can feel mild increase in concentration and mildly stimulated feeling with Piracetam. Haven't tried other racetams or Noopept yet.
-clearer mind and better verbal fluency with IV injection. About 10 minutes after I start injecting intravenously I can feel a refreshing and clear feeling.
Just got my 2nd order of Cerebrolysin from nootropic.eu. The shipping took 5 working days. I will definitely reorder from them as the price of Cerebrolysin and shipping is very affordable compared to other suppliers.
Posted 12 January 2013 - 11:36 PM
Posted 12 January 2013 - 11:56 PM
I have been administering Cerebrolysin now three weeks IM, yesterday was the first IV injection, effects are much more noticeable than IM. The dosage has been 5ml 5 times a week and I'm going to run it 4 weeks on 8 weeks off.
The effects has been:
-slightly anxiolytic feeling from the first day, I can handle more stress now.
-tolerance to stimulants has lowered significantly.
-better response to Piracetam. Before I didn't respond to any racetams and Noopept or the effect was so slight that I barely could feel it. Now I can feel mild increase in concentration and mildly stimulated feeling with Piracetam. Haven't tried other racetams or Noopept yet.
-clearer mind and better verbal fluency with IV injection. About 10 minutes after I start injecting intravenously I can feel a refreshing and clear feeling.
Just got my 2nd order of Cerebrolysin from nootropic.eu. The shipping took 5 working days. I will definitely reorder from them as the price of Cerebrolysin and shipping is very affordable compared to other suppliers.
So you know the technique for starting IV locks. Same here! I haven't tried IM yet so I am yet to concur with the differences in administration. Will start another round this Monday. Cant wait!
Edited by chairofgold, 12 January 2013 - 11:58 PM.
Posted 13 January 2013 - 12:21 AM
I have been administering Cerebrolysin now three weeks IM, yesterday was the first IV injection, effects are much more noticeable than IM. The dosage has been 5ml 5 times a week and I'm going to run it 4 weeks on 8 weeks off.
The effects has been:
-slightly anxiolytic feeling from the first day, I can handle more stress now.
-tolerance to stimulants has lowered significantly.
-better response to Piracetam. Before I didn't respond to any racetams and Noopept or the effect was so slight that I barely could feel it. Now I can feel mild increase in concentration and mildly stimulated feeling with Piracetam. Haven't tried other racetams or Noopept yet.
-clearer mind and better verbal fluency with IV injection. About 10 minutes after I start injecting intravenously I can feel a refreshing and clear feeling.
Just got my 2nd order of Cerebrolysin from nootropic.eu. The shipping took 5 working days. I will definitely reorder from them as the price of Cerebrolysin and shipping is very affordable compared to other suppliers.
So you know the technique for starting IV locks. Same here! I haven't tried IM yet so I am yet to concur with the differences in administration. Will start another round this Monday. Cant wait!
Posted 13 January 2013 - 02:11 AM
Posted 13 January 2013 - 02:52 AM
Posted 13 January 2013 - 04:09 AM
He cut his thumb when opening an ampule
ProTip: Put the alcohol wipe sachet packet over the head of the ampule before breaking.
Edited by Mr Matsubayashi, 13 January 2013 - 04:10 AM.
Posted 13 January 2013 - 04:22 AM
Mr Matsubayashi is having a very bad day
He cut his thumb when opening an ampule
ProTip: Put the alcohol wipe sachet packet over the head of the ampule before breaking.
Just use a TeaTowel. I had one specifically for that
Posted 13 January 2013 - 04:43 AM
Just use a TeaTowel. I had one specifically for that
Is there a risk of the TeaTowel making contact with the ampule opening or fibers from the tea towel entering the ampule? Using the alcohol wipe sachet works well, it also nicely packages the ampule head for disposal.
Posted 13 January 2013 - 05:35 AM
ok I see ! Well don't be too worried about this, used gauge 25 and approc 1 inch needles, i've used those for years. Where do you plan on injecting ?
Your alternative is the cebria pill.... not shure is there is a loading phase though. I haven't heard anybody else besides me on this forum who used so.
Five locations per side, the first is just forward of the ventrogluteal area and they work around my side to the dorsogluteal area. I have marked the areas with small numbers to signify the schedule of injection to increase the time between injection localities. I'm using xylene free permanent marker and I don't inject directly on the marked area. Once I'm familiar with the sites I'll stop marking them.
Edit: This youtube video is good COPYURLhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JH413AIgZ3k
Edit: I nearly passed out on my first injection, I recommend laying down the first time. Distracting yourself also helps, I tried counting the seconds between each 1ml of injection and I played a movie in the background.
Edited by Mr Matsubayashi, 13 January 2013 - 06:12 AM.
Posted 13 January 2013 - 08:11 AM
I have been administering Cerebrolysin now three weeks IM, yesterday was the first IV injection, effects are much more noticeable than IM. The dosage has been 5ml 5 times a week and I'm going to run it 4 weeks on 8 weeks off.
The effects has been:
-slightly anxiolytic feeling from the first day, I can handle more stress now.
-tolerance to stimulants has lowered significantly.
-better response to Piracetam. Before I didn't respond to any racetams and Noopept or the effect was so slight that I barely could feel it. Now I can feel mild increase in concentration and mildly stimulated feeling with Piracetam. Haven't tried other racetams or Noopept yet.
-clearer mind and better verbal fluency with IV injection. About 10 minutes after I start injecting intravenously I can feel a refreshing and clear feeling.
Just got my 2nd order of Cerebrolysin from nootropic.eu. The shipping took 5 working days. I will definitely reorder from them as the price of Cerebrolysin and shipping is very affordable compared to other suppliers.
So you know the technique for starting IV locks. Same here! I haven't tried IM yet so I am yet to concur with the differences in administration. Will start another round this Monday. Cant wait!
Actually I didn't infuse it so I didn't need to do a saline lock. I injected it with butterfly needle as it was such a small dose (5ml) so it didn't have to be infused. The injection took about 15 minutes and after it I flushed the line with saline. I will cycle the injection sites so there is less risk for vein damage.
Doses of up to 5 ml IM and up to 10 ml undiluted IV may be given. Doses between
10 ml up to a maximum of 50 ml are recommended only as a slow intravenous infusion
after dilution with the suggested standard infusion solutions. The duration of the
infusion should be between 15 and 60 mins.
Posted 14 January 2013 - 11:45 AM
Edited by Megatrone, 14 January 2013 - 11:52 AM.
Posted 14 January 2013 - 12:23 PM
Posted 15 January 2013 - 01:56 AM
Posted 15 January 2013 - 10:46 AM
Posted 15 January 2013 - 05:03 PM
Posted 15 January 2013 - 05:04 PM
My other possible course of action is to take the 10 x 10ml vials over the course of a month in a different way - e.g. by taking 10ml every second day (same as taking 5 ml everyday) and adding the 2 day extra break on every 5 days. Would this be likely to produce good results? I am interested in any opinion or a suggestion on the topic, so please chime in as I have to order the syringes and other materials in the next few days so I can start myself on the Cerebrolysin and I am doing that as soon as I figure out how will I administer it.
Posted 15 January 2013 - 05:28 PM
Yes. This is commonly done with many medications for variety of reasons, the most common being travel.Would it be possible to split a 10 ml vial by taking 5 ml with one syringe and 5 ml with other and leaving the second 5ml syringe in a plastic bag in the fridge over night and injecting it the next day?
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