Does levetiracetam have the same nootropic effects of piracetam? I am intrested in using it as an adjunctive treatment to my bipolar. I am looking for a bipolar medication that does not affect cognition.

Posted 13 April 2009 - 07:58 AM
Does levetiracetam have the same nootropic effects of piracetam? I am intrested in using it as an adjunctive treatment to my bipolar. I am looking for a bipolar medication that does not affect cognition.
Posted 13 April 2009 - 10:39 AM
Does levetiracetam have the same nootropic effects of piracetam? I am intrested in using it as an adjunctive treatment to my bipolar. I am looking for a bipolar medication that does not affect cognition.
Does lithium effect cognition?
Posted 13 April 2009 - 11:24 AM
The drug that gave me this awesome side effect was Keppra. Unfortunately, it also gave me terrible nightmares that occurred over and over each night and I could not tolerate it, so I had to stop taking it.
After taking Keppra, I know without a doubt that some people can have this kind of memory capabilities. It was truly mind blowing. I felt a little guilty in C++ programming class, like I was cheating, because I could just "see" all of the books I had been reading, word for word, and I could recount each book word for word. I was actually correcting the computer science professor. I was to the point where I could've probably learned a foreign language in a week.
Too bad I couldn't continue to take this drug. I may try it again in the future just to see if it happens again. I'd take it just for the memory benefits if it doesn't cause serious (bad) side effects.
For reference levetiracetam aka keppra is used to treat epilepsy.
There are a few studies on pubmed showing a nootropic effect.
I am not sure if this person just had the right genetics to unlock the effect or if they would get the same effect from piracetam.
Posted 13 April 2009 - 06:01 PM
Lithium increases the amount of neurons in the prefrontal cortex among other things and has some nootropic value. However, because it is metabolized by the kidenys and not the liver my doctor is reluctant to put me on it. If a drug damages my liver, it has the capability of regenerate. If my kidneys are damaged by lithum I need new kidenys.
Posted 14 April 2009 - 12:21 AM
I don't think the long-term neurotrophic effect requires very big doses.
Posted 14 April 2009 - 01:15 AM
Posted 14 April 2009 - 01:47 AM
look into cox-2 inhibition for preventing nephrotoxicity from lithium. posted some studies at dr-bob.
I don't think the long-term neurotrophic effect requires very big doses.
Most studies I am finding show that Cox-2 inhibitors increase the risk of lithium toxicity to the kidney.
Posted 17 February 2012 - 06:54 AM
Posted 17 February 2012 - 07:55 AM
I know this is an old thread, but I'd like to know the dose of Keppra/Levetiracetam that is used for nootropic effects. I'd like to experiment with photographic memory. That URL from '09 still works and is the cheapest dose I've found.
You could just experiment with the doses the pharma site advices: 250-500-750-1000mg, and see if any of them give you the supreme memory effect.
I personally think people claiming achieving photographic memory by medicine are exaggerating or lying. Eventually you'll just waste a load of money and be disappointed.
Good luck, though.
Posted 17 February 2012 - 01:16 PM
Posted 18 February 2012 - 03:51 PM
Posted 18 February 2012 - 08:20 PM
I know this is an old thread, but I'd like to know the dose of Keppra/Levetiracetam that is used for nootropic effects. I'd like to experiment with photographic memory. That URL from '09 still works and is the cheapest dose I've found.

- Sleepiness
- Weakness
- Fatigue
- Dizziness or loss of balance.
- Shaky movements and unsteady walk (ataxia).
- Headache.
- Problems with attention
- Memory loss.
- Hyperactivity.
- Shaking, usually of the hands (tremor).
- Depression.
- Unstable moods (emotional lability).
- Difficulty sleeping (insomnia).
- Nervousness, agitation, restlessness.
- Hostility, irritability, aggression.
- Personality disorders.
- Gut disturbances; including: abdominal pain, diarrhoea, nausea, indigestion and vomiting.
- Loss of appetite.
- Double or blurred vision.
- Rash or itching.
- Sore Throat.
- Hair loss.
- Pins and needles sensations.
- Disturbances in the normal numbers of blood cells in the blood.
- Inflammation of the liver or pancreas.
- Severe allergic reactions (rash; hives; itching; difficulty breathing; tightness in the chest; swelling of the mouth, face, lips, or tongue)
- Suicidal thoughts or attempts
- Dark urine
- Decreased coordination
- Fever
- Chills
- Hallucinations
- Sores
- Panic attacks
- New or worsening seizures
- Unusual bruising or bleeding
- Vision changes
- Yellowing of the skin or eyes
Posted 18 February 2012 - 10:35 PM
Posted 19 February 2012 - 10:18 AM
Dammit, Jim.
I know!

Perhaps look into PHENYLPIRACETAM (and COLURACETAM) instead

Posted 19 February 2012 - 05:31 PM
Posted 19 February 2012 - 05:52 PM
Levetiracetam is generally well tolerated and side effects are rare and mild. That is a long list - and probably all possible - but tiredness and sometimes anger are the only side effects you usually hear about. Then, it is used to calm down an over active brain (epilepsy), so if you do not have an overactive brain, then the side effect of tiredness could be expected. There have been anecdotal reports of lessening these side effects with B6 supplementation. I have read many accounts of cognitive enhancements with levetiracetam - whether it is a nootropic in its own right or whether this is just because levertiracetam brings the brain back to normal for those that need it I am not sure. It is probably that I will experiment with levetiracetam in the future if I can get a prescription - there have been reports that it has helped a drug induced visual perception disorder which I have (HPPD).
Hey user1,
I know exactly where you are coming from with regards to COMPLETE SIDE EFFECTS LISTS, in that ANY drug will have a list of SIDE EFFECTS the length of your arm and that that does not mean you will get some, all or in fact any of those side effects; however, with respect to LEVETIRACETAM this is in fact NOT one of those instances.
Please kindly note the SIDE EFFECTS specifically listed as VERY COMMON and COMMON; these by definition WILL be VERY COMMONLY and COMMONLY experienced

As further substantiation please see the following online PATIENT USER FEEDBACK regarding SIDE EFFECTS experienced when taking LEVETIRACETAM

RATEADRUG.COM - KEPPRA (Scroll down to the bottom of the page and read the USER COMMENTS)
RATEADRUG.COM - LEVETIRACETAM (Scroll down to the bottom of the page and read the USER COMMENTS)
As such, I feel the need to repeat that I STRONGLY ADVISE against HEALTHY INDIVIDUALS taking LEVETIRACETAM for the purpose of seeking NOOTROPIC therapeutic effects, or otherwise

Edited by ScienceGuy, 19 February 2012 - 05:56 PM.
Posted 19 February 2012 - 06:32 PM
Levetiracetam efficacy in Hallucinogen Persisting Perception Disorders:
a prospective study - I can't post the link for this one, but here's a quote "Side effects were
few in incidence and mild in severity. No patient discontinued" - this is from 27 patients (1500mg per day)
Also, anecdotal accounts from people on the HPPD forum suggest side effects are mild and rare.
Also note - high amounts are usually taken because it is usually used to treat medical conditions.
In addition, should any side effect appear the product can be discontinued.
I also mentioned B6 reduces side effects for a lot of people: http://onlinelibrary...1_16.x/abstract
Nevertheless, I don't recommend people on this forum to pursue levetiracetam unless you have a medical condition that necessitates it. There are better options available for nootropic purposes.
It's also worth noting that there is the small possibility of some of the more serious side effects which obviously do not look pleasent.
Edited by user1, 19 February 2012 - 06:42 PM.
Posted 19 February 2012 - 07:42 PM
I agree that levetiracetam will have more side effects than your standard nootropic, and you should not take it if you do not need it...
...Nevertheless, I don't recommend people on this forum to pursue levetiracetam unless you have a medical condition that necessitates it. There are better options available for nootropic purposes.
I wholeheartedly agree

However, I think you are making out the side effects to be more common than they actually are.
With the utmost respect, I am NOT; in fact, you are making out the SIDE EFFECTS are less common than they actually are

It would be very irresponsible indeed to suggest that healthy individuals can take this drug which is medically, clinically and statistically proven to yield a wide array of VERY COMMON and COMMON SIDE EFFECTS

Did you in fact take the time to read through the many, many patient reviews of LEVETIRACETAM on the ASKAPATIENT and RATEDRUG websites?

Here's just a FEW examples:
“I am constantly sleepy and several times a day I experience a brief feeling of utter melanchholy. Everything seems dismal. I take 500 mg a day.”
"I wasn't having seizures, so I thought. My husband said he'd wake up in the middle of the night and I would be stiff and my eyes would be open! Rage, major mood swings, horrible focus, lack of regard for family and friends at times. Beside the rage, major mood swings, horrible focus and lack of respect for family...etc. 1.5 yrs after starting it I had so much of these side effects that I got divorced from the most loving man ever. I felt caged, mad, sad, disassociated and not understood... It's been 1.5 yrs since the horrible things I said and did... I've felt guilty and disconnected for so long and now I just wish I never used Keppra XR. I was on Tegretol 200mg for 15 yrs and never had seizures or side effects (except drowsiness). Keppra XR put me into a mental state to let me ruin the best thing in my life..."
"Horrendous! Lamotrogine working well but Keppra added to help further. Dreadful, angry, depressed, aggressive, wanting to drink alcohol, suicidal, unreasonable, considered self harm. Poor balance, cried a lot. I did not recognise myself and neither did my family. Normally, friendly and good tempered.Laughing a lot! Behaved well through all surgery etc and not one to make a fuss - positive thinking is the best way. KEPPRA was a nightmare. GP had not prescribed - the hospital controlled medication for epilepsy etc. They were excellent at all times - but when the effects were seen, they immediately said Keppra… I am cross that such a drug can be given with no warning of the possible side effects. My General Practitioner who had known me for years - did not see these side effects and recommended me to a psychiatrist!!"
“major personality changes, anger, depression, irrational thoughts. I would constantly remember and rehash horrible events from 20 years ago. Things that used to never bother me all of a sudden did. I hurt my loved ones very badly while on keppra… I would not recommend Keppra to anyone”
“Irritability, insomnia, severe headaches, anxiety, tremors, fatigue…Had only had 1 seizure ever (2 months ago) when neurologist prescribed this for me. Side effects were horrible and effected every aspect of daily life...”
“My neurologist prescribed Keppra, and I took 500mg in the morning and 500 mg in the evening (noting that the dose was increased in 250mg increments per week, over four weeks). I did not have any seizures while on Keppra, which is a good thing, but I could not fall asleep no matter how exhausted I was. It was utterly miserable; I was getting one or two hours of sleep at the most each night and could barely function during the day. My neurologist thought that the insomnia would be a short term side effect while my body adjusted to the medication, and prescribed sleeping pills. The pills did help, but after six months there was no change in my insomnia and I was not willing to make sleeping pills a permanent part of my life. We gradually switched from Keppra to a different medicine, and the insomnia went away.”
“Started at 500mg 2x/day, then after 5 days went to 1500 mg/day, with scheduled increase. I was fine for the first week, then went to an unrelated doctor appt. While there, I got shaky and confused. Thinking slowed. Difficulty walking, needed wheelchair. Caused seizure like activity. Speech became elongated , distorted, and slow. Speech became VERY slow, then could not move arms. Tears for no reason(I mean HYSTERICAL!) Apologized all over for everything. Started making odd noises and could not stop. Started shaking all over. They took me to the ER and I became very tired. They kept hollering at me to keep my eyes open and talk to them. Might get exceptionally quiet/softspoken. Doctors believed these were side effects of Keppra, not seizures. They tried reducing the dose fom 1500 mg/day to 1000. The next day I was in the ER again for the same symptoms, but also noticed my upper back ardhed backward. After 3 trips to ER, they took me off & switched me to another drug…”
“Horrible aggitation, violent out bursts, made me hate every one that I loved and love everyone that I did not even know -nor was I really phyisically attracted or intillectually attracted to them. I presented a very sexy and I am available and looking demeanor and anyone who responded, got what they were looking for. I had no control and did not see anything wrong with what I was doing until well after I was off the drug. I stiil try to justify everything I did (in my mind) but know I really did do all of those horrible things and hurt my wonderful and loving husband so terribly much. It made me become very promiscuous, I went from extreemly shy to very bold, constantly demanding attention, especially sexual attention. It ruined my marriage and has left me devistated, even though I am off of it and no longer have any remaining ill effects. I am back to my old prudish and shy self, but I have a lot of humiliating sexual baggage that even I can't bear to admit. Stay away from this…”
“Lower lip became strangly numb, then tingled, certain fingers went also went numb and then tingled constantly. And no, I did not chew the pill and smear it on my lips and fingers. Frightening dreams, disturbed sleep. Had odd seizures, almost paralyzed and aware. The numbness and tingling went on for at least two months after stopping the drug…I feel there are incentives for physicians when I see them pimp a drug and lie about side effects. Not the first time, oh well.”
“Depressed, Suicidal, Impulsive… I became extremely depressed and impulsive. I overdosed [attempted to commit suicide] THREE times while on this medication.”
“Keppra was a very wierd, unpleasant experience for me. Headaches, exhaustion, overall weakness, falling asleep in the afternoon and then not being able to sleep at night, pain around my eyes, slow reactions. It caused a wierd seizure after the second day of taking it-I was injured after walking into a pillar. My overall reaction times and thinking were slowed down by the keppra. When I wasn't falling asleep I was forgetting things. Doctor took me off of it and I continued to have trouble sleeping and being depressed or irritable, really nasty moods..I'm still waiting for it to get out of my system two 1/2 weeks later, still very depressed. I had so many new symptoms to keep track of, it was hard to know if it helped my seizures, possibly, but it altered the type of seizures I was having such that they were longer than usual.”
“Memory loss (short & long), losing words, can't get words out of mouth. Confusion, extreme fear, can't think logically or figure things out. Verbally impulsive, significant weight loss, can't proof read, emotions waaaay out of control… This drug had a complete paradoxical effect for me. Every bad sympton I had got LOTS worse, especially the seizures. This drug made me want to be checking into a mental hospital.”
“Weight gain, puffy face, severe calf muscle cramps, knee pain to the point I was bedridden for 6 days and now have torn ligaments. Was only on Keppra three weeks…”
“Attacks of expressive aphasia (loss of speech and understanding of language) increasing in length and frequency. Increasing aphasia, then stupor and confusion continued until he reached a state similar to advanced Alzheimer's… LETHAL STUFF!!! My father, 66, was on Keppra for about 2.5 weeks. His only other prescription was a high-blood pressure pill that he'd been on for years. After the first few days of Keppra, he started having short episodes of confusion, weakness, and loss of speech. Gradually, attacks/symptoms increased until it scrambled his brain and he had to be admitted to a hospital. Keppra was stopped and the attacks of aphasia ended within 12 hours. His ability to speak has mostly returned, but he's confused and child-like. Will he ever fully come back from what this drug did to him?”
“mood swings like crazy, hyper and sleepy simultaneously, talkative,outgoing, irritable, violent,drowsy, memory loss, conentration problems, dizziness, IT SUCKS (my first week stillthough) and I feel like I will lose my head! KEPPRA SUCKA SO FAR!!! IT makes me feel like I am about to go off my rocker. So nuts. I want to fight and cry and sleep and I THINK irrationally.”
“I've been on this junk for 1 week and I've had muscle pain from the waist down as if I've walked a marathon. I have Vertigo, razor sharp pains in my chest, racing heart at bedtime 1 hour after taking 250 mgs. I'm very agitated towards husband and kids, it's 2am and I'm wide awake… Awful Drug :-(“
“After about two weeks of use, my side effects worsened until I felt so sick, I stoped taking Keppra. At its worst, I was dizzy (even when lying down), and could not walk more than a few feet without losing my balance, I was also very emotional (sad). No fever, but I was 'hot and cold' at the same time. Overall, very tired and weak.”
“sedation, irritability (in the AM), loss of coordination, brain fog, more easily frustrated, increased anger, mild hair loss. Haven't noticed any significant difference in the frequency of my migraines/headaches. Certainly none that outweigh the side-effects.”
“At first, loss of memory, trouble thinking and recalling words. Blurred vision. Dizziness, numbness tingling in hands and feet. Weakness in hands. And RAGE!! I started to get some mouth problems. At first it was a metalic taste and dry feeling, but also a lot of saliva. This got worse and worse over time. I asked for help from everyone. Doctor, dentist, neuro, hygenist. They all said my mouth looked normal, but one said she could refer me to a dermatologist. I lived with it, then 10 days ago I got a rash... I'm really scared.”
“VERY short fuse, lots of rage over little things and towards loved ones. After a couple months became more and more filled with rage and anger. Got to the point where I didn't care about anything or hurting anyone. Another couple months and I would have been divorced.”
“Insomnia. Fatigue. Weakness. Cannot recall words -- will be stopped in mid-sentence not able to come up with the word I want/need. Generally feel unwell. Have not had any further seizures -- so it does work BUT there are side-effects”
“constant headache; anxious; emotionally distresssed; difficult to live with (2000 mg perday). Had hoped Keppra would have less side effects”
“I felt like I was in a cloud: extremely drowsy, tired and weak. I was fighting off a feeling of depression and tendency towards anxiety. “
“tiredness... depression, suicidal thoughts, irritable, social withdrawal. dull headaches”
“Anxiety, depression, rage… after reaching a therapeutic dose, increased seizures.”
“weight loss, short term memory loss, word finding difficulties, sleepiness, imbalance…was horrible for me. Made me feel drugged.”
“sudden mood changes, depression, bad memory, felt disconnected, episodes of mania and sensory sensitivities (noise, light, movement) which created a lot of anxiety. I hadn't had side effects like these before and they 95% went away after getting off. Felt horrible getting off but after two weeks I could go out in public again without sensory overload! This drug truly governed how I lived my life. I believe this is typically given to older adults???”
“he was very tired, and very moody!! and later he was falling a lot. which is one of the side effects from the medicine!! I did not like this medicine at all. he fell all the time, i know he was young, but it was a constant thing, after they switched his medicine he stopped falling. he was also sooooo cranky!!!!! and it didnt help much with his seizures (he was 2 at the time he was on this medicine)”
“severe anger, depression, hard to get any sort of joy”
“I am experiencing lower and upper back, neck and hip pain. It is especially difficult to straighten up and bend down in the morning. I must have been having small CPS's for a long time before I had one that required a trip in an ambulance to the emergency room when I was found confused, wandering around my neighborhood with one shoe on.”
“Lack of Appetite, some memory problems, learning problems and mood changes. Some sleep deprevation.”
“Stirred up - pissed off. Well it helped but had some unpleasant affects... short temper and really amped up”
“weight gain (20lbs in 2 months), lethargy, nausea, severe depression… it did not control myoclonic seizures, only the grand mal. Side effects were a b*tch.”
“I've had exhaustion, been dizzy off and on… coordination and balance problems, severe mood swings & crying jags, hair loss and breakage, physical pain throughout body and especially in joints lately, to the point of not being able to move about easily, leg weakness, intestinal problems, itching and hives… can't tolerate the cold, but suddenly can get hot indoors when it's freezing out, especially at night, addictive thoughts & feelings where I suddenly desperately & intensely need chocolate or salty things, want to drink, or have sex... Worried about the leg and joint pains, my knees are clicking and feel like the bones are turning or twisting, also some burning feeling.”
“fatigue, somnolence, hostility, hair loss, very low blood pressure (65/35)… side effects are affecting quality of life”
“difficulty staying asleep, emotional over reaction.
“With Keppra I am clumbsy, sometimes lose my balance and stumble it also has made my legs very weak I have gained a lot of weight and feel sleepy most of the time.”
“ran down, dizziness, sexual side effects, loss of appetite… having a disorientated period that lasts anywhere up to 45 mins averaging about every other day right now”
“Had depression and crying spells, as well as insomnia. Had complete seizure control on this medication, but eventually had to go off because I couldn't stand only getting 5-6 hrs of sleep per night. Depression was helped with an antidepressant and did go away after going off Keppra.”
“SLEEPINESS! I just want to sleep all the time, which is a problem cos I have a busy school and social life. Also, irritability but I don't know if this is just when I can't sleep. Short but quite severe headaches.”
“Rage, Extreme anger issues (broke someones car windshield for making me angry) had no previous criminal record, need a daily nap in the middle of the day, hair loss, dry feet! This drug caused me major weight gain of 100 pounds in 6 years.”
“weight gain, memory loss and sluggish”
“anxiety sometimes, irritable, easily fustrated, drowsy, no prob eating, although side effects were not great, i never had a seizure on keppra”.
“Dizziness, weakness in arms and legs, sleepiness, and nausea. Keppra has been very good at controlling my seizures and any seizure activity, but I find the side effects to be difficult to live with. I like to be active, but the dizziness and weakness I experience on this med provide such a disincentive for pursuing those activities I enjoy.”
“I am currently experiencing hypotension and muscle spasms, especially in my chest area. I'm tired all of the time, but when I go to bed, I can't fall asleep. I'm now very moody and have very sever headaches. I can hear my heartbeat loudly in my left ear, but after MRIs and CT scans, nothing abnormal was found.”
“My dosis started with 500mg twice a day, for two days, and then it was lowered (due to vertigo) to 250mg twice a day. When I began to take Keppra I got dizzy, very tired during the day, even though I also got plenty of sleep, I lost many eyelashes and eyebrow hair, another side effect was mild depression (my doctor's words), and my arms where itching a lot throughout the day…”
“The best way to put it is i am not myself anymore. My moods turn dark no matter how hard i try to channel them in a differernt direction. I become angry at the drop of a hat and have no idea why. I have no happy feelings anymore. I was much stronger than this. I feel invisible. Now they want to put me on depakote so i can sleep the rest of my life away. I am 54 years old and have had gran mol seizures since i was 7. These a-fypical seizures that have started are horrible because i never know what they are going to do to mme. I want to see my grandchildren grow up and i don't think that is going to happen.”
Edited by ScienceGuy, 19 February 2012 - 07:44 PM.
Posted 19 February 2012 - 10:36 PM

Posted 20 February 2012 - 08:30 AM
Posted 20 February 2012 - 09:12 AM
I, um, bought Noopept... instead.
Very sensible

Posted 20 February 2012 - 04:43 PM
Get Smart seems like a horribly expensive thing for mostly just aniracetam and centrophenoxine. The rest of the formula is in such low doses it barely matters..
I bought it under the presumption that the formula was built around synergism, not fillers, but I'm not longer sure this is the case. I'm clearly willing to pay a premium for an "all in one" pill with more than one ingredient and I'm open to suggestions. Heck, I wonder if I could market a product like that myself. Hmmm...
Posted 20 February 2012 - 04:56 PM
I bought it under the presumption that the formula was built around synergism, not fillers, but I'm not longer sure this is the case. I'm clearly willing to pay a premium for an "all in one" pill with more than one ingredient and I'm open to suggestions. Heck, I wonder if I could market a product like that myself. Hmmm...
A wonder combo pill would definitely sell, but there's a reason there's no such thing as of yet, I think.
Maybe preferences on doses. Some people are sensitive, others are not. Some need choline, others dont. Et cetera.
I think in the piracetam effectiveness thread where they talk about glutamate and calcium brain levels, the thread starter was researching for a novel combo nootropic.
Edited by Baten, 20 February 2012 - 04:56 PM.
Posted 20 February 2012 - 05:03 PM
I bought it under the presumption that the formula was built around synergism, not fillers, but I'm not longer sure this is the case. I'm clearly willing to pay a premium for an "all in one" pill with more than one ingredient and I'm open to suggestions. Heck, I wonder if I could market a product like that myself. Hmmm...
A wonder combo pill would definitely sell, but there's a reason there's no such thing as of yet, I think.
Maybe preferences on doses. Some people are sensitive, others are not. Some need choline, others dont. Et cetera.
I think in the piracetam effectiveness thread where they talk about glutamate and calcium brain levels, the thread starter was researching for a novel combo nootropic.
I agree. A 'ONE-SHOE-FITS-ALL' ULTIMATE NOOTROPIC combination product is a PRACTICAL IMPOSSIBILITY, since the ideal dosages for the individual subcomponents would vary significantly from person to person

Posted 20 February 2012 - 05:26 PM
Posted 27 December 2012 - 05:35 PM
Posted 10 August 2013 - 02:44 AM
........................As far as the memory function goes, I am taking PhenylPiracetam for that purpose and I would like to add my 2 cents about the bad dreams. I am taking these Nootropics in a personal effort to cure myself of the effects of Secondary Addisons Disease, which is caused by the Pituitary. The Pituitary fails to send the hormone signal to the Adrenals, causing Adrenal fatigue or failure. This results in chronic low blood pressure, low cortisol and other problems. I have had it all my life and from what I can tell it is genetic through my mother. She had her Thyroid removed about 20 years ago for a similar problem. As you may know, the Pituitary is the source of the hormones for both Thyroid and Adrenals. Well, it turns out that some of the good effects of Nootropics is that they boost brain hormones (adrenocorticoltropic's) and guess what? They really really really help with my Secondary Addisons disease symptoms. The alternative is taking steroids that my Endocrinologist proscribes and they have as bad a symptom list as your objectionable list posted earlier in this thread for Kreppa at 1500 mg twice daily. No thankyou!! (Steroids are very toxic. Some of them actually cause cancer!) So, as I was saying, I take these to prevent my symptoms, namely associated with low blood pressure. I have also been taking Noopept for quite some of the nicest "side effects" of Noopept are the incredibly euphoric dreams. And the fact it totally makes the ringing in my ears go away --lol Later, when I started talking PhenylPiracetam, I was very surprised that it has a bit of a harsh on the buzz. It has no effect on the ringing in my ears at all: that is Noopept only. Its really a Soldiers drug: It makes you strong and aggressive. (apparently developed for Soldiers in the Soviet Union originally, now adapted for their use into geriatrics) The PhenylPiracetam makes me want to move furniture and go to the gym and end up spending 3 hours there. Its really a strength drug............this is the one that was banned by the 2006 Winter Olympics as a "performance enhancing substance". You can imagine how great that sounds to me, when I faint just walking down the stairs ! --lol It gives you a kind of joy in your strength, the kind of joy you see in professional surfing and in skateboarders who cant stop skating to come in and eat their dinner.
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