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What's going on with Rhodiola?

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#1 .cotton

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Posted 09 May 2009 - 12:42 AM

Hi there,

I first took Rhodiola a couple of months ago with great results. I tried the Holland and Barret HerbTech product (which only states a stadardized salidrozide content of 1% with no mention of the rosavin content) and immediately felt a euphoric type high as well increased motivation, stamina and elevated mood. I took 500mg in the morning and some times 250mg in the evening. After 5 weeks I decided to take a 2 week break as recommended by most forum posters.

Following the two week break, I tried the Solgar brand since it gauranteed the rosavin content at 3%, however, it had no effect at all. Thinking I had developed a tolerance I decided to try my HerbTech batch the next day, sure enough I got the same results as before only a little less intense. So I assumed that Solgar was either rubbish or I just got a bad batch. With this in mind I went for the NewChapter brand as I have read good reviews, but again this was just as useless as the Solgar.

What's going on? I am very confused. If it is a brand issue could someone recommend something else?

Many thanks.

P.S. Another thing, I noticed a very distinct smell and flavour from the HerbTech brand which was not evident in the Solgar and NewChapter products.

Edited by .cotton, 09 May 2009 - 12:50 AM.

#2 desperate788

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Posted 09 May 2009 - 01:18 AM

Hi there,

I first took Rhodiola a couple of months ago with great results. I tried the Holland and Barret HerbTech product (which only states a stadardized salidrozide content of 1% with no mention of the rosavin content) and immediately felt a euphoric type high as well increased motivation, stamina and elevated mood. I took 500mg in the morning and some times 250mg in the evening. After 5 weeks I decided to take a 2 week break as recommended by most forum posters.

Following the two week break, I tried the Solgar brand since it gauranteed the rosavin content at 3%, however, it had no effect at all. Thinking I had developed a tolerance I decided to try my HerbTech batch the next day, sure enough I got the same results as before only a little less intense. So I assumed that Solgar was either rubbish or I just got a bad batch. With this in mind I went for the NewChapter brand as I have read good reviews, but again this was just as useless as the Solgar.

What's going on? I am very confused. If it is a brand issue could someone recommend something else?

Many thanks.

P.S. Another thing, I noticed a very distinct smell and flavour from the HerbTech brand which was not evident in the Solgar and NewChapter products.

I'm using rhodalia for two weeks ı think, ı didn't notice much but ı think its effects are cumulative. One important point is ı had a noticeable boost with my libido but ı take so many things don't know if its rhodolia.

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#3 RoadToAwe

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Posted 09 May 2009 - 04:45 AM

Try Arctic Root®. It is a proprietary extract(SHR-5) from Swedish Herbal Institute and has been used in many clinical trials.


If you are in the States you can order it from here:

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#4 ajnast4r

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Posted 09 May 2009 - 05:13 AM

Try Arctic Root®. It is a proprietary extract(SHR-5) from Swedish Herbal Institute and has been used in many clinical trials.


If you are in the States you can order it from here:


i will second that... i've used the shr-5 extract, as well as many other brands of rhodiola (enzymatic therapy, gaia herbs, lef, new chapter) and the shr-5 was much more potent and consistent in its effects.

im not familiar with holland and barret, but if you are responding in a way to their extract that you dont to others and it claims to have a similar standardization... my guess is that the rosavin/saliroside content is much higher than listed, which is probably not a good thing... rhodiola should not be inducing euphoria consistently at a 500mg dose.
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#5 outsider

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Posted 09 May 2009 - 07:26 AM

You are stressing a point consistant with lots of things.

When people take heroine, for example, don't they say the first time is always the best and they try to replicate the experience with stronger doses ?

Often when I try a new powerful herb the same thing happen you can find a pretty interesting mood lift at first and then it goes away but the deep benefits are still working, it just that you feel normal. Let me tell you my story. I was diagnosed OCD and the only thing that worked against that problem for me was effexor (powerful antidepressor) I was taking 300 mg at the time. Well the first time I tried it (75 mg ) my mood was lifted and then it went away but at the same time my OCD symptoms were going away... but I felt normal. And then every 2 weeks the dose would be upped by 75 mg every time my mood was lifted and then nothing but the OCD symptoms, they were going completely away. By the way I was incredibly grateful for the total recovery, that is what I call liberation.

And then something very interesting. I wanted to switch to natural antidepressor after a while. This is in 2005. I completely stopped cold turky my effexor something not recommended because you can have electric shock down your spine. I was lucky the only thing I felt was one electrick shock beside feeling like total crap. Vomit come to my mind when I try to describe how I felt. I felt like a pile of vomit. But only for 3 days because that's the time I gave myself to get rid of the effexor in my blood before switching to natural herbs, I didn't want to get the serotonine syndrome by mixing pharmacological antidepressant and natural ones. Anyway I chose Rodiola Rosea, St John's wort and vitamine B6 all at the same time to boost serotonin in my brain, I wanted it to work. Wow it felt good within an hour. I remember telling myself that it was much better than effexor. I was motivated. But then of course the mood lift and the motivation went away but this was working for my OCD perfectly again. No symptoms. Just felt normal.

The same thing happened again with Tulsi the herb Occimum Sanctum. When I first tried it wow the next day I felt so great. But now when I try it again it doesn't seem to give me the same incredible light feeling but it it still working. You guys should try this for stress.

Same thing happened with triphala. But what happen when you try natural herbs is that the first mood lift might go away but after a couple of weeks what I notice is a real result of more energy, more alertness, better communication, more memory, things like that, it makes you fell normal but more performant and that is the real gift of "adaptogen". The greatest adaptogen one could take in my opinion is a preparation named Chyawanprash. It is made with amalaki with 40 other herbs you should take 30 grams of this herbal jam for great results. It made a big difference in my life when I first tried it. Now I take a mix of amalaki 6 grams and other herbs in bulk and I have the same results.

And with herbs like amalaki you don't need breaks because you are not after the mood lift but the permanent energy lift.

When I smoke one cigaret once a month I get mood lift everytime but ask any regular smoker they don't get mood lift anymore. They only get cancer.

Edited by outsider, 09 May 2009 - 07:31 AM.

#6 .cotton

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Posted 09 May 2009 - 04:35 PM

Thanks for the replies,

I have been trying to get my hands on Arctic Root shr-5 for quite sometime now. Unfortunately, it seems to be unavailable in the UK. Does anyone know of a vendor delivering to the UK?
Also, am I right in understanding that proactivebio.com are giving away arctic root for free? If so it's a real shame they are not delivering the uk.

#7 outsider

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Posted 10 May 2009 - 03:27 AM

Sorry tryed to edit my previous post and end up making a new quoted post... I thought I could erase this post but can't find the option.

Edited by outsider, 10 May 2009 - 03:31 AM.

#8 amere

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Posted 27 May 2009 - 05:41 PM

Just to add that in my experience Solgar and New Chapter are indeed rubbish and do nothing. I'd be more inclined to chalk this up to brand than metabolism issues. Try Eclectic Institute or Paradise Herbs. I've always found them consistently effective. As in, I could at least tell there was an effect. iHerb deliver both to the UK.

#9 luminous

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Posted 28 May 2009 - 04:42 AM

Product Information
Arctic Root®
Arctic Root is currently available only to regular customers. If you have been a frequent Arctic Root customer in the past, please order one box and you will be charged only for the $5 shipping. We will send you 30 free tablets as often as you need them -- a courtesy from your friends at ProActive BioProducts. You can continue to order your courtesy Arctic Root until our new storefront and new products arrive in the late-May timeframe. New customers or previous buyers of Arctic Root: If you have not tried the wonderful Rhodiola product Adapt 232, now is your chance as we have plenty in stock and will continue to stock it throughout this period.
Our Price: $0.00

This is a little strange. They're supposedly giving away Arctic Root to "regular customers" as a courtesy. Apparently this is on the honor system, because it seems that I could go ahead and get 30 "free" tablets even though I've never been a customer. Of course, the company tacks on a $5 shipping fee, but that still doesn't sound like much for 30 tablets. Why are they doing this? The company also markets another Rhodiola product called Adapt 232 for $19.95. Hmmm, wonder which one I'd choose...

#10 ajnast4r

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Posted 28 May 2009 - 05:17 AM

This is a little strange. They're supposedly giving away Arctic Root to "regular customers" as a courtesy. Apparently this is on the honor system, because it seems that I could go ahead and get 30 "free" tablets even though I've never been a customer. Of course, the company tacks on a $5 shipping fee, but that still doesn't sound like much for 30 tablets. Why are they doing this? The company also markets another Rhodiola product called Adapt 232 for $19.95. Hmmm, wonder which one I'd choose...

they wont send it to you, i tried lol. they are going to be selling a new product which should be in soon, but no more shr5 unfortunately. also adapt32 is rhodiola, schizandra & eleuthero.

#11 stephen_b

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Posted 28 May 2009 - 06:33 PM

This is a little strange. They're supposedly giving away Arctic Root to "regular customers" as a courtesy.

I ordered the Adapt-232 product from them and the included several sample boxes of Arctic Root. I was very pleasantly surprised.

#12 ajnast4r

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Posted 28 May 2009 - 06:46 PM

This is a little strange. They're supposedly giving away Arctic Root to "regular customers" as a courtesy.

I ordered the Adapt-232 product from them and the included several sample boxes of Arctic Root. I was very pleasantly surprised.

yea the owner is good like that...

#13 pycnogenol

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Posted 30 May 2009 - 03:14 PM

Has anybody tried rhodiola in a liquid extract? Herb Pharm just released this:


#14 stephen_b

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Posted 05 July 2009 - 06:49 PM

The company also markets another Rhodiola product called Adapt 232 for $19.95.

Anyone notice this study with Adapt 232? In mice, but exceptionally good results (Adaptogens exert a stress-protective effect by modulation of expression of molecular chaperones, PMID 19188053):

Experiments were carried out with BALB/c mice taking ADAPT-232 forte, a fixed combination of three genuine (native) extracts of Eleutherococcus senticocus, Schisandra chinensis and Rhodiola rosea, characterised for the content of active markers eleutherosides, schisandrins, salidroside, tyrosol and rosavin and in doses of about 30, 90 and 180 mg/kg for seven consecutive days followed by forced swimming test to exhaustion. ADAPT-232 forte strongly augments endurance of mice, increasing the time taken to exhaustion (TTE) in a dose-dependent manner from 3.0+/-0.5 to 21.1+/-1.7 min, approximately seven fold.

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#15 stephen_b

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Posted 07 July 2009 - 03:42 PM

Rhodiola has become my favorite mood/productivity enhancer, hands down. I'm very happy with the results I have been seeing. For example yesterday, after a busy day at work crunching large datasets, I got home and within 45 minutes I had family supper cooked, trash taken out, cat litter changed, and the dishwasher unloaded and reloaded. That's a bit atypical for me. ;)

What I find interesting is that I never had results like these with rhodiola before. This time I'm doing something different. I take it on an empty stomach when I first get up and hold off on breakfast for at least 30 minutes.

I'm also finding that 300mg is too much for me, though it was useful starting at that dose because I now have a feel for what it does.

The two brands I've tried, New Chapter Rhodiola Force and SHI's Artic Root, have both given similar good results.

Compared to modafinil, I get much better results with Rhodiola. The feeling I get with Rhodalia is much less artificial, whereas modafinil is much more brute force. If I had to stay up all night driving, I'd take modafinil, but other than that I'd choose Rhodalia.

Rhodiola also beats modafinil for me in the motivation category. With rhodiola, I actually do the things I had been putting off. With modafinil, I focus very strongly on the things I get sidetracked with. ;)


#16 ajnast4r

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Posted 07 July 2009 - 04:20 PM

Anyone notice this study with Adapt 232? In mice, but exceptionally good results (Adaptogens exert a stress-protective effect by modulation of expression of molecular chaperones, PMID 19188053):

adapt232 is an amazing product. i had to drive across the country, ~12+ hours of driving per day for 5 days at the peak of being sick with mono... i swear that stuff is the only reason i was able to stay conscious and functional.

#17 tunt01

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Posted 07 July 2009 - 06:46 PM

has anyone compared Adapt-232 to:

1. paradise herbs Dual Action Rhodiola? (it has two forms of rhodiola)
2. paradise herbs Imperial Adaptogens formula? (500mg of multiple adaptogens incl. rhodiola and eleutherococcus) ?

i'm using the paradise herbs dual action rhodiola and its pretty good, potent - works in ~20 minutes. the imperial adaptogen product was most intriguing to me, though.

#18 Healthy56

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Posted 16 September 2009 - 03:49 PM

has anyone compared Adapt-232 to:

1. paradise herbs Dual Action Rhodiola? (it has two forms of rhodiola)
2. paradise herbs Imperial Adaptogens formula? (500mg of multiple adaptogens incl. rhodiola and eleutherococcus) ?

i'm using the paradise herbs dual action rhodiola and its pretty good, potent - works in ~20 minutes. the imperial adaptogen product was most intriguing to me, though.

I have tried the Paradise Herbs "Dual Action" and have a recommendation for you. Take a bit of the powder out of the Paradise Herbs rhodiola product and mix it with water. Swirl it around and take a whiff - you're not going to believe it. Do the same with any another Rhodiola. I take the Verde Botanica brand. Same kind of powder, put it in water. It smells like a combination of something organic and roses. Oddly, that's the EXACT smell of fresh Rhodiola roots. No smell of chemicals, nothing nasty that makes you want to gag.

#19 Animal

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Posted 16 September 2009 - 04:12 PM

Hi there,

I first took Rhodiola a couple of months ago with great results. I tried the Holland and Barret HerbTech product (which only states a stadardized salidrozide content of 1% with no mention of the rosavin content) and immediately felt a euphoric type high as well increased motivation, stamina and elevated mood. I took 500mg in the morning and some times 250mg in the evening. After 5 weeks I decided to take a 2 week break as recommended by most forum posters.

Following the two week break, I tried the Solgar brand since it gauranteed the rosavin content at 3%, however, it had no effect at all. Thinking I had developed a tolerance I decided to try my HerbTech batch the next day, sure enough I got the same results as before only a little less intense. So I assumed that Solgar was either rubbish or I just got a bad batch. With this in mind I went for the NewChapter brand as I have read good reviews, but again this was just as useless as the Solgar.

What's going on? I am very confused. If it is a brand issue could someone recommend something else?

Many thanks.

P.S. Another thing, I noticed a very distinct smell and flavour from the HerbTech brand which was not evident in the Solgar and NewChapter products.

I've tried the exact Rhodiola product you mention from holland and barrett, and found that it actually made my mood extremely flat. Could you tell me how effective it was after you'd been taking it for a month?

#20 world33

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Posted 30 January 2018 - 02:57 AM

According to this 2015 UK research "The authenticity and quality of Rhodiola rosea products" available at https://www.scienced...003189?via=ihub
Now Foods (#24, US) and Higher Nature (#10) / Vitano (#11) both manufactured from a German company called Dr. Willmar Schwabe GmbH are the supplements with the highest content of rosavins (PC1) and salidrosides (PC2) (see chart) among 40 products (see attached word document with the modified list including brand names of the best products) available in the UK market (see picture with basket of products)

Attached Files

Edited by world33, 30 January 2018 - 02:59 AM.

#21 Nate-2004

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Posted 30 January 2018 - 04:19 PM

Rhodiola is an MAO inhibitor. Careful with those. It is currently unknown as to whether the MAO-A part of the inhibition crosses the blood brain barrier. EGCG is a better option since it inhibits MAO-B which prevents some reuptake of dopamine. Rhodiola is poorly studied compared to EGCG. Since I occasionally use Molly I avoid rhodiola and any other MAOIs.

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#22 Iuvenale

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Posted 01 February 2018 - 01:36 PM

If the effects of a supplement are temporary then you are probably experiencing a placebo effect. One of the hallmarks of the placebo effect is that it tends to be transient.
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