I thought this might be significant information for the community, so I am providing it....
We had someone who was using Resveratrol that had experienced significant joint pain, and I wanted to share what we found with people who might be having the same problem the resolution...
Profile -
Gender: Male 34 yrs old.
Physical: Olympic Trained Athlete
Dosage: 1500mg Resveratrol per day w/ 800mg of Quercetin
(Other Info not significant for this application)
Started experiencing joint pain within 2 days of taking supplment. Classic "achey" joint type symptoms were reported which were made worse by repeated training. Within 4 days he was unable to maintain typical training regime. Stopping supplement did not alleviate symptoms.
Rational Taken:
Phyical symptoms indicate a reduction in synovial fluid in joints. A simple internet forum search revealed a number of younger individuals experiencing similar symptoms while taking trans-resveratrol with varying degrees of severity, but conflicting information was found on a med search. Trans-Resveratrol would seem to be a quite powerful SERM, and appears to be reducing synovial fluid. Needle test to verify hypothesis was not seen as necessary, and mri analysis was not performed.
Started individual on typical dosage of nandrolone and all no further symptoms were reported by day 4. As a precaution, kept individual on treatment for 4 weeks, but no further symptoms were reported. Glucosamine/Condroitin was recommended as a long term treatment option. Individual started back on week 6 with a 500mg dosage of Resveratrol w/ 300mg of Quercetin. No further symptoms were reported, but individual agreed to be monitored long term.
The use of GCS while taking Resveratrol should be explored further...