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Rush Limbaugh - talks immortality :-/

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#1 Bruce Klein

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Posted 06 February 2004 - 03:44 AM

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The Religion of Environmentalism
February 5, 2004


Now, apparently now the combustible engine and internal combustible engine has gone by the wayside. Terrorism, now, that's what we've got to compare global warming to because nobody is listening, nobody believes us - and here is an example from the Asian Times. A column by somebody, let me read excerpts from it. "Last week's London snowstorm was the last straw. With no particular scientific evidence in hand, I have come to the conclusion that global warming is a looney cult. Londoners may have frolicked on the frozen Thames in the days of famous diarist Samuel Pepys in the mid-17th century, but today's Britons cannot reconcile this disruption of their lukewarm climate with the notion that temperatures are steadily rising.

"The scientific controversy is beyond me, but I can recognize the fixed stare, the strained voice-throb and the rigid jaw of a madman at a hundred paces. The Greens hector us about the impending end of the world. I put it to them: perhaps it is not the end of the world that you fear, it's just the end of you. Analysis of global temperature is a subtle issue about which reasonable men might in good faith reach different conclusions. The evangelical zealotry that motivates the global-warmers has a different source than the facts. Human beings cannot bear their own transient existence without some hope of immortality. Except for the Americans, whom Europeans dismiss as bovine about such things, the children of the West long ago abandoned the promises of religion."

This is so key, because he's got a point here. Immortality. Everybody thinks about it. Everybody thinks about the afterlife. Everybody thinks there's got to be more than this, and everybody tries to do whatever they think necessary to discover what it is, get there, whatever. And the religion that people hold dear and practice is the tool for that.
Well, he's correctly identified these people. They eschew religion. The environment has become their religion. Who said this first, my friends? It was I. To many liberals, a tree or a plant or an animal is their religion, and it is there that they find their immortality and it is there that they find destruction which could cause their mortality. And so we've got to protect these things that these people have invested in their immortality, because they have waved good-bye to religion.

As this writer says: "The childless Europeans lack even the consolation of physical continuity. They have no future; other people will occupy the lands where they dwell, and their languages will be entombed in libraries. The myriad amusements available to them cannot forever distract them from the horrible advent of their own disappearance. Europeans: As a matter of demographic fact, it is indeed the end of you (Why Europe chooses extinction, April 8, 2003). That settled, let us consider the minor matter of the end of the world. For the same reason that men cannot live without the hope of immortality, they cannot bear their gray, miserable lives without some sense of exaltation - religion, art, music, poetry, sex, drugs, violence, whatever.


#2 Cyto

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Posted 06 February 2004 - 06:33 PM

To many liberals, a tree or a plant or an animal is their religion, and it is there that they find their immortality and it is there that they find destruction which could cause their mortality. And so we've got to protect these things that these people have invested in their immortality, because they have waved good-bye to religion.

Quite an odd person. Doubt to ever see him in a botany class.

Even if he is hinting about the crazed Greenpeace group and others alike, his blantant attack on our dependency of the Earth still is quite odd. He knows we need the support and materials...it just seems he forgot about this simply huge fact.

A tree or a bible to live? What idiot takes the bible?

#3 randolfe

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Posted 12 March 2004 - 03:57 AM

A good friend's husband laughed at my Immortalist ideas a couple weeks ago. He had read an article in The Guardian which reported that some 82-year-old guru in the Defense Department had warned President Bush that global warming was a greater threat than terrorism, that by 2020, the ice caps could be melted and all humanity consumed with famine, disease and war for dwindling land and food.

So, I came home and turned on the Science Channel. They looked at the history of the Earth's climate. There have been wide swings in the temperature in the past, especially in the distant past.

They said the Earth was kept stable by the flow of warm water in a certain current. Once that stopped, they argued that the Earth could enter a New Ice Age within ten years. So, take you pick. There are all kinds of opinions. I really don'[t know what to believe. I tend to think it will all happen so slowly we will hardly notice.

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#4 reason

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Posted 12 March 2004 - 04:13 AM


(Couldn't resist - explore the rest of e-sheep too, if you have DSL, there's some really good stuff in there).


The science for rapid climate changes having occurred in the past seems pretty solid. It's based on ice core samples. The rest of it seems up in the air.

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#5 Lazarus Long

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Posted 12 March 2004 - 05:51 AM

That was amusing Reason but they forgot the scenes where Rush consumes all the world's Oxycontin in his personal attempt to end that drug's abuse.

#6 DJS

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Posted 13 March 2004 - 04:50 AM

[lol] [lol] [lol] I'm dying here. I also find it amusing that all of Rush's ditto heads pretend as if nothing ever happened. It is highly likely that Rush could be accused of mass murder and manage to pass it off as a Liberal Conspiracy against him. hehe

#7 bacopa

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Posted 13 March 2004 - 04:58 AM

how can he deny the essentials of life and mask it under liberal left wingers what a man of contradictions

#8 randolfe

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Posted 16 March 2004 - 02:39 AM

I wonder why some people go through an experience and it makes them a better person while others don't seem to "grow" even after experiencing social and psychic pain.

I have to wonder if Rush hasn't possibly actually had a change of heart but feels he has to hide it from his listeners. I mean if Rush suddenly started gushing about how easily "anyone" could fall into addiction, that it was part and parcel of even a normal person's psychiatric potential--and that "rehabilitation" should be emphasized instead of punishment. Well, that might bring those closed-minded Bible-banging punishment-preaching listening hordes down on him.

#9 th3hegem0n

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Posted 25 March 2004 - 02:28 AM

Death by global warming is just as likely as any other global catastrophe. -->http://www.xs4all.nl/~mke/intro2.htm [lol]
You can't really do anything about stuff like this other than be lucky. I know that hurts to hear that we have no control whatsoever over the random destruction of earth, but you are gonna have to deal with it. It's always better to be lucky than to be skilled....

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