Why contemplate wasting thousands of dollars on TA-65 when Revgenetics has now released the same thing for only $69.98 for a 30 day supply? If everything that "saxiephon" says is true in this post then "Astral Fruit-C" is the same thing as TA-65: http://www.imminst.o...&...st&p=261490. Here is Revgenetics' product: http://store.revgene...lfruit-c-30.htm.
Who's going to take the gamble? For those of you who haven't read Life Extension's article about TA-65, the big thing that some scientists worry about concerning telomerase activation is the possibility that it will up-regulate the telomerase in cancerous cells in which it is not yet up-regulated. See the full article here: http://www.lef.org/m...tivation_01.htm. It sounds both very risky and tempting at the same time.
Just remember, if the cure for aging is finally here, it doesn't imply immortality. Even teenagers die in accidents, etc..