So I have been using iMusic BrainAmp for a bit less than a week, and thought I should write a bit about it.
It revolves around the idea of brainwave entrainment, except instead of the common usage of EEG Neurofeedback, it bases its effects on Auditory stimulation:
The Technology
iMusic works because of a scientifically documented, physiological process called brainwave entrainment. Your ear drums are the super highways to your brain, and it's this channel that the sub-audible digital beats and pulses in iMusic travel through-sending slight vibrations echoing through to your sensory cortex. This creates a precise cortical evoked response that activates and optimizes the frequency and amplitude of your brainwaves, eliciting an immediate and very powerful change in your mental state. Within minutes your mind is guided, or "entrained" into the perfect state. What comes next is peak performance.

There is documented evidence for this particular type of augmentation.
Focus & iMusic research
IQ & iMusic research
For those inclined to read more:
IMAGINCE | The Technology Behind iMusic
For those who wish to give it a try:
Test Run
What do you guys think?
Edited by mentatpsi, 16 August 2009 - 11:49 PM.