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              Advocacy & Research for Unlimited Lifespans

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Proven Longevity Drugs

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#1 philmicans

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Posted 24 March 2004 - 12:47 PM

Dear Fellow members,

I thought some people might like to know that “International Antiaging Systems” (IAS), have just placed their latest “Anti-Aging Bulletin” on-line, which is dedicated to "proven longevity drugs."

The free to download, color booklet has 4 major articles all written by medical professionals, specifically they are:

Centrophenoxine by biochemist James South. This is an interesting drug that helps to remove lipofuscin deposits from cell membranes and improve the lipid/mass ratio towards a youthful direction. This procedure was described by Professor Imre Nagy of Debrechen University, Hungary and formed the basis of his "membrane hypothesis of aging." Dr. Nagy’s animal experiments showed a 30% improvement in life extension with centrophenoxine alone, as well as improving memory and energy through the increased uptake of glucose. James South, also adds to this article the importance of regular water consumption, to drink BEFORE you are thirsty and the entire article is well put together and makes most interesting reading. The reader will also learn about Professor Nagy's latest experiments with an improved analogue of centrophenoxine called BCE-001 and how animal experiments with that, are achieving 40% increases in life expectancy!

Melatonin by Walter Pierpaoli, MD. As Dr. Pierpaoli more-or-less started the interest in melatonin through his experiments that showed the importance of the pineal gland, as he described it as the protector of the endocrine system, and believes that melatonin is there not only to regulate circadian rhythms, and act as a very potent anti-oxidant, but actually to protect the pineal against aging. Dr. Pierpaoli sites some specific human cases within the text, as well highlighting that his animals lived on average 25% longer.

Deprenyl by Professor Joseph Knoll, PharmD. Dr. Knoll is from Semmelweiss University in Hungary and is a virtual God in the pharmacological world, (I know because I'm a pharmacologist). He discovered the roles of Dopamine back in the 50s and 60s and developed Deprenyl (aka Selegiline). This article is Journal standard and techy, but if you can follow it, you will understand the process by which Dr. Knoll now believes how Deprenyl works, and it is not really the aspect of it being a MAO-B inhibitor! There is no doubt that Deprenyl is a key anti-aging drug, acting as it does to slow down the decline of the loss of the neurotransmitter Dopamine. As some neurologists have stated that; "we would all become senile if we lived long enough" a key part of an anti-aging strategy is to support brain function. Not only have Deprenyl supplements in animals extended their lifespan by about 30%, (with all the non-deprenyl treated animals dying before any of the Deprenyl treated animals), but it also boosts libido and aids depression to boot!

Calorie Restriction Mimics by Marios Kyriazis, M.D. Dr Kyriazis is the founder of the British Longevity Society and does much research in the field, being both a Gerontologist, a Geriatrician and a Biologist. He describes here various substances that have been proven, (in the published literature) to mimic the effects of calorie restriction, and thus could potentially extend lifespan, (as calorie restriction has been shown to do). Some of the substances include Metformin, Resveratrol, Carnosine, Aminoguanidine and also some experimental, (i.e. not yet commercially available) products too.

You can download the Winter 2003 Bulletin that contains all of the above at:

Alternatively, you can read the text only articles (i.e. no pictures or graphics) at the articles link for longevity at:

I spent a couple of months of my life on this lot, so I hope somebody finds it of interest! Enjoy


#2 Mind

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Posted 24 March 2004 - 03:16 PM

I spent a couple of months of my life on this lot, so I hope somebody finds it of interest! Enjoy

I find it interesting and I am very glad you posted it. I am sure most of the members will find the information extremely useful.

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#3 macdog

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Posted 27 March 2004 - 09:08 PM

I thought I'd let folks know that Metformin aka glucophage is available inhousepharmacy.co.uk for worldwide shipment without the problems associated with imports from Canada. I save a huge amount of money and hassle getting my meds through them. The other drugs I didn't see a source for.

#4 macdog

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Posted 27 March 2004 - 09:48 PM

I just finished a quick search and found a VERY exciting website where ALL of these compounds are available along with superb literature on dosing, contraindicators, and effects. It is smart-drugs.net, and called Offshore Pharmacy

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#5 philmicans

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Posted 01 April 2004 - 01:45 PM

I should tell you that all the compounds, and many many others are available through the official International Antiaging Systems (IAS) website/ webstore at: www.antiaging-systems.com

You will find much more information and links on the official IAS site, specifically to do with "anti-aging medicine" than anywhere else. The other site you mentioned is a portal into IAS, but thanks to the webmaster does very well in the search engine rankings!

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