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              Advocacy & Research for Unlimited Lifespans

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General discussion on 6 point plan to inform

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#1 brokenportal

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Posted 16 December 2009 - 10:32 PM

This is a summary of the plan to expedite indefinite life extension so that we can have indefinite life extension in our lifetimes. It positions a mainstream number of the world behind the entirety of the science section that can achieve indefinite life extension, with in 5 years of the enactment of the plan. That day is tentatively when we recruit the first 300 volunteers for a key piece of the plan, and is to be announced. You can help this plan continue to move forward, faster, by putting any form of support behind it, from adding to the discussion, to getting involved. There is a sign up form at the bottom of this topic where you can volunteer to help us move faster in constructing this plan. When we are done setting this up, it will convincingly, simply and easily funnel people into helping us make this happen.

Its 6 points are:

1.) Philosophy
2.) Internal Strengthening
3.) Fundraising
4.) Team Projects
5.) Take Action System
6.) Science Section

(illustration coming)

1.) Philosophy - The philosophy answers the questions that are currently preventing the amount of people that we need, to have a shot at indefinite life extension in our lifetimes, from supporting this cause. Those answers include 3 key things that people require in order to support something. Those things are why, why they can, and what they can do to help get there.

Why includes a host of reasons why life is desirable and a host of reasons why our current course and death are not desirable.

Answering why alone though is not enough. People also need to know why we can reach the goal in our lifetimes, which includes one main reason. The main reason is the MILE premise which is that we dont have to know that we can get there to go there but that we do have to go there to get there. There are number of additional undeniable reasons why we can have indefinite life extension in our lifetimes. The next biggest one is that we can already see and work inside our biologies where the mechanisms we need to prevent from killing us are, and furthermore, we have related successes to show for.

We owe it to people to provide them with this information in the same way that say, the Allied command owed it to the world to share the D-Day plans with the military.

Why and why we can alone are also not enough. People need to know one more key thing, and that is to understand which of their skills can help achieve indefinite life extension. To answer that we provide a coordinated plan to reach a mid range goal designed to make a significant difference that is easy to understand and contribute to.

This coordinated action plan that this philosophy leads people into is all facilitated by the next 5 steps.

2.) Internal Strengthening - We need internal strength to help facilitate and hold this all together. We need short term, mid term and long term goals. We need bug free, non complicated, informative, updated web sites. We need treasurers, secretaries, structure etc… We maintain web sites, forums, accounts, constitutions, organizations, schedules, etc... To do this leadership recruits more leadership, members and followers and delegates tasks, hiring where we need it and can afford it, more and more as we move along and grow toward goals. This plan is one major piece of this internal structuring. Each affiliate handles their own and we hold meetings amongst us where necessary.

3.) Fundraising - A fundraiser system is a basic essential part of most any movement or cause. Some are simple with one or two options to donate to, this fundraiser system includes fundraisers for key parts of this plan, and its affiliates. It is run by the core team right now but will be run by a fundraisers coordinator that we bring on board. The coordinator will be reporting to and coordinating with the MILE management team. As the plan moves through its various stages the coordinator will be setting goals and promoting them accordingly. (framework now in place at http://imminst.org/fundraisers - with more dynamics for it on the way as time and people hours permits.)

4.) Team Projects - Teams are just that, teams. They handle more complex goals. They are tasks that need more coordination and commitment than the take action items. Many of the sign up portals for the teams come through the take action system but team leaders and other means also supplement recruitment for teams. The teams then do the same thing as the take action system and work toward short term goals with in yearly goals that apply to the mainstream number of people we are working to inform in the 5 year time line. The teams coordinator installs the team leaders. Team leaders report to and coordinate with the teams coordinator taking their goals and breaking them down amongst their team members. Team leaders assign team members who in turn report to and coordinate with them.

5.) Take Action System - With the structure of the fundraiser and the list of essential teams in place, this project is now next up. The basics are at: http://www.imminst.o...ke-action-page/ The main thing we need to consider at this point is getting grants to pay to get this system programed, or whether we can design it simply enough and or get find somebody that can do it as a volunteer for the cause.

If you can give people one central place that brings jobs to them to spread the philosophy that
  • are on a flexible schedule
  • make it easy to spread that message,
  • allow them to record their tasks
  • have a significant achievable goal
  • allow them to visualize how they make a dent toward the goal
  • allow them to join a crowd
  • acknowledge their contributions
  • positions the fruits of their labor to support the long range goal.
Then they will know how they can help us get there. Altogether, why, why we can, and what we can do to get there enable society to understand the importance of supporting indefinite life extension. A world that understands this is a world that becomes aware of this and becomes enabled to position their support behind the entirety of the science section that can achieve indefinite life extension.

6.) Science Section - The purpose of this mid range goal is to position the world behind the entirety of the science that can achieve indefinite life extension and only indefinite life extension. There is no compression of morbidity or dividends in this equation at all whatsoever. The science is currently scattered around various organizations. In addition to this, most importantly, an atmosphere that supports and facilitates the creation of every strategy that could achieve indefinite life extension doesn't yet exist. This science section lines these components up so that when the world gets here they will have one central place they can plug in to support the entirety of the science. Not some of it, or parts of it, all of it, developed or not yet developed.

These sections include evolutionary theory, damage engineering, new hypothesis discussion and others. This is all highly moderated and by invite and application only. There are peer review panels throughout. Incentives and grants and full funding are applied through the system.

Each piece is developing at its particular pace based on order and time in a few places, mainly share documents. We have a card for people to sign that requires them to make their own commitment to this cause. The card will be available in the near future. (again, as priority and people hours permits.) To help accelerate this, join the core by getting in on the development of one of these 6 points by volunteering to help with any of the points of this plan in the form below.

Help this plan by adding to the discussion. Let us know why you support this plan.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K6EINTOlzjchttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K6EINTOlzjc http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VXhlaMAsTKMhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VXhlaMAsTKM

Edited by brokenportal, 12 April 2011 - 08:20 PM.

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#2 Guest

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Posted 18 December 2009 - 11:32 AM

Maybe I am a bit mistaken, but what exactly is "the cause" the world has to be informed about? I mean you will hardly find open minds even among progressive people if you throw a plain "immortality" towards them. Therefore, what are more concrete goals aiming to? Promoting and researching every kind of possible life extension technologies, so all stuff ranging from Kurzweils singularity within 15 years, minduploading and standard biotech to SENS?

Do you really plan to do those research yourself or do you plan to create an awarness raising campaign for the already existing foundations and initiatives such as SENSF, MF, Singularity Institute, Manhattan Beach Project etc. ?

And do you prefer a special field of research? I mean IMO minduploading seems to be very far away and it would make more sense to promote SENS instead. And given scarce resources and limited attention span of people I in principle would suggest not to focus on too many different topics when adressing the public.

Edited by TFC, 18 December 2009 - 11:34 AM.

#3 brokenportal

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Posted 18 December 2009 - 09:16 PM

Maybe I am a bit mistaken, but what exactly is "the cause" the world has to be informed about?

What do you mean? We're here to help stop the blight of involuntary death, we're here for advocacy & research for unlimited lifespans. If your interested, help us expand the outline in the wiki to spell out what the cause is. We have the basics in there, but we are only so many people with so many sets of skills and insights. We need more people to help us fully beef this up.

I mean you will hardly find open minds even among progressive people if you throw a plain "immortality" towards them.

We adjust the outreach to fit the target crowds and even the individuals with in. As you probably think too, as we all know, this is about more than the "Immortality Institute", its about unlimited lifespans. Things we can throw towards them include many things: Immortality Institute, Methuselah Foundation, SENS Foundation, Coalition to Extend Life, Campaign for Aging Research, Longevity Meme, Longecity, Lifespan Society, Maximum Life Foundation, Lifeboat, Accelerating Future, Novamente, Singularity Insitute, Longevity Communities Network, restoration and maintenance of function, aging research and aging research advocacy, indefinite life extension, Life Extension Foundation, Alcor, Cryonics Institute, the big 8, and the options go on.

People have open minds, not all of them, and not all of them that do will happen upon the luck of this absorbing for them, but there are plenty of free and critical thinking, thoughtful, bright, intelligent people out there. By continuing to grow our volunteer, our money pool, and our support across the board, and by continuing to head toward bigger and bigger media outlets and opportunities, we will be able to continue to inform them more and more. They say that a person needs to hear about a concept from around 3 or 4 sources that they view as atleast partially credible before they begin to beleive it. There are many factors that go in to that. The world cant not go informed. A world that is informed about this cause is a world that has the greatest percentage of people that it can have working to help make this cause a success at the fastest viable rate possible.

Therefore, what are more concrete goals aiming to? Promoting and researching every kind of possible life extension technologies, so all stuff ranging from Kurzweils singularity within 15 years, minduploading and standard biotech to SENS?

The concrete goal is informing the mainstream of the world, or at least 200 million people about this cause with in 5 years. We dont necessarily need to reach it with in 5 years, but we need a goal, we need something viable and doable and with in grasp to aim for. Its a mid sized goal, it shouldnt be too hard in the scheme of things. It will take a lot of work but its nothing we cant do. I mean hell, fads and trivialities and much less worthy stuff gets in to the mainstream of the world with in even less time all of the time.

Do you really plan to do those research yourself or do you plan to create an awarness raising campaign for the already existing foundations and initiatives such as SENSF, MF, Singularity Institute, Manhattan Beach Project etc. ?

Im not sure who you mean by "yourself". This is the worlds cause and this aims to get through to the whole world, and so "yourself" really refers to the world, and so yes, the world does/will/can plan to do the research themself. If we go with all of this, then that section of the plan intends to create an atmosphere conducive to supporting the development of more viable research for feasable healthy unlimited lifespans, and to supporting the strategies that are already developed, namely, of course, SENS. The science section is a main part of the essence of what we are. Its a main part of what we are informing the world about. To not start developing this along with this plan would be like a campaign to inform the world about the civil rights cause/movement with out informing them about, or having, the rallies and marches.

And do you prefer a special field of research? I mean IMO minduploading seems to be very far away and it would make more sense to promote SENS instead. And given scarce resources and limited attention span of people I in principle would suggest not to focus on too many different topics when adressing the public.

Well, my personal lean, from all Ive seen is that we should try to approve of new strategies that are the most like SENS, and less like uploading at this time. But its not really up to me, or us, or a few of us. It will be up to panels we help form to go over this kind of stuff. In this plan, if this part passes, we will likely have a review board that passes what becomes additional strategies that we support or not. One thing we will want to do is create columns of the 7 forms of damage that accumulate to cause aging, leave the number of columns, 7, open to possible expansion, and work to encourage the development of more strategies by researchers and grad students and the like. Its not going to be easy, but we will get in to that more and more one step at a time. We'll also want to consider other "column" type pages for things like a metabolism research approach, a geriatrics approach, probably also agi related approaches, but we'll balance it out depending on a variety of factors like funds, projected funds, the weight that the panels determine that each approach carries, etc..

As for adressing the public, like elluded to, it wont be just one or two messages that we paint across the world. There is a full range of projects and methods built in to this basic developing plan.

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#4 brokenportal

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Posted 07 January 2010 - 06:53 PM

We are in the midst of constructing the fundraisers sections right now. Its going on through http://imminst.org/fundraisers

The discussion and main topic is here: http://www.imminst.o...sal-t32102.html

We can use a hand with:

-Drupal work, adding pictures, getting all the linking with in and with out in order.
-Editing, going through and cleaning up the theme, tweaking the wording and getting it all to look right.

Most of it is rather vanilla, should pass in a general package, some parts need extra consideration. The main ones are:

-888 for $88, do we want to launch this fundraiser? Does the way its laid out look alright? Would we be stepping on sensf's toes? Should we promote the sensf 10,000 for $100 along with this? (I think yes) Are we ready to follow through with an 888 for $88 like this?

-Member Cryonics back up fund, do we want to launch this fundraiser? Is somebody willing to write up a disclaimer for it?

-When/if we launch this, if this gets voted in for final approval, then do we want to offer a matching grant for some sections, or each section to help kick it off? For example, in the dedicated research fundraiser section there is a tentative offer at this point, to match up to the first 10k. Probably want to consider doing 10k for the marketing as well, and then smaller amounts for the others, maybe $500 for volunteer prize fund, $100 for art team and vip team etc..

#5 bacopa

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Posted 12 January 2010 - 03:41 AM

Broken Portal I'm willing to help out with some editing and linking with photos...just tell me or link me your ideas on this.

This is a very important topic, matching grants, helping members with Cryonics as well.

I think the 888 for $88 sounds great and I don't think you would be stepping on SENS toes.

The Sens $100 when we reach that amount is a great idea as well.

I generally like all of your ideas, we just need more people to help out with them...let me know if I can help, I'll try to be more punctual with things now...

I responded again on VIP January thread, and pm'd you about phoning celebs.

What do the directors think about LEEEP these days? Are they generally receptive or hesitant still? What's going on with the longevity communities project?

#6 brokenportal

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Posted 12 January 2010 - 03:52 AM

If you want to help with photos, then you can add suggestions to this topic here: http://www.imminst.o...res-t36904.html

The best way to go is to find suitable istock photos and we can find one of us to buy them later. Other wise, the selection of royalty free pictures that are good just isnt big enough from what I can see.

Im not to sure what people think about informing the world, about plans, about a 5 year plan yet. All I know from people really is what you see here. I know what I think about it though, I know we need a plan, I know this is workable and doable and with in this group of activists range, and I know that Im going to continue to drag the whole thing there myself if I have to, and that the world will be informed about this cause come hell or high water.

The longevity communities network is coming along great with agevivos direction and kasinskies work, and a little of vice versa from the both of them. Im still a third leg, and Im planning on helping them crispen the edges here soon leading up to the finale, the launch. The brought Florin and CAA on board recently which I thought was a good success.

#7 thughes

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Posted 12 January 2010 - 08:14 PM

Ever considered running adds in major magazines (at least, those who will attract a likely sympathetic readership)?

I know that's expensive so will take fund raising, but it seems a good way to reach a lot of people.

Number of choices on what to advertise:

- Just a definition of the mission and call to support
- Link to imminst site, which could have prominent front page "organizations to support" link/box
- Advertising a book (if imminst produces another one)

I'm sure there's lots more.

p.s. I'd do an 888 for 88$.

- Tracy
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#8 brokenportal

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Posted 12 January 2010 - 09:37 PM

Ever considered running adds in major magazines (at least, those who will attract a likely sympathetic readership)?

I know that's expensive so will take fund raising, but it seems a good way to reach a lot of people.

Number of choices on what to advertise:

- Just a definition of the mission and call to support
- Link to imminst site, which could have prominent front page "organizations to support" link/box
- Advertising a book (if imminst produces another one)

I'm sure there's lots more.

p.s. I'd do an 888 for 88$.

- Tracy

Projects like that are a part of the projects section of this 5 year plan. Rather than attack them one by one, one point of this plan is to wait until certain other conditions are set up before launching in to more projects. Those conditions include things like the dynamic fund raising system, a way to keep buzz and activity sustained, and others. Those things are built in to this plan, a few of us are working on the fundraiser system right now.

However, once the components of this plan are all set up, we also plan to propose some primers for its pump. The primers will probably be mainly things like google ads, but may include a variety of things, like billboards, and magazine ads. If you want to be put on the list of people that want to help discuss the primer, or any other part of this 5 year plan then let me know. The art team has been producing ads. There may be one suited for a magazine ready to go. If not you could go in there and try to direct the creation of one you think would work.

I would do an 888 for $88 too. However the receptivity from a couple of people at a board meeting has been luke warm. Maybe a preliminary poll on who would do it is in order first. You wouldnt be interested in conducting such a poll would you?

#9 bacopa

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Posted 12 January 2010 - 09:57 PM

So yea I'd like to help with fundraising, photos, and I'll definitely follow LEEEP as well as Long comm network more closely now. I think advertising in major science mags would be great once we raise more money.

Incidently what about, for a start, advertising in H+ magazine? Or do we already do this? If not, I'd be surprised as to why Michael Anissimov, a writer and I believe editor for the magazine, wouldn't include an advertisement for imminst.

Anyway, I am excited about the science section of what I assume will be the LCN...if it's not affiliated with that project than that's fine too.

#10 The Immortalist

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Posted 15 January 2010 - 07:31 AM

I endorse this 5 year plan.
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#11 thughes

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Posted 17 January 2010 - 05:26 AM

Maybe a preliminary poll on who would do it is in order first. You wouldnt be interested in conducting such a poll would you?

You mean, start a poll on the boards? I suppose I'd have to know more background anyways, so I have to go read the plan.

I love the whole X people for X amount ideas as, one of the disincentives to giving is not knowing whether it will be enough to do anything useful. They are good tools, though you have to choose the numbers carefully.

Those conditions include things like the dynamic fund raising system, a way to keep buzz and activity sustained, and others

Get money -> decide goals is backwards for me. I liked last year's laser ablation matching grant. That was perfect. That was make goal -> get money.

The primers will probably be mainly things like google ads.


- Tracy

#12 brokenportal

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Posted 17 January 2010 - 10:30 PM

You mean, start a poll on the boards? I suppose I'd have to know more background anyways, so I have to go read the plan.

Heres an example of a micro version of that that we ran to success. We would probably plot out stipulations in a topic like that and connect it to its fundraiser homepage with in imminst.org/fundraisers .

I love the whole X people for X amount ideas as, one of the disincentives to giving is not knowing whether it will be enough to do anything useful. They are good tools, though you have to choose the numbers carefully.

Me too, I think some of the key parts of getting people involved include simplicity, visualization, and connectability. For example, if you take a park, make it so that you have to make 5 phone calls to get passes to each jungle gym, turn the lights out, and put the park up at the top of a steep mountain, you probably arent going to get a lot of people going to it. But if you just make it as simple as walking to the ladders, turn the lights on, and put it down town then your going to of course, get more people.

Working out the numbers is going to be hard, and will need to be chosen pretty carefully, your right, but we can and will and are altogether getting there. We'll delve in to that in a lot more detail once the fundraisers are set up, and we are done moving on to and through the take action system.

Get money -> decide goals is backwards for me. I liked last year's laser ablation matching grant. That was perfect. That was make goal -> get money.

I think thats better in a lot of cases too. Im for both, and we're currently doing both. At the imminst.org/fundraiser pages we have a general fund for getting money before the goals, and we have pointed, dedicated funds for specific things and projects. We can continue to add those as we grow as well. Part of getting money before hand is that we are going to want to have the largest reserve pool we can get as we continue to reach greater and greater levels. For example, once the first round of teams works out their first numbers of people they want to get through to for the first year, (factored in to, hopefully, a 5 year equation for reaching the world) and plot out the money it will take them then we'll want to have as much of that money as we can have, there ready to go.

The primers will probably be mainly things like google ads.


Maybe, but once we get to that point, we'll likely be having a big discussion about exactly what those primers might/should be.

#13 David Styles

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Posted 17 January 2010 - 11:14 PM

I definitely endorse this in concept.

What I think it really needs in order to work is a goal, or set of goals, that is clearly defined.

The goal (or set of goals) should be specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and time-based.

Then we can set about the most appropriate tasks to achieve that goal (or set of goals), and ensure that we get there.


#14 brokenportal

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Posted 17 January 2010 - 11:49 PM

Right, thats what this is all about, continuing to develop all of this. Some parts are more developed than others, the more core people in on developing it, the more details we can develop across the board. People sign up, sign on to this, then we set them up on parts that fit them.

The over all goal is to inform 200 million people with in 5 years. Those numbers can change, but probably dont need to.

Four main sub goals of that are fundraiser system, take action system, teams system, and science section.

The fundraisers and the take action system raise money and participation for the teams system and the science sections to feed off of. Further details about the sections are developing in the link in this topic.

Once these components are set up, we can delve more fully in to the numbers. Once we have an even faster growing fund pool, and we have an even bigger pool of participation and volunteers to choose from, then we'll begin plotting out what numbers we want each team to aim for in yearly (probably yearly) goals. I dont know if it will work, but I think it can, and even if we dont reach the world in 5 years, I think we'll get a lot further, and, if we dont aim for informing the world with in 5 years, I think we risk letting it go for x many, who knows how many years.

So the first concrete step for anybody to take to help with this is to endorse this plan. Then we discuss with people where they can get in right now. Right now we are moving down the list, working on part 1, finishing up the fundraisers pages. Im glad you ask, because Im working on plotting out a visual for this, a diagram, and going over it again like this here helps.

#15 Inkstersco

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Posted 19 January 2010 - 10:29 PM

I endorse this 5 year plan.

I heartily endorse this event or product.


#16 Mind

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Posted 19 January 2010 - 10:48 PM

I could endorse a more targeted campaign to "inform" - not the world but a specific audience. We have discussed this several times before in relationship to marketing research - finding out what groups would be receptive to our message "indefinite lifespans would be awesome" (or something similar).

Reading on cryonet the other day someone brought up an important point - the fact that most people want to fit in - especially in their group or community. Imminst probably already has many of the people in the world who don't mind being the odd person out. To reach the people who are slaves to conformity, an ad campaign should target their entire group. So say there is an Association of Quantum Physicists Who Work in the Paper Industry (AQPWWPI). This is obviously a small exclusive group. We identify them as an audience that are receptive to the idea of indefinite life extension. We create a campaign that places ads on their website, in their newletter, and other places where they frequent. By targeting and getting a significant minority of members to join/frequent Imminst, the entire group will feel more comfortable joining/associating with Imminst - all 5 members of AQPWWPI!

#17 Mind

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Posted 20 January 2010 - 06:47 PM

Where all the women are. Places Imminst should maybe look to engage more women.

#18 eternaltraveler

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Posted 20 January 2010 - 07:30 PM

maybe you should call it something besides a "five year plan" which is associated with the deaths of tens of millions.

It's a little like the aversion to a hitler mustache.

#19 brokenportal

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Posted 21 January 2010 - 04:02 AM

I could endorse a more targeted campaign to "inform" - not the world but a specific audience. We have discussed this several times before in relationship to marketing research - finding out what groups would be receptive to our message "indefinite lifespans would be awesome" (or something similar).

Here we're calling 200 million "the world". Its already a target of the world, rather than every one of the 6.7 billion, and it targets further than that.

Its certainly ambitious, but its not something that we can't do, and its not terribly ambitious. Also, like pointed out in that peice on volunteering, we can get there one step at a time with out much problem as we continue to stick with it, and as it points out, other concepts like new sodas and new pop stars and things can get through to the mainstreams of the world in far less than 5 years.

We wont inform the world all at once. This is aiming to take it year by year. If this becomes fully enacted then the first year we'll plot out x numbers that we can all agree on, that we feel are a step toward 200 million. Lets say, we aim to inform 100,000 people in the first year. Also, we dont have to hit 200 million, but I think we can, and if we aim for it the very least we can do is get closer to it. We could also adjust that 200 million number, but well, Im not sure that we need to.

As for targeting groups that are receptive to the message, thats what all of the projects in this are aiming to do. They all have their specific target crowds to get through to. That part wont get going fully though until later, after we have the other sections set up and ready to support it. We'll start with target crowds, but in the end as the information starts to imbue the corners of the earth and the critical thresholds of support begin to increase, its going to be hard for most people in the world to resist a cause in the ever increasing technology age to save their lives.

So in other words, this plan is with you - target crowds, and start off with more managable numbers.

Reading on cryonet the other day someone brought up an important point - the fact that most people want to fit in - especially in their group or community. Imminst probably already has many of the people in the world who don't mind being the odd person out. To reach the people who are slaves to conformity, an ad campaign should target their entire group. So say there is an Association of Quantum Physicists Who Work in the Paper Industry (AQPWWPI). This is obviously a small exclusive group. We identify them as an audience that are receptive to the idea of indefinite life extension. We create a campaign that places ads on their website, in their newletter, and other places where they frequent. By targeting and getting a significant minority of members to join/frequent Imminst, the entire group will feel more comfortable joining/associating with Imminst - all 5 members of AQPWWPI!

Exactly, the target groups and projects get pretty idiosyncratic, but two good general examples are that the internetworking team targets science forums, physics forums, etc... and it searches out the best ones it can find, lets say, "Forum for the national ethics of geriatrics biology" or something like that. A campaign bus will go to elementary, high school, and colleges, target their science sections, and go to places like hospital conferences, and science conferences, especially things like atheist and transhumanism conferences, new age thinking concepts, etc... All those things will be plotted out through people with targeting in mind, guiding them when we get to that point.

If you think we need to get our women numbers up, we can work that in to it too. We can get the internetworking team in on targeting some of those links you link to there right away.

5 year plan is its default name at this point. Im not sure what it might end up being called, or exactly what (probably quite similar to what it is) that it might develop in to in the end.

#20 Marios Kyriazis

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Posted 31 January 2010 - 09:30 AM

I endorse the plan and agree with the above. However, I will say this. I am interested in antiaging/immortality at a professional level (20 years), and only recently came accross the Immortality Institute concept. Imagine the effort needed to reach an ordinary member of the public and inform them about the Institute.

#21 brokenportal

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Posted 03 February 2010 - 01:13 AM

As we move along we pick up varieties of skill sets and we crowdsource them. The further and wider our reach, the more condensed, diverse, and numerous the skill sets. Many times we even pick up the skills of skilled tradesmen, professionals, practiced people, people with vast wealths of knowledge and insight, insider tips, connections and things like that for free. This is the heart and soul of what a cause is all about really.

We also hire professionals when we can. As we raise more money we put more and more levels of hiring of professionals through discussion and proposal. The plan works toward this from many angles. One for example is that through the fundraiser system that is currently developing, we are looking to raise money for dedicated funds. When there is enough to sustain say, a publicist, an engineer, and other positions we could use then we will begin running them through discussion and proposal.

We also continue to look to hire people for key things along the way as needed, like we have done with things like Canaca and the Executive Director position, amongst others, in the past. For example when the time is right we hope to buy a marketing fundraising package like these here, amongst others. There is a lot more of this kind of thing that will play out once the development for the teams section of the plan starts materializing more.

We are imagining it. We arent only imagining it, we are working to materialize it into existence one more step, one more project, one more level - one more person, one more group, one more area at a time, and we are glad to see that you have an interest in this as well and hope to see you help us continue to keep this all engaged. One good place I implore you to dig in if your interested is by answering this question here.

#22 JediMasterLucia

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Posted 03 February 2010 - 10:54 AM

Where all the women are. Places Imminst should maybe look to engage more women.

that is good, we need more women here :-D

#23 AgeVivo

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Posted 09 February 2010 - 10:58 PM

I mean you will hardly find open minds even among progressive people if you throw a plain "immortality" towards them.

(...) Methuselah Foundation, SENS Foundation, Coalition to Extend Life, Campaign for Aging Research, Longevity Meme, Longecity, Lifespan Society, Maximum Life Foundation, Lifeboat, Accelerating Future, Novamente, Singularity Insitute, Longevity Communities Network, restoration and maintenance of function, aging research and aging research advocacy, indefinite life extension, Life Extension Foundation, Alcor, Cryonics Institute, the big 8, and the options go on.

Tadaa!! Longecity is up!!!

See http://www.imminst.o...showtopic=38203

#24 The Immortalist

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Posted 20 March 2010 - 02:16 AM

I could endorse a more targeted campaign to "inform" - not the world but a specific audience. We have discussed this several times before in relationship to marketing research - finding out what groups would be receptive to our message "indefinite lifespans would be awesome" (or something similar).

It's simple. We plan to inform the whole world. What we do is target certain groups one by one and adapt our message to each group so they would be more likely to be receptive. We won't just try the same thing for every certain group, it probably wouldn't be as effective.

#25 bacopa

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Posted 27 March 2010 - 07:40 AM

I could endorse a more targeted campaign to "inform" - not the world but a specific audience. We have discussed this several times before in relationship to marketing research - finding out what groups would be receptive to our message "indefinite lifespans would be awesome" (or something similar).

It's simple. We plan to inform the whole world. What we do is target certain groups one by one and adapt our message to each group so they would be more likely to be receptive. We won't just try the same thing for every certain group, it probably wouldn't be as effective.

We have to be careful NOT to adapt too much or we will essentially be masking who we really are, and you know how people are; the public, media, etc. It just takes one thing said somewhat contradictory, or by not telling the exact same thing to everyone...I'm tired..you get the idea. We don't want to be disingenous.

#26 AgeVivo

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Posted 05 April 2010 - 05:00 PM

you know how people are; the public, media, etc.

yes say "immortality" and they'll be suscipicious about your activity

#27 brokenportal

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Posted 17 April 2010 - 10:00 PM

The fundraiser part of this is almost done, but we need more people to help tweak it to perfection by reviewing the pages and giving them feedback. http://imminst.org/fundraisers We need to get a move on people, support this plan, or make a better one and lets get a move on.

#28 thughes

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Posted 24 April 2010 - 04:33 PM

I like the side bar, is that going to be a feature on the front page? You'll probably want to add "Fundraisers" to resources.

It would be nice to be able to track how much was being donated, because if you tracked it you could have "goals" or post the total number at the top of the page. People like to see that they aren't alone in doing things.

It "splits" the cause though, because Causes in Facebook also tracks. But, everyone using Causes suffers that. You could post the latest Causes count too.

The most important part is showing what the money is actually spent on, and I note the separate donation pages are doing that. Someone needs to maintain these pages with any large successes IMO, going forward. You probably planned on that.

In general I like the idea, it gives doners a far better idea what their money does than is easy to discover right now. As long as its really easy to find from the front page...

As to wording:

Imminst.org/fundraisers is a list of ways that you can contribute to this cause with your priceless donations. Here in this list you will find a variety of options you can choose from to make your money make a difference in the progress of Advocacy & Research for Unlimited Lifespans.

Priceless is a bit over the top here IMO. It just sounds unprofessional to me. Sounds better where it is in the last paragraph.

You can help accelerate that aspect of this cause that you like

Kinda awkward, at least to me, maybe "you can help accelerate the aspect of the cause that you like best."

Like the 3rd paragraph though.

(will try to find time to review the separate donations pages this week)
- Tracy

Edited by thughes, 24 April 2010 - 04:35 PM.

#29 brokenportal

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Posted 26 April 2010 - 06:36 PM

Thanks a million, the feedback is encouraging. Its so much easier to keep concepts, ideas and thoughts on things moving along when there are people to bounce them off of. Ive continued this branch of the discussion here. I should have linked there in my last response here.

On another note, this "5 year plan" or "5 year plan to inform the world" is looking for a better name. The others have been the default but its getting to the point where it needs a more accurate name.

The aim is to lock into a 5 year set of goals with this to inform at least 200 million people. That number might change, and until then its not exactly a plan of a specific amount of years. Informing the world is just a stepping stone (hopefully around a 5 year one) to the ultimate goal, which is to have a world system (so the cause can be as equiped as it can be) in place that works to get unlimited lifespans as expediently as feasably possible.

In addition to informing the world, or 200 million people, the plan works to cover science invite section, take action system, internal stengthening, and others, which all contribute to the goal of informing the world, but are also entities in themselves. Science section works to help prime more potential strategies to gain unlimited lifespans amongst other things. Take action system works to give every body who wants it, a chance to have many simple, easy, fun, productive tasks to be involved with. Internal strengthening is part of the equation to make sure that the bugs around here are worked out features are in place that need to be, etc... Of course, thats long been pretty well covered and engaged already.

Any name ideas anybody?

#30 thughes

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Posted 29 April 2010 - 03:55 PM

On another note, this "5 year plan" or "5 year plan to inform the world" is looking for a better name. The others have been the default but its getting to the point where it needs a more accurate name.

FYI ... Five Year Initiative. (A reuse of FYI for 2 purposes)

Not sure if thats catchy though.

- Tracy

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