my name is Victor
I recently had a reaction to vitamin mk-7 , i took -Vitamin K2 as MK-7 90 mcg
took 1 pill
can some of you that have taken it let me know if any reaction.
my personal reaction -
blood pressure checked by omoron wrist device
sudden jump in heart rate from 80 to 100-110
sudden jump in blood pressure to 130-140 systolic and diastolic in the 80-100 range
my normal blood pressure is around 100-120 systolic and diastolic around 70-80
i have lots of info on anything i could find on k2 and have never heard of any harsh side effects.
from what i can tell the k2 i am using comes from natto .which is a fremented soy bean extract.
the episode lasted for 12 minutes . after words everything returned to normal
what can it possibly be that would cause this?
- bad allergic reaction
- vitamin d defficany , i am suppose to take it with it
- blood clottting
- blood cougulation
- vitamin k defficany which caused a sudden overdose
my curret regiment
vitamin c and lysing
2 fish oil pills
niacin at 300 mg every once in a while
vitamin d at 2000mg every other day
pure organic pomegrante juice
i am not on any blood thininers or warafain
i wont be taking it again until i find why the reaction. should i consider spliting the pill to a smaller dose to see my reaction.
i like to make a note that i had a reaction to niacin when i tried 200mg when i first increasing it slowly. i had to build up to it. "heart racing"
i am taking k2 for heart health . i have high levels of inflammation in my body that appear in arms , hands , legs etc . sometimes in the chest.
ive been to doctors , had a stess test , came out clean.