I've been on Oxiracetam (800mg) and DMAE (1g) for a few weaks (mild effects so far), and added Bacopa a few days ago (225mg*4 in the morning). Twice since I've had a pretty bad bowels irritation and nausea. Has anyone had this problem before? Could it be the consequence of bacopa alone or in combination with the other pills?

Bacopa issues
Posted 07 May 2010 - 01:26 AM
I've been on Oxiracetam (800mg) and DMAE (1g) for a few weaks (mild effects so far), and added Bacopa a few days ago (225mg*4 in the morning). Twice since I've had a pretty bad bowels irritation and nausea. Has anyone had this problem before? Could it be the consequence of bacopa alone or in combination with the other pills?
Posted 07 May 2010 - 03:56 PM
Posted 07 May 2010 - 04:03 PM
Never had that problem really with bacopa, found it pretty useless for nootropic purposes, good for anxiety/relaxation but found my self lazing round too much on it.
I have been taking bacopa for a while. no GI symptoms. you found it useless as a nootropic? fair enough it is not a pronounced effect, but I can definitely tell the difference the next day during a study session whether i had my nightly bacopa and ashwaghanda and melatonin triad..... It seems like the three together prior to sleep, and caffeine the next day gave me pretty good results in information retention. Give it another try, making sure you use a time released, low dose melatonin, since high doses I find (anything more than 1mg for me is not good), and some articles prove, may actually inhibit memory imprinting.
Posted 08 May 2010 - 07:02 PM
Posted 11 May 2010 - 08:11 PM
It really can wreak havoc on your *hrm* "system". Usually subsides after a couple of days.
Posted 11 May 2010 - 09:04 PM
nah, but I shit in my pants on my way home from work ^^
It really can wreak havoc on your *hrm* "system". Usually subsides after a couple of days.
lol thanks for the info. Now I know why my ass has been on fire for the last two months after start taking bacopa

Edited by wacky, 11 May 2010 - 09:05 PM.
Posted 11 May 2010 - 10:00 PM
Posted 22 June 2010 - 09:09 PM
I have a tendency to get side effects though, but lethargy and lack of motivation to do anything are warning signs to look out for if you're taking Bacopa. If experienced I suggest you take a break for a couple of days to see if you improve, remember that the positive effects Bacopa has are long-term and unlikely to suffer that much from a break. Watch out for Bacopa fatigue, it kind of sneeks up on you since you get gradually more tired.
Posted 22 June 2010 - 09:15 PM
I tried Bacopa for a couple of months. It made me tired but I continued to take it since the reported memory enhancing effects are only prominent after ~12 weeks. It was a total disaster. I was extremely tired, somewhat depressed and totally unmotivated. I have no idea if my memory was better or worse during this period since I had no motivation to do anything even remotely intellectually challenging. My motivation was bad enough to begin with but Bacopa made it non-existent. Bacopa made me feel tired about everything and I slept half of the days away on it. I got very noticeably better when I stopped taking Bacopa. I even tried taking it again later despite the fact that I should have learned by my previous mistake, with exactly the same results: extreme fatigue and apathy. Bacopa; where motivation goes to die.
I have a tendency to get side effects though, but lethargy and lack of motivation to do anything are warning signs to look out for if you're taking Bacopa. If experienced I suggest you take a break for a couple of days to see if you improve, remember that the positive effects Bacopa has are long-term and unlikely to suffer that much from a break. Watch out for Bacopa fatigue, it kind of sneeks up on you since you get gradually more tired.
Did you take it at night or during the day? What dosage did you take?
Posted 22 June 2010 - 09:33 PM
Heh, I'm having a hard time remembering my exact dosage which is ironic, especially since I only quit Bacopa like a month ago. Most of the time I took two Planetery herbals Bacopa extract pills before going to bed. Each pill is 225 mg which made my total dose 450 mg per day. I might have exceeded this on certain days though, especially since the jar suggests two pills twice daily (4 pills per day). I also tried some bulk Bacopa powder from 1fast400 with the same results (can't remember the exact dosage there either but probably roughly in the same ballpark since I read all the studies on Bacopa before trying it). It all seems so silly now in retrospect, obviously I should have stopped using it sooner.
Posted 22 June 2010 - 10:40 PM
Bacopa and Fatigue
Does Bacopa make you tired?
I'm somewhat hoping that differences in the extraction contents might provide relief, as a few people said switching brands stopped this effect.
Posted 22 June 2010 - 11:13 PM
"Had initially tried AOR Bacopa with 50% A and B Bacopasides for three months, and found this incredibly sedating with uncomfortable brain fog and grogginess.
Am now taking Planetary Herbals Bacopa, 2 tablets nightly, and love it. No sedation, and excellent for clarity."
That person switched to my EXACT regimen and I still got crippling fatigue from that. But who knows, maybe my fatigue would have been even worse with the AOR brand that that guy disliked, the Planetery Herbals Bacopa extract felt less terrible to me than the 1fast400 bulk extract powder did.
You are right that brand might be an issue, but if you aren't a good responder then it's probably best to avoid Bacopa, especially since the fatigue seems to be somewhat gradual. Quitting Bacopa made me feel much better quite fast though.
Posted 23 June 2010 - 04:00 AM
Bacopa has some nice effects on paper, one of the few with a measurable effect on memory. I feel like it would be good to keep collecting data, and try to figure out what might be modulating this for some people.
Posted 23 June 2010 - 10:37 AM
Posted 23 June 2010 - 12:32 PM
I've been on Oxiracetam (800mg) and DMAE (1g) for a few weaks (mild effects so far), and added Bacopa a few days ago (225mg*4 in the morning). Twice since I've had a pretty bad bowels irritation and nausea. Has anyone had this problem before? Could it be the consequence of bacopa alone or in combination with the other pills?
I take DMAE in the morning and Bacopa + Ashwa at night and get good results. No GI problems or sleep disturbances. I usually take 165mg of Bacopa, but sometimes double the dose for fun. I have great dreams when I do that.
Posted 02 August 2010 - 03:35 PM
Also, has anyone experienced poor sleep quality with Bacopa? I am not entirely sure that Bacopa is causing this and I am not sure that I should continue. Solaray Bacopa gave me no such side effects but I'm having a hard time finding a supplier that would ship internationally at not such exorbitant prices.
Posted 02 August 2010 - 03:42 PM
The Planetary Herbals version has also given me peculiar side effects....namely stomach cramps and nausea.
Also, has anyone experienced poor sleep quality with Bacopa? I am not entirely sure that Bacopa is causing this and I am not sure that I should continue. Solaray Bacopa gave me no such side effects but I'm having a hard time finding a supplier that would ship internationally at not such exorbitant prices.
This superb company ships internationally and their Bacopa product is of very high quality.
Posted 02 August 2010 - 04:08 PM
The Planetary Herbals version has also given me peculiar side effects....namely stomach cramps and nausea.
Also, has anyone experienced poor sleep quality with Bacopa? I am not entirely sure that Bacopa is causing this and I am not sure that I should continue. Solaray Bacopa gave me no such side effects but I'm having a hard time finding a supplier that would ship internationally at not such exorbitant prices.
This superb company ships internationally and their Bacopa product is of very high quality.
Thank you but I'm looking for Solaray Bacopa since I have tried various versions and this is the only one that hasn't given me any negative side effects. I've tried searching many suppliers and their rates for international shipping is absurd....if only iherb sold it.
Posted 02 August 2010 - 11:08 PM
Solaray, Bacopa, 100 mg Per Capsule, 60 Veggie Caps
Edited by pycnogenol, 02 August 2010 - 11:08 PM.
Posted 18 December 2012 - 12:23 AM
Once again I apologize if this is not the proper place to ask these questions or if it's been handled before.
I also take a multivitamin, extra D-3 and magnesium chelate
Thank you to anyone who can help
Posted 18 December 2012 - 01:18 AM
You could try a cleanse and a juice fast to see if that helps, and could ensure that there are no problems with your diet.
Ashitaba (1.5g 3x per day) could help. It cleans you out a little bit, helps stimulate NGF, and can help with your energy levels.
There are many nootropics that help with anxiety, the most commonly mentioned being Aniracetam (750mg). Noopept (10mg) and Pramiracetam (200mg) should help as well, and to a lesser extent Piracetam (2.4g). They also work well when taken together (for example, Aniracetam+Noopept), and when taken with Centrophenoxine (250mg - 1g).
A B-100 complex taken in the morning could give you energy and normalize your sleeping patterns, as could Astaxanthin (8mg), Acetyl L-Carnitine (500mg - 2g), etc.
Triphala or Chyawanprash could help clean your intestines, which may help with IBS.
White Chestnut (homeopathy) may help with unwanted thoughts, as could a higher than normal dose of Niacin (B3, 1g/day) and Inositol (3-18g/day) taken with a B-100 Complex.
Bacopa goes well with Ashwagandha (usually taken at night).
Posted 18 December 2012 - 01:45 AM
I have not been to a doctor or had any tests done due to no insurance, unfortunately. Also I do not want them to just want to put me on antidepressants.
Exercise I have always had a problem with ever since I was a child- even very minimal exertion gets my heart pounding furiously and my legs shaking. I did ask a doctor about that a few years back and he basicaly just said I needed to get over it. I walk every day though and try to do a yoga/stretching DVD when I can get myself motivated to.
Should I take the Bacopa at night then only? And should I drop the 5-HTP? I was never really sure if I should be taking both anyways.
I will add the Ashwagandha and the B complex
I should also add a nootropic then? You mentioned:
Aniracetam (750mg). Noopept (10mg) and Pramiracetam (200mg) should help as well, and to a lesser extent Piracetam (2.4g). They also work well when taken together (for example, Aniracetam+Noopept), and when taken with Centrophenoxine (250mg - 1g)
Which should I start with?
Thank you so much for your time
Posted 18 December 2012 - 03:01 AM
From what I've read Aniracetam and Noopept have the strongest anxiolytic (anti-anxiety) effects. The racetams may deplete choline (you'll start getting headaches), so you may have to supplement with choline or eat some eggs. Rather than choline, I use Centrophenoxine.
As for the shaking legs and rapid heart beat when exercising, maybe the following site will help: http://www.medhelp.o...92#post_4002256. The comments mention things like low blood sugar, excess adrenaline due to panic/anxiety, hyperthyroidism symptoms, etc. Overall it also seems anxiety/panic related. Also, it looks like IBS is another symptom of a panic attack.
Lithium Orotate (sometimes as little as 2.5mg elemental, which is usually half a 120mg pill) helps with "hyperthyroidism" symptoms.
Acetyl L-Carnitine helps with blood sugar control, energy levels, and anxiety. Also, I forgot to mention fish oil.
Edited by Joel, 18 December 2012 - 03:33 AM.
Posted 18 December 2012 - 04:58 AM
My very last question- can I take the following each day, or am I putting together a toxic combination:
Aniracetam and Noopept
Lithium Orotate
Acetyl L-Carnitine
B Complex, multivitamin, fish oil
Once again thank you so much!
Posted 18 December 2012 - 05:24 AM
If Aniracetam or Noopept give you a headache, then that means you need to add choline.
Edited by Joel, 18 December 2012 - 05:25 AM.
Posted 18 December 2012 - 05:47 PM
Posted 18 December 2012 - 07:05 PM
IBS and anxiety are a sign of zinc deficiency and zinc deficiency is very common. I also had these symptoms. I had frequent infections, sinusitis, IBS, depression, anxiety. A few days after I began to take zinc methionine (Optizinc) all of these subsided dramatically.I have had severe anxiety which has become much worse in the past few years now that I am in my 40's, and I have had insomnia as long as I can remember. Also very low energy, repetitive thoughts, and IBS symptoms. I have been trying to find a regimen that will help.Thank you to anyone who can help
Posted 18 December 2012 - 07:41 PM
Posted 18 December 2012 - 08:03 PM
I took 30 mg zinc per day. Each capsule contains 300 mcg chelated copper. Yes, I keep taking it.Thank you! I will try the Zinc also. It gives me great hope that you had similar issues and it helped you. Especially so quickly! What dosage did you take? And do you continue to take it after the symtoms have subsided?
Edited by diana_2000, 18 December 2012 - 08:07 PM.
Posted 12 February 2013 - 06:30 PM
How do you feel, verytiredmom? I would be glad to find out you feel better. Best luck to you.Thank you! I will try the Zinc also. It gives me great hope that you had similar issues and it helped you. Especially so quickly! What dosage did you take? And do you continue to take it after the symtoms have subsided?
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