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              Advocacy & Research for Unlimited Lifespans

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ARTICLE:Lead Officers sought

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#1 caliban

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Posted 01 July 2010 - 07:36 PM

The Immortality Institute is a grass roots, member-based organisation. We all share a common dream: to abolish the blight of involuntary death. This mission is of such urgency and importance that most other activities pale into insignificance. Yet many of us are preoccupied with more ‘mundane’ toils and tribulations. Very few are in the fortunate position to know that their everyday work makes a direct contribution to the cause.
Many are trying to eek out enough spare time from their ‘day jobs’ to act as life extension activist in their spare time. It is such volunteers who join together to form ImmInst, to champion and drive relevant activities either at ImmInst, or by using ImmInst as a Forum to exchange information. In all likelihood, your life, all our lives depend on these activists. If there are not enough people who care enough about the cause to freely volunteer their time and resources, death will prevail. Sometimes, people underestimate the impact every single individual can make.

Whereas a large volunteer taskforce is key, we cannot rely entirely on unpaid activists. People have to eat, some commitments need to be formalised and compensated.
But trying to pay people for their good work has its particular difficulties:
Firstly, money is tight, especially at a tiny organization such as ImmInst. If there are never enough funds to pay for the scientific research that we know is crucial, or for vital policy and public information work, how can we justify redirecting sparse funds into salaries?
Moreover, working for life extension and getting paid for it is truly a ‘dream job’ for all of us – what happens to social dynamics if some volunteers are getting paid while others are still expected to work ‘for free’? Who decides what level of compensation is adequate and whether or not anyone’s performance is and remains up to scratch?
Those issues are challenging, but they cannot be intractable if we want to move forward. ImmInst has, in the past hired a member of staff. This was a great help, but the range of tasks remains so wide that it is not ideal to rely on a single person to chase after them all.

Analysing potential activities, there are two categories:
1) Foundation tasks that need to be done to keep ImmInst going and growing
2) Projects that could be performed to advance the mission

Both are necessary. It may seem counterintuitive, even frustrating, but in the first instance, foundation tasks require some funding: this is the boring work that, if left undone for just a few weeks can lead to the demise of the Immortality Institute as a whole. Project-specific funding can then be generated from any surplus that can be generated based on these foundation tasks.

The following positions need attention at approximately 5hrs per week.

Membership Secretary
  • Keep accurate records of membership status
  • Keep records of other status (teams, groups, leadership etc)
  • Meeting & greeting new members
  • Identifying and invite volunteer talent
  • Liaise with Treasurer regarding membership donations
  • Answer general questions regarding joining ImmInst as a Member
  • Administering members benefits (discounts etc)
  • Provide members with a donation receipt upon request

Lead Engineer
  • React to and fix software failures and bugs
  • Review and improve software stability and security
  • Implement new technical solutions to make the forums more useful and enjoyable
  • Overhaul the technical implementation of the wiki and the ‘front end’ CMS to facilitate collaborative working

Team and Project Coordinator
  • Keep accurate records of team and project activities
  • Liaise with and support team leaders
  • Identify the need for new teams and assist with recruitment of volunteers
  • Analyse new project ideas suggested by members and support these as required
  • Report team and project activities to the board and membership

Lead Editor
  • Commission and edit a lead article every month
  • Commission and edit a wiki page every month, continually improve the wiki
  • Identify and highlight quality discussions on the forum
  • Identify and select relevant news in the field
  • Manage content on the website
  • Devise and improve ImmInst offline marketing material (flyers, posters etc)

Lead Moderator
  • Commission and edit a lead article every month
  • Commission and edit a wiki page every month, continually improve the wiki
  • Identify and highlight quality discussions on the forum
  • Identify and select relevant news in the field
  • Manage content on the website
  • Devise and improve ImmInst offline marketing material (flyers, posters etc)

We are looking for volunteers to fill these positions. After a trial period, we may be able to offer some limited financial compensation for the time invested. This would be more in the area of US minimum wage than great riches. Initially, these would be campaign-based payments – if the relationship matures to a routine level, ImmInst could consider establishing itself formally as an employer.
Anyone considering to volunteer on this basis should send an expression of interest and a short CV to support@ImmInst.org.
For informal enquiries please contact myself or another member of the board.

Some who are reading this may agree that it is important that these positions are filled on a compensation basis, but not have the time or ability to volunteer themselves – if that is the case, you can still help to make this happen by sending a donation: any amount large or small will help us to put this incentive scheme on a sustainable footing and to motivate volunteers via bonus payments. Please mark your donation ‘staff budget’ or with the job title that you specifically wish to support.

If you would like to volunteer for the cause, but can't commit to the extent required of a Lead Officer, you are very welcome to join us regardless. - whether it is a few hours per week or a few minutes per month, we probably have a suggestion how you can invest a little bit of your time to bring the dream of unlimited lifetimes just a little bit closer.
Write to support@imminst.org with a brief description of you skills, interests and time budget.

#2 vog

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Posted 23 July 2010 - 03:42 PM

I have posted some new topic regarding support network for immortalists and cyonicists and now I find this. I must apologize for not looking in on this forum more often.

I would liked to volunteer, as I am strongly committed to eliminating death and suffering.

This group is one of the finest on the Internet I think and I do really appreciate and thank everyone involved.

Boundless Life and Happiness,
John J. Kansevich

#3 brokenportal

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Posted 18 May 2011 - 11:39 PM

I have posted some new topic regarding support network for immortalists and cyonicists and now I find this. I must apologize for not looking in on this forum more often.

I would liked to volunteer, as I am strongly committed to eliminating death and suffering.

This group is one of the finest on the Internet I think and I do really appreciate and thank everyone involved.

Boundless Life and Happiness,
John J. Kansevich

John, I contacted you via PM or somewhere else right? Im going to have to start making a note of response in places like this too so I know for the future. When in doubt, one of the best things any aspiring volunteer can do is just jump in. Start doing whatever it is that interests you.

If you want a paid position then tell us which one you think you can do and why. With these youll want to start doing them to show us that you have broken free from the ice of inaction. Thats a normal thing bodies not in motion toward a particular end tend to stay that way, bodies in motion tend to stay in motion, as they say.

If you want to join the art team then search through the art team forum and work on some of the suggestions and things listed there. If you want to run for director then start showing up at board meetings and sitting in. There are topics on it and or you can ask when the next meeting is. etc.

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