I started taking this substance back in April. At the time i had no scale or means to find out how much piracetam i was actually consuming. I would use a regular sized tablespoon from my drawer and mix anywhere from 1/4 to heaping spoonfuls with water and not really pay much attention to dose.
For a few days i didn't notice much difference aside from clarity of vision and feeling very sleepy at times. Then I started to get what seemed like limitless energy. I felt very much alive and full of life. My eyes gleamed, shiny and bright as continued taking large doses of this stuff.
I began to feel what felt like almost super human abilities. I was noticing everything in my surroundings in much a different way. I would walk into a crowded area and scan everyone in my vicinity. At home, i was able to pickup and listen to conversations that took place far away in distant rooms. I took a few basic hearing tests online and was able to hear very high frequencies (maxing out my headphones 22hz) At my part time job i was able to work faster, think crystal clearly and perform tasks with great ease.
My interest in every aspect of life skyrocketed. I found myself engaging in conversation with people who i previously would never see myself associating with. Learning became very enjoyable and i learnt to touch type with the Dvorak keyboard layout.
I felt i was becoming faster and faster at thinking and doing. My vision became a thing of beauty with it's crisp vibrant color. It became a true joy to merely glance around in any setting.
I read many of Isochroma's posts and can understand dead on why he said some of the things he did and could relate on many fronts.
Then in the mail arrived the empty capsules i decided to get since my cocktails weren't exactly the most appetizing elixirs. I manually filled pills and took them when outside my home. I still took my unmeasured drinks of raw energy in the morning. Then i slowly tapered off the mixing of the drinks opting for the quick and painless capsule form. Over a few weeks my experiences became to decline and i found myself less vivacious and becoming more "human" again. I blamed it on life circumstance changes and becoming "used" to the piracetam state. I was taking roughly 10 capsules on average over the course of a day which i figured was plenty.
Up until a few days ago when i bought a scale i had no idea how much i was actually consuming. Low and behold my heaping spoonful doses were an insane 12g!! (the pills roughly 800mg).
I would estimate that at the start i was taking roughly 24-36grams per day and man was it great

I drank an average of 4 litres a day as i was always thirsty and had water on hand at all times.
When i found out how much i was actually consuming it frightened me. But after coming down to more reasonable doses i think i want to go back to that original state of (unhuman) being.
I just had another 12g cocktail of life (which i havent had in months) and im feeling the life flow back into me.
Does anyone have any experiences of mega dosing to share? Are there any major risks associated with it? (i went about a month on my initial mega dose spree) To people that claim the stuff doesn't do much, have you tried 12gram doses?