Welcome to the nootropics forum! I hope you enjoy yourself, connect with other enthusiasts, and learn a lot about this exciting new field. Feel free to PM me if you have any questions or concerns about the nootropics subforum!

If you're new here, please take a moment to read these few guidelines, and help us maintain the quality of discussion in this forum:
1. The substances and practices we discuss here are highly experimental. We are a community of self-experimenters who share experiences and discuss the neurochemistry of cognition. In many conversations, members will suggest a course of action...but under no circumstances should anything here be construed as authoritative medical advice. Though there is a wealth of helpful information and advice here, it is ultimately your responsibility to research the risks and benefits, and decide what you're comfortable with.
2. All substances affect each individual differently, especially those which work upon the mind. Cognitive enhancement is a fledgeling field, and availability of good studies is the exception, rather than the rule. There is no single answer to what nootropic to take for a given application, and the experiences of others should only be taken as a range of possibilities, which may or may not apply to you.
3. Search before posting. There is a six-year backlog of discussion here. If your question is of a basic nature, then it has almost certainly been discussed before. In light of the two points above (and because you probably won't get many responses if you don't!), please take the time to do a little research and familiarize yourself with the issues at hand.
4. Post in an appropriate thread. If a suitable topic already exists, please post there (even if it's old), rather than making a duplicate thread.
Edited by chrono, 05 November 2011 - 09:09 PM.