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Which of the seven causes of aging makes dull people duller?

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#1 robomoon

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Posted 29 November 2010 - 05:57 PM

Is there a good nonfiction book about the state of literature and its authors, written by an intelligent author? The book should be about the group of people who are too unintelligent for writing it. All the chapters must be easy to read and without math formulas or something like special words in Latin, otherwise unintelligent people like me would not understand it enough.

The group of people who are too unintelligent for writing the book has to consist mostly of potential readers who had an IQ of less than 80 before accomplishment of adulthood. Conversely, the intelligent group the author should be coming from had an IQ higher than 120.

The basics of neuronal disease and the aging process should be described in the book. Something is becoming helpful for the chance of understanding something about the reasons why dull people like me are getting even duller when they are older. What functions of the brain and mind are getting most easily compromised by aging? Are those the same functions being compromised by aging when disease that happened in youth (including the prenatal period and childhood) was already the cause of dullness?

Regarding the aging process defined by SENS, there should be answers to questions in the book like: which of the seven causes of aging that makes dull people even more dull than they already are is occurring earliest in life? Which is the most severe of all the 7 causes? Is there only 1 cause out of 7 starting very early in life or are there 2, 3, or even more starting together?

Is a book like this already available somewhere? Can it be recommended to the group of readers mentioned above? Can it be downloaded for free in the form of something like Comic Book Archive files that consist of a series of image files archived in the popular ZIP format?

Yes, we dull people want to read enough about our compromised ability to write a good book. At least me! So this is my honest projection of the situation that we do not know enough, and so I do. I even do not know if such a book already exists. So if it does not exist, the writing and publishing should hopefully occur. If the book exists, please tell me about it, because I would like to read it.

If the book does not exist, there has to be an ultimatum: I will check out if I could try to write a nonfiction book about this situation. Do not wait too long, otherwise you are urging me to write the dumbest or worst book ever, so better make sure someone is writing a good one!

In case of too much waiting time, the title "The Dumbest Book" and subtitle "From A Dull Author Who Had No Good Book About People Who Are Too Unintelligent for Writing It" of my book are going to be immutable. Perhaps the book can also be called the Worst Book. The choice is yours.

#2 The Immortalist

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Posted 17 September 2012 - 03:49 AM

What is this I don't even?

Edited by The Immortalist, 17 September 2012 - 03:50 AM.

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#3 robomoon

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Posted 17 September 2012 - 04:35 PM

What is this I don't even?

1 word away? Got new: PENS (Preventing Early Neuronal Senescence). http://www.longecity...ens-after-sens/ do.

OncoSENS http://www.sens.org/...themes/oncosens suck. Not all cell tissue in brain mutate.

All aging brain cells slower growth, less replaced, more junk inside outside, whacked mitochondria.

Not all brain cells cancer.

1 cause of aging away.

Now 6 still!

RepleniPENS, MitoPENS, Apopto..., Glyco, Amylo and Lyso. That PENS, need this in book?

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#4 Danail Bulgaria

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Posted 19 September 2012 - 07:23 AM

robomoon, books, that are written from experts (both sailorly and approved experts) in their fields, and together with that deeply represent the aging process in the human, and together with that include alot of usefull information, and are approved from the real modern science, and also include neuronal disease and the aging process of the brain, and in which the aging of the brain is very well compacted and described, further more a book, that can be used as "encyclopedia" actually do exist, and these are the gerontology books, from which the medics learn in the universities.

Unfortunately they are not easy to read. They are hudge in pages length (I have several very informative gerontological books all of them 1000 + pages) and from time to time they include medical terms. Maybe it is impossible to be written a book, that at one and the same time to include deeply enough the progress of the medical sciences against the aging and at the same time to be small and readable from the masses.

I am completely agree with You, that people are getting duller and duller when they are becomming older. At this moment it is definatelly a problem for which the science can't do anything. Training with brain games may postphone for some time the dementia in the old people, but definately do not stops the process of getting duller. You asked which of the seven causes of aging aggregated by SENS makes the dull people even more dull during the aging. The main reason for the becomming duller while aging is the inevitable daily death of the neurons. I can't recall at this moment how SENS is calling the death of neurons, however according to me, based on everything, that I know, and everything, that I have learned about the aging of the brain the reason for the becomming duller is the neuronal cellular death.

#5 robomoon

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Posted 21 September 2012 - 12:12 PM

robomoon, books, that are written from experts (both sailorly and approved experts) in their fields, and together with that deeply represent the aging process in the human, and together with that include alot of usefull information, and are approved from the real modern science, and also include neuronal disease and the aging process of the brain, and in which the aging of the brain is very well compacted and described, further more a book, that can be used as "encyclopedia" actually do exist, and these are the gerontology books, from which the medics learn in the universities.

Unfortunately they are not easy to read. They are hudge in pages length (I have several very informative gerontological books all of them 1000 + pages) and from time to time they include medical terms. Maybe it is impossible to be written a book, that at one and the same time to include deeply enough the progress of the medical sciences against the aging and at the same time to be small and readable from the masses.

I am completely agree with You, that people are getting duller and duller when they are becomming older. At this moment it is definatelly a problem for which the science can't do anything. Training with brain games may postphone for some time the dementia in the old people, but definately do not stops the process of getting duller. You asked which of the seven causes of aging aggregated by SENS makes the dull people even more dull during the aging. The main reason for the becomming duller while aging is the inevitable daily death of the neurons. I can't recall at this moment how SENS is calling the death of neurons, however according to me, based on everything, that I know, and everything, that I have learned about the aging of the brain the reason for the becomming duller is the neuronal cellular death.

So big good book. Uh, thousand, too many pages. So puzzled, would not recall most pages after finish thousand. Head spinning.

Cellular senescence good, cell death bad? If that, Dr. Darren J. Baker got wrong. Would he study mathetic at Univerty making intellent to write book? His publications http://mayoresearch....rsonid=13844491 no book now.

Intellent book good, dumb article bad. Article "clearance of p16Ink4a-positive senescent cells delays ageing-associated disorders" http://www.nature.co...ature10600.html bad? Citation: "Cellular senescence, which halts the proliferation of damaged or dysfunctional cells, is an important mechanism to constrain the malignant progression of tumour cells." Uh, long sentence. Senescent cell good, death cell bad? So puzzled.

May top story Aging Effects Reversed in Mice http://discovermagaz...2012/jan-feb/61 bad too? Citation: "By selectively killing senescent cells—ones that no longer grow or divide—Baker impeded the onset of cataracts, weakening of muscles, and body fat loss." Uh, long sentence too. Head spinning. What? Kills good senescent cells, he evil Doctor?

Yeah! Scients at Mayo Clink need big good book. Quick send them before they kill more of good senescent cells. Could put big good ebook about neuronal cellular death makes me duller into email with many text files, each hundred page. Send to http://www.mayo.edu/...ograms/contacts to teach them.

What ebook title?

Edited by robomoon, 21 September 2012 - 12:14 PM.

#6 Danail Bulgaria

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Posted 24 September 2012 - 10:07 AM

A good gerontology ebook, that I have is: Hazzard's Geriatric Medicine and Gerontology, Sixth Edition
However, my further writings are not citings of the book.

Keeping alive the damaged and senescent cells and trying to divide them may lead to malignant tumor.
Destroying senescent cells, that can not be replaced is speeding up the aging of the organ.

Unfortunately both keeping and destrying senescent cells are bad.

For each type of human cells one of these two is more desirable bad situation.

So, the approach to destroy the senescent cells can be good for dealing with other senescent cells (except neurons) and the researches of Dr. Darren J. Baker and of the scients at Mayo Clink, does not contradict, that neurons must be prevented from dying.

However, in terms for the neurons in the brain, the better from the two options above, is the neurons to be senescent, but alive.

The neurons are very highly specialised cells (the actual term is diferentiated cells) and they do not have the possibility to divide, i.e. they do not have the possiblity to become tumor cells neither for good nor for bad tumors, even if they are very severely damaged and senescent. The clinical practice shows, that the brain tumors do exist, but as a rule they do not originate from the neurons, but rather they originate either from the glial cells, or from other non - neuronal cells, such as from blood vessels cells, or simply are metastases from other places ouside the brain. There are benignant (good) tumors, that originate from the terminal branches of the axons. They are called neurinomas. But recent hystology studies showed, that these neurinomas are originating from the cells, that cover the axon of the neuron. Since the neurons can not become malignant, and having on mind, that once a neuron dies, nothing replaces it, the better from the two options for the senescent neurons is to keep them alive.
Good areas of research for the neurons would be selectively stopping their death or finding a safe way for replacing them, and/or finding a way for rejuvinating the senescent neurons.
By selectively stopping their death I mean, that the damaged and senescent neuroglia cells and other non - neuron cells in the brain can reproduce and can become tumor cells, so the best option for the other cells in the brain, that are not neurons, is all damaged and senescent cells of their kind to be destroyed, and eventually replaced with healthy cells. In order to be acheived selective stopping of the death only of the neurons, I think, that must be made progress in sciences, that according to me are neglected from the people, who search immortality. These are the neuoro - sciencess, such as neurobiology (neuroscience), neurophysiology, neurobiochemistry, neurogenetics, neuroanatomy, neurology, neurosurgery, and maybe more. The progress of these sciences may lead also to finding a method for rejuvenating senescent and damaged neurons.
Replacing the neurons is supposed to be the theoretically easier solution. According to me, however, easy solution for managing the aging of the neurons do not exist.
There was an optimistic concept, that the neurons colud be replaced with artifitially grown clonned stem cells. These stem cells were expected to turn into new neurons and to take the place and the function of the death neurons in the brain. Many neurosurgeons made stem cells implantations in the brains of many people sufferuing from different diseases, that are caused by death or damaged neurons, but unfortunately the results were not good, and this is why from the year of 2008 until now (2012) the neurosurgeons are slowly retreating from the concept of replacing the neurons with stem cells. As far as I know, research about using the stem cells for the production of neurons still exist, but they are so far only scientific, not practical medical methods, and are more and more rarely applied as treatment of humans. The most optimistic study in this area, that I know, was discussed in another topic in this forum. Here is a referral about the article: http://www.fightagin...inal-injury.php But even in this study has not been acheived full recovery.
Another approach, that I have seen is a study, claiming, that there are stem cells, cappable of producing neurons in the brain, even in the brains of very old people, but these stem cells are not producing neurons, because of unknown reasons. However, this is the only study, that I have seen about this topic.
I remember, that there were some futuristic prognoses, that soon will appear chips, that contain artifitial neurons, and that these chips will be able to connect with the brain neurons, and thus will be able to replace death neurons (something like brain prosthesis). However I do not know if there is something done in this direction at all.

#7 robomoon

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Posted 24 September 2012 - 03:52 PM

(//much shortened quote//)
...there were some futuristic prognoses, that soon will appear chips, that contain artifitial neurons, and that these chips will be able to connect with the brain neurons, and thus will be able to replace death neurons (something like brain prosthesis). However I do not know if there is something done in this direction at all.

Brain prosthesis' could function with neuronal interfaces. Markets and progress in computing exists. Black budgets from governments exist. So what is getting developed could not be officially known.

A prosthesis might prevent or delay more dullness. It might happen if enough decades are left for our endangered living space on Earth to remain.

An estimate: The leading commercial OS (operating system) for the prosthesis might be sold by the major provider of commercial computer OS'. The 2nd leading commercial OS for the prosthesis might be running on the 1st itself.

Those who got duller to buy their prosthesis with the leading OS might believe what the OS makes them believe: the OS could suggest there are two or even more commercial OS' from competing providers to choose.

There will be virtual competition among commercial OS providers like before. With the believe there are two or even more commercial OS' from competing providers to choose, www.longecity.org/forum/topic/58585-portable-ebook-reader-or-ebook-to-pdf-converter-for-windows/ could even suggest various OS'.

Less dull think-ware might help.

Edited by robomoon, 24 September 2012 - 04:27 PM.

#8 Danail Bulgaria

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Posted 25 September 2012 - 05:47 AM

This is an interesting information.

By the way, I tried to figure out how to help Ypu with the 1000 pages ebooks, so I reached to the conclusion, that if You are concentrated only to the aging changes of the brain, You may read a medical monography about the aging of the brain.

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