Hi Solracselbor
You mention that taking CDP Choline at the same time as taking piracetam lessons the effect of piracetam but that taking them together gives that "clearer" thinking that many experience. Do you think that increasing the amount of piracetam with the CDP would solve the problem or is it better to take the CDP at night like you said and take the piracetam in the morning. I am one of those people who really notices that "clearer thinking" when I take them. Even my eye sight seems to improve (fewer floaters). I thought this was all the piracetam and the CDP was only used protect the brain from over stimulation??
I would appreciate any thoughts you have.
Thank you
On the contrary, CDP plus piracetam muddies my thinking. It does not make it clearer, I actually feel more spacey than usual. However, it gives me that stereotypical "visual clarity" most people seem to report. This form of visual clarity, I would argue, is a result of increased attentional scope via the peripherals (not necessarily clearer vision). I also get a similar effect after learning something novel. Choline, for me, seems to lessen the effects of both pramiracetam and piracetam. However, after a while (2 or 3 days) I begin to notice headaches with the racetams. At this point in time is when I know I now need to introduce choline back into my system--usually a 250mg cap does the trick. Afterwards, headaches are non existent for another few days, and the cycle continues.
I have a lingering feeling that the fact most people stop noticing any effects with the racetams, usually after a few days, is due to introducing an over abundance of Choline. This is understandable given the fact that most people on this forum state that (pi)racatam MUST be taken with a choline source. Also, I would definitely not increase the amount of piracetam; rather, decrease the amount of choline. There is a possibility of kidney damage with too much of anything. For example, about a year ago I was taking 9g of piracetam per day plus 500mg of cdp choline/day. I did this for about a month. The effects for the first week or two were fine, thereafter such effects subsided and, as a result, I relinquished its use. A few months later I was afflicted with an extremely painful kidney stone, of which I attribute to the abuse of piracetam. Then again, I seldom drank water during the course of supplementation; but, nevertheless, I still think it caused the problem. Due to a lack of health insurance at the time, I was unable to get the stone analyzed (however I still have the stone sealed in a container

) to see if it was actually a calcium deposit or something worse (chromium?).
Anyways, I would recommend only taking choline when your head hurts. If this happens often, then take 250mg of choline before bed, and the next morning try your piracetam regimen and see if the headache returns. If yes, try 500mg before bed. The point is this, if you are noticing negative effects then cease use. Do not try and convince yourself that such a supplement MUST work because everyone says it does. Also, if you are not engaging in rigorous learning while using piracetam, I guarantee you that you will gain no benefit. Plenty of research shows that piracetam increases neuroplasticity, therefore you must be engaging in activities that elicit your subjective, pinnacle focusing and learning capabilities for such effects to become long lasting. If you consume the supplement and watch t.v, than negative side effects as a result of neuroplasticity may become evident (such as becoming more easily entrained in television watching, and less active in learning). See my opinion
Of course, this is only my "2 cents". I would heed the advice of others more knowledgeable on the chemical interactions/reactions of such substances, as my background is predominantly in psychology and not biochemistry.