Magnesium L-threonate
Posted 09 November 2011 - 12:40 PM
Posted 09 November 2011 - 05:15 PM
Hi everybody, just an update. Been taking mgT continuously for about a week and I have decided to cycle it, taking it only every other day, as I think its NMDA antagonist activity, though serene and relaxing, has made my memory a bit crappy lately. When I first started taking it the crappy memory would last a few hours and then I would be super sharp but now the crappy memory and over-relaxed attitude is becoming a full day long phenomenon. I am not too worried because this is more or less normal for NMDA antagonists like memantine and the memory enhancing effect of memantine are theorized to be due to the brain producing more NMDA receptors to compensate for the ones that are being temporarily antagonized and mine are being very antagonized right now. When I come out of this pleasant but not too work friendly haze, I'll give you guys an update.
Thanx for sharing. This is what I expected to experience myself. I'm very sensitive to NMDA antagonism.
Posted 10 November 2011 - 12:22 AM
Posted 10 December 2011 - 07:14 PM
I saw that. There was an article on it in the issue of LEF magazine that just came in the mail. They are recommending 2000 mg/day.LEF now has a MgT product. I'm not sure if that has been mentioned yet.
Posted 14 December 2011 - 07:56 PM
I'm really excited, but I just spend too much on supplements atm.
In the end it's still magnesium. I'm sure the price will drop someday.
Posted 14 December 2011 - 09:54 PM
I saw that. There was an article on it in the issue of LEF magazine that just came in the mail. They are recommending 2000 mg/day.LEF now has a MgT product. I'm not sure if that has been mentioned yet.
I thought the human dosage was 8.9 to 11 grams a day to achieve results.
Posted 15 December 2011 - 06:03 AM
Edited by abelard lindsay, 15 December 2011 - 06:09 AM.
Posted 15 January 2012 - 01:50 AM
Posted 15 January 2012 - 02:42 AM
Anyone still taking this? I find that now that my body has become accustomed to it, I find it's a really great supplement to improve short term memory. I can regularly get perfect games in the Lumosity Memory Matrix after taking about 1/4 tsp of this stuff. I can't do this normally. When I am talking to people I can repeat the previous seconds of conversation to myself effortlessly. It's good stuff!
How much are you using ? I haven't given up on this yet. I still have about half a kilo I got from China. I just get carried away experimenting with other stuff. I always tell myself I'll get back to the magT. I tried capping some myself and that was a mess. So having to scoop some out everyday is a real pain.
Posted 15 January 2012 - 02:58 AM
How much are you using ?
I was using 1/8 tsp and moved up to 1/4 tsp. I think the key is letting your brain get used to it gradually. I found that too much at first was anxiolytic but didn't do much for my memory.
Posted 15 January 2012 - 04:33 AM
think that it easily reach brain and half life is pretty long 24hr+
Effect of kind of calm ,very pleasure when combine with Piracetam ,environment much more naturals rather than very bright
I just take 1Cap LEF /day will take more .
Posted 15 January 2012 - 10:59 AM
So, MgT must be cycled?? Tolerance problems??
Can anyone put the link to the LEF product??
Posted 16 January 2012 - 12:40 PM
Posted 17 January 2012 - 03:12 AM
My n=1 opinion is that there is definitely something unique about this supplement, I am able to walk around very relaxed yet can focus on menial tasks for hours on end. I haven't noticed no increase in short term memory but my long to memory seems to be better. If I may quantify what MgT does, it is that am able to recall information faster, as though the search function is faster and brings back more results and detail inside my head.
I dont claim to have much knowledge on the inner workings of the brain, yet I can help wonder how it is possible that it improved my long term memory without improving short term memory?
One last completely unrelated effect. I have been a Paleo diet for about a year and lost 39 pounds and my body seems to be completely content walking around at 9% body fat. The only exception being a ravenous evening, sugar craving that I was prepared to simply accept. While taking MgT I noticed that my sugar cravings have almost completely subsided. Ive tried everything to kick my white/dark chocolate cravings with no success ( I was even going to try Naltrexone next).
Overall Im very please with MgT.
Many may be inclined to think that this is simply a case of an individual with initial Magnesium deficiency. That would be my guess as well, however I supplemented with Natural Calm and soaked in Epsom Salt baths 3x per week, religiously.
Posted 20 January 2012 - 03:57 PM
My dosage is small since LEF recommends upto 3 capsules, I am only taking one LEF MgT capsule just before bed and it has made me sleep like a brick.
Posted 20 January 2012 - 06:58 PM
Hi everybody, just an update. Been taking mgT continuously for about a week and I have decided to cycle it, taking it only every other day, as I think its NMDA antagonist activity, though serene and relaxing, has made my memory a bit crappy lately. When I first started taking it the crappy memory would last a few hours and then I would be super sharp but now the crappy memory and over-relaxed attitude is becoming a full day long phenomenon. I am not too worried because this is more or less normal for NMDA antagonists like memantine and the memory enhancing effect of memantine are theorized to be due to the brain producing more NMDA receptors to compensate for the ones that are being temporarily antagonized and mine are being very antagonized right now. When I come out of this pleasant but not too work friendly haze, I'll give you guys an update.
I can't say I've experienced any side effects. I'm taking Swanson Ultra "Magtein" Magnesium L-Threonate; 3 capsules a day, as suggested.
I can't say for sure if my mental improvement are attributed solely to it, as I've been taking a lot of other things with it as well. But it's certainly not doing any harm!
Posted 20 January 2012 - 07:03 PM
Ok one more update. I am able to lift weights /workout more now, because Im not extremely sore for 3 days at a time like I used to be. Im starting to wonder if I didnt actually have a raging magnesium deficiency? I used to only be able to have intense workouts twice per week and I was crazy sore. Now I have been able to bump my workouts to 3-4 times per week. If your not Mg deficient in the first place MgT may not help you at all? Also if its absorbed in the brain better wouldnt it be absored in the rest of the body better too?
My dosage is small since LEF recommends upto 3 capsules, I am only taking one LEF MgT capsule just before bed and it has made me sleep like a brick.
Coming to think of it, I too have been sleeping straight away and right up to my alarm time without waking most of the time.
Regarding the rest of your post, I can't say for sure but my muscles have been healing much faster (I now go to rowing training 3 times a week and exercise on other days as opposed to just once a week sometimes before) - I just seem to be able to do more and go the extra mile. However, I am taking other things, for example some herbal saponins like Tribulus and Diosgenin HE etc, so I can't confidently attribute any improvements to one product or the other.
Posted 26 January 2012 - 10:27 AM
Recently I read this study about magnesium: http://george-eby-re...-depression.pdf It seems that supplementing with magnesium is really good for people who suffer from depression (like me). This study was made using 125-300 mg. of magnesium (glycinate and taurinate). Using magnesium l-threonate (the best absorbed form) maybe the results will be better.
Any new opinion about MgT?? I´m going to try it and I´m want to know if the users of this forum definitively had good experiences with it.
I know that actually there are three suppliers: LEF, Swanson and Cerebral Health (I think that also Sabre Sciences has a product call iMagT). What brand do you recommend me?? I was thinking in LEF. Any experience with this brand??
Posted 27 January 2012 - 05:03 PM
http://www.ncbi.nlm....pubmed/16794460 -- "We and others have demonstrated that short-term ingestion of cocoa, particularly rich in the subclass of flavonoids known as flavanols, induced a consistent and striking peripheral vasodilation in healthy people, improving endothelial function in a nitric oxide-dependent manner."
Posted 28 January 2012 - 05:48 AM
Is it sign of Calcium/Magnesium imbalance or product impurity ?
Posted 28 January 2012 - 09:38 AM
Anyone had a similar experience?? Could it be the impurity of the product?? I believed that LEF was a quality brand.
According to this information should I go with another brand?? What's the best brand out there of MgT??
Posted 28 January 2012 - 12:59 PM
but just left side headache side effect ,that i question about it.
My post not really good and well form grammar i known ,i think i have suffer from Piracetam negative effect that i not well post/understand as before .
I also have some MgT from celebralheath will try it soon to see any different brand to brand .
Posted 28 January 2012 - 06:22 PM
I´m doubting between LEF product and Cerebral Health. LEF product uses Magtein patent an Cerebral Health no. Someone who has tried both brands could share his opinion?? Any recommendation??
Posted 13 February 2012 - 02:40 PM
Posted 29 March 2012 - 09:18 AM
Posted 04 November 2012 - 07:37 AM
I've never had a supplement affect me so strongly, if this really is what's going on (this is the only thing I've changed). I don't remember my standard cal/mag/zinc supplement causing any changes.
I was experimenting with some uridine and I thought I had a bad reaction to that, but now I am coming to realize I think it is the Magnesium L-Theronate. I feel hyper alert, and not in a good or comfortable way, I feel all pent up and fidgety and too active. I think it's triggering some slight mania/OCD/anxiety and I do not like the feeling at all. The only reason I took it tonight probably for the last time is that today I was able to function pretty well going out and having lunch with a friend, and use the activating effects in a good way. However, when alone, the effects are a lot, and my thoughts are cycling around and I feel like even when I was out I was somewhat prone to pressured speech/babbling.
My diagnosis is "depression and anxiety" basically, but I have so many symptoms that no one really knows what's wrong with me. Please be careful with this supplement. Have others had negative reactions?
Posted 04 November 2012 - 12:14 PM
Posted 05 November 2012 - 12:41 AM
I don't know if it's good forum etiquette to bring this thread back, but I've been having some bad side effects from only taking two of the Magnesium L-Theronate caps from Swanson (once in the morning and evening).
I've never had a supplement affect me so strongly, if this really is what's going on (this is the only thing I've changed). I don't remember my standard cal/mag/zinc supplement causing any changes.
I was experimenting with some uridine and I thought I had a bad reaction to that, but now I am coming to realize I think it is the Magnesium L-Theronate. I feel hyper alert, and not in a good or comfortable way, I feel all pent up and fidgety and too active. I think it's triggering some slight mania/OCD/anxiety and I do not like the feeling at all. The only reason I took it tonight probably for the last time is that today I was able to function pretty well going out and having lunch with a friend, and use the activating effects in a good way. However, when alone, the effects are a lot, and my thoughts are cycling around and I feel like even when I was out I was somewhat prone to pressured speech/babbling.
My diagnosis is "depression and anxiety" basically, but I have so many symptoms that no one really knows what's wrong with me. Please be careful with this supplement. Have others had negative reactions?
Why don't you try dosing pure threonine and see if you get side effects from that? I find amino acids can have a tendence to make you feel messed up. What's your mgT dosage? is it above 500mg?
Posted 05 November 2012 - 12:52 AM
Posted 05 November 2012 - 01:28 AM
Why don't you try dosing pure threonine and see if you get side effects from that? I find amino acids can have a tendence to make you feel messed up. What's your mgT dosage? is it above 500mg?
Threonine is not threonate. And anyway, amino acid chelates, I'm told, don't normally dissociate and don't supply a significant amount of the amino acid by itself.
Edited by ta5, 05 November 2012 - 01:36 AM.
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