Lipofuscin is an already formed pigment and chelation won't affect it. It may prevent it from forming. The same with selenium etc. The issue is that there is nothing proven to dissolve existing lipofuscin, but some people have suggested centrophenoxine. I got this from a commercial website just to give you an idea. This was confirmed to me personally by prof Nagy on many occasions: Professor Imre Zs. Nagy of the University of Debrecen (Hungary) [...] developed and used centrophenoxine to modify the cell structure of elderly animals by removing lipofuscin build-up and by changing the water and lipid/dry mass ratio to that of younger animals. His experiments were so effective that, in addition to a number of behavioural improvements, the longevity of the treated animals increased by up to 40% compared with the controls ! Centrophenoxine has been shown to be effective both at fighting cerebral ageing and reducing excessive levels of lipofuscin. It may also be an essential weapon in the fight against ageing and age-related diseases in general.
You know Nagy, and he claims that centrophenoxine removes lipofuscin? I thought this had been shown not to work, or was based on differing definitions for "lipofuscin", or some such thing. 40% improvement in longevity (however they define that) is pretty impressive, presuming they mean in well-husbanded mammals and not in worms or insects or something. This would be great if true, but something tells me it isn't going to pan out.
Yeah, bingo on all fronts. Starting with the lifespan claim: well, yes, the "longevity of the treated animals increased by up to 40%" -- but the "animals" in question were fruit flies

. (3) I don't know if these were even healthy, normal flies in the first place, but certainly a hell of a lot of useless antioxidant junk increases LS in flies. There have been reports of much smaller increases in LS in mice,(2,4) but the animals were short-lived, due either to strain(2) or husbandry.(4) Another study in a highly cancer-prone group of mice reported no effects on survival or tumor burden.(1)
A fair number of studies have reported
slower accumulation of lipofuscin with centrophenoxine treatment or ALCAR, but only a few have claimed actual
reversal (ie, less "lipofuscin" after treatment than before) -- and it's not clear in all of these studies that he 'lipofuscin' they're probing is the genuine, aggregated article (see eg (7)). Per contra, seral studies (eg (5,6)) have found
no effect at all of centrophenoxine on lipofuscin. And the positive results are confounded by the fact that there is reason to believe in a lot of these studies that the animals were less than well-cared-for, so it could just be a general effect of alleviating oxidative stress that wouldn't apply to humans living typical developed-world lifestyles.
I remember sometime ago Aubrey (de Grey) was telling me that he was doing some research on certain bacteria that could remove lipofuscin, I don't think anything happened since in this respect.
Oh, dear. We really aren't doing a good job of communicating. We've made
excellent progress on this front: see, eg, and (8-11).
IP6 (IP6 almost as good as CR in preventing accumulation of lipofuscin)
I don't think that really proves that IP6 did it -- in fact, I think it's perfectly compatible with IP6 having no effect at all, or even being deleterious! First, there's only about half as much IP6 in oat bran as there is in wheat bran (see eg.
here and
here); second, as the paper says, "Caloric intake of rats fed the [oat fiber] diet was estimated to be 40% that of animals in the AL group" -- which, taken literally, means that they were
more CRed than the CR group (ie, they only ate 40% of the AL group, so that's 60% CR; perhaps they meant, "Caloric intake ... was estimated to be 40%
less than that of animals in the AL group"? Either way, any benefit should be entirely attributable to CR -- and if, indeed, the oat fiber group had similar reductions in lipofuscin accumulation despite eating substantially
fewer Calories than the CR group, then it either means that there's a floor beyond which further CR cannot decelerate lipofuscin accumulation, or that something about the oat fiber diet
impeded the (expected) additional reduction in lipofuscin accumulation.
References1: Stenbäck F, Weisburger JH, Williams GM. Effect of lifetime administration of dimethylaminoethanol on longevity, aging changes, and cryptogenic neoplasms in C3H mice. Mech Ageing Dev. 1988 Feb;42(2):129-38. PubMed PMID: 3361965.
2: Hochschild R. Effect of dimethylaminoethanol on the life span of senile male A-J mice. Exp Gerontol. 1973 Aug;8(4):185-91. PubMed PMID: 4729429.
3: Hochschild R. Effect of membrane stabilizing drugs on mortality in Drosophila melanogaster. Exp Gerontol. 1971 Apr;6(2):133-51. PubMed PMID: 4397875.
4: Hochschild R. Effect of dimethylaminoethyl p-chlorophenoxyacetate on the life
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