The Targets
Decades of research in aging people and experimental animals has established that there are no more than seven major classes of such cellular and molecular damage, shown in the table below. We can be confident that this list is complete, first and foremost because of fact that scientists have not discovered any new kinds of aging damage in nearly a generation of research, despite the increasing number of centers and scientists dedicated to studying the matter, and the use of increasingly powerful tools to prove the aging body. In its own way, each of these kinds of damage make our bodies frail, and contribute to the rising frailty and ill-health that appears in our sixth decade of life and accelerates thereafter."
LysoSENS - Clearing wast accumulations out of cells
AmyloSENS - Removing junk from between cells
GlycoSENS - Breaking extracellular crosslinks
ApoptoSENS - Removing dysfunctional cells
MitoSENS - Preventing damage from mitochondrial mutations
OncoSENS - Making cancerous mutations harmless
RepleniSENS - Replacing lost cells
I am wondering how c60-oo might work against these problems being that it is both a scavenger and may help carry the oo lipids deeper into cells... It seems to me to be a double whammy to keep cells healthier by preventing telomere shortening and sending c60 to help protect the cell's processes... Just thinking out loud but your thoughts would be appreciated.
Edited by solarfingers, 31 May 2013 - 02:15 AM.