I thought it would be interesting to spread a thought which resurfaces in me on a regular basis. That there is a horrificly small number of seconds in an average lifetime.
1 hr = 60min * 60sec = 3600 sec
1 day = 3600sec * 24hr = 86,400 sec
1 year = 86400sec * 365days = 31,536,000 sec
70 years = 31536000sec * 70years = 2,207,520,000 sec
So, to reflect, there is only 2 Billion seconds in 70 years !!!! Perhaps, I've gotten used to seeing numbers of this magnitude. However this means that I cannot hope to count to 1 billion, let alone actually read and comprehend 1 billion written words. My intuition tells me this is small and gives me a bit a fright and a reality check that I will not have the time to do everything I want to or rather even very much. Remember, you are probably using a good number of seconds even reading this and reflecting!! 1.... 2.... 3.... 4....
Now, you should be thinking by now, that you have even less that 2 billion seconds.
----Half of your life you need to get refreshing sleep. So really, you only have 1 billion seconds of awake time.
----If you are in your late 20s, you probably only have 30-40 good years left if that. So 500 million seconds !!!
----Half of the time you are distracted by normal life of work, money, family/friends, or entertainment... 250 million sec
----Considering how long it takes to have original thought or understand something, say 1 concept every 20 minutes(1200 sec)... 250,000 concepts in your lifetime!!!
This assumes that you are on this schedule until you are 70 years old, and every 20 minutes of freetime produces a concept.
This blows my mind every time. 250 thousand concepts is not very many. Hopefully, before my 100 thousandth concept, Ageing is widely accepted as a disease, and not a natural part of life.
This is a wakeup call, to become industrious and useful towards solving ageing, or things that can directly help.