Let's discuss the best philosophical and prospective approach to the dealing with the current shortcomings of the human race and the society which arises from it.
Every day we are faced with catastrophes of every kind. Violence, hunger, victimization, incrimination, abuse of authority, corruption and an assortment of other external co-factors.
It seems to me that people tend to allow themselves to be jerked to and fro in the midst of this species chaos storm. No concern seems to be given to where it leads them, which might be why it often leads them no where.
Now to separate the 'us' from the 'them'. the purpose for this is to exercise the action of free will, in an attempt to change the values and conclusions of this society we are based in.
I want to share what, in my humble opinion, is the absolute best philosophical approach to this dilemma, not only for people like us, but for people in general. This is an invitation of course for you to do the same.
I propose the best approach is that of PD ouspensky, as outlined in his short book entitled 'the psychology of mans possible evolution'.
In this book Ouspensky describes, in great profundity, the sheer arrogance of the human race. How we assign ourselves attributes that we don't actually possess. We think we 'know' when in fact we know so little.
We think we are one united 'I' when in fact we are many divided I's in constant internal turmoil, trying to piece ourselves together from moment to moment, which only serves to make us indecisive and powerless.
He speaks of this tendency for most humans to approach society from the imaginative perspective, that is, this notion of what 'I am' as opposed to the truth, which is that we simple do not know.
Furthermore he calculates that the admittance of this fact (that is, that we know nothing) is the only way we will advance forward. He also proclaims that despite our vast knowledge in sciences this is not really 'knowing' but a mere trickle of what it means to truly know.
He describes 4 states of consciousness.
1-Man as he is now, completely asleep and dreaming (most men, that is). Unaware of himself, thinking he has what he does not have (that is, dreaming and pretending, self lying etc).
2-Man as he could be if he observed himself from moment to moment and admitted to his lack of knowledge (which he called waking sleep, which some of us pass through at variable intervals). This is difficult to hold on to, but the more practice, the better the outcome
3-Objective knowledge, which means to know from the objective standpoint, without letting personal fancy get in the way of what is true (very scientific approach).
4-Unity knowledge, which he describes as 'nearly' impossible, but which strongly involves objective knowledge and its myriad actions and consequences.
He states that in order to continue on with the further evolution of our species it is of the utmost importance that each of us 'observes' ourselves and our effects. Thus catching ourselves in our own lies.
From this we leave the dream state and enter the state of 'waking sleep', which is where we have those glimpses of wakefulness which we can capture but not quite hold on to. It is the objective state which, further on, allows us to hold on to them.
He also divides human activity into 4 basic functions
1-Thinking function
2-Moving function
3-instinctive function
4-emotion function
And also describes the interrelationship between these various functions, and also the very important separate aspects of them (that is, where they must remain separated from one another.
He describes man as a 'broken machine'. A machine that needs repair. This analogy suits how he divides everything by category.
In summary, Ouspensky's outline of the prospective human race is rooted in work. That is, working to know, working to become less dreamful, more wakeful and eventually in an (almost) complete objective state of awareness.
The first purpose to me would seem to stop allowing the actions of others to dictate our own actions/reactions. The second would be to allow us the opportunity to cooperate from the disposition of this 'objective' state, to further augment our species.
Thoughts? Reflections? Other ideas of what is best for our society?
Remember, society is based on a philosophy. A thought happened and then a society emerged. How can we save ourselves from imminent catastrophe?