I've been taking Noopept for a little over a month at doses of 20-30mgs two or three times daily. So, a few nights ago I decided to try what seemed like a stupidly high dose of Noopept (100mg) in a single dose. It was probably some sort of self-destructive decision but it turned out to be a wonderful gift. I waited a few days before posting to make sure these doses didn't have any immediately dangerous side effects. I'll get into more detail below.
This has been a 4 day trial so far with total daily dosages ranging from 100mg - 300mg. I've been monitoring my blood pressure and pulse rate throughout and it seems to be unaffected. I use a drug-store blood pressure unit across from my work, so I'm able to monitor it three times a day.
My blood pressure has stayed stable around 125/75 (ranging from 119-135/72-79) and my pulse rate is about 75bpm (that's a pretty high resting pulse rate, probably due to the cigarettes I smoke).
The first night I dosed at 100mg and I didn't notice much. I was expecting some sort of negative side effect but didn't experience anything. Also didn't experience a noticeable positive change either. I took 100mg of L-Theanine, did some meditation before bed and slept normally.
The next morning I woke up a bit tired and didn't notice anything abnormal. Then while driving back from my morning workout I noticed the trees hanging down over the road, blowing in the wind. Their movements were so smooth, majestic and crisp... it was beautiful.
As the morning progressed my mood kept getting better and better. This wasn't euphoria though, it was peaceful, calm, pure and serene. All the negative thoughts that had been cycling through my head everyday for as long as I can remember were gone. A great weight felt like it had been lifted from my shoulders.
I took another 100mg dose after my shower and before work. I was really surprised there were no negative side effects so far at 3.5x the maximum recommended daily dose.
The weather was beautiful! Autumn temperatures for the first time all year. Clean swift breeze and a deep blue sky sprinkled with just the right amount of fluffy white clouds. I got to work and started journaling (part of an entry can be found here if you're interested) and was surprised how positive everything was. I realized I'd been depressed ever since getting back to America five years ago. I had no idea I was depressed until I was suddenly and unexpectedly relieved of the constant pain.
I imagined writing something about this experience here on longecity but cringed at the thought of people calling it a "hypomanic-break" or something similar. I've experience hypo-mania on an oxi-ani combo and recognize it clearly, which is why I stopped those racetams. In contrast, this was serenity; peaceful and content.
I realized that cognitive enhancement is of little use for me without a reciprocal emotional/spiritual enhancement. If anything, faster and more efficient thinking just added fuel the negative self-defeating thoughts I didn't even know were cycling through my head.
I took another 100mg dose in the afternoon and the effect lasted all day. It was effortless to do my work and I decided to wash my car and enjoyed doing so. I called my grandma and mom and had a couple of wonderful conversations. I felt grateful for everything in my life.
The next day I decided to up the dosage to 100mg x 3 times. The day started with identical results but the third dose of 100mg was too much. It gave me a flat-emotional feeling, similar to what I experience taking DMAE.
So ever since then I've been on 100mg Noopept twice a day and feel great. I've reduced my stack to only a few items:
Fish oil = 6gs per day
Noopept = 200mgs per day
Inositol = 12gs per day
L-Theanine = 100mg at night
This is ten times the recommended maximum daily dosage (as stated in the Russian product literature). I started Noopept over one month ago and had no negative side effects before trying these much larger doses. If you're considering mega-dosing on Noopept start low first to make sure you don't have any negative reactions and watch for emotional side effects. People in the past have noticed increased aggression and some other side effects which I'm personally grateful I haven't noticed at all.
I've included a picture of some piles of Noopept. In descending order of size the weights are 200mg, 100mg, 30mg and 20mg. I put the coins next to the piles for size comparison and the benjamin at the bottom for added flare