I recently read that *gasp* my collagen production started declining when I turned 21, so i've been wondering if it owuldn't bea good Idea to make a thread listing all the stuff one can do that promotes increased collagen production or even links to articles about research about what the future may hold in that regard.
Here is what I found out so far, it most likel;y has mistakes and lots of info is lacking so please add to it as much as you can

-diet: rich in green vegetables, kale, spinach, broccoli, fish (salmon/herring)
-no alcohol or smoking
-healthy amounts of exercise
-avoiding inflammation
-supplements: cetain amino-acids:l-ornithine among them, omega 3, gellatin???
-topical treatments with retin a, vit c serum
-skin needling
-laser /radiotherapy resurfacing?
Thats what I've gahthered so far in my travels over various internet forums
Please feel free to correct/add, I know there's a lot I'm missing or might have misunderstood.
Your help is very much appreciated:)