Watch out for hypomania. MAOIs, tend to do that. I know that this board has had hypomanic outbursts from people taking deprenyl and othr MAOIs, etc. Be aware of what your baseline personality is. If you start to get a bit too grandiose, you might want to cut back a little. Hypomania is not really being more intelligent, but it's easy to mistake it for such.
Actually my first thought was this.
Speed Blindness is a person's impairment in the ability to judge speed, when you've travelled at high speeds.
Speed Blindness can be a safety risk, particularly when a driver leaves the road at high speed and enters the urban area.
This was my second worry, I would go on a lighter dosage! The condition is a serious condition! You just need a slight advance to treat your problems, don´t go overboard.
I would correctly describe it as what you said by speed blindness, but only temporary and it seems to be without that feel of when you get off the freeway and since you are used to going fast your body sometimes pushes the peddle to hard on residential streets. Its gone now (the next morning). It was really only visably apparent and obvious going high speeds in a car, I didn't see such a dramatic effect in regular activities due to the monotony of the speed, but I did notice differences
I love being a devil's advocate, but not today. Methylene Blue as an MAOI at the dose Aaron is taking is subtle to say the least. 60mcg of a REVERSIBLE MAOI is unlikely to cause any adverse side effects like a hypomanic state. The effects of Methylene Blue are primarily inhibiting enzymes related to aging, boosting mitochondria health back into a youthful state. This is not antidepressant medication, but an anti-aging chemical. Methylene Blue can be an MAOI, but maybe at a level much higher than he is taking now (like as much as 0.25mg).
Molecular Weight: 319.85 g/mol
Active MOAI A at: 27nM/L (source) ("...very potent inhibitor of MAO A with a Ki of 27nM...")
Blood Stream Volume: 6L
319.85 * 27 * (10^(-9)) * 6 = 5.18157 × 10-5
So an injection of 52mcg would have some MAOI effect. An ingestion of 60mcg would probably not yield a grand effect on MAO inhibition, seeing how the digestive system would release it at a decreasing rate for 2-4 hours.
Good post. ya like you said MB is a selective MAO-A inhibitor. Another selective MAO-A inhibitor is Resveratrol. Here is a list from wiki, scroll to the bottom, you can compare methylene blue to other medication selective MAO-A inhibitors or the herbal inhibitors.
http://en.wikipedia....r#List_of_MAOIs . The mode of action for an MAO-A inhibitor is MAO-A inhibition reduces the breakdown of primarily serotonin, epinephrine, and norepinephrine and thus has a higher risk of serotonin syndrome and/or a hypertensive crisis when mixed with SSRI's. MB definetly has a sort of MAO-A effects when taken at 60 microgram dose, it is very apparent. But if it is the MAO-A causing my effects or not seems to be the case. You said I would need more MB for proper MAO-A inhibition to take place, yet the more I take of MB the less it works. If I take 60 micrograms or marginally lower I get great effects, but if I go much lower than it doesn't work as well either. I bring in the question if MAO activity has anything to do with the effects that I am experiencing. Note that I am not constantly happy, or un-naturally happy. I seem to be focused on what is always infront of me and my emotional state during the time is dependent on how well I do what is in front of me. When I do something that I deem correct, a connection seems to be made and I get this euphoria or even more increased energy.
So again we have to look at if the mechanism of an MAO is actually present is MB, and if it isn't another mechanism causing what I feel. And if it could be MAO, is there a difference in the potential of MAO-A inhibitors? Like would a small dose of a certain MAO-a inhibitor have the same effects as a weaker MAO-a inhibitor at higher doses? That I feel like we need to find out. But from what I have noticed, I can say that there is effects similar to an MAO-a inhibitor but without the side effects such as not eating cheese.
One thing I tried last night was I took a dose of MB right before bed. I slept like a log and had a very very deep sleep, after about 5 hours I woke up completely refreshed. Tho i had nothing to do so I went back to sleep lol.
The wiki page talks about serotonin toxicity at doses exceeding 5mg/kg (if mixed with SSRIs), so 60mcg shouldn't be a problem.
As much as I would like to confirm this with a pharmacist, I can't imaging striking up that conversation..."hey, I'd like to drink this fish tank stuff..." Umm... 
I want to agree with you but if there was a dangerous aspect, you could possibly be playing with fire, but if its a little flame or a forest fire is the question.
And lol you can tell the pharmacist that it's a die used too stain tumors before surgery, or used to treat malaria
Edited by aaron43, 28 June 2011 - 06:16 PM.