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Methylene Blue Experiences

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#1 ImmortalisRX

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Posted 27 May 2009 - 01:05 AM

I have used it for three months and have outstanding results. The first thing you notice is the ability to do more work during my workouts and the increased ability to recover from aerobic and anerobic workouts.


Methylene blue delays cellular senescence and enhances key mitochondrial biochemical pathways
Hani Atamna1, Andy Nguyen, Carla Schultz, Kathleen Boyle, Justin Newberry, Hiroyuki Kato and Bruce N. Ames Nutrition and Metabolism Center, Children's Hospital Oakland Research Institute, Oakland, California, USA

1Correspondence: Nutrition & Metabolism Center, Children's Hospital Oakland Research Institute, 5700 Martin Luther King Jr. Way, Oakland, CA, 94609-1673, USA. E-mail: hatamna@chori.org<script type="text/javascript">

Methylene blue (MB) has been used clinically for about a century to treat numerous ailments. We show that MB and other diaminophenothiazines extend the life span of human IMR90 fibroblasts in tissue culture by >20 population doubling (PDLs). MB delays senescence at nM levels in IMR90 by enhancing mitochondrial function. MB increases mitochondrial complex IV by 30%, enhances cellular oxygen consumption by 37–70%, increases heme synthesis, and reverses premature senescence caused by H2O2 or cadmium. MB also induces phase-2 antioxidant enzymes in hepG2 cells. Flavin-dependent enzymes are known to use NAD(P)H to reduce MB to leucomethylene blue (MBH2), whereas cytochrome c reoxidizes MBH2 to MB. Experiments on lysates from rat liver mitochondria suggest the ratio MB/cytochrome c is important for the protective actions of MB. We propose that the cellular senescence delay caused by MB is due to cycling between MB and MBH2 in mitochondria, which may partly explain the increase in specific mitochondrial activities. Cycling of MB between oxidized and reduced forms may block oxidant production by mitochondria. Mitochondrial dysfunction and oxidative stress are thought to be key aberrations that lead to cellular senescence and aging. MB may be useful to delay mitochondrial dysfunction with aging and the decrease in complex IV in Alzheimer disease.—Atamna, H., Nguyen, A., Schultz, C., Boyle, K., Newberry, J., Kato, H., Ames, B. N. Methylene blue delays cellular senescence and enhances key mitochondrial biochemical pathways.

So what do you think about that?

#2 zawy

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Posted 27 May 2009 - 01:54 AM

I have used it for three months and have outstanding results. The first thing you notice is the ability to do more work during my workouts and the increased ability to recover from aerobic and anerobic workouts.

What's the dose you're using? I tried 0.5 mg this afternoon and didn't notice anything, although one memory test did come out better. I'll try 2 mg tomorrow.

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#3 zawy

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Posted 28 May 2009 - 01:31 PM

I tried 2 mg the last two days and could not tell a difference on 2 memory tests 1.5 hour after ingestion. Maybe a very slight buzz (neither "good" or "bad", just a symptom that I ingested a chemical) and a very slight change in urine color.
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#4 8lu3

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Posted 19 October 2009 - 08:20 PM

Not sure if this topic should go here or in regimens.

Anyway. I got up this afternoon (I am a night worker) and took 60mcg of MB in one go, I was going to start with 1mcg but measured out the 60mcg so I decided to go with that. I had some breakfast and my usual noots and so. I then as usual proceeded to do some studying, but after an hour I started to get a tension headache and had to stop the studying; I then began to get tired so I had an hours sleep and got up more refreshed and went to finish my studying. I still have a slight headache but nothing noticable and that is 5hrs later.

Now I may try the 60mcgs but spread out during the day or try the 1mcg. Also the MB might not be compatible with my other noots.
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#5 Lufega

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Posted 19 October 2009 - 10:07 PM

What did you take it with? Try experimenting with it alone and give yourself time to adjust.

#6 abelard lindsay

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Posted 20 October 2009 - 02:41 AM

I definitely get a mild headache and tired if I take too much MB. Try lowering the dose.

Not sure if this topic should go here or in regimens.

Anyway. I got up this afternoon (I am a night worker) and took 60mcg of MB in one go, I was going to start with 1mcg but measured out the 60mcg so I decided to go with that. I had some breakfast and my usual noots and so. I then as usual proceeded to do some studying, but after an hour I started to get a tension headache and had to stop the studying; I then began to get tired so I had an hours sleep and got up more refreshed and went to finish my studying. I still have a slight headache but nothing noticable and that is 5hrs later.

Now I may try the 60mcgs but spread out during the day or try the 1mcg. Also the MB might not be compatible with my other noots.

#7 8lu3

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Posted 20 October 2009 - 12:37 PM

What did you take it with? Try experimenting with it alone and give yourself time to adjust.

Quest Vegan Time Released Vit & Min supplement

1.25mg deprenyl

800mg Omega 3

2 capsules of Get Smart (

Each capsule contains:

300mg Aniracetam
250mg Centrophenoxine
125mg Pyritinol
100mg Picamilion
15mg Oxiracetam
10mg Idebenone
10mg Vinpocetine
300mcg Galantamine
100mcg huperzine A

#8 8lu3

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Posted 20 October 2009 - 12:40 PM

I definitely get a mild headache and tired if I take too much MB. Try lowering the dose.

I might try the 60mcg again but with out my other supplements and see if there is a difference; if not I will try the 1mcg dosage.

#9 Lufega

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Posted 20 October 2009 - 04:47 PM

take it without the deprenyl and get smart. Also, give it a couple of weeks to feel the max effect. I find that loading up on 3 doses all 60 mcg, I'm able to cut back after a couple of weeks to 1 or 2 drops per day and still retain the mental enhancement. Does this stuff accumulate??

#10 lynx

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Posted 20 October 2009 - 04:51 PM

Yeah, don't take deprenyl with MB, because they are both MAO inhibitors, thats what gave you the headache.
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#11 8lu3

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Posted 20 October 2009 - 05:35 PM

take it without the deprenyl and get smart. Also, give it a couple of weeks to feel the max effect. I find that loading up on 3 doses all 60 mcg, I'm able to cut back after a couple of weeks to 1 or 2 drops per day and still retain the mental enhancement. Does this stuff accumulate??

I took it without the deprenyl and get smart over 3 hrs ago and no headache so far.

Do you mean 3 x 60mcg doses a day?

Not sure of your last question; does what accumulate?

#12 8lu3

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Posted 20 October 2009 - 05:36 PM

Yeah, don't take deprenyl with MB, because they are both MAO inhibitors, thats what gave you the headache.

That I did not know; it would explain the headache.

Thank you.

#13 8lu3

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Posted 21 October 2009 - 05:39 AM

I took it without the deprenyl and get smart over 3 hrs ago and no headache so far.

Four hours later in work, I most certainly felt something (could be placebo). Any way I felt more focused and was able to sail through my manual work; I also felt more confident.

Not sure if it is supposed to happen like that or whether it is the placebo affect; either way, I like it :)

#14 Declmem

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Posted 21 October 2009 - 05:55 PM

To be honest, I didn't get any noticeable effects when taking MB. I plan on trying it again at some point though.

I did, however, really enjoy dropping the MB into a glass and watching the blue ribbons swirl around. :)
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#15 rwac

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Posted 21 October 2009 - 07:17 PM

I did, however, really enjoy dropping the MB into a glass and watching the blue ribbons swirl around. :)

More Blue!
I've so been waiting for the appropriate thread for this!

neat flash video of MB.

Attached Files

Edited by rwac, 21 October 2009 - 07:19 PM.

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#16 8lu3

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Posted 21 October 2009 - 08:16 PM

I did, however, really enjoy dropping the MB into a glass and watching the blue ribbons swirl around. :)

More Blue!
I've so been waiting for the appropriate thread for this!

neat flash video of MB.

Cool :p

#17 8lu3

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Posted 22 October 2009 - 02:39 PM

Yesterday I took 60mcg around 15:00 and then took another 60mcg 4 hrs later to see if I could increase the effect.

Big mistake on my part. Major headache and no increased effect.

I found on my usual 60mcg dose, I did not feel the effect of the MB until 6-7hrs later; not sure if that is the usual case with MB.

So I will try 60mcg before I go to bed, so that I can do my studying in the hours after I awake; unless the MB interferes with my sleep.
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#18 rwac

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Posted 22 October 2009 - 05:06 PM

I found on my usual 60mcg dose, I did not feel the effect of the MB until 6-7hrs later; not sure if that is the usual case with MB.

Sounds like 60 mcg is too much for you. Since the half-life is around 3 hours, you should try say 15 mcg.

#19 8lu3

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Posted 22 October 2009 - 06:06 PM

I found on my usual 60mcg dose, I did not feel the effect of the MB until 6-7hrs later; not sure if that is the usual case with MB.

Sounds like 60 mcg is too much for you. Since the half-life is around 3 hours, you should try say 15 mcg.

Thank you, I shall try 15mcg. Correct me if wrong but would that would be 1ml MB to 80ml water??

At a lower dose for myself, should I feel the effects sooner rather than later?

Edited by noobie, 22 October 2009 - 06:13 PM.

#20 rwac

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Posted 22 October 2009 - 06:40 PM

Thank you, I shall try 15mcg. Correct me if wrong but would that would be 1ml MB to 80ml water??

At a lower dose for myself, should I feel the effects sooner rather than later?

Sounds good.
You should feel the effects sooner.

#21 8lu3

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Posted 22 October 2009 - 08:27 PM

Thank you, I shall try 15mcg. Correct me if wrong but would that would be 1ml MB to 80ml water??

At a lower dose for myself, should I feel the effects sooner rather than later?

Sounds good.
You should feel the effects sooner.

I took 15mcg about an hour ago, nothing as yet but it may hit me when I'm in work.

You said that 60mcg is probably to much, is that 60mcg in one hit or could I split the 60mcg in to divided doses through out the day or is it best not to split dosages and remain at lower dose?

#22 rwac

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Posted 22 October 2009 - 08:35 PM

You said that 60mcg is probably to much, is that 60mcg in one hit or could I split the 60mcg in to divided doses through out the day or is it best not to split dosages and remain at lower dose?

Figure out how long it takes for the effect to wear off, and then take another dose.

#23 health_nutty

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Posted 03 June 2010 - 08:14 PM

So I got some methylene blue from the aquarium shop. Now to just build up the courage to try it...

#24 mikeinnaples

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Posted 04 June 2010 - 11:56 AM

So I got some methylene blue from the aquarium shop. Now to just build up the courage to try it...

Aquarium shops here don't carry it. Lucky you.

#25 health_nutty

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Posted 08 June 2010 - 05:31 PM

geddarkstorm reported low blood pressure. Doesn't cortisol resistance lead to high blood pressure?

I don't know how cortisol affects blood pressure, but I have low blood pressure too.

Did you have low BP before using MB or has MB contributed to low BP?

#26 rwac

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Posted 08 June 2010 - 06:02 PM

Did you have low BP before using MB or has MB contributed to low BP?

It was just a touch high before , and it popped back up after I reduced the MB dosage.

#27 8bitmore

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Posted 09 June 2010 - 12:56 PM

So I got some methylene blue from the aquarium shop. Now to just build up the courage to try it...

A brief personal account (after lurking on these forums for half a year!): after following this thread on Methylene Blue and a few others on this forum I decided to try out the 60mcg route. It left me with a slightly sore throat after drinking down the blue'ish liquid but I attributed this to placebo or a simple non-important side-effect. After about 7 days, during which I felt no particular benefits, I started experiencing neck tension (just below cranial-ridge at the back of head) but kept going with one dose of MB a day. On day 8 or 9 I woke up in the middle of night with extreme shivering, vomiting and diarrhea, I still felt badly next day and skipped my morning MB dose, towards evening I was fine again.

This may simply be co-incidence but on a personal level I do not feel any need for trying again, it has literally been 3-4 years since I was last ill with vomiting and the neck tension was disconcerting for me as well. Plus the rapid onset and disappearance of my symptoms seems to indicate toxicity from build-up. And here comes the flip-side, my sister have been using the same source of MB as me (with the part intention of helping a semi-perm staph infection go permanently away) and she experienced none of the above symptoms that plagued my experience with MB: rather to the contrary she had better digestion (normally suffers from diarrhea) and much better circulation (normally very cold hands and feet, now positively warm), she worked with ranges of up to 1mg a day with positive effects.

I guess the whole thing for highlighted for me how careful one needs to be in regards to the effects of individual biochemistry when using supplementation of any kind (includes food and exercise for me!)

2 cents given :-D

edit: spelling

Edited by 8bitmore, 09 June 2010 - 12:57 PM.

#28 tintinet

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Posted 09 June 2010 - 08:23 PM


I've taken various doses of MB. Never noticed any effect except urine tinting.

#29 health_nutty

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Posted 09 June 2010 - 09:21 PM


I've taken various doses of MB. Never noticed any effect except urine tinting.

Geez, that must have been a huge dose! I don't get any from even 1mg spread throughout the day.

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#30 niner

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Posted 09 June 2010 - 10:19 PM

On day 8 or 9 I woke up in the middle of night with extreme shivering, vomiting and diarrhea, I still felt badly next day and skipped my morning MB dose, towards evening I was fine again.
my sister have been using the same source of MB as me (with the part intention of helping a semi-perm staph infection go permanently away) and she experienced none of the above symptoms that plagued my experience with MB: rather to the contrary she had better digestion (normally suffers from diarrhea) and much better circulation (normally very cold hands and feet, now positively warm), she worked with ranges of up to 1mg a day with positive effects.

Sounds like you had an intestinal virus. I can understand how you might want to stay away from MB. I'm still a little shy of clams after a particularly bad experience with them...

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