I know that lots of Longecity users are curious (as I was) to know more about how Noopept compares to other nootropics. Well I am happy to report that it's been worth the experience thus far. I am going to keep this short and sweet and any questions you may have I'll be happy to answer. First off I want to give a thank you to manic_racetam for his input on some of my initial questions about this potent nootropic. Now for the report...
I started my trial by purchasing the 10 gram powder from Cerebral Health. The recommended dosage is 10mg to start with. 30mg per day. Measuring 10mg is nearly impossible to get exact (especially given the consistency of the powder) so I used manic's picture to get an idea how to eyeball roughly that much given the fact that I do not have a digital scale. I have been lazy and still haven't gotten around to purchasing one. I posted on another thread my initial account from the first few days which I'll repeat "The first evening I took a small tiny dose (perhaps a bit less than 10mg even; very small) and placed the powder under the tongue for about 1 minute and a half and swallowed. I did not notice anything much for the rest of the evening. The next morning I took a ~15mg (and I mean that loosely; I am eyeballing yet being very careful and probably under estimating just to be on the safe side) dose and then another 10mg dose later in the afternoon and then another 10mg in the evening. Right now it's too early to tell the effects I'm feeling. I have quit the piracetam while testing this. One thing I will mention so far is that I was at a wedding gathering yesterday evening and drank 5 glasses of wine and a vodka martini and I was not slurring my speech at all. My wife was pretty tipsy and had a bit less than I did. I don't drink regularly and usually 2 glasses of wine is enough to have me feeling a bit buzzed. But not on this stuff. Piracetam is kind of the same way but with noopept the ability to maintain coordination and focus was even more pronounced." Maybe that's what they mean by this being "neuroprotective"

So the next day I increased the dosage a bit to perhaps 20mg but taken twice per day; morning and early afternoon. Currently I am scooping a little bit of the powder using a 1/8 size teaspoon. I would roughly, and I mean roughly, guess that the amount is 1/32 of a teaspoon of actual powder. To be honest I'm not too concerned about being exact and I feel that it's fairly safe to take and others here have taken doses well above what the manufacturer recommends; especially if this is taken short term.
At the current dosage I've realized that the effects are, as with all the racetams I've tried thus far, subtle yet profound. First of all if I didn't feel any thing other than the improved coordination and mental functioning after consuming many alcoholic drinks I'd say that alone was an amazing discovery. Think of the social ramifications! Moving on. Many people report this serene feeling. To me its more of a reassuring feeling. But, again, very subtle. What is not subtle has less to do with overall mood and more with verbal fluency. And by that I mean the ability to easily express your thoughts without having to pause very often to search for words. Speech is free flowing and, while not a euphoric high some might be searching for, it serves a great benefit for social situations. A job interview, a date, a speech, writing you name it. It removes "scatter brain" if you will. The biggest takeaway I have thus far is that this is a POTENT anxiolytic. Moreso than piracetam. It is not the same as piracetam though and I am guessing, and will soon trial, that noopept and piracetam can work well together. If you abuse drugs or alcohol and could do without the side effects.. well you might give this supplement a try

In summary:
Noopept administration increases cyclo-prolylglycine levels in the brain. Cycloprolylglycine is involved in the endogenous regulation of fear reaction. Cycloprolylglycine is similar to piracetam in not only nootropic, but also anxiolytic activity. The existence of an endogenous system responsible for the co-regulation of memory and anxiety is hypothesized. It seems to help slow time down for me and be more in the moment. Feelings of “serenity” have been cited and likely due to the anxiolytic effect and may be ideal to supplement with during periods of high stress. The effects you feel might very well have to do with how well your brain functions without any supplements. Just like that Russian advertisement if your brain feels like a wrinkled up piece of paper this stuff can straighten you out. If you are already a clean cut sheet of paper.. then you might not notice as much (consider yourself lucky eh? ha!)
Also, regarding sublingual or not. My answer is NOT. First off this shit tastes like chemical warfare in my mouth and it works just fine swallowing that small bit of powder with a bite of my cereal in the morning or with some sweet tea. It works just the same. Forget about holding that effing powder under your tongue for pete's sake. You'll thank me for it!! :D
Edited by JChief, 04 November 2011 - 06:13 PM.