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Stablon - Tianeptine: Experience / Review

stablon tianeptine adhd depression cognitive enhancer

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#1 manic_racetam

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Posted 11 November 2011 - 06:19 PM

I've been fascinated by this expensive little serotonin reuptake enhancer since I first read about it nearly a year ago. It sounded so nice. A mood uplifter with nearly no side effects (unlike SSRI's and bupropion which have tended to cause quite a bit of mental dulling for me in the past) that also had purported efficacy with treating ADHD symptoms, and possible cognitive enhancing benefits. Sounded like just the wonder drug I'd been looking for!

After my initial mega-dose with Noopept I realized I was quite depressed, and that is what finally motivated me to give Stablon a try. If you're looking for a supplier then check the retailer/product discussion section of the site (may only be available to logged in users) and let's keep this thread dedicated to experiences and discussion about Stablon/tianeptine. Ha! An attempt to guide the topic, maybe an effect of tianeptine use ;)

I've been taking the recommended one tablet three times a day for 14 days. Each tablet is 12.5mg tianeptine so that comes to a total dosage of 37.5mg per day. It has a plasma (blood) half life of 2.5 hours. I'm not sure what that relates to on a serotonergic level but I basically just follow the directions and take one pill upon waking and then re-dose every four to six hours. I was expecting some sort of warm happy buzz-like effect because of the reports of abuse potential, but so far have felt nothing of the sort and personally believe those claims are exaggerated.

Other supplements taken daily while taking tianeptine (not nootropics):

Acyclovir 400mg/day
BHT 250mg/day
Vit C 1,000mg BID
Vit D 1,000mcg/day
Caffeine 100-300mg/day

Night 1: Received the package in the afternoon and decided to take my first dose starting that night before bed. Honestly I was hoping for the dream side effects. I had very intense and vivid dreams and have come to realize that it is likely the Stablon causing these.

Day 1: Just felt strange. An unusual psychic feeling difficult to articulate upon. A mix between being really tired and slightly uncomfortable but without the desire to sleep.

Day 2: Very very busy day at work. I felt strange still but I had a million things going on all day. I didn't feel necessarily stressed out, I could just keep going, doing the next thing I needed to. Then finally at 5:15pm or so I decided to take a nap. I lay down and realized that my mind was racing a little, likely from all the stuff I had just done. I finally was able to get relaxed after a few minutes and then dozed off a bit, but it felt like as soon as I fell asleep completely I was suddenly awoken... startled. I felt very rested and awake after maybe 15 minutes of napping but it could have been from a mini-adrenalin rush from waking up startled.

I saw on this day how Stablon could possibly offer some motivation benefits without adding stress. It felt as if I could have just kept going if I had wanted to, doing the next thing in front of me without needing to rest. Also, my head seemed clear and my negotiating skills were intact. I went to a Halloween party at night, did some dancing and won the grand prize in the raffle plus another prize.

Day 3: Woke up with a random smile on my face and feeling quite content. Unfortunately that didn't last long as I realized as soon as I woke up that my roommates (female) were on the verge of breaking out in a fist fight. Luckily it didn't end violently but it started my day a bit off kilter.

The day was basically normal, still had a generally strange unarticulateable sensation but that was soon to pass. I went to another Halloween party that night and won two more pretty substantial prizes. I'm pretty sure Stablon makes me luckier. However, I felt a bit socially awkward and had a suspicion that it might be due to my body/brain adjusting to the new drug.

Day 4: "I was noticing today that one way to describe this substance is that it doesn't "dull" your perception in the way that SSRI's do. There is no emotional blunting so to say or brain fog. But there is a definite filter just in front of consciousness. It's a very difficult sensation to describe. I'm not sure if I like it but will continue taking this till the end just to see what it's like after the suggested 2-3 weeks of administration.

It's like there is a tiny, very thin, almost completely invisible gelatin filter over the perception/consciousness/experience center. I look at trees and see that they are beautiful, but there is an almost plastic quality to them, like a small artificial separation is coming between me and the visual input. The difficulty I'm having describing it is fascinating to me and makes me what to use more descriptive words to examine it. It's a sensation I've never had before, and I've never heard described so it's hard for me to put it into words. "

This is the day I started noticing improvement in my mental/mood state. I noticed that my thinking turned a bit more positive and I started looking on the bright side of situations again. A refreshing improvement but nothing drastic.

Day 5-Day 14:

Whoops. I stopped writing in my journal about my experience with the medicine which isn't a good sign for ADD sufferers ;), but it was in part to do with my busy work schedule. The "strange" gel-like sensation went away completely around day 5 or 6. After that I began having a small amount of mood-swings throughout the days. I'd be generally quite happy one day and then irritable and discontent the next. The difference is that the negative emotions didn't seem to affect my behavior as they usually would. I found caffeine to be beneficial as a mood and energy increaser, it seems to work much more effectively than without tianeptine.

I've found tianeptine to be a nice tool for finishing projects. Nothing like the obsessive desire that pramiracetam causes me but more like a smooth moving along to the next step until I finish. This stuff is very calm for the most part and definitely an effective anxiolytic but not in even a slightly sedating way. Not a stimulant and not a depressant, for me at least.

Amazingly vivid dreams are happening every night but for some reason I'm having a difficult time remembering them except for short segments. Other than increasing the vivid detail of my dreams it has not affected my sleep at all, even when dosed just before bedtime.

I've noticed that I'm stuck in the moment a bit. Even though I'm performing well at work and seem to be getting along fine with my friends and family I feel almost as if I'm unconsciously moving from situation to situation. Like I'm floating through life a bit, without living with intention. Not sure if that's something I can blame on tianeptine or if it's something that I need to make effort towards changing. Let me try to clarify, I feel sharp in the moment but a little fuzzy and disconnected with regard to my memory of recent events.

Around Day 11 my mood stabilized and has stayed stable ever since. I'm glad I stuck with the dosing even through the less than ideal emotional ups and downs because now I'm experiencing quite a nice dose of peace in my life. I feel a slight decrease in motivation to exercise and have noticed an increased appetite the last two days but not in an excessive or debilitating way and so far no apparent weight gain. Feel very calm, pretty serene and that everything is going to be ok.

I've noticed quite a bit of verbal fluency the past few days and I've been able to relate with close friends on an empathic level and articulate clearly my point. A few people have mentioned that I've been on one with the moral support so to say. So it has possibly increased my emotional intelligence a bit.

Also, colors are definitely brighter and more beautiful. Everything has a "Holiday Filter" look to it. Cheery, saturated and lovely. Nearly forgot to mention it.

One negative side effect that was quite frightening at first was uncomfortable heart palpitations. I've read every source I can find and supposedly tianeptine lacks the other tricyclic antidepressant's side effect of heart palpitations. The only thing listed as a potential side effect relating to the heart is postural hypotension, which I suppose could be something that would cause the heart to rapidly begin beating to increase blood-flow to the brain/extremities. I haven't noticed any light-headedness, shortness of breath or dizziness though. I'm tempted to assume that it is causing slight heart palpitations that I've now gotten used to. Checked my blood pressure today and it was 120/68 so nothing abnormal as far as pressure goes for me. Any thoughts on this would be welcomed.

Also, involuntary twitching of the eye-lids has increased a bit, but not to an unbearable or even annoying level.

While taking this I've had a largely reduced desire to take any other sort of substance (possible efficacy in addcition treatment). But I have tried a few different noots in conjunction with the Stablon and gotten mixed results. They are as follows...

Noopept: I haven't taken Noopept regularly for nearly two months but 50mgs made me irritable/short-fused, quite upset and easily annoyed. I tried 30mgs a few days later and although I was worried about the irritability returning it went very smoothly and was quite enjoyable. Verbal fluency was increased and feeling of well-being increased slightly. May repeat this from time to time but have no pressing desire at this moment.

Sulbutiamine: Decided to finally capsule-up the rest of my sulbutiamine, (which is a serious pain of a powder to put into capsules by the way) and decided to take some in the mean-time. Took 800mgs about 15 minutes before dinner. The effects were very nice, quite a dopaminergic boost as usual. Had a very nice social outing with friends but developed a moderate headache about 3 hours after taking the sulbutiamine. Can't remember ever getting a headache from that before so guessing it was a biproduct of mixing with tianeptine.

Caffeine: Great stuff. Makes caffeine very enjoyable. Energizing and mood-brightening.

L-Tyrosine: I've taken this a total of 4 days off and on while on Stablon. Usually it's 500mgs in the morning. Definite increase in motivation but almost a bit too stimulating sometimes. Can definitely get lots of work finished in a timely manner but there tends to be a slight crash about 6 hours after taking it.

Pramiracetam: Tried this for the first time last night with a 300mg dose. Increased energy level. Made verbal communication a bit too easy (found myself quite opinionated and a bit overbearing in conversation). Had a very pleasant mood brightening effect that I've never experienced on pramiracetam alone before. May try this again with a decreased dose size, 300mg seems a bit excessive in retrospect.

I'm really not sure. I'll continue updating but I'm a bit wishy-washy about this stuff. It's helped to stabilize my mood quite a bit (not just a clever name I suppose) and has probably had an overall positive effect on my productivity at work. I feel a bit disconnected though, not spaced out just slightly separated from my perceptual experience.

Also, I have a sneaking suspicion that my organizational skills have been slightly compromised and it seems more difficult to be concise with my wording. Both points are likely apparent in this lengthy and meandering report, lol. Is it a cognitive enhancer? It's really hard to say from a subjective viewpoint. I'd lean towards, "Not significantly".

I have about three weeks worth of Stablon remaining and still haven't decided whether I want to order more or if I should start tapering down in a week. We'll see...
In closing here are the effects I have personally experienced.

Positives: Increased likelihood of finishing and starting projects. Stabilized mood and depression after 11 days of dosing regularly. Subjectively improved empathy/EQ and social relationships. Decrease in compulsive/addictive behavior and improved impulse control. Brightening of color perception. General feeling of peace and well-being and lack of anxiety. Greatly reduced anxiety and increased ability to handle stressful situations.

Neutral: Gel coating over subjective experience for the first 5 days. Cool vivid dreams. Increased appetite starting around day 10.

Negatives: Uncomfortable intermittent heart palpitations. Slight "disconnected" feeling or fuzzy memory of recent events. Mood swings while adjusting to medicine over the first few days. Slight increase in facial twitching. Perceived inability to efficiently express myself. Decrease in motivation to exercise.
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#2 Metabolic

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Posted 11 November 2011 - 06:52 PM

I just did a review in my journal (awaiting approval).

Gel coating - for me it's more like a warm blanket
Mood swings - made a grown man cry, but I found the increased mood swings were accompanied by increased tolerance to handle them
Stabilization of mood - occurred only after the third week for me
Decrease in compulsive/addictive behavior and improved impulse control - I quit smoking
Dreams - definitely more vivid, and after reading your log, I realized that I haven't had a nightmare or woken up in a bad mood since being on tianeptine
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#3 dosquito

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Posted 11 November 2011 - 07:12 PM

THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THIS THREAD. I am very interested in tianeptine. I have an extremely stressful childhood and would be interested in a 6-8 week cycle to repair long-term stress damage.
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#4 protoject

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Posted 11 November 2011 - 09:43 PM

I found stablon made me feel like doing absolutely nothing and had no antidepressant nor nootropic effect! Huge disappointment! I've heard other people have similar effects. I think I have a different reaction to stuff than most people though. Like for example a lot of people use SAMe to help depression but I also find it makes me feel like doing absolutely nothing. It's like my brain becomes stupefied.

I'm tempted to try it again but really don't feel like wasting time and money. If I do try it again I'll come back to this thread just to confirm the effects.

#5 Healthy Tony

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Posted 11 November 2011 - 11:35 PM

Stablon was a very interesting experience for me. I didn't notice that I was necessarily happier, so much as things didn't get to me, and my anxiety was reduced considerably. It actually helped me sleep in addition to the vivid dreams and improved orgasms. So despite not being a miracle nootropic, I found it to be quite beneficial overall.
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#6 manic_racetam

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Posted 12 November 2011 - 11:24 PM

THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THIS THREAD. I am very interested in tianeptine. I have an extremely stressful childhood and would be interested in a 6-8 week cycle to repair long-term stress damage.

That might prove effective! I'm guessing you're basing that desire for a tianeptine trial off of this study? The cost is so prohibitive that I'm currently negotiating with a company for the pure powder. If I decide to continue I'll likely just cap it myself. It looks like it will still be pretty costly but about half the price in the long run.

#7 manic_racetam

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Posted 18 November 2011 - 02:18 AM

Side effects not listed in the wiki-article that explain the heart palpitations (AKA extrasystole) that I've been experiencing.

#8 nupi

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Posted 18 November 2011 - 03:40 AM

What price are we talking about when we mean expensive? Also, does anyone have a view how this would perform as AD over the long term (think months to years)? (that assumes I can even get it in Switzerland which is not obvious, as so far I could find any product that contains it...)

Edited by nupi, 18 November 2011 - 03:41 AM.

#9 manic_racetam

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Posted 18 November 2011 - 07:32 PM

The cheapest pharmaceutical source online is a turkish supplier (found in the retailer section) and that's $32/60pills +shipping. So @ $32USD for a 20 day supply (3 pills a day) you're looking at at least $48USD/month. I found a chinese chemical supply company offering 10g sample for $350, 100g for $700, and a Kilo for $3,000ish; all prices including shipping.

The 10g sample comes out to 2/3 the price of buying the pills from Europe but if you factor in the hassle of capping the powder it's not really worth the effort. After about a week of negotiating I got them to offer me 20g for $300 and I just sent payment via Western Union. They're a 3year gold seller on Alibaba so I'm optimistic that I'll receive shipment. That comes out to 1.4 years of Stablon dosing, which I admit is a good price. Hopefully it has the same effects as the pharmaceutical grade but I'll know soon enough.

#10 nupi

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Posted 19 November 2011 - 02:29 AM

Oh I can easily live with that if it does the job. In fact, its about the same as GSK Wellbutrin (at 150mg a day, bought from a real pharmacy) - but ideally I'd get it under insurance cover (it's just no clear to me if its actually for sale in Switzerland if it is the price will probably double but that's still no worse than Effexor was even 10 years ago)

#11 manic_racetam

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Posted 10 December 2011 - 12:58 AM

I'm almost at the two month mark with this stuff. The heart palpitations have stopped completely and the pure tianeptine sodium I got from the Chinese company seems to have the same effect as the Turkish pharmacy's tablets.

I've noticed some more side effects that I'm not necessarily happy with though.

Definite increase in body fat, which I'm attributing to lack of exercise and a slightly increased appetite. The amount of energy it takes to exercise has increased tremendously, it's very difficult to motivate myself to do anything physically exerting. This is a drastic change over my regular exercise routine that I stayed with for the first 9 months of this year.

Slight impairment in other forms of motivation as well, but nothing debilitating.

The mood stabilization is amazing for me though. I don't think I've ever been so even-keel before in my entire life. I'm able to deal calmly with extremely stressful situations that would have messed me up for at least a week in the past. So I've decided to try quitting smoking in an effort to increase energy levels to exercise again.

If I can get back into regular exercising and get my body-fat percentage back down then I'll have zero negative side effects on my hands with plenty of positives. I'm already on day 5 of the patch and no cigarettes so we'll see how this works over the next few weeks.
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#12 computeTHIS

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Posted 10 December 2011 - 03:43 AM

Definite increase in body fat, which I'm attributing to lack of exercise and a slightly increased appetite. The amount of energy it takes to exercise has increased tremendously, it's very difficult to motivate myself to do anything physically exerting. This is a drastic change over my regular exercise routine that I stayed with for the first 9 months of this year.

I wouldn't be surprised if its uptake-enhancement qualities also cause enhanced uptake of other catecholamines like norepinephrine or dopamine. This could possibly contribute to difficulty in exercise and motivation. I still only take it as-needed, so I haven't experienced those side effects yet. It's wonderful for stopping you from getting into some overwhelming emotional slump. I can imagine smoking cessation could cause some difficulties too.
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#13 manic_racetam

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Posted 20 December 2011 - 05:50 AM

I think the BHT I'm taking might be interfering with the metabolism of the Stablon. I'm wondering if it isn't increasing the intensity of this stuff.

#14 manic_racetam

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Posted 07 June 2012 - 12:43 AM

So I've been taking Stablon consistently for around 8 months now. It's actually kind of strange to read this review and realize that some of the things I've accepted as part of my personality are actually side effects of this medication.

The sensation of feeling present in the moment yet slightly unconscious of the transitions between moments is something that has not gone away. Still feels a bit like I'm sort of drifting between one circumstance to the next without real intention of doing so. But when I look back on my actions they all seem pretty logically planned out and deliberate.

Another thing is the stability of behavior... but not mood. My mood has always cycled consistently, throughout the day and throughout the year. The unpredictability of my mood is basically the only constant in my life. The difference when I'm taking Stablon is that my behavior (even facial expression and content of conversation) doesn't seem to change at all. When I tell close friends that I've been feeling pretty depressed all of the sudden they always seem surprised and say that I seem really happy like usual.

Some notes about my dosing regimen worth mentioning. I've stopped taking BHT for quite a few months now. I'm basically certain that it was altering the metabolism of Stablon in my liver. I used to get really serious anxiety reactions if I'd go over the recommended dosage and I used to get pretty alarming heart palpitations as well. Since stopping the BHT those side effects have completely disappeared (unless I consistently dose over 80mg a day for more than 3 days). Not that it's going to be a common interaction since there is practically no one taking BHT, but if you happen to be taking it, don't mix it with Stablon. (Plus BHT did absolutely nothing for Herpes Simplex II (HSV2), seems to work really well topically for simplex 1 though)

I used to be very strict about my dosing, only taking one 12.5mg pill three times a day as regularly scheduled as possible. The main reason for this was that while taking BHT if I'd go over 3 pills it would freak me out with anxiety. But since stopping the BHT I've take up to 9 pills in one day without much issue. It does cause a bit of Euphoria at anything over 5 pills within a 6 hour period but nothing to write home about.

I take them as needed now. I've gone almost a week without them (on a business trip without adequate supplies) and did not notice any "withdrawals" or negative sides. I skip some days and sometimes just take a couple, sometimes take all three in the morning if I'm busy and don't have the patience for three times dosing. Sometimes I feel a bit down and take one. In general, with SSRI's or other anti-depressants this would be a serious no-no (as far as I understand at least), but it doesn't seem to be causing me problems.

I'm very happy with Stablon these days. Now that I understand better how it works in my body I no longer treat it like a high-maintenance girlfriend and it still treats me well. There are definitely times when I feel depressed and within half an hour of taking one I'm out of the depression. Sometimes too much caffeine will give me a bit of hypomania for a couple of hours but nothing that has ended destructively or troublesome.

It's a strange experience to have constant mood-swings but even-keel behavior and demeanor, but I'll take that over erratic and unpredictable behavior any day.

I've also been exercising regularly again and have my body-fat percentage at a comfortable level.

This has not been an effective ADD medication for me. It is strictly treating my depression. I go through transition periods every few months as I have to switch my Stack to accommodate my ADD symptoms. I still haven't found a stack that doesn't poop out on me for ADD after a couple months. No long term solution in sight besides prescription stimulant use... which I'm almost ready to throw the towel in on and find a GP that will write a script for Ritalin. Adderall makes me manic but Ritalin worked wonders for years in adulthood for me.

One last thing: Differences between Stablon Brand (tianeptine) and pure tianeptine powder:

I was using pure tianeptine sodium powder that I bought from China for a while. I thought it was working well until I decided to buy some more Stablon from Turkey. Well, it was basically night and day. It was crazy to me how much more effective the tablets were in comparison to the Chinese powder. But I've come to believe that the "inactive ingredients" in medications play a huge role in the absorption of drugs.

So if you're thinking of using this stuff for depression I'd highly recommend getting the pharmaceutical grade tablets over the pure powder.
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#15 kaitlyn1824

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Posted 08 July 2012 - 12:58 AM

Has anyone tried using tianeptine with 5HTP?

It has been a WONDERFUL combination for me - I have noticed a significant difference in the effectiveness of tianeptine when combined with 5HTP. I used to use tianeptine 3X daily for depression/anxiety symptoms but now i am able to use this combination of 12.5mg tianeptine+50mg 5HTP as needed for depression and anxiety and it feels incredible.

If anyone has tried this combination I would love to hear their experience!

Also, what are your thoughts on the safety of using an SSRE in combination with 5HTP? Could this potentially cause seratonin syndrome or other problems?
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#16 Laurie

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Posted 17 July 2012 - 04:50 AM

hi all!
anyone found Tianaptine helped asthma?

#17 NMDAstronaut

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Posted 17 July 2012 - 05:42 AM

Thanks for posting this thread on this atypical compound. I've had an eye on it as well. Please keep us updated.

#18 manic_racetam

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Posted 17 July 2012 - 05:59 AM

Has anyone tried using tianeptine with 5HTP?

It has been a WONDERFUL combination for me - I have noticed a significant difference in the effectiveness of tianeptine when combined with 5HTP. I used to use tianeptine 3X daily for depression/anxiety symptoms but now i am able to use this combination of 12.5mg tianeptine+50mg 5HTP as needed for depression and anxiety and it feels incredible.

If anyone has tried this combination I would love to hear their experience!

Also, what are your thoughts on the safety of using an SSRE in combination with 5HTP? Could this potentially cause seratonin syndrome or other problems?

I don't know about the safety of taking 5-HTP with tianeptine. I'm guessing it shouldn't be an issue though since tianeptine actually relieves tremors associated with serotonin syndrome. Since it's an opposite mechanism of action it makes sense that it would reverse or improve the effects of too much serotonin.

Please keep in mind this is an assumption and I'm not advocating the safety of doing so, since I haven't researched it thoroughly enough.

#19 Laurie

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Posted 19 July 2012 - 07:24 PM

can anyone tell me if it's possible to get Tianaptine in Canada?
That's where I'm from & I have been looking for a way to get this medicine as I have depression and asthma.
Thank you

#20 protoject

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Posted 19 July 2012 - 11:28 PM

I saw one of the posters above saying he had success combining 5-htp and tianeptine. I did not get any good effect from tianeptine myself but was wondering if anyone had combined it with Tryptophan and got a different result.

#21 canz

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Posted 22 July 2012 - 05:02 PM

Thank you for your indepth review. I am currently collecting all the info that I can on selegiline and tianeptine in hopes that my psychatrist can prescribe me one or the other. Preferably tianpetine, but selegline looks as though it could be promising for depression/anxiety as well without dulling cognition and emotions.

#22 magniloquentc0unt

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Posted 08 December 2012 - 02:18 PM

Hey there
Ive been using SSRI Fluoxetine in the past, and hav ever since felt emotionally numb and "not quite there", besides being lazy and having no concentration.
Next week ill see a psychiatrist and i believe one of the choices might be tiantptine.

Now my question to you, have you ever tried stopping taking it? do you feel any permanent effect? i really dont want to start any med in a permanent way

#23 manic_racetam

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Posted 09 December 2012 - 04:31 AM

Hey there
Ive been using SSRI Fluoxetine in the past, and hav ever since felt emotionally numb and "not quite there", besides being lazy and having no concentration.
Next week ill see a psychiatrist and i believe one of the choices might be tiantptine.

Now my question to you, have you ever tried stopping taking it? do you feel any permanent effect? i really dont want to start any med in a permanent way

I've forgotten to take it for a couple of days before and noticed a bit of depression return. But there were no serious withdrawal symptoms. But honestly I haven't gone more than a few days without taking apill.

Other people on this board have discontinued it abruptly and told me about it. Hopefully one of then well chime in here. But one person told me not to worry, that the discontinuation effects from stopping stablon are much less severe than stopping an SSRI.

Another member who took it continuously for around nine months said that when he stopped taking it his depression symptoms all came back but not worse than before.

I'm gonna have to stop soon because suppliers to the US have dried up and when I run out I won't have anymore. I've been on it over a year now and will update this thread with any withdrawal symptoms I experience.

#24 manic_racetam

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Posted 22 December 2012 - 06:23 PM

This is day four without taking any Stablon. I took it for approximately 14 months 12.5mg TID.

It's been a little strange but nothing dramatic so far. I feel a slight decrease in cognitive function but this could just be a subjective experience unrelated to my actual performance. I'm guessing that after being accustomed to a chemically induced state of mind for over a year that a sudden return to baseline is going to be a strange experience.

Haven't noticed any serious depression symptoms so far, which is awesome. But have noticed some obsessive thought patterns poking through in slightly more intense ways than they have as of late.

I'm about to take a trip to see the grandparents for Christmas so will have to update again in about a week, but so far this doesn't seem debilitating to any degree. After hearing horror stories from different friends trying to get off SSRI's and SNRI's these results are very relieving.

#25 magniloquentc0unt

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Posted 24 December 2012 - 11:00 AM

Looking forward to the next update

#26 Adaptogen

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Posted 26 December 2012 - 10:10 AM

so did the alibaba seller come through? I have always been skeptical about using them, even ones with the gold or platinum rankings

#27 poplord

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Posted 04 January 2013 - 02:13 PM

hi manic_racetam
do you think that stablon is useful for anhedonia and lack of motivation caused by some medications like some antipsychotics and ssri?
i'm suffering from anhedonia and lack of emotional reactivity to external stimuli and no motivation and no vital energy for life and enjoing that....
i'm not depress i realy dont feel sad and depress state . i'm so numb

#28 manic_racetam

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Posted 04 January 2013 - 06:03 PM

hi manic_racetam
do you think that stablon is useful for anhedonia and lack of motivation caused by some medications like some antipsychotics and ssri?
i'm suffering from anhedonia and lack of emotional reactivity to external stimuli and no motivation and no vital energy for life and enjoing that....
i'm not depress i realy dont feel sad and depress state . i'm so numb

Hi there,

Not really sure if Stablon would be useful for that application since I've never used it in that regard. Long term it did seem to have some sort of effect on motivation and completing tasks but I only noticed the effects after looking back on my life after months of use. It definitely didn't have any sort of obvious motivating effects that you'd expect from a stimulant or similar drug. The motivation effects seemed to work more with long term rather than short term goals. Also, the safety of combining Stablon with an SSRI or antipsychotic is unknown as far as I know.

#29 magniloquentc0unt

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Posted 04 January 2013 - 06:08 PM

May we have the pleasure of a second "post tianeptine" report? 0:) any "permanent" benefits? Hows it goin?

Ive read that it has good memory preservation qualities and that it helps with focusing even after interruption of treatment: any comments?

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#30 manic_racetam

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Posted 04 January 2013 - 06:10 PM

so did the alibaba seller come through? I have always been skeptical about using them, even ones with the gold or platinum rankings

The alibaba seller came through as far as me getting a shipment. Products I've gotten from China always seem to have a strong solvent odor though, and depending on the solvent used this could pose a significant health risk if used long term (ie; chloroform, etc.)

The main issue with ordering from China is getting a product with dangerous impurities that are not listed on the company's analysis. This is why third party COA's are so important. It is in a company's direct interest to falsify a certificate of analysis if there were impurities found. Imagine being a chemical manufacturer in China and producing 50 kilo's of tianeptine sodium just to find out that there are unacceptable levels of lead. It would be much cheaper to alter the word document on a laptop rather than resynthesize 50 kilo's.

This obvious conflict of interest makes me very wary when ordering direct from China and when dealing with any US company that only offers a manufacturer's COA.
  • Agree x 1

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: stablon, tianeptine, adhd, depression, cognitive enhancer

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