I get restless and want to do things, like a lot of pressure to do activities (like to go places, do things, explore things, participate in activities, etc) but also sometimes kinda a rushed feeling and wanting to be left alone because other people are bothering me. Overall, it is actually kinda similar to the pressure to write that occurs on piracetam, but universally applied. After about a month the feeling is gone and I am left with the more subtle effects of increased writing pressure and general mood boost and clarity.
I had the pressure that I should do something too but at the same time decision making was really painful and almost impossible, which is a bad combination.
Also I got too frustrated to stay on a task.
Unfortunately I cannot hang in there for a month until this maybe gets better.
Heres what happened in the last days after I gave piracetam the last chance:
I took dosages of 3g twice a day on the weekend and on monday I took my last 1g of the piracetam.
Yesterday and today I felt a strong feeling of anger and I couldnt react to frustrating things like an adult.
I had to stop talking to anybody so I dont snap at them.
People who are sort of extraverted and talk too much and too loud at you were not bearable I had violent fantasies about punching them in the face but of course I kept in control.
I also obsessed about things that happened weeks ago and which are essentailly minor things where I felt not treated in the right way.
I dont have a choline source around but taking 500mg of phenibut and some ashwagandha solved the issue for now.I had these symptoms at least 3 times when I tried Piracetam and I always had this problem that I became irritable after a few days, back then I tried different things like soy lecitine, bitartrate and DMAEWith aniracetam there was never such an issue.
Should you feel overwelming hatred, self hatred, depression, hopelessness dont kill yourself its likely the piracetam.
This time I thought maybe this anger is part of something repressed in me and maybe its worthwhile to look into it and try to meditate on it somehow.Maybe the anger is there for a reason and there is a lot of potential and energy for personal change, I really thought that but I capitulate again after this day.I will let my brain get back to normal within a few days and get my frustration/agression tolerance back.
Edited by machete234, 10 July 2013 - 07:35 PM.