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              Advocacy & Research for Unlimited Lifespans

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Longecity lifetime members, are you one?

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#1 brokenportal

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Posted 17 December 2011 - 02:57 AM

Getting a lifetime membership is a great way to stick a permanent stake in the ground that says you are committed to this cause for life. By joining, you grow the numbers, and growing numbers means more people join. That means more people pay attention, discussion circulates, more word of mouth spreads etc. The money is used for outreach, community building, and most excitingly is that it is used to fund research projects.

As Reason at the Fight Aging blog says,

"The present fundraising initiative at [Longecity] is another in their series of small research projects that can, despite their modest price tag, contribute to progress in longevity and aging science"

"This is the essence of our present era of biotechnology: a task that would have occupied a whole laboratory and its equipment in the 1980s, and cost a great deal of money if it was even possible at all, is now something that a skilled graduate-level life scientist can organize and run himself within an established lab."

I bought a lifetime membership about 4 years ago and it is one of the best things that I ever did. It is one of the most satisfying things I have ever done.

It comes with a price though, that is right, the price is steep. By not joining as a lifetime member you pay the price of having to look back in the future wishing that you had.

Get them while they're hot.

If you want then I could talk it over with the board and probably even put you together a lifetime membership certificate.

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Edited by brokenportal, 17 December 2011 - 02:59 AM.

#2 Droplet

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Posted 19 December 2011 - 11:18 AM

It comes with a price though, that is right, the price is steep. By not joining as a lifetime member you pay the price of having to look back in the future wishing that you had.

Yes it is an important thing to purchase and I feel lucky that I was able to scrape together the funds. Some people on this board however much they may want to help may simply be unable to afford it. It isn't cheap and perhaps you should also mention the importance of the other paid memberships? I don't know about other people but certainly for myself, nothing is more disheartening and downright annoying as people asked for resources you just don't have/cannot get hold of no matter how you try. It makes you feel powerless and is discouraging.

#3 brokenportal

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Posted 20 December 2011 - 01:28 AM

FYI the line you quote there was a joke Droplet. If you want to promote the other memberships then go ahead and start a topic about it. This topic here is specifically to try to illustrate the value in the lifetime membership.

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#4 caliban

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Posted 20 December 2011 - 11:33 PM

Droplet, I fully appreciate that it can be "disheartening" being "asked for resources you just don't have/cannot get hold of no matter how you try".

Droplet, and many others who may feel similar: please don't be disheartened, but we will ask you, ask everyone here, for money and other resources time and again, because we have a common goal, and yet one thing is certainly true: if you don't ask, you don't get!

Very soon, in the new year, we WILL ask you for money or precious resources such as your valuable time, because we are exited to launch a new grassroots science fundraiser to advance the fight against involuntary death in measurable concrete ways.

However, as I said in the newsletter, in this season where many orgs ask you for money, lets not just focus on saying 'please', lets also remember to look each other in the eye and say "Thank you"

Thank you droplet!

Thank You for your valuable contribution to the discussion which I think we need to consider carefully.
Thank You for joining the us as a full member of the 'Immortality Institute'.

Thanks to brokenportal who is inviting people to join as lifetime members and a huge Thank You goes out to all those who have joined us as lifetime members over the years, some almost a decade ago!

(Incidentally, and especially for long-standing lifetime members: if your lifetime membership is no longer properly acknowledged by the #%&*£-new membership management software, please drop us a line to support@imminst.org!)

Thank You to everyone who joins as member, be it as a standard $50 members (not changed since 2002) or a shoestring student budget of $25. But a huge Thank You also goes out to those who join 'for free' by redeeming their hard-earned 'Thank You Points' into a membership (- btw the most efficient way of using these points in monetary terms).

And a sincere Thank You goes to everyone who is considering membership, can't quite make the financial commitment at this time but continues to visit the site and to make high-quality contributions to it!


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#5 Droplet

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Posted 21 December 2011 - 04:12 PM

Droplet, and many others who may feel similar: please don't be disheartened, but we will ask you, ask everyone here, for money and other resources time and again, because we have a common goal, and yet one thing is certainly true: if you don't ask, you don't get!

Very soon, in the new year, we WILL ask you for money or precious resources such as your valuable time, because we are exited to launch a new grassroots science fundraiser to advance the fight against involuntary death in measurable concrete ways.

That's perfectly fine..all I was saying is that we should acknowledge those for whom the smallest contribution is the biggest that they're capable of. By all means push the Life Time Membership, as it is a worthy cause and the more that can afford it the better. However, personally I feel that when donating to a charity, knowing my tiny amount of whatever I can afford IS helping encourages. Perhaps we should have a bit of a breakdown like "£5 could buy equipment for a research lab, £100 could fund a trial for a new treatment" etc.? Just a suggestion.

Caliban - I really liked your post for the above reasons of acknowledging smaller contibutions. Thanks for the lovely little doodle and note at the bottom of the post- I think it's rather cute. :)

Edited by Droplet, 21 December 2011 - 04:14 PM.

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