Epitalon (Split from Astragalus thread)
Posted 17 September 2012 - 11:42 PM
Ala-Glu-Asp-Gly Peptide Induces Telomere Elongation in Human Fetal Cell Culture Posted on: June 22, 2010
It was shown that treatment of normal human diploid cells with Epithalon (Ala-Glu-Asp-Gly) induced expression of telomerase catalytic subunit, its enzymatic activity, and elongation of telomeres. So scientists studied the effect of this peptide on proliferative potential of human fetal fibroblasts.
Primary pulmonary fibroblasts derived from a 24-week fetus lost the proliferative potential at the 34th passage. The mean size of telomeres in these cells was appreciably lower than during early passages (passage 10).
Addition of Epithalon to aging cells in culture induced elongation of telomeres to the size comparable to their length during early passages. Peptide-treated cells with elongated telomeres made 10 extra divisions (44 passages) in comparison with the control and continued dividing.
Hence, Epithalon prolonged the vital cycle of normal human cells due to overcoming the Heyflick limit. Source: Khavinson VKh, Bondarev IE, Butyugov AA, Smirnova TD.; Peptide promotes overcoming of the division limit in human somatic cell.; Bull Exp Biol Med. 2004 May;137(5):503-6.
Posted 13 October 2012 - 12:54 PM
Update on me. Well, sorry I have been kind of absent but I have been focusing on my workout (body transformation) and cracked a couple of ribs, (the two are not related). The cracked ribs have caused me a lot of trouble and distracting me from a lot of things. But, I am feeling much better now.
I stopped taking the AGAG at the end of September, one year on. I did not notice any detriment from stopping, sleeping has still been quite well, I still have lots of energy and feel good overall, except my ribs.
I did not loose as much gray hair as I had hoped. Although, there is no doubt I lost some, it did not all go away. Actually rather uneven as I have more remaining on one side of my head then the other. I wonder if my telomeres were just too far gone for those melanocytes?
I don't get quesses or suggestions from people any longer, that I must be in my mid 40's. Almost exclusively, people seem to feel that I am in my mid 30's (I am 51).
Here is a current picture of me. I just shot this just now, sitting on my couch. I want it to be totally spontaneous, no editing, no touch up, no preparation. Just a candid shot of the moment. Sorry for the lack of smile but my ribs do still hurt.
Link to current post on my blog
Posted 13 October 2012 - 07:01 PM
OK, I have had enough people ask, so numbers are up and I can push the new pricing forward faster. I was going to wait until Nov. 1st but starting right now the lab will sell 4 vials for the price of 3. (Buy 3 vials at full price and get the 4th one free). This can be done in multiples also so, for example, pay for 6 vials and get 8. The previous discount on 1gram still stands.
Update on me. Well, sorry I have been kind of absent but I have been focusing on my workout (body transformation) and cracked a couple of ribs, (the two are not related). The cracked ribs have caused me a lot of trouble and distracting me from a lot of things. But, I am feeling much better now.
I stopped taking the AGAG at the end of September, one year on. I did not notice any detriment from stopping, sleeping has still been quite well, I still have lots of energy and feel good overall, except my ribs.
I did not loose as much gray hair as I had hoped. Although, there is no doubt I lost some, it did not all go away. Actually rather uneven as I have more remaining on one side of my head then the other. I wonder if my telomeres were just too far gone for those melanocytes?
I don't get quesses or suggestions from people any longer, that I must be in my mid 40's. Almost exclusively, people seem to feel that I am in my mid 30's (I am 51).
Here is a current picture of me. I just shot this just now, sitting on my couch. I want it to be totally spontaneous, no editing, no touch up, no preparation. Just a candid shot of the moment. Sorry for the lack of smile but my ribs do still hurt.
Link to current post on my blog
Pretty amazing transformation. What is your current dose? I've been taking 5mg before bed but I might back off or take it earlier. The dreams are just so intense that I think it might be causing less deep regenerative sleep and too much rem time. I think lots of rem is good for the emotional body but maybe not so good for exercise recovery -- although I haven't noticed any lack of progress there.
I'm feeling a little uncomfortable still, though, with the advertisement portions of your post. I feel protective of this forum and the idea that someone is selling a gray market supplement so openly here is little worrying for me. I don't want access to it to disappear.
Any chance you can take another picture in the same lighting as the original two?
sponsored ad
Posted 13 October 2012 - 07:29 PM
Thanks for the update. Very noticable!
Posted 13 October 2012 - 07:45 PM
Not really advertisment. Everyone keeps asking me about price reduction. I worked out something with the lab and gave the new information. There are other labs where you can get it, not going to hurt my feelings. Primary point is to get the word out.
I don't thiink there will be any issue with access. I have sent it now to over 15 countries and no problem with any. Customs take a bit longer in some places then others to try and figure out what it is but I label it as exactly what it is,
Posted 13 October 2012 - 11:33 PM
I want to do a cancer cleanout 1st. High dose resv, circ. ECGC, Lithium, Mebendazol, gingerol, that sugar??? etc?
Maybe C60oo. (on its way) Rumours of no cancer in Baati's autopsied rats. Even down to a single cell level?
C60oo will confuse a log, but I feel C60oo & ET will be synergistic?
A-Pleb is already on both C60oo and Epitalon. His results are predictable, with the possible exception of muscle growth without much excercise and a decrease in sleep since starting ET.
Edited by Logic, 14 October 2012 - 12:04 AM.
Posted 13 October 2012 - 11:50 PM
Posted 14 October 2012 - 12:07 AM
How old are you?
What else you taking?
Start a log?
Edited by Logic, 14 October 2012 - 12:07 AM.
Posted 14 October 2012 - 01:13 AM
Has all this happened in less than a year?
Posted 14 October 2012 - 01:21 AM
Posted 14 October 2012 - 11:21 PM
Good stuff Tintinet.
How old are you?
What else you taking?
Start a log?
Resveratrol, metformin, melatonin, uridine, CDP-choline, carnosine, beta-alanine.
I expect my log would be extremely boring- I rarely experience dramatic effects from supplements.
Posted 15 October 2012 - 05:52 AM
Hugo, the changes in your photos are amazing.
Has all this happened in less than a year?
It has been a little over 1 year. The majority of change, that which shows in the before and after images, happened in a period of about 4 to 6 months. I do not know why I had such a dramatic change. As I stated previously, I think there were other things at play, detriments to my health and outlook. I also started vigorous excersise at the same time, maybe not so good about keeping it up, but, exercise non the less.
The picture I just posted recenctly is how I looked a few days ago, a bit more then a year on from when I started. I look a bit different today as I got tired of that long hair and cut it short again.
Is it preferable to take it in the evening or morning?
People are taking it both in the morning and in the evening. Either seems to be fine. There was original thinking that taking at night would be better as it increases your Melantonin production but some actually had problems with that as their dreams became so intense that it was waking them.
Posted 16 October 2012 - 12:12 AM
Posted 16 October 2012 - 12:21 AM
Posted 16 October 2012 - 02:25 PM

Email sent...
Posted 16 October 2012 - 04:40 PM

Posted 16 October 2012 - 08:12 PM
If there isn't any endogenous production after a certain age, that wouldn't be an issue in those cases. On the other hand, I don't know that we have enough data to know what the long term effects of supplementation will be.
If anyone can find any research on these issues please post!
Posted 16 October 2012 - 08:28 PM
Posted 17 October 2012 - 06:48 PM
By the way it is a proven fact that depression causes shortening of telomeres. So taking atidepressants is a good means to extend life and slow ageing down.
If you can find any that work without excessive detrimental side effects, at least!
Posted 21 October 2012 - 08:37 PM
Posted 22 October 2012 - 07:11 AM
Sciwalk...any update on the AGAG? I've done my research and I'm anxious to try it!
Hi Fluke,
I think maybe you missed my previous report, I think was just last week?
OK, I have had enough people ask, so numbers are up and I can push the new pricing forward faster. I was going to wait until Nov. 1st but starting right now the lab will sell 4 vials for the price of 3. (Buy 3 vials at full price and get the 4th one free). This can be done in multiples also so, for example, pay for 6 vials and get 8. The previous discount on 1gram still stands.
Update on me. Well, sorry I have been kind of absent but I have been focusing on my workout (body transformation) and cracked a couple of ribs, (the two are not related). The cracked ribs have caused me a lot of trouble and distracting me from a lot of things. But, I am feeling much better now.
I stopped taking the AGAG at the end of September, one year on. I did not notice any detriment from stopping, sleeping has still been quite well, I still have lots of energy and feel good overall, except my ribs.
I did not loose as much gray hair as I had hoped. Although, there is no doubt I lost some, it did not all go away. Actually rather uneven as I have more remaining on one side of my head then the other. I wonder if my telomeres were just too far gone for those melanocytes?
I don't get quesses or suggestions from people any longer, that I must be in my mid 40's. Almost exclusively, people seem to feel that I am in my mid 30's (I am 51).
Here is a current picture of me. I just shot this just now, sitting on my couch. I want it to be totally spontaneous, no editing, no touch up, no preparation. Just a candid shot of the moment. Sorry for the lack of smile but my ribs do still hurt.
Link to current post on my blog
If there was any other information, specifically, that you were looking for, please let me know and I will promtply reply. If you just want to ask about getting some AGAG, better to just contact me by email. You will find my email address listed a few times through out the thread, but, here it is again in case you can't find it: sciwalk@yahoo.com
Posted 22 October 2012 - 10:24 AM
Posted 01 November 2012 - 02:36 AM

Ive been taking 4-5 ml of C60oo from carbon before 6 days before this as part of my cleanout/ant-cancer regmn pre telomerase activation.
So I plan to take Epitalon as part of my telomerase activation regmn along with C60oo at the same time.
With so many things going on I dont know whether starting a log will be of any use to anyone but Im starting one anyway as I promised I would.
Posted 01 November 2012 - 05:02 AM
Posted 04 November 2012 - 01:35 AM
Posted 04 November 2012 - 04:51 AM
You remove the metal ring and cap.
Add 50% distilled (purified) water, replace the white cap and roll to dissolve all the peptide.
Remove the white cap again and add 50% wine.
Put the silicone dropper top on and roll again to mix the water and wine.
Remove the white top of the silicone dropper, turn the bottle upside down and squeeze the silicone dropper to release drops under your tongue.
I suggest to mix the water to the 100 drop mark and then up to the 200 drop mark with wine. This will cause each drop to be .25mg.
Best regards,
Posted 05 November 2012 - 09:49 PM
I got a quote back from Genscript. 100g of 98% pure Epitalon would cost $25K.
So $250/g, and at 5mg/dose, $1.25 per.
Still not too bad. We could do a group buy if it seems really worth doing.
Or RevGenetics could buy it and sell it for $5 a dose...
I'm in for a $500 or even $1000 worth in a group buy.
Posted 05 November 2012 - 10:16 PM
But sure 25K for 100 gram is is more than half that price. Still there are to few people buying it right now in this forum soo doubt we get 25k, even if everyone would sign up for 1000 dollar each
Posted 06 November 2012 - 12:01 AM
Posted 06 November 2012 - 01:44 AM
The AGAG comes in 50mg vials, labled with a drop indicator to help with mixing, a silicone dropper top to make it easy for use and packaged in individual boxes for customs clarification and shipping safety.
There is an MOQ of 2 vials.
Each vial is $50 (2 vial MOQ = $100 MOQ purchase).
If you buy 3 vials you get 1 free (4 vials for the price of 3).
If you buy 1 gram, 20 vials, the "buy 3 get one free" offer is null but the price of the AGAG reduces by 40% ($600 for 1 gram).
If you buy a gram or more and are willing to take in unlabled vials, 10 vials per small white box, then the price goes down to $25 a vial.
Because someone has mentioned on here about buying 100 grams, that comes in a single large plastic sealed bottle and costs $23,000. Although we have only ever sold this way to large University labs, the offer is there for anyone. But I must warn you that it is very difficult to store, dose and use in this way. Once the bottle is opened it is then exposed to the air and faces the issue of bacterial degradation. It needs to be handled in a "clean" enviroment and extremely cold temperatures with no humidity or it will turn into a ball of glue.
Because I wanted to trial the AGAG I sought out the best lab I could find to make it. After investigation of that lab and other things they were getting involved in, I decided to become a vested partner in their business. As such, and having other friends and family that wanted to trial the AGAG, I arranged for the peptide to be processed into the 50mg vials. All of the labeling, packaging and silicone dropper is done on my side, by me, by hand. That is not and should not be missconstrued as it being some kind of market ready product. I do that for ease of use and to make it more proper for passing customs in shipping.
I will not be offering the AGAG for too much longer in this way. My companies primary focus is large bulk purchases of peptides and enzymes for commercial and industrial use. As my envolvement comes to its final resolution, I will not have time to do this any longer. If someone else wants to pick up the torch, I am more then happy to arrange bulk purchases and they can prepare it in the way I have been doing for others.
I hope that takes care of most of the questions and if not, again, please write to me by email, sciwalk@yahoo.com, as yahoo seems to like to block the email from Longecity from time to time so I don't always see PM's from here right away.
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