Epitalon (Split from Astragalus thread)
Posted 28 January 2012 - 05:36 PM
Posted 29 January 2012 - 06:11 AM
"We absolutely guarantee that if you take our capsules, 2 daily, for 60 days, that you will experience prostate health"
Seriously... what does that mean?
I'm guessing they can't write more directly what it does. Have to be documentet otherwise right?
They aren't just making a health claim, they are "guaranteeing" it. I don't think they are being cagey, here, I think they're just being clueless.
Posted 29 January 2012 - 02:43 PM
Yes, I tried methylene blue repeatedly at all dosing schemes but it didn't agree with me...always made me feel worse at every dose I tried. For mental well being, uridine has been exceptional for me....there are a couple active threads in nootropics forum. I have a laundry list of other supplements...resveratrol near the top. The most impressive effect of Epitalon so far after a week has been the boost in libido. I'm 54 so that has been enjoyable! It's very apparent in the morning! There have been other noticeable effects also. Increased appetite and exceptional work outs at the gym this week but we will see how it goes long term. Another effect that has been interesting is very vivid dreams....but not sure if that is such a good thing as not all dreams are necessarily good dreams. I'll update as time goes on.
If anyone wnat better Libido you might want to try http://supplementspo...nbanner_picture
Seems to be very popular some new product Supplementspot have taken in, they are pumping with info on it anyway. As far as I have experienced they have a good reputation.
Text from page:
"We absolutely guarantee that if you take our capsules, 2 daily, for 60 days, that you will experience prostate health. A full 97% of the men who order Maximum Prostate reorder again and again, and they tell their friends and doctors."
Phytopin® Phytosterols
Beta Sitosterol (from Phytopin®)
Campesterol (from Phytopin®)
Soy Isoflavones 40%
Zinc Citrate
I see one of the main ingredients is Soy Isoflavones which is very estrogenic. From all the research and anecdotal reports I've seen, I would expect it to be good for menopausal women...not so good for men. If you have serious prostate problems...it may help due to down regulating androgens through hpta feedback loop but I would expect at a very negative expense on libido.
sponsored ad
Posted 29 January 2012 - 08:58 PM
Posted 29 January 2012 - 09:06 PM
I don't, nor do I take it. Very sorry for posting it.

Posted 08 February 2012 - 10:35 PM
tetrapeptide Epitalon®(Ala-Glu-Asp-Gly) dissolved in 0.1 ml saline. There were 54 mice in each group. The results of this study show that treatment with Epitalon did not influence food consumption, body weight or mean life span of mice. However, it slowed down the age-related switching-off of estrous function and decreased the frequency of chromosome aberrations in bone marrow cells (by 17.1%, P < 0.05). It also increased by 13.3% the life span of the last 10% of the survivors (P < 0.01) and by 12.3% the maximum life span in comparison with the control group.
noting that aspartame is just two amino acids I think they could make an epitalon sweetener that actually makes people live longer, that way small regular doses of something longevizing would be part of peoples food
Edited by treonsverdery, 08 February 2012 - 10:37 PM.
Posted 08 February 2012 - 10:52 PM
Posted 09 February 2012 - 12:35 AM
Now that I am basically done with my "trialing" I can say for sure I will continue to use this tetrapeptide for the daily improvements it is giving me. Again, not that it isn't having age like benefits, I truely do believe I am not only feeling but ever so slightly, starting to look younger. I continue to get compliments from people I know and my before pictures definately show greater aging then how I appear now. But, I am actually not that concerned about my looks, I just want to stay healther and feel better for the time, however much that is, that I have left. I am very happy with how AGAG is handling that for me now.
Well, to be honest, of course it is not just the AGAG, I exercise as much as possible, I do not follow a strict diet but I am always watching my intake and I don't drink or smoke.
I still really want to try this with DMSO but I cannot get any delivered to Hong Kong. Would any one be willing to let me use their address for a purchase and then they can forward it on to me? I will pay for the shipping of course.
Edited by sciwalk, 09 February 2012 - 12:37 AM.
Posted 15 February 2012 - 12:27 PM
I am going to try and attach my before and after image, hope I do this right. Now, keep in mind, I attribute a lot of this too exercise, and good diet, well, maybe not that good of diet but I try. However, regardless, the change cannot be denied. Yes, the lighting appears to be a bit different, don't know why, took it the same way but for some reason I am brighter in the after. I look kind of gray and dull in the before but then my skin is for sure much better now.
Please note that the way I am smiling in the before is how I used to smile. After a severe Herpes outbreak about 12 years ago the whole left side of my face went numb for 8 months and I never had really good control from that time, my face on that side always kind of drooped a bit. If I do not make a huge, full on teeth showing smile, it will always, used to always, hang down a bit from the right side. That has changed now.
Posted 15 February 2012 - 03:43 PM
Posted 15 February 2012 - 04:26 PM
Please post unedited photos if you can, preferably directly from your camera - do not change format or metadata.
Posted 15 February 2012 - 05:16 PM
Posted 15 February 2012 - 05:59 PM
Posted 15 February 2012 - 06:42 PM
Posted 15 February 2012 - 07:52 PM
The photos are off of my phone so I emailed them to myself, put them in photoshop next to each other so they could be together and added the text of before and after. Then I saved it so I could put it up on the site. I don't know of how I can put them directly onto this site from my phone, I don't know what metadata is but the photos were jpg and now they are jpg. The photos look teh same as they do on my phone, I didn't, "edit" them in some way.
I think my inquiry is justified, as your results are outstanding, and as such I would need more clear evidence. If you could PM those photos that you emailed yourself it would be enough to see if nobody tampered with them

If it can be attributed to epitalon - its jaw dropping

Posted 16 February 2012 - 12:55 AM
Need another set of images after longer treatment!
Edited by Ampa-omega, 16 February 2012 - 12:56 AM.
Posted 16 February 2012 - 11:11 PM
OK, well, I finished 2 months now and took a new picture, same room, same time of day, same clothes, tried to look the same as best I could. To be honest I had no expectiations at all. I felt I had changed some and there are people who have been complementing me on how I look. But at the same time, people who knew I was taking the AGAG, were putting me down, telling me I was crazy and that I had not changed at all. Well, as they say, the proof is in the pudding and boy, is the pudding good.
I am going to try and attach my before and after image, hope I do this right. Now, keep in mind, I attribute a lot of this too exercise, and good diet, well, maybe not that good of diet but I try. However, regardless, the change cannot be denied. Yes, the lighting appears to be a bit different, don't know why, took it the same way but for some reason I am brighter in the after. I look kind of gray and dull in the before but then my skin is for sure much better now.
Please note that the way I am smiling in the before is how I used to smile. After a severe Herpes outbreak about 12 years ago the whole left side of my face went numb for 8 months and I never had really good control from that time, my face on that side always kind of drooped a bit. If I do not make a huge, full on teeth showing smile, it will always, used to always, hang down a bit from the right side. That has changed now.
It's very tricky to get exactly comparable photos without a studio setup. You really need to be using a camera on a tripod at a measured distance and identical focus. Then you need to use exactly the same artificial light source and have the subject's head fixed in the same position somehow. If you remove the effects of the light in these pictures the rejuvenation effect would be less I suspect.....but still.....there does seem to be a general firming of the tone of the facial muscles.
Posted 18 February 2012 - 12:18 AM
Posted 21 February 2012 - 12:42 AM
I might help you to get the DMSO. I live in Panyu (near Guangzhou), and for work I deal quite often with chemicals.
How much do you need? Purity grade?
You can reply me here or send me an email.
Posted 23 February 2012 - 07:03 AM
I second this request - Can you detail the dosing and cycling schedule you've been using over that time frame?Impressive. Like boylan said, can see difference around eyes and mouth. You do look younger...especially around eyes. Can you detail the dosing and cycling schedule you've been using over that time frame?
Posted 23 February 2012 - 07:11 AM
Edited by AdamI, 23 February 2012 - 07:13 AM.
Posted 23 February 2012 - 10:32 AM
I originally, for 15 days, consumed 35mg of AGAG and applied to my skin. I had mixed it with Sodium Cloride and was taking 1mg sublingual daily. The additional 20mg I applied to my face and neck after exfoliating and then followed by some lotion. This was, more than anything, just a way for be to be sure that I would not have any adverse effects to the peptide.
After that it took me about 3 weeks to get my next batch and as Adaml said, my original intent was to take 3.25mg per day but because I was taking sublinqual and mixing with drops of Sake it was easier for me to round that down to 3mg a day. I did this until I had completed 100mg. I did not use it facially in the current trial. I did have twice that due to circumstances I was not able to take the peptide. Missed one night once and two nights in a row once.
Thank you to those who offered to help me out on getting some DMSO. However, the lab is going to send me some and, I pretty much have decided that the sublinqual with Sake works, so, if its not broken, don't fix it.
My wife has been taking 3mg every night but also with a few times that she missed, once for 1 night, once for 2 nights and another time for 4 nights. It was pretty amazing how fast her emotional state deterioted when she did not take it. But I do have concern about her taking this all the time so I think we are going to try reducing her down until her moods go haywire, then bump it up a little again to see if it fixes it. Find the, "sweet spot" if you will on dosing. Heck, who know, maybe 3mg is not needed at all. It is quite possible this stuff can work at much lower doses over a longer period? I sure which I had the money and a lab near me that could test my telomere length.
Edited by sciwalk, 23 February 2012 - 10:34 AM.
Posted 10 March 2012 - 04:19 PM
Posted 10 March 2012 - 05:20 PM
Decided to look at this myself. Ordered 1 gm and received it the other day after about 2-1/2 weeks. Cost was $917 including shipping. I've dissolved it in 30 ml of 0.65% saline for a yield of 600 drops at about 1.667 mg/drop. My thought is to go with 2 drops/dose for 3.33 mg with one week on followed by a week off. Cost per dose would be $3.05 which seems reasonable. Even at 3 drops/dose for 5 mg the $4.58/dose might not be too steep either. Don't know if I can swing before and after telomere testing but I'll definitely do photos and report back after about 3 months.
It's my understanding that it's not stable long term once dissolved. And that it's more stable in alcohol rather than saline. I've been mixing 50mg at a time with vodka and was advised to keep the dissolved peptide refrigerated and the unmixed and unopened peptide frozen as once the peptide is exposed to air, it will absorb moisture. The first 50mg lasted me 2 weeks and then I ended up taking 3 weeks off as was doing some traveling and currently 2 weeks into the 2nd 50mg which should last another week as I've reduced dose to 1.5mg due to the effects on sleep at 2-3 mg which caused intense and vivid dreams which interrupted sleep and also couldn't sleep more than 5 hrs per night which would catch up with me.
Posted 10 March 2012 - 05:32 PM
I alwayswake up 4-5 hours into my sleep, and then falls asleep again after an half hour
Posted 10 March 2012 - 06:15 PM
It's quite normal to wake up after 4-5 hours, it's just a myth that we sleep continously for 8 hours... soo you shouldn't see it as a problem:
I alwayswake up 4-5 hours into my sleep, and then falls asleep again after an half hour
Yes, of course, that would be normal. But like I said, at 3mg, I didn't have normal sleep. I would wake every half hour in the middle of intense and vivid dreams...often unpleasant dreams...and this would go on all night long. It was novel at first but quickly wore on me and got old. And I normally sleep fairly uninterrupted for a solid 6.5-7 hrs (and rarely remember dreaming) but at 3 mg absolutely couldn't sleep beyond 5 hrs...which over the course of a few weeks would catch up as mild sleep deprivation. At 2mg, the dreams were much reduced and at 1.5mg, sleep is "almost" normal.
Posted 10 March 2012 - 08:24 PM
It's quite normal to wake up after 4-5 hours, it's just a myth that we sleep continously for 8 hours... soo you shouldn't see it as a problem:
I alwayswake up 4-5 hours into my sleep, and then falls asleep again after an half hour
Yes, of course, that would be normal. But like I said, at 3mg, I didn't have normal sleep. I would wake every half hour in the middle of intense and vivid dreams...often unpleasant dreams...and this would go on all night long. It was novel at first but quickly wore on me and got old. And I normally sleep fairly uninterrupted for a solid 6.5-7 hrs (and rarely remember dreaming) but at 3 mg absolutely couldn't sleep beyond 5 hrs...which over the course of a few weeks would catch up as mild sleep deprivation. At 2mg, the dreams were much reduced and at 1.5mg, sleep is "almost" normal.
Interesting. I wonder if it is stimulating DMT production? I haven't tried this yet. I do have to admit I'm a little concerned about possible feedback shutoff if such a thing exists.
Posted 12 March 2012 - 08:19 PM
Decided to look at this myself. Ordered 1 gm and received it the other day after about 2-1/2 weeks. Cost was $917 including shipping. I've dissolved it in 30 ml of 0.65% saline for a yield of 600 drops at about 1.667 mg/drop. My thought is to go with 2 drops/dose for 3.33 mg with one week on followed by a week off. Cost per dose would be $3.05 which seems reasonable. Even at 3 drops/dose for 5 mg the $4.58/dose might not be too steep either. Don't know if I can swing before and after telomere testing but I'll definitely do photos and report back after about 3 months.
Thank you for testing. Having another tester to the pool is always appreciated but photos aren't too credible without blood work to back them up. If telomere testing is too hard, then an easier kind of biomarker blood test should be done before and after 3 months. This goes for anyone thinking about testing. Sciwalk, can you do any kind of blood test?
Posted 13 March 2012 - 02:21 AM
Having another tester to the pool is always appreciated but photos aren't too credible without blood work to back them up. If telomere testing is too hard, then an easier kind of biomarker blood test should be done before and after 3 months. This goes for anyone thinking about testing. Sciwalk, can you do any kind of blood test?
I don't think there are any biomarkers that would reliably show telomere extension, other than telomere length itself. Which blood test did you have in mind?
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