There seems to be quite a bit of misconception regards what dosage you should be taking of PIRACETAM, in that there appears to be far too many people taking very low dosages of PIRACETAM and then wondering "WHY DOESN'T IT WORK?”.
Therefore, I thought I’d post this thread to help increase the number of people benefitting from this wonderful NOOTROPIC.
With regards to PIRACETAM dosage you should be taking individual doses of no less than 4.8 GRAMS PER DOSE;
and a TOTAL DAILY DOSAGE of 9.6 GRAMS (or more)

There exists conclusive substantiated evidence that demonstrates this; as well as the fact that lower doses are either wholly ineffective or provide significantly reduced efficacy.
For example, see the following:
Neuropsychobiology. 1993;28(4):212-21.
Single doses of piracetam affect 42-channel event-related potential microstate maps in a cognitive paradigm.
Michel CM, Lehmann D.
Department of Neurology, University Hospital, Zurich, Switzerland.
We examined whether a single administration of piracetam produces dose-dependent effects on brain functions in healthy young men. In 6 subjects, 42-channel event-related EEG potential maps (ERP) were recorded during a task requiring subjects to watch single digits presented in a pseudorandom order on a screen and to press a button after all triplets of three consecutive odd or even digits. The ERP maps to the three digits of the correctly detected triplets were analyzed in terms of their mapped ERP field configuration (landscape). Different landscapes of the maps indicate different configuration of the activated neural population and therefore reflect different functional microstates of the brain. In order to identify these microstates, adaptive segmentation of the map series based on their landscapes was done. Nineteen time segments were found. These segments were tested for direct effects on brain function of three single doses of piracetam (2.9, 4.8 or 9.6 g) and a placebo given double-blind in balanced order. Piracetam mainly affected the map landscape of the time segments following the triplet's last digit. U-shaped dose-dependent effects were found; they were strongest after [single doses of] 4.8 g piracetam. Since these particular ERP segments are recognized to be strongly correlated to cognitive functions, the present findings suggest that single medium [4.8 g] doses of piracetam selectively activate differently located or oriented neurons during cognitive steps of information processing.
PMID: 8272204
The above study demonstrates that the optimum dosage of PIRACETAM for COGNITION is individual doses of 4.8 grams PIRACETAM, per each dose.
J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry. 1998 Mar;64(3):344-8.
Piracetam relieves symptoms in progressive myoclonus epilepsy: a multicentre, randomised, double blind, crossover study comparing the efficacy and safety of three dosages of oral piracetam with placebo.
Koskiniemi M, Van Vleymen B, Hakamies L, Lamusuo S, Taalas J.
Haartman Institute, Department of Virology, University of Helsinki, Finland.
To compare the efficacy, tolerability, and safety of three daily dosage regimens of oral piracetam in patients with progressive myoclonus epilepsy.
Twenty patients (12 men, eight women), aged 17-43 years, with classical Unverricht-Lundborg disease were enrolled in a multicentre, randomised, double blind trial of crossover design in which the effects of daily doses of 9.6 g, 16.8 g, and 24 g piracetam, given in two divided doses, were compared with placebo. The crossover design was such that patients received placebo and two of the three dosage regimens of piracetam, each for two weeks, for a total treatment period of six weeks and thus without wash out between each treatment phase. The primary outcome measure was a sum score representing the adjusted total of the ratings of six components of a myoclonus rating scale in which stimulus sensitivity, motor impairment, functional disability, handwriting, and global assessments by investigators and patients were scored. Sequential clinical assessments were made by the same neurologist in the same environment at the same time of day.
Treatment with 24 g/day piracetam produced significant and clinically relevant improvement in the primary outcome measure of mean sum score (p=0.005) and in the means of its subtests of motor impairment (p=0.02), functional disability (p=0.003), and in global assessments by both investigator (p=0.002) and patient (p=0.01). Significant improvement in functional disability was also found with daily doses of 9.6 g and 16.8 g. The dose-effect relation was linear and significant. More patients showed clinically relevant improvement with the highest dosage and, in individual patients, increasing the dose improved response. Piracetam was well tolerated and adverse effects were few, mild, and transient.
This study provides further evidence that piracetam is an effective and safe medication in patients with Unverricht-Lundborg disease. In addition, it shows that a dose of 24 g is highly beneficial, more effective than lower doses and that a dose-effect relation exists. There is considerable variation in optimal individual dosage.
PMID: 9527146
The above study demonstrates that PIRACETAM is SAFE when taken at doses up to and including 24 grams total daily; and PIRACETAM’s therapeutic effects are dosage dependent.
Int J Psychophysiol. 1999 Oct;34(1):81-7.
Single-dose piracetam effects on global complexity measures of human spontaneous multichannel EEG.
Kondakor I, Michel CM, Wackermann J, Koenig T, Tanaka H, Peuvot J, Lehmann D.
The KEY Institute for Brain-Mind Research, University Hospital of Psychiatry, Zurich, Switzerland.
Global complexity of 47-channel resting electroencephalogram (EEG) of healthy young volunteers was studied after intake of a single dose of a nootropic drug (piracetam, Nootropil UCB Pharma) in 12 healthy volunteers. Four treatment levels were used: 2.4, 4.8, 9.6 g piracetam and placebo. Brain electric activity was assessed through Global Dimensional Complexity and Global Omega-Complexity as quantitative measures of the complexity of the trajectory of multichannel EEG in state space. After oral ingestion (1-1.5 h), both measures showed significant decreases from placebo to 2.4 g piracetam. In addition, Global Dimensional Complexity showed a significant return to placebo values at 9.6 g piracetam. The results indicate that a single dose of piracetam dose-dependently affects the spontaneous EEG in normal volunteers, showing effects at the lowest treatment level. The decreased EEG complexity is interpreted as increased cooperativity of brain functional processes.
PMID: 10555876
The above study demonstrates that PIRACETAM’s therapeutic effects are dosage dependent, with the greatest therapeutic effects occurring with the 9.6 gram dosage.
Psychiatry Res. 1993 Dec;50(4):275-82.
Space-oriented EEG segmentation reveals changes in brain electric field maps under the influence of a nootropic drug.
Lehmann D, Wackermann J, Michel CM, Koenig T.
Department of Neurology, University Hospital, Zurich, Switzerland.
Map landscape-based segmentation of the sequences of momentary potential distribution maps (42-channel recordings) into brain microstates during spontaneous brain activity was used to study brain electric field spatial effects of single doses of piracetam (2.9, 4.8, and 9.6 g Nootropil UCB [Piracetam] and placebo) in a double-blind study of five normal young volunteers. Four 15-second epochs were analyzed from each subject and drug condition. The most prominent class of microstates (covering 49% of the time) consisted of potential maps with a generally anterior-posterior field orientation. The map orientation of this microstate class showed an increasing clockwise deviation from the placebo condition with increasing drug doses (Fisher's probability product, p < 0.014). The results of this study suggest the use of microstate segmentation analysis for the assessment of central effects of medication in spontaneous multi-channel electroencephalographic data, as a complementary approach to frequency-domain analysis.
PMID: 8177925
The above study also demonstrates that PIRACETAM’s therapeutic effects are dosage dependent, with the greatest therapeutic effects occurring with the 9.6 gram dosage.
Electroencephalogr Clin Neurophysiol. 1993 Mar;86(3):193-8.
Global dimensional complexity of multi-channel EEG indicates change of human brain functional state after a single dose of a nootropic drug.
Wackermann J, Lehmann D, Dvorak I, Michel CM.
Department of Neurology, University Hospital, Zurich, Switzerland.
Viewing the multi-channel EEG as a sequence of momentary field maps corresponds to the concept of a trajectory in K-dimensional state space (K = number of channels). This approach permits a quantitative, single value measure of complexity of the brain state trajectory, the global correlation dimension that describes the ensemble characteristics of all recorded channels. In 5 normal volunteers, 4 records of 16-channel resting EEG were obtained during each of 4 randomized sessions (double blind design) after a single dose of placebo or 2.9 g or 4.8 g or 9.6 g piracetam. The global correlation dimension of a 40 sec epoch from each record was estimated, using 50 computational runs with 8192 point pairs. The results were combined for the two intermediate doses and averaged over repeated records. The dimensionality decreased from placebo (median = 5.89) to low dose (median = 5.72) to high dose (median = 5.59), significant in a Friedman ANOVA at P < 0.02, with significant differences between placebo vs. high and low vs. high dose. Thus, the subtle change of brain global functional state after a single dose of piracetam is reflected by the non-linear measure of global dimensional complexity of the multi-channel EEG.
PMID: 7680995
Again, the above study demonstrates that PIRACETAM’s therapeutic effects are dosage dependent, with the greatest therapeutic effects occurring with the 9.6 gram dosage; and reports “significant differences between low vs. high dose”.
Arzneimittelforschung. 1993 Feb;43(2):110-8.
Platelet anti-aggregant and rheological properties of piracetam. A pharmacodynamic study in normal subjects.
Moriau M, Crasborn L, Lavenne-Pardonge E, von Frenckell R, Col-Debeys C.
Department of Internal Medicine, University of Louvain (UCL), St.-Luc University Clinics, Brussels, Belgium.
The random administration of four different single oral doses of piracetam (Nootropil, CAS 7491-74-9)--1.6 g, 3.2 g, 4.8 g and 9.6 g--at fixed intervals of 2 weeks to 5 healthy subjects has confirmed and explicited its platelet anti-aggregant and rheological properties after doses of 4.8 g and 9.6 g. The effect on platelet aggregation occurs through inhibition of thromboxane synthetase or anti-thromboxane A2 activity together with a reduction in the plasma level of von Willebrand's factor (F.VIIIR:vW). The rheological effect is related to the action of piracetam on cell membrane deformability (red cells, white cells and platelets) and to its simultaneous effect in reducing by 30-40% plasma levels of fibrinogen and von Willebrand's factor. In addition, it exerts a direct stimulant effect on prostacyclin synthesis in healthy endothelium. These effects are greatest between 1 and 4 h after dosage, and then diminish progressively to disappear between 8 and 12 h after administration. This explains the need to divide the total daily dose into 3 intakes at 8-hourly intervals. This study confirms the presence of four sites of action of piracetam: the vessel wall, platelets, plasma and cell membranes (RBC, WBC), which provide the basis for the potentially important antithrombotic activity of piracetam.
PMID: 8457235
The above study also demonstrates that PIRACETAM’s therapeutic effects are dosage dependent, with the greatest therapeutic effects occurring with the 4.8 g and 9.6 g dosages; and illustrates the need for the total daily dosage to be split into 2 or 3 individual dosages (e.g. 4.8g twice daily).
Edited by ScienceGuy, 10 March 2012 - 09:23 AM.