Longecity indexes chapters and meetings that are run by affiliates and related organizations, and facilitates new Longecity specific chapters. We provide the option for material and funding for those listed here.
This index presents another great chance to get involved in some real world action for the unlimited life extension cause. Click on your area and find an existing chapter or fill out the simple registration form. Staff will be here to help guide you through anything you may need help with.
There are no commitments. If you request assistance with a new chapter then we can coach you on getting going. We provide things such as sample agendas, project ideas, potential grant packages, and flexible scheduling that works for your group. Related and affiliate chapters can also inquire about this assistance.

From Top: HEALES meetup, Longecity meeting, UABBA meetup, Cryonics Northwest Chapter, SENS Chapter, Longecity meeting
You can also find people in your area through the members map.

Join as a member and add yourself to the map too.
Get started by choosing your region:
1. Asia & India
2. Africa
3. Australia & New Zealand
4. Deutsch
5. Español
6. Francophone
7. Israel & Middle East
8. Italiano
9. Scandinavia
10. Nederlands
11. Português
12. Russia & Eastern Europe
13. UK & Ireland
14. USA & Canada
This post has been promoted to an article
Edited by caliban, 01 March 2012 - 08:18 PM.