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Noopept - long-term experience (more than a simple nootropic)

long-term noopept euphoria social nootropic

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#121 Darkat

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Posted 22 January 2013 - 07:34 PM

Been using noopept - 10mg - along with nefiracetam for the past 9 days and I must say that I very impressed with the effects of noopept.

I do have slightly elevated blood pressure, but have noticed no increase whilst taking noopept. Noopept sourced from Mind Nutrition in UK.

How does it work added to nefiracetam in your experience?

Hi medievil, I have found the combination of noopept and nefiracetam to be very complementary. I have tried aniracetam, oxiracetam and pramiracetam in the past few months but have found varying effects and some side effects. I had come down to nefiracetam - lowish dose 150-200mg - since it gave a good anxiolitc effect whilst also giving me improved focus. I have been using this for around 5 weeks, with no obvious side effects, but also no real memory boosting effect.
The combination with noopept, after 10 days, has boosted the anxiolitic effect of nefi, but is also very definitely boosting my memory as well. Overall, I am really pleased with the results from this combination - I also use 300mg alphagpc and 500mg ALCAR.

Edited by Darkat, 22 January 2013 - 07:35 PM.

#122 Azzidic

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Posted 23 January 2013 - 05:45 AM

Been taking it every day since Friday. Overall increase in mental energy and motivation. If you get a headache, it is because you are taking too much and/or do not have enough acetylcholine in your brain. With caffeine, it makes me feel like I am on a high dose of adderall and strengthens the appetite suppression.

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#123 8bitmore

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Posted 23 January 2013 - 10:54 AM

Been taking it every day since Friday. Overall increase in mental energy and motivation. If you get a headache, it is because you are taking too much and/or do not have enough acetylcholine in your brain. With caffeine, it makes me feel like I am on a high dose of adderall and strengthens the appetite suppression.

Please read up on the acetylcholine versus the 'tams (pirace-,anirace-,etc.) - there is NO good reason to continue with this common myth whenever dealing with side effects from any of 'tams. It is far more likely that taking too much acetylcholine will actually be the cause of a problem.
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#124 thegron

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Posted 23 January 2013 - 02:25 PM

I have studies confirming that racetams are more efficient when taken with choline sources.
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#125 Climactic

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Posted 23 January 2013 - 02:52 PM

I have studies confirming that racetams are more efficient when taken with choline sources.

Any debate here seems unnecessary because choline is so useful for a variety of biological reasons and because its deficiency is often possible. Just the single studied claim of citicoline increasing dopamine receptor density seems sufficient to supplement it.

#126 Major Legend

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Posted 24 January 2013 - 04:08 AM

Just started, 3rd day only things i've noticed is an increase in wakefullness (not energy just awake) accompanied by some body weakness and numbness (may be a sign of unclean product to me, CTD Labs) - I also seem to notice details and things that I haven't noticed since I was younger, feels there is something going on in the background, unlike racetams where you obviously feel some kind of stimulant effect, it seems to lure in the background, occasionally pointing out things you forgot you used to notice like patterns, movements of stuff, you know stuff kids would notice its refreshing, but I wouldn't say its enhancing anything - at this point its very subtle and can't really point to anything other than a placebo effect. I am hoping to experience some of the more useful effects other people have been reporting like enhanced memory, motivation and so on.

I just ordered from CH (in case the noopept I have is not good quality, because of those weird side effects) , so hopefully that will be the bar since I trust their quality so far, beyond anything else. So Far.

Edited by Major Legend, 24 January 2013 - 04:12 AM.

#127 medievil

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Posted 24 January 2013 - 08:15 PM

Been using noopept - 10mg - along with nefiracetam for the past 9 days and I must say that I very impressed with the effects of noopept.

I do have slightly elevated blood pressure, but have noticed no increase whilst taking noopept. Noopept sourced from Mind Nutrition in UK.

How does it work added to nefiracetam in your experience?

Hi medievil, I have found the combination of noopept and nefiracetam to be very complementary. I have tried aniracetam, oxiracetam and pramiracetam in the past few months but have found varying effects and some side effects. I had come down to nefiracetam - lowish dose 150-200mg - since it gave a good anxiolitc effect whilst also giving me improved focus. I have been using this for around 5 weeks, with no obvious side effects, but also no real memory boosting effect.
The combination with noopept, after 10 days, has boosted the anxiolitic effect of nefi, but is also very definitely boosting my memory as well. Overall, I am really pleased with the results from this combination - I also use 300mg alphagpc and 500mg ALCAR.

I like it better with aniracetam, with stims they nicely took alot of the euphoria away to make the combo more productive, have to experiment more with this combo.

#128 health_nutty

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Posted 25 January 2013 - 06:01 PM

Wow, noopept is strong stuff. I recently purchased 5g for $25, where previously I bought 50 tabs of 10mg. During my previous trial I was getting decent results from 10mg twice a day. The bulk powder is much more economical and thus I was willing to try 15-20mg, 3x per day. It turns out this is way too much for me and causes irritibility. I dropped back to 25-30mg split in into 3 doses (8-10mg times a day) and I feel GREAT. This is the ideal dose for me. As an added bonus, my 5 grams will last even longer.

The attack dosage (to put a positive spin on it) sensitized my brain to the effects of noopept. I think I can more easily pick out the effects I get from the noopept. I feel more mentally stimulated and awake, but not in a speedy caffeine way. Motivation and concentration has increased. I'll report back again.

#129 Force

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Posted 25 January 2013 - 07:47 PM

Wow, noopept is strong stuff. I recently purchased 5g for $25, where previously I bought 50 tabs of 10mg. During my previous trial I was getting decent results from 10mg twice a day. The bulk powder is much more economical and thus I was willing to try 15-20mg, 3x per day. It turns out this is way too much for me and causes irritibility. I dropped back to 25-30mg split in into 3 doses (8-10mg times a day) and I feel GREAT. This is the ideal dose for me. As an added bonus, my 5 grams will last even longer.

The attack dosage (to put a positive spin on it) sensitized my brain to the effects of noopept. I think I can more easily pick out the effects I get from the noopept. I feel more mentally stimulated and awake, but not in a speedy caffeine way. Motivation and concentration has increased. I'll report back again.

I'm glad that my seller recommendation worked out for you! I agree, there is no denying the increased "motivation and concentration". And yes, I also experience irritability from >20mg doses. Noopept efficacy is clearly expressed in a sensitive bell-shaped curve manner. I took 30mg during the morning for several days. It caused emotional blunting combined with irritability stemmed from anything that I perceived as unreasonable. Anytime someone got in the way of my goals, I was furious (mentally slow parents). The overall feeling was rather robotic and unbalanced.

The list of perceived cognitive improvements is rather long:
  • mental imagery
  • spacial memory
  • factual memory
  • dexterity and intent of motion
  • vocabulary
  • enjoyment of music
It seems to build up overtime.

My stack:
  • 30 minutes of moderate-high intensity cardio via elliptical machine
  • 20mg Noopept once or twice daily with occasional 10mg sub-lingual
  • 2-3 cups of pure green tea throughout the day
  • 2 fish oil pills
  • 1 multivitamin
Planned stack additions:
  • CDP-choline (citocholine)
  • UMP Uridine
  • Aniracetam
  • Coluracetam
  • Reservatrol?
  • Blueberries?
I highly suggest doing 30 minutes of relatively intense cardio (elliptical machine if necessary) for 3 to 5 days per week. This seems to be exceptionally synergistic with Noopept.

Studies:Here's some more information from a different thread:

Try ingesting the Noopept with a meal. This allows it to cross the blood-brain barrier at a slower and steadier rate. You may not get the same 'high' feeling. However, the effects can last as long as 4 to 8 hours this way, with less of a steep downfall.

Sub-lingual administration of Noopept may cause a nice feeling initially, but the short term memory loss and other side effects render it pointless.

Thank you very much for the information. I just had one question how do you mean take it with a meal ? on the same time or after ?. Futhermore I didn´t got the short term
Memory loss as you describe but I guess that side-effect would come later. Again thank you very much

I tried ~10mg of Noopept via sub-lingual administration last night. This re-factored the brain fog away into an enhanced state of profound focus and mental clarity. I did notice some minor short-term memory conflagrations, but not to a debilitating extent. It seems crucial to avoid over-dosing with this ingestion route.

Here's an idea. Try 10mg sub-lingually along with swallowing 10 to 20mg. This should provide a powerful entry and sustained elevation above baseline for a good portion of the day.

The concern with taking Noopept on an empty stomach needs more credence. I have read from some sources that it is fat-soluble and that it may be broken down by various enzymes if food is absent for buffering it. I take it with food as a fail-safe.

Edited by Force, 25 January 2013 - 08:08 PM.

#130 Azzidic

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Posted 26 January 2013 - 01:31 AM

So I have been taking Noopept for about a week now alone, and yes, I understand I should pick up some Choline. I take 30mg twice a day. In the morning at 6am and at 12pm. I can definitely say that it has an effect on me, even after I stop taking it. I didn't take it on Wednesday and I did feel as though my mind was more active, I thought things through more clearly, but did not have the initial burst of mental energy it gives you. For me at least, the initial burst of energy feeling goes away or weakens over time. I still feel as if it's doing its job. Definitely more awake in class ~10-20 mins after oral ingestion. Nearly hits me instantly with a sublingual dose. Definitely not placebo, more energy and a need to communicate with others as well as a indirect euphoria helps me to confirm this.

If you need more info or want to chat via Skype post below or P.M me.

#131 Major Legend

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Posted 28 January 2013 - 09:11 AM

Update: the effects of Noopept are certainly cumulative, though I don't know when it actually starts to hit a peak and stay there. At the moment its a bit too good to be true, my motivation and focus has drastically increased. I managed to get my ass off and construct a website over the weekend (something i've been putting off a while), I also seem to be much more able to do unpleasant things that require doing. My vision/focus seems enhanced, my memory is slightly better but not a drastic improvement. My sleep has normalized which is a dream come true, again I have a feeling this gravy train won't last, it's just too good to be true. My energy level is much more stable, instead of it suddenly going up then crashing down. I am hoping I will reap more benefits as more days go by.

On other other hand my verbal fluency has decreased as has my creativity and ability to day dream, my personality is colder, whilst my visual recall and imagination seems to be slightly improved it seems to come at a cost of not being able to be emotional/emotive, there is definitely a sexual side effect of being less stimulated and less semen production (I do think it might be testosterone related), but it's not a concern for me at the moment since I need to put my life ahead of sex for the moment, and testosterone has always caused anxiety and irritation for me rather than a confidence boost.

It has not causes irritability, I have tried dosing before sleep while I wake up with lots of energy I was also very irritable, so i'm trying to take it in the afternoon now, I realize when it wears off I feel very good cognitively (the daydreaming type), but I also lose the motivational aspects of the drug. Either way it does seem to last all day.

I experimented today by taking 20mg in the afternoon, whilst taking 20mg before sleep yesterday - the result was not good (40mg in total), i'm seeing some side effects such as losing track of what I am doing, feeling very tired, and a lack of blood flow to my crouch (not sure if i'm imagining it) I am still conflicted whether to take it before sleep or during the day, but i'm convinced for me at least 20mg is the optimum for now, the effects take time to stack up for sure.

I also convinced that this nootropic must be too good to be true, nothing i've encountered that works this well lasts. Its only a matter of time before it settles into more subtle role, but at least it replaces Piracetam and lessens my usage of it for when I really need that creative bump up. I feel stimmed up in a way, and I think tolerance is certainly a possibility to this kind of enhancement.

Edited by Major Legend, 28 January 2013 - 09:15 AM.

#132 @now

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Posted 29 January 2013 - 08:12 AM

On other other hand my verbal fluency has decreased as has my creativity and ability to day dream, my personality is colder, whilst my visual recall and imagination seems to be slightly improved it seems to come at a cost of not being able to be emotional/emotive, there is definitely a sexual side effect of being less stimulated and less semen production.....


I also convinced that this nootropic must be too good to be true.....

If you really are aware of what you're posting, you'll see where/why it is not to good to be true for you. It's not side-effect free, and we simply don't know long-term effects. Personally, I wouldn't be surprised if it increases the chance of a heart attack or so. The reason for that is twofold:

1) people with hypertension seem to be affected rather negatively
2) I don't have hypertension whatsoever, but I was consistently aware of my heartbeat whenever I took noopept - all throuhgout my body I felt my pulse. Really weird, but that's the best way to describe it.

Granted, it's a gut feeling and not based on anything "rational", but the experience of feeling your pulse al throughout your body is not much fun. Plus, I can repeat that consistently by taking noopept, and taking 20mg instead of 10mg increases that feeling. Like I'm over-stimulated?

Having said that, noopept worked wonders indeed. Especially when stacked with pramiracetam and AlphaGPC, but I didn't feel comfortable using it. I get less-good-but-still-decent instant results from oxiracetam with AlphaGPC without the worries, so I think I'll stick with that.

#133 Major Legend

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Posted 29 January 2013 - 09:03 AM


Edited by Major Legend, 29 January 2013 - 09:04 AM.

#134 Major Legend

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Posted 29 January 2013 - 09:18 AM

On other other hand my verbal fluency has decreased as has my creativity and ability to day dream, my personality is colder, whilst my visual recall and imagination seems to be slightly improved it seems to come at a cost of not being able to be emotional/emotive, there is definitely a sexual side effect of being less stimulated and less semen production.....


I also convinced that this nootropic must be too good to be true.....

If you really are aware of what you're posting, you'll see where/why it is not to good to be true for you. It's not side-effect free, and we simply don't know long-term effects. Personally, I wouldn't be surprised if it increases the chance of a heart attack or so. The reason for that is twofold:

1) people with hypertension seem to be affected rather negatively
2) I don't have hypertension whatsoever, but I was consistently aware of my heartbeat whenever I took noopept - all throuhgout my body I felt my pulse. Really weird, but that's the best way to describe it.

Granted, it's a gut feeling and not based on anything "rational", but the experience of feeling your pulse al throughout your body is not much fun. Plus, I can repeat that consistently by taking noopept, and taking 20mg instead of 10mg increases that feeling. Like I'm over-stimulated?

Having said that, noopept worked wonders indeed. Especially when stacked with pramiracetam and AlphaGPC, but I didn't feel comfortable using it. I get less-good-but-still-decent instant results from oxiracetam with AlphaGPC without the worries, so I think I'll stick with that.

Yeah today the acceleration has really gone out of proportion, i'm nervous all around, my brain is going too fast, but no hypertension had my pulse checked at the doctors today (it was actually suspiciously lower than normal, i'm surprised the nurse didn't find that weird) anyways it still feels really really effective, i'm determining a break pattern for noopept the fact its cumulative makes it rather confusing to dose. Still cognitively I feel great, I think the motivational effects are dying down now (i'll report back if the earlier magical effects stay or die down), I just feel really stimmed up like piracetam but injected into my nerves or something. I have a thousand thoughts going on per minute and it all feels clear, and I can keep track of all of them, its odd that its like a stim but isn't at the same time.

I really think the stim effect is a "nervous" reaction, its a bit different from the cognitive effects of Noopept, because I've taken stims and this is definitely better. I think it might be interesting to do a noopept withdrawal thread. I'm not sure what day i'm on now? Day 6? (I had a day break), supplementing this with theanine, picamilon may be a good idea. I'm interested to hear from other people who have been taking this a longer time.

#135 Azzidic

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Posted 29 January 2013 - 02:46 PM

Today I am trying how 150mg at school is going to work out for me. Taking orally with no food in my stomach, no caffeine yet. I will let you all know how it's going to work out.

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#136 Ali Moghrabi

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Posted 29 January 2013 - 02:49 PM

dude 150 mg is a lottt, u will have a massive headache, 30 mg is the limit, take 60mg maxx

#137 Azzidic

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Posted 29 January 2013 - 03:25 PM

Well, so far, there is definitely an indirect head change. Today is finals and I think I am going to be fine. My head has a buzzing feeling in it, but it's not negative at all. Everything seems louder, and I feel way more aware of my surroundings. Short term memory feels as though it is a glass bottle that has been shattered, and throughout the day, I'll be piecing it together. Maybe not so good at this dose, but to each their own. I have another 100mg in a capsule but I will wait until at least 12pm, and it is 7:25am here.

Btw I will periodically update, I have a video that's about 20 minutes long about the effects of Noopept on me.

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#138 Major Legend

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Posted 29 January 2013 - 03:31 PM

I feel really amazing...words can't describe it, its not euphoria its like I can hear the narrative behind every single tune or instrument, or the character of objects bleed out to me in their design and detail. I'm listening to music from two steps of hell now and..i'm sure i'm going to take a break because my brain is just going too fast...this is unproductive, i used to be a very talented artist than a while back I suffered brain hypoxia which took alot of my creativity/intuition away, now its like "I See" again, really you can't train talent or sensitivity...you either have it or you don't, you must have it there underneath your conciousness all long.

I was at a social event earlier and was unusually shy and uncomfortable with communication I could barely look at people or talk to them without being over stimulated, and I was really really uncomfortable the whole day, the whole day it was like I was some kind of autistic genius (though this was what I was like years before). I didn't want to talk to anyone because no one would have been able to comprehend what was going through my head, I did see a glimpse of my old genius back when I resolved like 3 work related problems in a matter few minutes. I scanned an entire e-mail thread and immediately identified the problem and solved it whilst my colleagues couldn't.

Oddly enough I don't know if I want this permanently. The past me was very smart, but in many ways a troubled and unhappy individual which could not get on with people due to my brain literally being like in cyberspace mode wherever it was. To me this is like a N curve, and noopept has definitely tipped past the point of usefulness at this stage. Also i've been getting those weird pulsing feelings, though again I don't think my heart rate is elevated, there is definitely some bloodflow redistribution going on similar to taking Viagra, only I suspect its away from the "lower point" up towards the "head" (of course this is just some completely subjective feeling).

I don't know if this recovery is permanent, it would be very interesting if it is, I have been taking NAC and Curcumin with Bioperine as well, again I keep my views - on the fact that I think this accelerated state probably can't last forever, or as suggested above - it could potentially be dangerous if over done.

Edited by Major Legend, 29 January 2013 - 03:40 PM.

#139 sapaiderman

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Posted 29 January 2013 - 04:20 PM

I had to stop taking Noopept after 20 days of dosing at just 2x10mg per day as I was getting that
pulsing feeling and a random medical check up showed elevated blood pressure of 149/99,
after a week off from Noopept my blood pressure returned to normal

If I ever take it again it will be at doses of no more than 5mg

#140 Force

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Posted 29 January 2013 - 08:24 PM

Well, so far, there is definitely an indirect head change. Today is finals and I think I am going to be fine. My head has a buzzing feeling in it, but it's not negative at all. Everything seems louder, and I feel way more aware of my surroundings. Short term memory feels as though it is a glass bottle that has been shattered, and throughout the day, I'll be piecing it together. Maybe not so good at this dose, but to each their own. I have another 100mg in a capsule but I will wait until at least 12pm, and it is 7:25am here.

Btw I will periodically update, I have a video that's about 20 minutes long about the effects of Noopept on me.

Sent from my Nokia Lumia 920 using Board Express.

150mg seems to illicit more of a trip rather than a productive mental state. That said, it can still be fun and insightful, but not be to repeated on a regular basis. I can see where you're coming from with the shattered memory, it got me into... trouble, after taking higher than usual sublingual doses. Please keep us updated!

I feel really amazing...words can't describe it, its not euphoria its like I can hear the narrative behind every single tune or instrument, or the character of objects bleed out to me in their design and detail. I'm listening to music from two steps of hell now and..i'm sure i'm going to take a break because my brain is just going too fast...this is unproductive, i used to be a very talented artist than a while back I suffered brain hypoxia which took alot of my creativity/intuition away, now its like "I See" again, really you can't train talent or sensitivity...you either have it or you don't, you must have it there underneath your conciousness all long.

I was at a social event earlier and was unusually shy and uncomfortable with communication I could barely look at people or talk to them without being over stimulated, and I was really really uncomfortable the whole day, the whole day it was like I was some kind of autistic genius (though this was what I was like years before). I didn't want to talk to anyone because no one would have been able to comprehend what was going through my head, I did see a glimpse of my old genius back when I resolved like 3 work related problems in a matter few minutes. I scanned an entire e-mail thread and immediately identified the problem and solved it whilst my colleagues couldn't.

Oddly enough I don't know if I want this permanently. The past me was very smart, but in many ways a troubled and unhappy individual which could not get on with people due to my brain literally being like in cyberspace mode wherever it was. To me this is like a N curve, and noopept has definitely tipped past the point of usefulness at this stage. Also i've been getting those weird pulsing feelings, though again I don't think my heart rate is elevated, there is definitely some bloodflow redistribution going on similar to taking Viagra, only I suspect its away from the "lower point" up towards the "head" (of course this is just some completely subjective feeling).

I don't know if this recovery is permanent, it would be very interesting if it is, I have been taking NAC and Curcumin with Bioperine as well, again I keep my views - on the fact that I think this accelerated state probably can't last forever, or as suggested above - it could potentially be dangerous if over done.

Your experiences are parallel to mine in various ways. If you do not want the autistic feeling with chaotic flow of thought, lower your dose slightly and work on metacognition. Take either L-Theanine or Aniracetam along with noopept in order to help sort out the chaos. There may be more mental power available and you're not used to it.

It's easy to give in to paranoia and irrelevant racing thoughts, but imagine if you can focus all of this energy into your desired goals. I've been able to improve in this avenue through patience and persistent tweaking of metacognitive processes. For instance, I have problems with where my eyes are focused while lectures are given. They tend to track all movement in the room as a symptom of increased environmental awareness. It's difficult to simply stare at one object, or at the teacher while processing what they're saying. I've gained better control over this after awhile, or it could be that my tolerance for noopept is increasing. At the same time, I tweak the dose marginally whenever I feel less of an effect. I began at 10mg daily, it is now 25mg.

Noopept isn't as amazing as it first was. However, it still grants significant improvement over baseline. I plan to take a month long break at the end of this semester.

Take advantage of the increased NGF and BNDF while you have it. This is an opportunity to reprogram your neurons for lasting, post-noopept impact. Execute as many life-tweaks as you can. Exercise and good diet are of prime importance. Think critically and logically.

Edited by Force, 29 January 2013 - 08:38 PM.

#141 @now

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Posted 29 January 2013 - 09:45 PM

Interesting, so we now have a few people with the pulsing feeling. If that is an indication of high blood pressure, we start to identify a downside.

But even if it is just pulsing alone, that can't be good structurally.

#142 Force

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Posted 30 January 2013 - 12:40 AM

I've experienced the pulsing feeling as well... I'm not sure if it's increased perception of normal cardiovascular activity, or if it has been altered.

#143 @now

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Posted 30 January 2013 - 07:30 AM

I've thought of that as well, as the spatial perception and mind-body connection imprroves. How to figure this out?

My migraine frequency went down as well, but I saw more auras (visual disturbance originating in the brain).

#144 Drifter

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Posted 30 January 2013 - 06:37 PM

Appologies if this has been posted before:


An experimental study of the anti-inflammatory action of noopept and its effect on the level of cytokines


The anti-inflammatory effects of noopept (dipeptide analog of piracetam) upon a single intraperitoneal (i.p.) administration at doses of 1, 5, and 10 mg/kg in comparison to the reference drug diclofenac (10 mg/kg, i.p.) have been studied on a model of acute exudative inflammation induced by carrageenan in outbred rats and concanavalin A (Con A) in CBA mice. The level of cytokines was studied on the lipopolysaccharide (LPS) model (single administration, 100 mg/kg, i.p.) with 5-day administration of noopept at a dose of 5 mg/kg (i.p., before endotoxin injection) in C57BL/6 mice. The administration of noopept led to a significant suppression of the inflammatory response to both carrageenan and Con A. The administration of Con A caused a 16-fold increase in the level of IL-6 interleukin in the blood serum of mice as compared to control. Noopept (5 mg/kg) reduced the level of IL-6 by a factor of 1.8 in the inflammatory response to Con A. The administration of LPS led to pronounced increase in the levels ofpro-inflammatory IL-6 and TNF-alpha in the blood serum of test mice as compared to intact animals. The course administration of noopept (5 mg/kg) significantly decreased the level of IL-6 and reduced by half the level of TNF-alpha.

I don't understand all of the science, but I think the gist of it is that noopept reduced inflamation? For anyone like me who suffers from migraines, which I believe have an inflamatory component, a nootropic that reduces inflamation could be really useful.

#145 Climactic

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Posted 30 January 2013 - 07:00 PM

For anyone like me who suffers from migraines

This reply is off-topic, but I'd try sufficient amounts of D3, magnesium glycinate/citrate/etc., and riboflavin first for migraines before noopept. And give it time.

Edited by Climactic, 30 January 2013 - 07:00 PM.

#146 Azzidic

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Posted 31 January 2013 - 06:28 AM

dude 150 mg is a lottt, u will have a massive headache, 30 mg is the limit, take 60mg maxx

I didn't get a headache, I just felt weird. Different if you would say. I still have a lot left, I am thinking if I should transfer it to a clear bag to see how much I have left without opening. I think I would last at least another month or two.

If anyone wants me to try specific doses, or report set and setting kind of reports or anything, ask me. (Lab rat mode)

#147 @now

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Posted 31 January 2013 - 09:56 AM

I've had my blood pressure checked whilst on noopept for the last few days. For the sake of science - 130/100. The 100 was a bit high but that's not the value that mattered according to my GP. Had some other things checked as well (heart ), and I'm healthy as can be. Given that I could lose 20lbs I'm feeling pretty good about this.

Having said that, I have a tendency to have low blood pressure (90/65), so these values clearly indicate that noopept increases blood pressure. I'm just lucky enough that my blood pressure tends to be on the low side, so the increase doesn't effect me too much.

Anyway, the increased blood pressure is the main reason I think noopept should be cycled. My guess (but a guess) is that the blood pressure drops after a few days to normal. And the effects of noopept seem to persist nicely, I've noticed that while on noopept I'm making structural changes to my life that persists. The relatively benign pramiracetam+alpha gpc+oxiracetam stack (or a subset of that stack) seems to be good enough when cycling. I am feeling pretty safe being middle-aged and cycling like this:

AlphaGPC (1x600mg at breakfast and lunch)+Pramiracetam (1x300mg, breakfast)
On demand 1x500mg Oxiracetam at breakfast or lunch.
Fish oil, multivitamin

Cycling noopept 1.5-2 months on, 2 months off: 2x10 mg or 1x20 mg

Also, there is a very simple objective measure of success for me personally: my turnover as an independent contractor has doubled over the last 9 months. And my employers are all extremely satisfied as I consistently outperform other team members by a factor 2. Granted, I'm no slouch, but the consistency over the long period plus the doubling of gross margin and turnover for me (sole proprietor) in that period is telling, especially as those numbers directly relate to my performance as a consultant.

I'm more sociable, my spatial awareness is much improved etc. but these are all pretty subjective. The numbers don't lie (to me at least) and it's rather funny that I only just recently realized that there is a strong correlation between the increase in turnover and the stack I've figured out.

Let me be very clear about this: I am not saying that a working stack will "make you money". What I am saying is that my capacity to perform at work (knowledge work) has improved dramatically and that is reflected in my numbers - which makes it a solid measure. Given that performing better results in better appreciation, more confidence, etc. the quality of life gets a secondary, indirect "boost" in my case.

Edited by @now, 31 January 2013 - 09:58 AM.

#148 SnowFlake

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Posted 07 February 2013 - 09:30 AM

Long time Longecity lurker here. I thought I'd pop my own experience so far. I basically had had flat zero experience with racetams in my past. Some time ago I saw some post about noopept here and was intrigued, not especially with the cognitive enhancing properties, but the reports on decreased social anxiety and enhanced positive mood caught my attention. So I went on and ordered 10 grams from Bioscience Nutraceuticals, which I believe is some sort of an beta-online-store of cerebral health?

Well I got my noopept yesterday and went on and dosed two tiny knife heads of the beautiful white, snow-like crystalline powder. I estimated that the dose was around 10 mg. The first thing I noticed was a raised heart rate, it went away pretty quick and didn't come back later. I took the dose quite late in the afternoon and was a bit worried that would I be able to catch sleep, that didn't end up being a problem at all. I was able to relax and go to sleep quicker than I had been able in the past couple of days.

Anyways, today I woke up feeling good and thought that what the heck, I want to try a bit larger dose and this time I used an precise scale able of measuring in the 1 mg range. I took 30 mgs. My initial idea was to try taking it sublingually, but that ended up almost activating my gag reflex (The Noopept tastes almost exactly the same as MDMA-hcl). I quickly flushed my mouth with a glass of water. I can definitely feel something. It is not like you'd be high on anything, but my head feels well, almost kind of like coffee without that stupid jittery stimulation. My mind feels light and clear.

Also, it seems to improve the vision of my right eye. My right eye has trouble focusing on far away targets, but noopept seems to make it somewhat better, not making the vision completely sharp/clear, but definitely helping.
I feel like it's ding something to my mood also. It could very well be placebo, but I don't care what it is, I feel happy.

I will continue taking noopept daily if no dramatical side-effects appear. So far so good, but I've only taken it for 2 days so the case is still open.
And yes it does have an funny smell to it, but it rather reminds me more of salty liquorice-candy http://en.wikipedia....Salty_liquorice I kinda like it.

#149 Sam375

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Posted 07 February 2013 - 07:47 PM

Well, so far, there is definitely an indirect head change. Today is finals and I think I am going to be fine. My head has a buzzing feeling in it, but it's not negative at all. Everything seems louder, and I feel way more aware of my surroundings. Short term memory feels as though it is a glass bottle that has been shattered, and throughout the day, I'll be piecing it together. Maybe not so good at this dose, but to each their own. I have another 100mg in a capsule but I will wait until at least 12pm, and it is 7:25am here.

Btw I will periodically update, I have a video that's about 20 minutes long about the effects of Noopept on me.

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on youtube ?

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#150 au2ag

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Posted 22 February 2013 - 02:13 AM

I recently received my order of (2) 5-gr jars of Noopept from LiftMode, a seller on Amazon.
I just took about a 10 mg dose ( I intend to start slow as I am very new to nootropics) and will try to report my experiences in the coming days

IN THE MEANTIME, a few details of the order have me slightly concerned, if not worried. This was described as coming with a COA, which it did, but it was from a lab in China ( T&W Pharmaceuticals of Shanghai). There is next to no information on this company online, and what few references I found were VERY recent and VERY vague. The COA, which I assumed would be a copy of the original, was not signed by either an analyst, checker or approver though there were spots for this on the crude form.

On the back of this sheet are supposedly the results of the analysis, though it is incomplete and clipped ( careless copy, maybe?).

The direct site for LIFTMODE provides many of their products that are provided via Amazon, but not noopept.

Many of their 100% 5-star Amazon ratings for this product are written in the same cadence and style, and the majority of the reviewers had never reviewed another product on amazon but for many other LiftMode products and mostly within a very short period of time ( last two months).

Other LIFTMODE products are sold with a guarantee of "USA COA." If you had a trusted source for testing, wouldn't you stick with them for all your items?

In summation, I will give this an earnest try. I am now significantly less susceptible to the placebo effect, however, and merely hope that this will provide another perspective for those who are being influenced by the inordinate amounts of positive reviews out there ( most of which appear to have been bought by free items upon posting of an online review).

Edited by au2ag, 22 February 2013 - 02:15 AM.

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: long-term, noopept, euphoria, social, nootropic

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