I have been feeding my homebrew c60 olive potion to 6 hens at home. This was done by painting it onto a slice of bread and feeding it to them. I initially gave it to them for 7 days in a row. Now I have reduced the frequency to once a week. So far they have had 7 doses one day apart and then one dose a week later. I have been tearing up the c60 bread and throwing it in the chicken coop, and they then squabble over it. Because of this it is difficult to evenly share the bread between the chickens and I don't have time to isolate each one in turn. However, each one does at least get a bit.
So far no change in the hens, their laying, or their eggs, and they all look well. 2 of the hens are 4.5 years old, the other 4 are 1.5 years old.
A photo of the hens is here below. The red hens are the older ones, the black and white ones are the younger ones. I will attach photos of them actualy eating the c60 bread after their next feed, which will be on the weekend.

Edited by chicken12, 02 July 2012 - 12:00 AM.