Took the C60 plunge today. I'll be taking 1.5 mg of Carbon's blend per day for thirty days, then will take 30 days, or whatever seems to be the general consensus at that time for the C60 to clear, before beginning 30 days of SV's "elixer."
I'll post log updates with more of an athletic performance slant v. longevity markers.
I'm 45, 6'0",185- 200 pounds depending on how much mileage I'm running versus how many days a week lifting.
Right now I'm running approximately 45-55 miles a week and will be increasing that to 75 miles a week over the next month.
Today I noticed an immediate 3 rep improvement with 60 pound dumbell bench press, from 15 to 18. As I like to keep my reps under 15, it looks like I'll need to invest in a heavier set.

I'll report back on squat improvement as well as running improvement on Monday.
I'm also very curious about the whole sunburn/peeling reports as I have fair skin and will be spending the weekend out in the sun.
I also noticed an immediate increase in caffeine duration and I'm a bit concerned about potential interactions with the 300mg of Wellbutrin I take daily. If I still feel as amped as I did today after cutting my coffee consumption in half, I'll cut my Wellbutrin dosage as well.
I'm also considering dosing my aging pet retriever and will report on that as well.