What about a coconut oil/C60 and DMSO transdermal salve?

Posted 01 August 2012 - 02:21 PM
Posted 01 August 2012 - 04:32 PM
Posted 14 August 2012 - 06:39 AM
Jeez, you can't mention an injury here without getting a ton of advice! The cissus sounds good. I have a pound of that lying around somewhere. And also the glucosamine & chondroitin. I've tried topical C60/EVOO and dmso, but separately. Didn't do anything, though DMSO is generally great for minor smashups, like hammer-on-thumb.
Posted 14 August 2012 - 10:56 AM
I was going to have surgery to sew the pouch that the ligaments reside in together to create stability, but couldn't have the surgery for four months because of work travel. I started putting 99% DMSO liquid on the skin above the ligaments and on the Achilles 2 to 3 times a day for pain relief. When we were a week from surgery the surgeon, Dr. Robert Joseph, ordered an MRI to see what he was going to be working on. After he received the MRI, he said, "It's considered medically impossible, but your ligaments and your Achilles are healed and you can quote me on that."
Posted 14 August 2012 - 01:36 PM
DMSO can heal ligaments and tendons transdermally.
Posted 15 August 2012 - 02:06 AM
I was going to have surgery to sew the pouch that the ligaments reside in together to create stability, but couldn't have the surgery for four months because of work travel. I started putting 99% DMSO liquid on the skin above the ligaments and on the Achilles 2 to 3 times a day for pain relief. When we were a week from surgery the surgeon, Dr. Robert Joseph, ordered an MRI to see what he was going to be working on. After he received the MRI, he said, "It's considered medically impossible, but your ligaments and your Achilles are healed and you can quote me on that."
Thanks. I was used to DMSO working immediately or not at all so never thought to keep applying it.
Posted 15 August 2012 - 02:16 AM
I was going to have surgery to sew the pouch that the ligaments reside in together to create stability, but couldn't have the surgery for four months because of work travel. I started putting 99% DMSO liquid on the skin above the ligaments and on the Achilles 2 to 3 times a day for pain relief. When we were a week from surgery the surgeon, Dr. Robert Joseph, ordered an MRI to see what he was going to be working on. After he received the MRI, he said, "It's considered medically impossible, but your ligaments and your Achilles are healed and you can quote me on that."
Thanks. I was used to DMSO working immediately or not at all so never thought to keep applying it.
You're quite welcome. I have studied DMSO in depth. The best reference book is DMSO: Nature's Healer by Morton Walker, DPM. One other thing I'll share that is useful - The book talks about someone who was near immobilization with rheumatoid arthritis - could barely get out of bed because of the pain.
She went to Oregon because that's where the DMSO doctors are. She was given an IV DMSO drip and topical DMSO applied to painful joints for five days, whereby her mobility increased tremendously. She was sent home with topical DMSO and a prescription to drink one teaspoon of 99% liquid DMSO in fruit juice - or anything to kill the taste - twice a day.
Because this told me that drinking it is safe, when I had shoulder surgery I did it.
When one has shoulder surgery there is swelling in the shoulder/arm the most, but also in the whole body.
I found that the swelling decreased to almost nothing for about 5 - 6 hours after I had a teaspoon. I also rubbed DMSO around the wound - not on the stitches - and when the stitches were out I administered it on the site. I healed up fast - DMSO enhances healing. I've also seen that when I have a cut if I put DMSO on the site it heals much faster. The same goes for aches/pains.
My elbow started aching for no reason yesterday. I rubbed DMSO gel on it several times and it's ok today.
A few years ago I was interviewed by a magazine publisher who hired me to write. She had terrible RA in her hands with swollen joints so bad that her wedding ring and another ring wouldn't come off her finger for two years. I suggested an anti-inflammatory supplement combination and in three weeks she said the swelling was reduced 70% with one ring coming off that finger, but not the wedding ring.
So I told her to rub DMSO on her hands twice a day and in ten days the wedding ring slid easily off her finger.
DMSO is one of the best things one can do if they have rheumatoid arthritis or any inflammatory condition.
As well, drinking it reduces inflammation, swelling and pain.
Posted 15 August 2012 - 02:25 AM
DMSO can heal ligaments and tendons transdermally.
Great story. I wonder if MSM can do much the same when taken orally.
Posted 15 August 2012 - 02:26 AM
Posted 15 August 2012 - 02:50 AM
Posted 15 August 2012 - 08:23 AM
Posted 15 August 2012 - 08:37 AM
Posted 15 August 2012 - 05:06 PM
Posted 15 August 2012 - 05:36 PM
Raw garlic has similar properties to DMSO -- and similar stinkiness.
I wonder if you could use enough of it to have a similar effect?
(Getting out my juicer and 10 heads of garlic.....)
Posted 15 August 2012 - 08:23 PM
Posted 15 August 2012 - 08:33 PM
No. Although DMSO converts in small part into MSM in the body I have never seen MSM do what DMSO can do.
I've been taking 2250 mg of MSM for probably about ten years.
It is an anti-inflammatory but it doesn't have the power DMSO has. I know that there are cancer protocols that use 50 grams of MSM, but only a small part of MSM converts to DMSO and vice versa.
Posted 15 August 2012 - 08:37 PM
Posted 16 August 2012 - 05:51 AM
Posted 16 August 2012 - 02:44 PM
Posted 18 September 2012 - 02:18 PM
Posted 18 September 2012 - 06:23 PM
Took DMSO for the first time last night. I applied a self diluted 70% solution to a minor sprained ankle and to my lower back; I also took 1 tsp. orally. There was no discernable effect on the ankle. Interestingly, there was no issue with smell last night as I saw my parents later on and asked them. I had taken 1,000 mg of d-limonene as part of my regular supplementation just a bit earlier; did this have an effect or not? Well, this morning I took 1 tsp. orally again, but no d-limonene this morning. Well, I have a design firm with my dad and he commented on my smell being very bad this morning. This leaves me with two options as I see it: either the DMSO took longer than is common to work its way into and through my system and didn't show up as smell on me until this morning or the d-limonene neutralized the DMSO odor in my body night while it was present but did not have that effect this morning as it was out of my system. I will test that latter theory later today by taking more d-limonene.
I am dissappointed that I haven't felt the relief that so many people speak of with DMSO, but I am patient and will stick with it for a bit.
Posted 19 September 2012 - 03:33 PM
Posted 19 September 2012 - 04:55 PM
Edited by hav, 19 September 2012 - 04:58 PM.
Posted 25 September 2012 - 04:39 PM
Effect of dimethylsulfoxide on articular cartilage proteoglycan synthesis and degradation, chondrocyte viability, and matrix water content.
DMSO, in relatively low concentration, is detrimental to articular cartilage PG synthesis in a time-dependent manner. Dehydration of the cartilage and chondrocyte death also occur with increasing time of DMSO exposure. Significant PG degradation occurs on the third day of culture with daily DMSO exposure.
As a joint lavage solution, DMSO has potentially deleterious effects on the metabolism of chondrocytes.
Edited by daouda, 25 September 2012 - 04:42 PM.
Posted 25 September 2012 - 05:13 PM
A warning
I suffer from generalized tendon and ligament damages all over my body after an adverse reaction to fluoroquinolones antibiotics. The worst of my articular issues though (because it is not healing but just steadily getting worse and worse even after a year) is patello-femoral cartilage damage. After reading this thread I started reseaching a little about DMSO... and a "cartilage DMSO" search yielded this study :
http://www.ncbi.nlm..../pubmed/9749514Effect of dimethylsulfoxide on articular cartilage proteoglycan synthesis and degradation, chondrocyte viability, and matrix water content.
DMSO, in relatively low concentration, is detrimental to articular cartilage PG synthesis in a time-dependent manner. Dehydration of the cartilage and chondrocyte death also occur with increasing time of DMSO exposure. Significant PG degradation occurs on the third day of culture with daily DMSO exposure.
As a joint lavage solution, DMSO has potentially deleterious effects on the metabolism of chondrocytes.
Needless to say, Im not going to apply DMSO on my pre-arthitic knees...
Posted 02 November 2012 - 01:56 AM
I can't even imagine how bad your breath must have been while you were drinking it! I use DMSO on a regular basis for running/sports related soft tissue injuries and it does work wonders on bruises and minor inflammation, but no matter how little I use the second I walk into a room with my wife she sniffs and says, "You're using that horse liniment again, aren't you? Disgusting!"
Posted 02 November 2012 - 02:05 AM
I am curious to know if there are any studies showing that DMSO works, or if there are some papers explaining how it would work.
But we are now well off topic for this thread. Can we create a new thread for this, move all the DMSO messages there, and perhaps someone will also answer my queries above?
Posted 02 November 2012 - 02:13 AM
A warning
I suffer from generalized tendon and ligament damages all over my body after an adverse reaction to fluoroquinolones antibiotics. The worst of my articular issues though (because it is not healing but just steadily getting worse and worse even after a year) is patello-femoral cartilage damage. After reading this thread I started reseaching a little about DMSO... and a "cartilage DMSO" search yielded this study :
http://www.ncbi.nlm..../pubmed/9749514Effect of dimethylsulfoxide on articular cartilage proteoglycan synthesis and degradation, chondrocyte viability, and matrix water content.
DMSO, in relatively low concentration, is detrimental to articular cartilage PG synthesis in a time-dependent manner. Dehydration of the cartilage and chondrocyte death also occur with increasing time of DMSO exposure. Significant PG degradation occurs on the third day of culture with daily DMSO exposure.
As a joint lavage solution, DMSO has potentially deleterious effects on the metabolism of chondrocytes.
Needless to say, Im not going to apply DMSO on my pre-arthitic knees...
Posted 02 November 2012 - 06:50 PM
A warning
I suffer from generalized tendon and ligament damages all over my body after an adverse reaction to fluoroquinolones antibiotics. The worst of my articular issues though (because it is not healing but just steadily getting worse and worse even after a year) is patello-femoral cartilage damage. After reading this thread I started reseaching a little about DMSO... and a "cartilage DMSO" search yielded this study :
http://www.ncbi.nlm..../pubmed/9749514Effect of dimethylsulfoxide on articular cartilage proteoglycan synthesis and degradation, chondrocyte viability, and matrix water content.
DMSO, in relatively low concentration, is detrimental to articular cartilage PG synthesis in a time-dependent manner. Dehydration of the cartilage and chondrocyte death also occur with increasing time of DMSO exposure. Significant PG degradation occurs on the third day of culture with daily DMSO exposure.
As a joint lavage solution, DMSO has potentially deleterious effects on the metabolism of chondrocytes.
Needless to say, Im not going to apply DMSO on my pre-arthitic knees...
That's completely the opposite effect that was documented by MRI to have happened to my Achilles tendon and three ligaments in my foot. Four months of two-to-three times daily application of DMSO and they healed without immobilization, which my surgeon, Dr. Robert Joseph in LA said was considered to be medically impossible. He said, "But the MRI shows that they are healed and you can quote me on that."
Posted 03 November 2012 - 05:23 AM
Telling me that it produces no odor because it is so pure. I bought some and stuck it in the fridge for emergencies, but I have yet to try it out so I can't really vouch for his claim. (Honestly, the website looks a little 1990's - ish)
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