There are numerous reports on Longecity of C60oo doing uniquely interesting things that improve health or correct a health problem. This topic is meant to be a central point where people can report unusual benefits that they are experiencing so we can see them in one place easily. Please chime in and contribute to this knowledge bank with your experiences. Turnbuckle, please forgive me for starting this with a rendition of what you reported, but I found it noteworthy. Turnbuckle reported that statins damaged his mitochondria so that he had little endurance if he tried to run, where he previously could run 4 miles to the gym and work out and then run home. Starting 2 mg of C60 gave him back his ability to run distance. He also reported that a balding spot was growing hair. It seems that C60oo improves mitochondrial function tremendously. My friend's mother had a migraine that was building in intensity. Shortly after she took 4.8 mg of C60oo, her first dose, the migraine stopped. My 32-year old best friend had a broken third metatarsal for several weeks. I stepped on it by accident in week three. It was swollen and painful. One Prolozone injection stopped the pain and swelling for ten days, then it started swelling again, which is typical. (It took three Prolozone injections spaced about 10 days apart to stop all pain in my left knee and render it fully functional.) He started C60oo at 2.4 mg and the swelling died down again. Two weeks of C60oo and his foot feels almost normal.

C60 Surprises - Anecdotes Of Unique Health Benefits
Posted 18 August 2012 - 08:34 AM
There are numerous reports on Longecity of C60oo doing uniquely interesting things that improve health or correct a health problem. This topic is meant to be a central point where people can report unusual benefits that they are experiencing so we can see them in one place easily. Please chime in and contribute to this knowledge bank with your experiences. Turnbuckle, please forgive me for starting this with a rendition of what you reported, but I found it noteworthy. Turnbuckle reported that statins damaged his mitochondria so that he had little endurance if he tried to run, where he previously could run 4 miles to the gym and work out and then run home. Starting 2 mg of C60 gave him back his ability to run distance. He also reported that a balding spot was growing hair. It seems that C60oo improves mitochondrial function tremendously. My friend's mother had a migraine that was building in intensity. Shortly after she took 4.8 mg of C60oo, her first dose, the migraine stopped. My 32-year old best friend had a broken third metatarsal for several weeks. I stepped on it by accident in week three. It was swollen and painful. One Prolozone injection stopped the pain and swelling for ten days, then it started swelling again, which is typical. (It took three Prolozone injections spaced about 10 days apart to stop all pain in my left knee and render it fully functional.) He started C60oo at 2.4 mg and the swelling died down again. Two weeks of C60oo and his foot feels almost normal.
Posted 20 August 2012 - 06:56 AM
Posted 20 August 2012 - 09:23 PM
Once again, it could be the moisturizing effects of the olive oil.
Edited by Junk Master, 20 August 2012 - 09:24 PM.
Posted 21 August 2012 - 04:53 AM
So... I believe using it on the skin, is a good thing.
Circle me on Google+
Posted 21 August 2012 - 05:25 AM
It seems that using it on skin improves skin health.
As well, taking it internally appears to improve skin health.
Posted 21 August 2012 - 05:55 AM
Posted 21 August 2012 - 06:10 AM
I still wonder what a little DMSO/c60/OO would do for wrinkles. I know it's used with arnica oil.
That's interesting. I would think that at first the DMSO would make the skin dry, but once it recovered we might see the wrinkle reduce its depth. I'm going to try that.
Posted 21 August 2012 - 09:23 AM
I still wonder what a little DMSO/c60/OO would do for wrinkles. I know it's used with arnica oil.
I've had a mixed C60/C70 extract sitting in DMSO for several days with no sign of solubility. In EVOO the extract dissolves about ten times faster than plain C60, so I'd say that DMSO, like water, might require some heroic efforts.
Posted 21 August 2012 - 09:54 AM
Please chime in and contribute to this knowledge bank with your experiences.
I have mine summarized on my profile page, which I update from time to time.
Posted 21 August 2012 - 12:13 PM
So... I believe using it on the skin, is a good thing.
There are commercial skin creams that contain pristine C60, but the C60 olive oil adduct is a new and better molecule. ROS are not something that you want an excess of (if any) in skin, although I don't see how C60-oo will repair existing damage. I hope that it does, I just can't imagine a mechanism for it. Maybe there are normal processes that are constantly trying to repair skin damage, but they are getting subverted by something generating ROS? So there. I guess I can imagine a mechanism after all. (Doesn't mean it's right...)
Posted 21 August 2012 - 08:03 PM
Some AGEs are made from oxidized lipids and oxidized amino acids. But, as far as I know, body can slowly degrade some of AGEs and there is a balance between amount of those AGEs that are present in the body and AGEs that are created. If you reduce ROS production, you reduce amount of AGEs that are created. And since old AGEs are slowly removed from the body, collagen can do it's job and smooths the skin.
Less AGEs = less wrinkles?
Posted 22 August 2012 - 07:52 PM
Could it be, that C60 with it's reduced ROS production affects amount of AGEs?
Some AGEs are made from oxidized lipids and oxidized amino acids. But, as far as I know, body can slowly degrade some of AGEs and there is a balance between amount of those AGEs that are present in the body and AGEs that are created. If you reduce ROS production, you reduce amount of AGEs that are created. And since old AGEs are slowly removed from the body, collagen can do it's job and smooths the skin.
Less AGEs = less wrinkles?
I'd expect AGEs to take some time to exit the skin. I think it's more likely to be increased hydration in the short term.
Posted 07 September 2012 - 01:34 AM
Posted 07 September 2012 - 11:51 AM
Posted 23 September 2012 - 07:53 AM
Received c60 from Carbon.
It took 10 days to be airmailed from the U.S and clear customs.
My wife (Donna) and I decided to try it immediately .
It was about 1.00 pm just after lunch.
The initial plan is to dose only once a week.
The dosage was about 12 to 13 mls each.
The mixture looked just like the photos with its ruby red colour.
To be honest we didn't know if we would feel anything at all or if there we would be a pronounced effect within hours.
The taste of the mixture wasn't bad, but I wouldn't want to drink a lot of it at once.
It's Spring in Australia ,about 25 degrees C it's windy with lots of pollen in the air.
Both Donna and I have been suffering a bit from inflamed sinuses, not a lot, but its annoying and the sinus ares of our faces were visibly swollen.
About an hour to an hour and a half later, my wife commented that the swelling in my face had remarkably reduced and I realised that I could breath through my nose much more easily. That was totally unexpected given I had been out mowing the lawn and had been under our cars doing oil changes etc.
Donna had been mostly in the house during that time doing house work, vacuuming and cleaning etc. Her inflamed sinuses had also visibly reduced and continued to do so for several more hours, and her breathing was noticeably easier.
Over the rest of the day I noticed that the pain and stiffness in my left knee had remarkably reduced, and both Donna and I had a feeling of well being and more energy for the rest of the day.
That night the entire family was off to Hooters for my sons birthday, his choice. Donna and I both noted higher energy levels through out the evening and we eventually went to bed around 11.30pm.
We woke around 8.30 in the morning, my sinuses are a bit blocked and I have a sore neck from my crap pillow. The blocked sinuses aren't bad and are much better than I usually experience after a night out on the beer.
I slept really well for a 56 year old man, I didn't have to get up for a pee once!
I had been drinking the night before and that usually results in 2 or 3 trips to the toilet throughout the night.
That was fantastic in itself, but just as good was that when I woke I didn't have that immediate urge to urinate.
My knee which is usually quite stiff in the first few minutes of getting out of bed was fine, it felt like my right uninjured knee.
When Donna eventually came downstairs, she commented that her left hip which has some arthritic pain, morning stiffness and results in difficulty going up and down stairs was feeling much better and that she ad no problems coming down the stairs this morning.
Posted 23 September 2012 - 03:37 PM
I've notice, recently, that I reek of olive oil. Not a bad thing. Luckily, my family lives on pesto!
The only real difference I've noticed from C60, at 2mg daily for the last 2 weeks, is a distinct change in urine & fecal smell.
I had a blood test drawn the day before starting C60, so we'll see what, if any, changes are noted in 30 days or so.
Posted 23 September 2012 - 07:02 PM
Posted 25 September 2012 - 07:44 PM
It’s very much like an additional layer of support. Everything you do is slightly enhanced by the C60. You always feel the extra energy and rejuvenate properties.
I’ve been going the gym 3 times a week for the past month. The big shock was I really didn’t have a work in period. I got in there day 1 and managed to do a regular workout which I had been doing 3 years prior which I had to work up to initially. Now I expected that I would hit a wall sooner or later yet I haven’t hit that wall yet.
My strength will take some time to return to what it was when I was more consistent however my cardio seems to be no different to what it was at my peak. As I said it’s almost like an additional layer of support.
Posted 03 November 2012 - 11:05 PM
interesting they used squalene derived from olive oil as a solvent....
J Nanosci Nanotechnol. 2010 Oct;10(10):6769-74.
Clinical evaluation of fullerene-C60 dissolved in squalane for anti-wrinkle cosmetics.
Kato S, Taira H, Aoshima H, Saitoh Y, Miwa N.
Laboratory of Cell-Death Control BioTechnology, Faculty of Life and Environmental Sciences, Prefectural University of Hiroshima, 562, Nanatsuka, Shobara, Hiroshima 727-0023, Japan.
Highly purified and organic solvent-free fullerene-C60 was dissolved, at nearly saturated concentration of 278 ppm, in squalane prepared from olive oil, which is designated as LipoFullerene (LF-SQ) and was examined for usage as a cosmetic ingredient with antioxidant ability. The aim of this study was to assess the anti-wrinkle formation efficacy of LF-SQ in subjects. A total of 23 Japanese women (group I: age 38.9 +/- 3.8, n = 11, group II; age 39.4 +/- 4.3, n = 12) were enrolled in an 8-week trial of LF-SQ blended cream in a randomized, matched pair double-blind study. The LF-SQ cream was applied twice daily on the right or left half of the face, and squalane blended cream (without fullerene-C60) was applied as the placebo on another half of the face. As clinical evaluations of wrinkle grades, visual observation and photographs, and silicone replicas of both crow's feet areas were taken at baseline (0 week) and at 4th and 8th weeks. Skin replicas were analyzed using an optical profilometry technique. The wrinkle and skin-surface roughness features were calculated and statistically analyzed. Subsequently, trans-epidermal water loss (TEWL), moisture levels of the stratum corneum, and visco-elasticity (suppleness: RO and elasticity: R7) were measured on cheeks by instrumental analysis. LF-SQ cream enhanced the skin moisture and the anti-wrinkle formation. LF-SQ cream that was applied on a face twice daily was not effective at 4th week, but significantly more effective than the placebo at 8th week (p < 0.05) without severe side effects. The roughness-area ratio showed significant improvement (p < 0.05) at 8th week with LF-SQ cream as compared to 0 week with LF-SQ cream, but no significant difference was detected between LF-SQ cream and the placebo. We suggest that LF-SQ could be used as an active ingredient for wrinkle-care cosmetics.
Edited by maxwatt, 03 November 2012 - 11:06 PM.
Posted 12 April 2013 - 09:50 PM

By the second week I need to push myself harder to feel the C60 kick in, once it kicks in the boost I get seems to be very near to what I feel the first week.
My aerob performance is over the roof. When I started taking it I tried jogging on a 6km course I did ~10 years ago, and I did not have to stop to catch my breath, while 10 years ago I had to stop regularly. (However I did run slower, as I weigh more now and I'm not used to jogging)
I seem to put on muscle mass more easily, and I need less rest after physical activity. I regularily do 3 rounds on bike on a nearby hill, and I used to get very tired by the third round. With C60 the tiredness is reduced to almost zero, and can ride up in a higher gear. (My baseline physical performance was not good, yoga seemed to have done some strange stuff to my body.)
The small wrinkles below my left eye are almost gone, under the right they are going away, but way slower.
The C60 induced optimism is there too; however my ability to confront seems to be reduced (or at least it needs more time to build up).
I'm prone to anxiety, and C60 seems to make it worse. However it's more complex, with C60 I feel calm more often, feel anxiety more often, but feel nervous less often (this could be the same as the reduced ability to confront).
Edit: C60 turns my depth vision back on (I do not really know when I lost it). At first it was really strange, seeing the objects stand out from the background

Edited by Sam Maxwell, 12 April 2013 - 09:58 PM.
Posted 17 May 2013 - 04:08 PM
-Subjective: Some symptoms of dopamine like upregulation. Probably placebo or the effect of other supps I am taking.
-Objective: I had a molar with an infected root for more than a year. Two weeks ago the infection started getting better. Today it will be a week without infection. Quite surprising! It doesn't actually mean the infection is not there, but it means my immune system is capable of keep it under control.
Edited by Jakare, 17 May 2013 - 04:11 PM.
Posted 19 December 2013 - 12:52 AM
Posted 22 December 2013 - 11:46 PM
I am 69yo, 6'1",.185lb
I do not notice any change in my weight lifting. Still stuck at 185lb for bench press and 135lb for squats.
But I do seem to see some benefit in running endurance. Even though I only run once a week or less I seem
to be maintaining a good level of endurance. For instance, today I ran a ~2mile in 18:45 which is pretty good
for me considering that I have not run much in the last couple of months.
I am pleased that I have not seen any noticeable age related drop off in my weight lifting and endurance.
However, my tennis serve has not improved!

Posted 23 December 2013 - 08:03 PM
Posted 01 March 2014 - 04:36 AM
I think the rationale with the DMSO is that it penetrates the skin real well, and acts as a carrier to facilitate the absorption of other substances dissolved in it. Since c60 is already dissolved in evoo, I wonder whether DMSO is helpful, particularly if it doesn't dissolve in DMSO without the evoo.I still wonder what a little DMSO/c60/OO would do for wrinkles. I know it's used with arnica oil.
That's interesting. I would think that at first the DMSO would make the skin dry, but once it recovered we might see the wrinkle reduce its depth. I'm going to try that.
Nevertheless, the prospect of using the c60 topically might lead us to seek out the best vehicle to get it to penetrate the skin. Or, perhaps in combo with a needled skin roller? I wonder if any studies show how well c60 even gets through the skin and to what depth, or if any agents enhance penetration. i wonder if a peel acid that enhances penetration might be helpful.
Posted 12 March 2014 - 05:43 AM
I think the rationale with the DMSO is that it penetrates the skin real well, and acts as a carrier to facilitate the absorption of other substances dissolved in it. Since c60 is already dissolved in evoo, I wonder whether DMSO is helpful, particularly if it doesn't dissolve in DMSO without the evoo.I still wonder what a little DMSO/c60/OO would do for wrinkles. I know it's used with arnica oil.
That's interesting. I would think that at first the DMSO would make the skin dry, but once it recovered we might see the wrinkle reduce its depth. I'm going to try that.
Nevertheless, the prospect of using the c60 topically might lead us to seek out the best vehicle to get it to penetrate the skin. Or, perhaps in combo with a needled skin roller? I wonder if any studies show how well c60 even gets through the skin and to what depth, or if any agents enhance penetration. i wonder if a peel acid that enhances penetration might be helpful.
Another thing you might try if dmso doesn't work is petroleum jelly. I've read it can enhance the absorption of oils and waxes into the skin.
Posted 03 May 2014 - 03:24 AM
I had a strange experience donating blood yesterday (day after I took about 10 mg of C60 in OO). I am about 62 kg. The technician was very worried when she saw the color of my blood - it was far more red than typical. She called over her super to ask if she could have perhaps gotten an artery. He assured her it was a venous puncture (I think I would have noticed if she'd gotten an artery!). He said "It's just very oxygenated." So anyway the blood stayed red through the whole draw. I looked around at the other donors, and theirs was distinctly darker than mine. Don't know if the C60 had anything to do with this. I have donated blood many times, and this has never happened before.
Posted 03 May 2014 - 12:54 PM
I had a strange experience donating blood yesterday (day after I took about 10 mg of C60 in OO). I am about 62 kg. The technician was very worried when she saw the color of my blood - it was far more red than typical. She called over her super to ask if she could have perhaps gotten an artery. He assured her it was a venous puncture (I think I would have noticed if she'd gotten an artery!). He said "It's just very oxygenated." So anyway the blood stayed red through the whole draw. I looked around at the other donors, and theirs was distinctly darker than mine. Don't know if the C60 had anything to do with this. I have donated blood many times, and this has never happened before.
Thank you for this important report, caliope! This is quite interesting. We've been assuming for some time that c60oo improves the efficiency of oxidative phosphorylation in the mitochondria. I suppose that more efficient mitochondria might use less oxygen, thus leaving the venous blood more oxygenated, but that feels like reaching to support the efficiency hypothesis. What if c60oo improved the oxygen carrying capability of blood? That would explain much if not all of the observations that have so far been attributed to mitochondrial efficiency. We need to follow this up.
Posted 03 May 2014 - 01:26 PM
I can't count the number of donations I have done in the almost 2 years of using C60/EVOO on a daily basis and in spite of the many mostly positive effects I have experienced, neither I nor the phlebotomist have noticed anything unusual in the appearance of the blood. I should note, however, that after all these years (I'm soon 57), it was only about a year ago, that my blood was tested as a match for baby donations which puts me in an elite group of less than 10% of donations. Besides having the necessary "universal" type O-, the blood has to be free of antibodies that almost everybody has been exposed to and carries which can be a health threat to a babies undeveloped immune system. Whether I have been lucky enough to have actually made it through 57 years without being exposed to virus's that 90+% of the population has been exposed to and carries the antibodies for...or something has "cleared" those antibodies from my blood, I don't know. I can say that I haven't been sick with so much as a sniffle in maybe 10 years in spite of being exposed to many sick people on a regular basis.
Posted 03 May 2014 - 01:55 PM
I was thinking the same - that we need to study this further. The effects would be especially noticeable here where I live at 7000 feet elevation - no one is typically very well oxygenated. I am also thinking that whoever gets my blood may get a little C60 to help them feel better.
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